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  1. Marketing Services 4 Services available
  2. Business Management Consultants 3 Services available
  3. Web Development & Marketing Services

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  4. Content Writing Services

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  5. Internet Marketing Service

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  6. Market Research & Marketing Services

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Marketing Services

Our offered Product range includes Social Media Marketing, Social Media Marketing Services, Pay Per Click, Email Marketing Services and Digital Marketing Agency.

Social Media Marketing

What is social media marketingSocial Media Marketing is the art and science of building an influential personality for a brand on social networking platforms on the internet by posting relevant and brilliant content and communicating with audiences on behalf of the brand. The reason why SMM is art is that ideas for the same are derived by allowing the mind to get creative and explorative. Various minds in a social media marketing agency can come up with hundreds of ideas and implement them in even more ways. One thought leads to another, making this art so diverse and limitless. Also, marketing on these networks can also be called a science. The reason being that its an organized body of knowledge. Various concepts, rules, etc. have been formed as a result of research and trial and error. Social behavior on these platforms is studied resulting in data and statistics that help us understand these crowds more accurately. Also, with this data information is created to know more about what these platforms are and what their purpose is. Being such a powerful tool to communicate, it has gained huge importance for both individuals and brands. Lets get into the details of how these networks and marketing for the same are important Why is social media marketing importantHumans are social animals. Communication is and has been a necessity for us. Communication has existed in three forms, verbal, non-verbal and oral. A business needs to communicate its vision, its products, and its offerings to the general public not only for sales to happen, but also to invite people to work for them. If there is no communication, the business crumbles. Fast forward to 2019, communication in these three forms has evolved drastically, with the development of technology and the heaps of knowledge and information gained by humans over decades.
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Social Media Marketing Services

Social Media Marketing is the art and science of building an influential personality for a brand on social networking platforms on the internet by posting relevant and brilliant content and communicating with audiences on behalf of the brand. The reason why SMM is art is that ideas for the same are derived by allowing the mind to get creative and explorative. Various minds in a social media marketing agency can come up with hundreds of ideas and implement them in even more ways. One thought leads to another, making this art so diverse and limitless. Also, marketing on these networks can also be called a science. The reason being that its an organized body of knowledge. Various concepts, rules, etc. have been formed as a result of research and trial and error. Social behavior on these platforms is studied resulting in data and statistics that help us understand these crowds more accurately. Also, with this data information is created to know more about what these platforms are and what their purpose is. Being such a powerful tool to communicate, it has gained huge importance for both individuals and brands. Lets get into the details of how these networks and marketing for the same are important
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Pay Per Click

What is Advertising:Advertising is a method of directly persuading potential customers or clients to buy products with the help of messages, audio and visuals. Advertising is openly paid for. Organizations pay directly for one or various channels to communicate their products to the people. It is a communication method that is direct. Advertisers target the audiences according to the product and show them advertisements. Though advertising has existed for decades, it is important both for digital and traditional marketing. This is because it is constantly evolving. New platforms on the internet are using advertisements as their revenue stream. Also, in todays times, advertising is done using all types of media, be it audio, video, graphics, text or a combination of all these. Radio channels, social media, television, video streaming sites, etc. are used to air advertisements. Advertising is done by every organization on this planet, be it co-operative society, non-profit organizations, political parties or businesses. It is used by organizations as well as individuals such as artists, teachers, etc. to communicate their branding and products directly to their potential or existing customers.
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Email Marketing Services

Email marketing has been known to beat PPC and also outperform SEO and content marketing services as well, when it comes to return on investment. According to research, there are more than 200 billion emails that are sent out daily, and this figure has reached a whopping 246 billion daily emails this year! We at Digitactix are here to help you with email marketing from automation to increasing customer engagement and ultimately reach and beat your business goals.We begin by understanding the objective of your email marketing campaign and your target audience STRATEGIZINGEvery process needs a strategy and works best when backed with a strategy.The three things to get your Email Marketing right begins with the objective of the email, the quality of database and the target audience. MANAGING YOUR EMAIL LISTSUsing your current email data, we will break down the email marketing lists as per the objectives and the target audience.We create different email list for different database. For example, visitors who havent visited the site/app in the last 15 days. Visitors who have items added to cart but have not made the purchase and so on.
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