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2 Products availableOur Complete range of products are Soldron - Desoldering Pump, Soldering & Desoldering, Desoldering Pump and MX Desoldering Pump.
Economical and durable full metal body desoldering pump with heat resisitant replaceable silicone tip. This quality product has exceptional desoldering ability due to strong suction and durable build.
Features:One secret to successful soldering is to be sure your workspace is equipped with the right tools. Soldering guns and pencil-style soldering irons are handy for on-the-go jobs like electronic connections and even light metalworking. For serious, precision repair and assembly, consider using a temperature controlled soldering station. It's hard to beat the convenience of dialing in the exact heat setting, whether you are soldering surface mount components, or 10 gauge speaker wire to heavy brass connectors.
in electronics, desoldering is the removal of solder and components from a circuit for troubleshooting, for repair purposes, component replacement, and to salvage components. Electronic components are often mounted on a circuit board, and it is usually desirable to avoid damaging the circuit board, surrounding components, and the component being removed.
MXDe-soldering pumpisPlasticbody & used to de-solder the solder or to remove the solder from the object or components.De-solderingis the removal of solderand components from a circuitfor troubleshooting, for repair purposes, and to salvage components. Electronic components are often mounted on a circuit board, and it is usually desirable to avoid damaging the circuit board, surrounding components, and the component being removed.
Application |
What are Desoldering Pump and its Applications? |
In electronics, De solderingis the removal of solder and components from a circuit for troubleshooting, for repair purposes, component replacement, and to salvage components. Electronic components are often mounted on a circuit board, and it is usually desirable to avoid damaging the circuit board, surrounding components, and the component being removed.A De soldering Pump, colloquially known as a solder sucker, is a device which is used to remove solder from a printed circuit board. |