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Software Development Service

Leading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of Inventory Management Software Development, Stock Management Software Development, Warehouse Management Software Development, Retail Management Software Development and Store Management Software Development.

Inventory Management Software Development

Inventory management is a best system to handle your products in your warehouse or store. It is supervision system to centralize your all inventory reports in software.Inventory Management System diagram You can easily access your all data and assets with admin panel and store user panels. This software enables you to track your products flow in best manner. It will help you to save man power because we provide you barcode scanning system to enter your all products and items data in central database. Our Inventory management system is work with online servers and cloud hosting that will help to manage your multiple warehouse and stores at single place. You can access this software get all inventory reports from anywhere. If your product range is broad and confuse to handle it; lets forget all your confusion and try our online inventory management software today. We are Ahmedabad, India based software Development Company to offer best web base application to clients in Ahmedabad and other major cities of India. Software that tracks all inventory transactions, from receiving orders from suppliers to recording sales to customers, and everything in between, called Inventory Management Software and we can also called Inventory Management System, Inventory Tracking Systems & Inventory Control Software. Your mounting organization entails a reasonable and cohesive software solution that empowers ascendable processes for warehouse and inventory administration. Here are some of the key points for featuring inventory softwareBarcodeReal time inventory trackSerial number trackingExpiry date trackingInventory valuationPrice and discount configurationCurrency selection
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Stock Management Software Development

DNG WEB TECH is dedicated to develop all types of software development solutions in Ahmedabad. Here we offer best stock management facility software to our clients. This software has so many features for manage all products in your ware house. Get best solution for your stock management from DNG here at Ahmedabad we have successfully installed more than 75 customized Stock management software for different industries. This software supports with major barcode scanners so it will be very helpful to inward and outward quantity products within optimum time period. DNG Inventory software has so many useful features like Serial number tracking, barcode printing and scanning, Po management, Multi ware house management products bean card facilities & more features that will be really simplify your inventory solutions.
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Warehouse Management Software Development

DNG WEB TECH provides total customized solution for Warehouse management software.Inventory Management System diagram We have vast experience in the field of ware house management service providing in Ahmedabad and India. We can provide you ware house management system for your all ware houses. That will be helpful to manage your all branches from single platform. Our system has so many features to track all reports of ware house and stores. We can provide you total customized solution for Ware house so you can develop your software as per need of your requirements. This software can run on cloud server so you can easily handle from anywhere. There are so many features you can use in Warehouse management software like Branch management, inward and outward management, store management, available stock reports and more. DNG WEB TECH is Ahmedabad based Indias leading warehouse management software providing and developing company.
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Retail Management Software Development

Retail management software is useful for e commerce and products retail chain companies.Retail management software diagram Our developers can provide you full customized solutions for Retail management software. This software have so many features like Products availability charts, products usage reports, stock reports, branch wise products and order management, multiple user supported and more. So e commerce and retail store are using our software to manage their retail chain. We are Ahmedabads one of the leading software development company here we offer total customize solution for Retail management software in India.
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Store Management Software Development

Store management software is useful for small scale stores like provision stores, medicals, hardware shops and retails stores.Store management software diagram We have dedicated team to develop store management system in Ahmedabad, India. We have successfully installed more than 300 store management software in retail stores. We can provide you fully customized store management software as per need of clients. Major features of store management software are customer database, discount management, purchase management, sales tracking, bar code scanning, serial number management, stock availability reports and more. We are leading name in the field of software development in Ahmedabad.
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Lead Management Software Development

DNG WEB TECH offers you best Lead management software that will run on cloud base servers. This software is useful for manage sales leads, follow-ups and reminders. Our Lead management software can track your complete sales and pre-sales activities.Lead management software diagram This software has so many features like manage calls and emails, Contact records, follow up records with tracking, reminders for call and meetings, daily monthly and weekly reports of lead generation. This software is fully customizing software so you can add and update reports as per your requirements. DNG lead management software has no limitation for user management so you create unlimited users. You can assign lead to another user or senior level user to more follow up. Admin panel of this software is easy to use so any non technical person also can handle it without any technical knowledge and training. DNG WEB TECH is Ahmedabad based one of the leading software development company they can provide you best Lead management software as per needs of your organization. DNG has successfully supply more than 200 sales lead management software in Ahmedabad and all over India.
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Payroll Management Software Development

We offer best solution for payroll management software in Ahmedabad, India. We provide you a customized system that will manage your payroll system. Our software has so many features like manage employee information, manage attendance, leave and holiday management, pay slip management, payroll generation, salary reports and more that will really helpful to manage your payroll. DNG payroll management system is fully customizable so we can develop any types of pay roll system for you. We are among the prominent name in development of payroll management software in Ahmedabad, India. Our dedicated software developers analyze your requirements and provide you a very good product as per your needs.
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Online Billing Software Development

Online billing system is useful for all types of e commerce business. With the help of this software you can generate your bill and invoice easily. This software allows you to generate invoice, automatic number system, load pre defined customer list, TAX/VAT calculation, urgent print of invoice, revised bill management, Export bill copy in Excel, Word, PDF format. This software is web based software so you can handle it from anywhere that doesnt matter. This software is useful for sale persons who need instant invoice for customers. At DNG WEB TECH we provide you best online billing software in Ahmedabad, India.
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HR Management Software Development

DNG WEB TECH is best software Development Company in Ahmedabad we have so many customize software for our clientele. We can provide you best HR management software for your HR team. This software is useful for medium and small scale industry to handle all HR operations. This software is also known as human resources management system by this software you can employee data, job data, application manager, training and appointment documents, project management, employee performance management, third party vendor management and more. DNG WEB TECH is one of the leading software development company in Ahmedabad, India. Our professional developers and programmers provide you best HR management system for your organization.
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Online Accounting Software Development

DNG WEB TECH offers online accounting software in Ahmedabad, India that will be helpful to manage accounting systems of your organization. This software is web based software so you can handle it from anywhere. You are able to check your accounting from anywhere. This software has so many feature and functions that you will love. DNG online accounting software has lots of features like manage accounts, balance sheet, management of ledgers, automatic invoice, process of payments, vendor credit and debit management, manage expense reports, manage vouchers, cheque handling and more which are generally used in Accounting systems. DNG WEB TECH is stupendous name in the field of Online Accounting software in Ahmedabad, India. We have dedicated team to develop this software they will understand your requirements and provide you best suitable products that will meet your demands.
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Binary MLM Software Development

What is binary mlm plan ?binary mlm plan software indiabinary plan is similar to 2 x n matrix plan where n is the number of levels where commission / income can be generated from. In most binary redemption plans, the n is actually infinite. The distributor own what are known as income / binary income / pv. The mlm binary plan is a very popular plan for mlm companies. Simplicity of this plan makes it favorite of network marketing companies and mlm marketers. The plan allows to earn income to many levels below irrespective of their direct joinee or efforts.Mlm companies where new joiner member introduced into binary tree structure like one on left and another on right sub tree. Generally, one side sub tree is referred to as power leg while other is profit leg. Mlm binary ratio :bianry mlm first pair: 1:2 or 2:1. This is the first pair either 1:2 or 2:1 and after the other pair is same as 1:1. Binary mlm plan is the most exciting plan among all types of mlm pay plans because of much more payouts.binary multilevel plan is a mlm plan which pays to infinite downline. That means that a member will be paid by downline.binary mlm compensation plans help the average and even more than average network marketers to be able to achieve success, and realize the potential for financial freedom.
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Repurchase MLM Software Development

What is Re-Purchase MLM Plan ?repurchase mlm plan software IndiaRepurchase plan is a purely product/service selling MLM plan. It is a product/service selling motivational MLM plan in which each affiliate or member promoter their downline to sale of products/services and gets level income on particular level achievement and Reward on particular target achievement. The MLM Repurchase Plan especially for those Companies which are manufacturer or supplier of consumable products and want to sale their products directly to the end users. So if you are planning to start selling product to a new customer, it is definite that you need an MLM Software, you also need to have the perfect Repurchase mlm plan.The MLM repurchase Plan is a concept which is based on selling product and profit sharing MLM business. Any compensation plan that requires a monthly purchase of product or service in order for member or associates to earn a commission or income. repurchase income calculate in weekly or monthly payout. Level Income is distributed on Multiple Fixed Levels according to set by Re Purchase MLM Plan.Repurchase income is distributed on Repurchase turnover.Easy to Understand by common People.Reward or Incentive income as per level DNG Web Tech has experienced team of consultants which can suggest various Repurchase MLM Plans to integrate into the MLM software and through which the MLM Company get huge market cover of their products/services. we have developed lot of Repurchase MLM software for our clients and all clients are fully satisfied with our services and support. In present scenario network marketing business or mlm (multilevel marketing) business cannot manage without the MLM software in india.
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Matrix MLM Software Development

What is matrix mlm plan ?matrix mlm plan software indiamatrix mlm is based on a redemption structure which consist of certain width and depth. Members which are organized in a particular width and depth are redempted when they achieve a set level. The mlm company can set structure for their members to qualify a particular level that may be 3 in width and 3 in depth. A matrix, or sometimes called a forced matrix, is simply a structure (genealogy tree) that has a limited width and limited depth. Matrix tree can be of 2*2, 3*3, 4*4, n*n. All the positions of members or user in the matrix plan are sequentially positioned from left to right and top to bottom. For example tree structure is of 3*3 that means one user can have 3 members in his down line as displayed in given image and will be paid for 3 levels. "spillover" is also one of the most attractive features to new members since they only need to sponsor only set width 'n' number of members to participate in the redemption plan. In the matrix mlm redempetion plan when the front line becomes full the distributors have to sponsor new recruits deeper into their down line. Consequently these new distributors or mlm member are placed into the next available position. As time advanced the plans have been advanced to allow the mlm member to decide where they want to position these new member.
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Shipping Software Development

Shipping software development company in ahmedabad dng web tech is software development company since 2007 based in ahmedabad, india. We provide shipping software as per client's requirement. Shipping softwarewe are having the experienced team of shipping software developer who are able to develop any complexity in shipping industry. This shipping software has no limit for users you can create unlimited users for shipping agents and employee. Very good admin panel which is support in smart phones and tablets so you can handle our shipping software from anywhere. All data of this software is on cloud server so you can centralize your all frenchise details in one software. We are having a dedicated team for develop shipping software, not only in india but we are having clients across the world.we can commit you that once any company makes business with us will tie up always cause we provide services by client's requirement and also we give services round the clock. Features of shipping softwareshipment rating & quote managementmulti carrier rate managementmuti freight mode modulecustomer freight rate managementshipment mode air/surface configurecompare & list of carrier rates and transit times shipment tracking & managementmanage all your shipping activity & keep track of locationcargo/ awb status update, tracking, pod (proof of delivery) integrationshipment transiate movement detailstracking alert by sms/ email freight forwarding managementfreight forwarding operations (sea, road, rail, air, courier)coloader managementrates and tariffs managementfreight incoming / outgoing load detailsmanage load / unload detailsmulti location forwarding management
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Cargo Management Software Development

DNG cargo management software helps you to manage your cargo company online. It has so many functionality to manage your cargo company easily. We have deeloped so many cargo softwares for end users as per requirements of them. So you can customize your cargo software as per your requirements. it is completely secured sustem and works with cloud server. Our Cargo management Software is a sophisticated and comprehensive system specially designed for a muti user business. DNG WEB TECH is a leading cargo management software services provider company in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. Our cargo management software suits for medium to large cargo companies and intermediate companies. Features of Cargo Management SoftwareInbound and Outbound mamagementPlanning and sheduling of Inbound processBooking/Delivery Receipt from Agents / FranchisesCargo release managementTruck queue managementProirity for outbound shipment managementSlot and flow control managment Cargo ForwardingCargo forwarding Process and managementAWB Barcode and scanningFlight / Surface operation modeCargo coloader managementCargo fright rate moduleInternal control and monitoring of shipment Cargo OperationShipment by air/cargo/surface/oceanQuotation and pickuup orderConversation of pickup order into warehouseCalculation of no of parcel/pickup into Different location / warehouseCalculate fright/ Shipment or other chargesShipment import export moduleSetup shipment/cargo trip sheduleLoadind and unloading shipment details
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E Commerce Website Development

E-COMMERCE WEBSITE DEVELOPMENT COMPANY IN AHMEDABADE-commerce has a much better reach and is the one of the best and economical solution to reach out to new customers. E commerce web development in AhmedabadE-commerce has no geographic boundary to enlarge your business worldwide. DNG WEB TECH, a professional Ecommerce Website Development Company easily understands complexity of categories, products and your business processes and then gives you a one stop e-commerce website development solution. We have successfully developed so many e-commerce websites in various types of industries worldwide. We provide our service in all types of e-commerce web development platforms like Magento, Wordpress, XCart, ZenCart, Joomla, and Virtue Mart. DNG WEB TECH is also able develop your customized online shopping e-commerce website in Ahmedabad, India, UK, US, South Africa, Canada, Australia. All our Programmers are experienced and are trained to develop e-Commerce website for you. We have an excellent & experienced technical team of E-commerce website development professionals who are enough to develop any complexity. DNG WEB TECH provides one stop solutions from top to bottom & backend programming and maintenance services for any kind of E-commerce projects. What will you get in E-Commerce Website Development?A Perfect e-commerce storeIntuitive administration panelBulk uploading of categories, products and imagesEasy navigation(menu) designEasy integration to match current designEasy shipping and billing formsLogin formsShopping Cart
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Courier Software Development

Courier software development company in ahmedabad, india dng web tech is baptized in the field of courier software development all around ahmedabad and india for courier diligence. Courier transportation softwareto find the best courier software development company is the most important part of an online business. Since our inception (2007) till now we have around nine years of experience and are established as one of the leading courier software development companies in india. Our experienced and skilled software developer with our software approach built best courier software for any size of the industry either pop up size or even larger. We are the best choice for the courier services who are looking for their software development in india. We have developed successful software for the various types of management. We are the pacemaker in this field. Our skilled and trained personnel team providing solutions for your courier industries to meet your daily requirement. Our software and the solutions for the courier service are cost-effective and efficient. Our courier solution allows you to access and manage your online software from anywhere in the worldour system manages the major aspects of courier business cycle which are enlisted:1. Supplier management2. Freight auditing3. Deliver scheduling4. Vehicle tracking5. Parcel booking6. Email & sms7. Bar coding8. Advertising systemwe are offering time-to-time demo of our courier software development and not even this we are providing trial period also for the courier software development to our clients.
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Transport Management Software Development

TRANSPORT MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT COMPANY IN AHMEDABAD We give you the standard software to operate your transport company smoothly, run time tracking, and maximizing efficiency of your transportation services. transport amangement softwareSince 2007 we are a leading company in the field of transportation management software development in Ahmedabad, India. We have developed numbers of transport management software which are web based software so you can access this transport software from any where. We are provider of on-demand transportation management software in Ahmedabad. Our software programmer develop your software according to your requirements so you don't need to change your operations and work flow for transportation. Transportation management software handle your all operations like Freight Rate master, Route management, Driver management, Vehicle and Vehicle service management, Booking and delivery centre managmeent. This software has no limit for users you can create unlimited users for booking and delivery center. More than 70 transporation companies are using our software in India. Features of Transport Management SoftwareMaster Management for transport softwareManage Customers /vendor /PartyVehical (Truck) Management and Insurance Company Setup detailsRoute and Zone ManagementFreight Rate ManageDriver MasterExpense MasterFuel Management MasterManage Employee Contact Details Vehical ModulesVehical DetailsVehical Maintaince ManagementVehical Expense ManagementVehical Insurance / Document alertVehical Tax/Emi Expiry Alert
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Logistic Software Development

DNG logistic software have many features to handle your logistic company easily. Our logistic software save your time on each operations of logistic. It will send you notifications automatically. Logistic Transportation Software India DNG Logistic software covers the complete logistics process to deliver the merchandise from seller to buyer. It contains so many features like branch management, ware house management, Employee management, vehicle management and so more as per your requirements. It is run time solution for logistic company and MIS reports of this software is extremely superb. At DNG WEB TECH Ahmedabad you can get a complete solution for logistic services in India. DNG Logistic System gives companies a complete and accurate logistic management system combined with a fully integrated accounting system. Logistics softwres helps to grow global trade. Effective IT strategies help companies to achieve business objectives. Logistics software solutions are helping them to fulfill those objectives. It has easy to use interface and modular nature. The software is made flexible to meet your business process requirements. It is affordable for every one, be it small or big corporate company. Features of Logistic SoftwareWarehouse/Branch/location ManagementManage Multiple warhouse branchWarehouse/Location wise tracking of inventory.Branch / Location Inventory managementManage customer/consignor/consignee Vendor/ Customer Employee ManagementManage vendor /customer contact detailsCustomer wise Logistic freight rate manageBooking /forwarding/ delivery alert to vendorCustomer and employee loginPickup and booking/builty moduleManage pickup call and details Pickup and delivery Route Management.Generate Parcel booking sheet and barcodingBooking awb billing format as per requiredInward Barcode Label Module & verification
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ERP Software Development

Erp(enterprise resource planning) is a category of business management software which an organization can use to collect, store, manage and interpret data from many business activities including product planning, cost, manufacturing or service delivery, marketing and sales enterprise. Erp systems also unify the data in one place, which can eliminate the problem of synchronising changes between multiple systems, and allow business managers to get a more precise view of the businesss data. Across the global demand for erp is very high. Small, medium and large sized organizations are transmuting their business in to modern erp platform. Dng web tech is a protruding name amoungst the erp development company in ahmadabad. Many cloud based erp softwares built by dng web tech has gained recognization due to their continuous services. We provide customized erp softwares includes features sales, hr, production, procurement, operation, accounting, corporate and many more. We are providing erp software development, lead management software, online accounting software, payroll management software, online billing software, hr management software for any size of company in india and abroad. Our web develpoer at dng web tech provides different enterprise resource planning application which is not complex. It is designed to adjust changes in techonology and business and maximising the growth of an enterprises. From our core module, you can choose the best module to ensure you have the exact functionality to suite your business. Our erp consulting squad will aid you with investigation, customization, execution, training, relocation and support. We provide erp software demos as well. Call us to know more!
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CRM Software Development

DNG WEB TECH is one of the leading CRM Software company In Ahmedabad, providing CRM Software solutions all over the globe. We belive in providing multi-dementional solutions for cumulative brand cognizance and also act in direct connection with the customer. We aid you create bespoke experiences for each and all of your customers, and shape profound relations that quicken business growth. Customer Relationship Management(CRM) is a system which is use to maintain the records of a business and make it approachable for an organization. It completly manage clientele and give higher level of service to the customer. It creates strong relationship with former and current customers and hence Its help to improve sales. CRM System record the need, buying habits of the customer and tailor the marketing layout consequently. This software development provides solutions to the small and medium size business in India and overseas. Here are some of the key benefits CRM Software FeaturesContact/Inquiry ManagementSales enters with Data lead or enquiry module.Unlimited custom fields with contact managementAssign leads to other team employeeData/Inquiry upload, Distribution , Manupulation and managementInquiry sources or Referance managementData Phone Numbers , Emails, Meeting Notes , To-Do Lists, Documents Management Sales Employee ManagementEmployee user ManagementEmployee user right and login moduleManage employee contact detailsUser weekly , Monthly task /activity performance report analysis
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School Management Software Development

Our school management software has top to bottom functionality to manage your school / college in one click at anywhere. Online School Management Software In IndiaIn this software student registration, Accounting, Student attendance, staff attendance reports, employee pay roll, Student progress reports, class scheduling management, Examination management, Admin office management, etc features are included as per your requirements. DNG school management system is online software so you can manage it from anywhere and you can manage multiple schools in this software. The layout and structure is easy to understand for employees and interface is very good looking.
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Educational Institute Management Software Development

Our school management software has top to bottom functionality to manage your school / college in one click at anywhere. Educational Institute Management Software In IndiaIn this software student registration, Accounting, Student attendance, staff attendance reports, employee pay roll, Student progress reports, class scheduling management, Examination management, Admin office management, etc features are included as per your requirements. DNG school management system is online software so you can manage it from anywhere and you can manage multiple schools in this software. The layout and structure is easy to understand for employees and interface is very good looking.
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Online Exam Software Development

Online Examination Software is a exam management system which helps to create and manage online exams. Online Exam software IndiaIt is helpful for those who wants to create and conduct online exams over internet and intranet. If you are a BPO, College, Coaching center, Company or LPO who conduct exams on regular basis, then you have landed to the right place. This is the solution which will enormously benefit your organization to develop the competence when it comes to accompanying online examinations. The fully automated examination system is very much well-organized to evaluate the entrants and saves lot of time that examiners may spend in drafting question sets or making results.
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Online Bus Ticket Booking Software Development

DNG WEB TECH online bus ticket booking software is one kind of portal. Online bus ticket software useful for those companies who have more than one branch. Online Bus Ticket Booking Software In IndiaDNG WEB TECH is predominant Bus booking and hotel booking software Development Company in India served for domestic and global clients. We give you total solution for online bus ticket booking software and online hotel booking software under one roof. Our software are well designs with latest technology. Our online software provides platform to integrate with mobile technologies like android, IOS and windows. We provide complete end to end solution for all types of travelling company.
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Hotel Management Software Development

DNG WEB TECH online bus ticket booking software is one kind of portal. Online bus ticket software useful for those companies who have more than one branch. Hotel Management Software In IndiaDNG WEB TECH is predominant Bus booking and hotel booking software Development Company in India served for domestic and global clients. We give you total solution for online bus ticket booking software and online hotel booking software under one roof. Our software are well designs with latest technology. Our online software provides platform to integrate with mobile technologies like android, IOS and windows. We provide complete end to end solution for all types of travelling company.
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Material Testing Laboratory Software Development

A Laboratory Information Management System is a software based laboratory and information management system that offers a set of key features that support a modern laboratory's operations. Material Testing Laboratory Software In IndiaOur Laboratory Information Management System allows you to manage all complex operations in easy way. DNG WEB TECH lab management system allows sample registration, sample collection, sample identifier generation (using barcode) and integrate with various laboratory testing instruments to automatically capture and transfer the test results against barcode samples so it can be validated online. It is useful for metal testing laboratories, hospital laboratories and other all types of laboratories.
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Vehicle Management Software Development

Our vehicle mangement software reduce operating expenses and increase profits with automated sysytem supported vehicle management software. It has so many functionality for scheduled maintenance of vehicles and insurance alert for each vehicles. Our vehicle management software is customize software where you can manage your software as per your requirements. You can export all MIS reports in excel with help of our powerfull admin panel. DNG WEB TECH is one the leading vehicle management software company in Ahmedabad, India. Features of Vehicle Management SoftwareVehicle/Fleet Management SystemVehicle & Spare Parts ManagementVehicle Maintaince ManagementVehicle Expense ManagementVehicle Insurance / Document alertVehicle Tax/Emi Expiry Alert Fleet Inventory TrackingTrack an unlimited number of fleet vehicles and equipmentManage your fleet (year, make, model, serial number, and all other Information )Fleet Inventory System Repair & Maintenance SystemTruck, or other piece of equipment is due for service list.Manage All maintaince recordsTrack Vehicle by date, mileage, hours, or kilometersManage Repair/ Maintaince DataTrack vehicle performance at the individualManage Fuel details Vehicle Parts InventoryManage Parts RecordsStock tracking capabilitiesParts reorder notificationsManage Stock and inventory DataInward / Outward Stock report
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Uni-Level MLM Software Development

What is uni-level mlm plan ?uni level mlm plan software indiaunilevel mlm plan permit you to sponsor only one line of distributors, so everyone you sponsor is on your forehead. There are no limitations in width of the plan and fees are normally paid on a limited depth. There is no restriction for width i.e. A members can sponsor unlimited in width under his/her frontline. In uni-level mlm plan each member can recruits new member in the front line. Each affiliate can introduce new customer or member in any width and the commission distributed up to a fixed limited depth as per mlm level plan. This mlm unilevel plan is one of the simplest concepts in network marketing and multilevel market industry. Every individual or small company can easily convey and explain this unilevel plan to new comers and mlm business affiliates. Regular redemption plans pay anywhere between 8 and 9 levels deep or infinite level deeps as per unilevel plan. The objective of this unilevel redemption mlm plan is to recruit many users of the team first and then line them even. Unilevel plan is considered in such way that it is easy to understand for anyone member or user. Dng web tech is one of best mlm software development company in ahmedabad india who designed, integrated redemption plan and developed many unilevel plan and provided guidence of their specialist team of mlm software developer. simplicity of mlm unilevel plan through which easy to explain and deliver for new member or associate.compensation level customized and modify as per company requirements.reward , incentive and level income integration easy at any level or frontline.
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Dynamic Website Development

Dynamic website development company in ahmedabadwe offer advanced dynamic website development that helps to meet all the requirements for you. Dynamic web developmentthrough our dynamic web development, you can easily maintain or update the website content, images, address, contact numbers and other content. This may also not required any professional it technical knowledge. The admin controls which web design applications are user friendly, interactive and extremely dynamic. Dynamic websites are useful for those who require changes frequently in website from their end at that time dynamic website fulfill their requirements. Dynamic website will be created using joomla, php,, drupal, wordpress and website technologies. In this short time, we have gained worthy experience and learn a lot while serving to international and domestic clients. User friendly interface along with practically useful functionality of dynamic websites make dng web tech more stable to serve you with best services in ahmedabad (gujarat), india, australia, south africa, canada, uk, us. If you are planning to create a website more than 20 web pages then you should go for dynamic website design because it is easy to maintain than static websites. A dynamic website will give its owner the ability to update and upload new content such as news & events, product/services notification, new update about your product, price, features and other contact details through simple and easy to operate interface. Dynamic websites are created using various technologies like html5, css3, javascript, jquery,, and the list goes on.
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Joomla Web Development

JOOMLA WEB DEVELOPMENT IN AHMEDABADA blog is a frequently updated online personal diary. It is a place to express your ideas to the world. joomla web developement AhmedabadJoomla is a platform for develop websites in content management system (CMS), which enables you to build Web sites and powerful online applications. Joomla will make updating content easily. It is very easy to add new web pages, upload images/videos, edit existing web pages, create new pages to sub navigation or main and edit text for making them web friendly. DNG WEB TECH is one of the leading Joomla web Development Company in Ahmedabad India. As a Joomla development company we offer various Joomla services to the clients. Till date, we have served many of our clients and have become one of the leading Joomla web developments company. What will you get in Joomla Website Development?User ManagementBanner ManagementContact ManagementWeb Link ManagementContent ManagementMenu ManagerPowerful ExtensibilityLanguage Manager Benefits Of Joomla Web DevelopmentOpen SourceHigh ScalabilityConnect with your audiencceEasy to operate administrator panelEasy User managementVery flexible for non technical user
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Blog Development

A blog is a frequently updated online personal diary. It is a place to express your ideas to the world. blog developementBlog is a place to share your thoughts and your passions. Blog facilitates to publish your own articles, observations, news and updates or anything else on the Web. Blog allows publishing articles, images online for the group of people with administrative management by the website owner. Blogs are a great tool for brand awareness. The more people see and visit your blog, more they remember you. A blog with several posts about your brand will help your brand more memorable. It gives you the most feedback than any other research tools available on your brand, products and services. We provide blog designing and development services in Ahmedabad, India, UK, US, South Africa, Canada, Australia.DNG WEB TECH is also provide creative blog writing for any website in Ahmedabad India What will you get with Blog developement package?Blog WebsiteUser ManagementBlog managementComments and like managementBlog RatingBlog PostingPowerful Blog EditorEasy blog creation and updation. Benefits Of Blog DevelopmentConnect with your audiencceEasy to operate control/ Blog admin panelEasy User managementVery flexible for non technical user
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Travel Portal Development

Tours & travels portal development company in ahmedabadtravel portal is a capacious and powerful web based internet booking engine, designed for travel industry especially for travel agencies. Travel web portalthe travel industry is the largest segment and plays a major role in the development of the country's economy. Travel portal is one stop solution for travel agencies for innovative and cost effective solutions for exploring the technological approach to market their services. Dng web tech is a leading web portal development company provides a complete solution for travel portal development. Our team of professionals provides high quality design and services which are totally customized and designed for online booking and information. What will you get in tours & travels portal?customized application development for portala powerfull administrator for portal controlinguser managementcontact managementportal search enginecontent managementmenu managertour planingvehicle managementhotel mangementschedulling for tourstravel agents management
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Real Estate Portal Development

Real estate portal development company ahmedabadwe are giving you real estate solution as per the requirement of real estate industry. Real estate is one of the up growing and ever demanding industry. Real estate portal development company ahmedabadhaving a fully functional real estate portal can help constructors, builders, property owners and others to sell their properties to global communities and reach the wide audience within minutes. A real estate portal have large database where visitor check every details related to properties on the real estate portal. People surf on the net and get the information they want such as property type, location, size, price, area etc. Dng web tech offers you an effective platform for advertising and promotions in business application for real estate sector. We provide our service in ahmedabad, india, uk, us, canada, australia, south africa. What will you get in real estate portal?customized application development for portala powerfull administrator for portal controlinguser managementcontact managementportal search enginecontent managementmenu managerfinance mangementrent managementproperty managementcall managementagents / broker management
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CMS Website Development

DNG WEB TECh is one of the most experienced and expert CMS (Content management System) web design agency in Ahmedabad Gujarat India. cms web developementOur CMS designers and developers have developed so many CMS websites. Joomla, Wordpress, Drupal, OsCommerce, Magento, PHPBB, etc. PHP platforms are mostly used for design & develop CMS (Content management System) website. More and more Content Management System (CMS) based Websites are getting developed because of features like SEO Friendly, easy maintenance, Admin Management, User Management, Menu management, Article management, affordable. DNG WEB TECH provide best affordable CMS web Designing and other related IT(Information technology) services in Ahmedabad, India, UK, US, South Africa, Australia, Canada. Now a days CMS (Content management System) such as Joomla, Drupal, Wordpress, and Magento are popular platforms in Website design and development. CMS (Content Management System) allows admin to update the content on website without any web designing technical knowledge. This simple system enables a authorized user to make changes in the website like content changes, add new pages, create new menu, or deleting images, editing texts in a flash within seconds.
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JOB Portal Development

JOB PORTAL DEVELOPMENT COMPANY IN AHMEDABADJob portals are very useful for employees and employers to post their job related news and open vacancies. Job Portal development companyThis portals are really useful for employees to locate the job applications and resumes. As well as through job portal employers locate the professional trained employees without spending money and time on interviews and other advertisements. Thus more and more companies today are dependant more on the Job portals for the right employees while the numbers of employees who are seeking for job turning to this online means as the web portals are becoming popular these days than other means of applying for the jobs. These advantages are built into the job portal when it is developed by a professional agency and the work is done in a customized manner. DNG WEB TECH offer high quality Job Portal Development Services to our clients in Ahmedabad and all over India, US, UK, Canada, South Africa, and Canada. What will you get in JOB Portal?Customized application development for JOB PortalA Powerfull Administrator for portal controlingUser ManagementContact ManagementPortal Search EngineContent ManagementMenu ManagerJob Alert Services for usersMultiple Resumes upload facilityHelp and guidance whenever requiredGroup apply for multiple jobsJob catalogue from every sector and industry
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B2B Portal Development

B2B PORTAL DEVELOPMENT COMPANY IN AHMEDABADB2B portal is Business to Business portal. B2B portal helps to connect businesses all over the world. b2b portal development AhmedabadYou can also say that B2B is almost exclusively used in online commerce and generally takes the form of automatic processes between trading partners. B2B portal is not just an idea. B2B portals extend the enterprise to its suppliers and partners. They are transforming the supplier and value chain process and relationships. It is also evolved to encompass supply chain management as more companies outsource parts of their supply chain to their trading partners. B2B web portal is very useful for industries like Classified, Advertisement Directory, Daily news update portal, Real Estate Portal, etc. DNG WEB TECH specializes in developing universal B2B portal development services for a wide range of industries. With huge experience we have been delivering customized(desired) B2B portal development. The fully customized portal platforms will help Bringing out target audiences, build business worldwide, and enlarge relationships with traders, suppliers, distributors, dealers and customers. We provide our services in Ahmedabad, India, UK, US, South Africa, Canada, Australia. What will you get in B2B Portal?B2B & B2C Website design, application architecture and technology supportA Powerfull Administrator for portal controlingUser ManagementContact ManagementPortal Search EngineContent ManagementMenu ManagerPowerful content EditorEasy menu creation and updation.Systems Integration Benefits Of B2B Portal DevelopmentCost Savings.Increases Revenue.Increase Productivity.Improves Customer Services.
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Matrimonial Portal Development

Matrimonial portal development company in ahmedabadmatrimonial portals are indias fastest growing industry. Matrimonial portal allows user to find the perfect match profile from database. Matrimonial web portal developmentdng web tech helps to develop web portal for you that provide a platform to the users who search for perfect match. This portal allows people and community around the world to find their perfect partner with the help of automated comparisons, matching from the large database of profiles. Our expertise with matrimonial portal development and portal maintenance intensify to cover all possible needs. We provide services in india, australia, canada, south africa, uk, us and other europian countries. What will you get in matrimony portal?customized application development for portala powerfull administrator for portal controlinguser managementcontact managementportal search enginecontent managementmenu managerprofile registrationprofile matchingfind desired profileremider facilityadvance search
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Yellow Pages & Directory Portal Development

Yellow pages / directory portal development company in ahmedabadnow days business directories are becoming more & more popular. Dng web tech offer you best yellow pages / directory web portal. Directory web portal development in ahmedabadit allows you to do listing of businesses by category, individual traders by area, new arrival products, advertisements and much more. All of your database can also be easily maintain under the appropriate categories which means that you can choose exactly how many products listing will fit. A directory / yellow pages web portal is very different from any normal website in terms of usability. Directory web portals primarily focus on online community building and get users to register and use the services on regular basis. Dng web tech have vast experienced professionals of individuals who best understand the necessity involved in the process of directory portal development and give unique and customized products to best fit your specific needs. We are based from ahmedabad, india we provide our services in uk, us, south africa, canada, australia. What will you get in yellow pages / directory portal?customized application development for portala powerfull administrator for portal controlinguser managementcontact managementportal search enginecontent managementmenu manageradvertise managementrenewal managementproperty managementadvertise timeline managementadd priority management
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Customized Website Development

In custom web design type of websites our team includes web designers and developers so just about any design or functionality you want we can develop. Our aim is a captivating, quality web designs that emerges your website from your competitors. Our websites are also easy to operate & SEO (search engine optimization) friendly, so interested users can easily find you. We provide our customized website designing/development services in Ahmedabad, India, UK, US, Canada, South Africa, Canada. What will you get with Customized Website developement package?A unique customized Website DesignSingle website for all devices like Mobile, Tablet, Desktop, LaptopA domain for 1 yearUnlimited linux/windows hosting for a static websiteCustom Email Ids (as per your requirements)1 year free support for dynamic website Benefits Of Customized Website DevelopmentCustomize website layout designingUnique content for websiteOne URl for all devicessmart view on all devicesAffordable than mobile sites
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