What is Advertising:Advertising is a method of directly persuading potential customers or clients to buy products with the help of messages, audio and visuals. Advertising is openly paid for. Organizations pay directly for one or various channels to communicate their products to the people. It is a communication method that is direct. Advertisers target the audiences according to the product and show them advertisements. Though advertising has existed for decades, it is important both for digital and traditional marketing. This is because it is constantly evolving. New platforms on the internet are using advertisements as their revenue stream. Also, in todays times, advertising is done using all types of media, be it audio, video, graphics, text or a combination of all these. Radio channels, social media, television, video streaming sites, etc. are used to air advertisements. Advertising is done by every organization on this planet, be it co-operative society, non-profit organizations, political parties or businesses. It is used by organizations as well as individuals such as artists, teachers, etc. to communicate their branding and products directly to their potential or existing customers.