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1 Products availableFood Processing Machines & Plants
1 Products availableOur Complete range of products are General Filtration, NanO-Cavitation, Precision Sintered, Spargers Gas Liquid Inteface and Activated Carbon Filtration.
General Filtration covers all utility filters, online filters required in a process plant. The down-times and repair costs are reduced drastically if filtration of all fluid stream is made an important part of the process. Diva Envitec Pvt Ltd supplies the complete range of filters to cover the general filtration requirements of a plant.
Feature and AdvantagesPlant efficiency is improved by employing the right type of filters in the plant. The effectiveness and the benefit of these filters is only realised after a filter audit is done to see how much downtime is associated with a poor quality filtration.
Process Operation The liquid to be filtered enters the housing and the flow is normally from out to in the element. The filtered liquid passes the filter cartridge and the candles are replaced of cleaned depending on the type of media used.
Technical Specification
Diva Envitec introduces NanO-Cavitation Reaction Engineering Technology for the process Industry.The flow reactor design represents a unique innovation in the process engineering space, enabling low-cost, highly tune-able, continuous-flow, physical and chemical, liquid mediated nanO-Cavitation processes.
Feature and Advantages Nano-Cavitation has a salient features in its design that it overcomes the challenge of scaling up cavitation processes from pilot plant scale to industrial scale, retaining energy efficiency
Process OperationThe concept evolves from a conventional single-channel flow reactor, such as emulsification processors or cavitation cell disruptors, providing high fluid volume throughput, with balanced exposure to the entire reaction medium, via multiple controlled nanO-Cavitation zones.Reaction mixture is pumped into a lower holding chamber where it gets evenly exposed to high energy nanO-Cavitation in the multitude of parallel channels. The processed reactants flow up to the upper holding chamber through the outlet nozzle, all this operation can be done in totally gas-tight sealed environment.
Technical Specification Electric supply : 230 volts, 50 Hz A.C., 1 Phase or 3 PhaseCavitation power : 120 watt. (lab ). upto few KWAmplitude/Power control : A variac control is provided to vary amplitude/power from 40% to 100%Frequency : 30 + 3 kHz.Probe Tips : Titanium tips. 15mm & 5 mm dia.Cavitation horn : S.S. horn fitted with Piezo electric crystals.Cavitation horn is mounted on a vertical stand with flat bed at the bottom. A separate mechanism is mounted on flat bed to move vessel base up/down. Cavitation generator : Solid state design with auto tuning. It has one module delivering 120 watts of ultrasonic power. Cavitation generator is housed in separate powder coated cabinet.Since the transducer and horn are precisely synchronized with the Piezo element, there is very little noise hence no noise proof enclosure is required.
The precision sintered family of filter elements are manufactured by co-axial pressing. A wide range of different geometries can be obtained by means of this pressing process. The pore size is made to measure from 0.5 m to 200 m. Sintering turns elements into dimensionally stable, metallurgically strong components which can be used as self-supporting constructional elements. The pores are fixed in terms of size and position. A special production technique allows the joining between porous and solid materials in a compacting process, resulting in so-called filter modules.
Feature and Advantages Chemical Resistance and Thermal Stability :The chemical and thermal characteristics of sinter metals are the same as those of the solid materials used. However, the size of the specific surface area should be taken into account when assessing the chemical properties of any high-porosity component (sinter metal).
Process Operation The pore size and structure determines the flow pattern desired by different applications. The gas / liquid flows through the porous matrix and based on the functionality the media takes active part in the process.
Technical Specification AXIAL sintered products are manufactured from the following materials: Stainless steels 1.4404 (AISI 316 L / B), 1.4306 (AISI 304 L), 1.4539TitaniumMonelInconel 600 / 625Hastelloy C 22, C 276 and XSpecial materials
Liquid -Gas interphase reactions use sintered spargers with tiny pores producing millions of tiny droplets increasing the mass transfer surface area of reactions. Sintered spargers increase the mass transfer surface area almost 8-10 times then a drilled pipe sparger.
Diva Envitec designs spargers with vacuum fused sintered metal tubes/plates. Static and Dynamic spargers are configured for effective sparging applications without having ant moving parts. The designs could be from a single element to manifolded multiple element system, Easy to install and very effective and efficient gas/liquid contacting solutions are designed by Diva Envitec Pvt Ltd.
The gas is dispersed as a fine mist increasing the mass transfer area so reactions when liquid-gas interphase reactions are carried out, the increased surface area enhances the reactions.
Technical Specifications
Sintered metallurgy which is vacuum fused bringing in ductility and strength for these applications. A wide range of metallurgy spargers are constructed entirely of metal, to provide long-lasting operation even in temperature range as high as 450 Deg C under oxidizing conditions and 550 Deg C in reducing conditions. Wide range of materials including 316L , 304, stainless steel (standard), Nickel, Titanium, Monel 400, Inconel 600, Hastelloy C-22/C-276/X, 321 904L etc.
Applications and Uses
API , Chemical, Sugar and Pharmaceutical manufacturing use Activated carbon. Specific activated carbons provide superior removal of colour compounds, odour compounds, proteins and other contaminants that could be present in the raw materials, or that form during production. Removal of these carbon particles from final product is a daily chore at these facilities. Contufilt M is an outside-in candle filtration process for polishing and removing activated carbon from slurries. The systems are back washable and easy to use and maintain.
Feature and Advantages
Process Operation The system consists of a number of equally sized pressure vessels each containing an equal area of Sintered fused filter tubes or Laminates, which are arranged in triangular pitch or distance suitable for applications. The vessel performs the specific functions of filtration, in-situ reverse flow, gas assisted or filtered liquid backwash discharge of collected dirty cakes. You could alsobackwash to re-slurry the solid cakes for washing and product recovery.
The mechanism of filtration is a direct interception of particles in solutions on the surface of the Sintered Fused laminates or tubes. This initial capture starts and enhances the capture of all other particles building a coarse and porous cake, which enhances the filtration efficiency. Sometimes to assist the filtration in difficult to filter masses a body feed with the necessary grades of keisulguhr, perlites, Filter-cel are used and then the ongoing formation of a surface cake continues to build- up to a depth of 10 15 mm or greater depending on the cake resistance and characteristic. Complete recovery of liquids is achieved and the particles are purged out of the system without having to open the system.
These candle systems are far superior to Plate and frame filter presses, Leaf filters both horizontal and vertical type due to effective cake release, closed system for washing and ability to take high feed pressures.
The Fused sintered Tubes or Laminates have a open profile and are easy to be backwashed. The backwash filter system is used in slurry de-colorisation using activated carbon polishing filtration in syrups and solutions for improved product quality and reduced operating costs.
Technical Specifications
The housing are designed for: