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Mysore, Karnataka, India
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  1. Rice 7 Products available
  2. Whole Spices 5 Products available
  3. Wheat 4 Products available
  4. Food Grains & Cereals 12 Products available
  5. Seeds 5 Products available
  6. Pulses 3 Products available
  7. Food Grains 4 Products available
  8. Chikki 3 Products available
  9. Ores And Minerals 4 Products available
  10. Pickles 5 Products available
  11. Others 24 Products available

Other Products / Services #4152470

Sprouted Multi Millet Malt

  • Weight 200g

Dhatu Sprouted Millet Malt is made from: Foxtail Millet, Browntop Millet, Kodo Millet, Little Millet. All the four types of Millets are sprouted, dried, mildly roasted to bring out the aroma and cold-milled to retain the most nutrients. Cardamom and Ginger Powder are also added to further add flavor and also further aid the digestion and assimilation of the nutrients. Millets are alkalizing grain, gluten free, diabetic friendly, have low glycemic index, and naturally nutrient dense. Sprouting the millets increases the nutrition content, and also breaks down the nutrients for easier absorption. Storage Instructions: Keep the pouch zip locked when not in use or transfer to an airtight container. Preparation Instructions: Add 2 tsp of the mix to a cup of boiling milk or water and stir continuously. Add jaggery powder or other sweetener of choice to taste. Can also be added to butter milk with a pinch of natural salt. Can be enjoyed as an energy drink for breakfast or anytime during the day.

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Organic Sprouted Multi Pulse Dosa Mix

  • Weight 200g

Our ready sprouted multi pulse dosa mix is highly nutritious and is made with 100% Organic ingredients. It is rich in protein, fiber and micro minerals, such as, iron, madnesium and manganese. It is vegan, gluten-free and rice-free. It does not contain any chemicals or artificial preservatives. This pack makes about 8 to 9 dosas.

Preparation Instructions:

Add water to the dosa mix to form a batter consistency. Add salt to taste and keep it overnight for fermentation. Pre heat the tava with ghee or coconut oil and spread the dosa batter thinly using a ladle. The dosa will be crisp and yummy.


Sprouted Green Pea Flour (26%), Sprouted Moong Flour (26%), Sprouted Bengal Gram Flour (26%), Urad Flour (21.5%), Sprouted Fenugreek Powder (0.5%)

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Organic Green Gram Whole

  • Weight 500g

In Ayurveda, Green Gram (Mung) is revered as best among all pulses and advocates its use in everyday diet. It is known to be an efficient tissue builder and nourisher.

Mung beans are a high source of nutrients including: manganese, potassium, magnesium, folate, copper, zinc and various B vitamins. Additionally, they are rich in dietary fiber and protein.

Because of their high nutrient density (Superfood), mung is useful in defending chronic diseases like cancer, diabetes and obesity.

Serving Ideas: Sprout the Mung beans and use it in salad or curries.

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Organic Kidney Beans Chitra

  • Weight 500g

Kidney beans are a very good source of cholesterol-lowering fiber, Iron and folate.

Cooking Direction: Presoaking is must for kidney beans to reduce the cooking time. Presoaking reduces the raffinose-type oligosaccharides, sugars associated with causing flatulence. Soak it for at least 8 hours.

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Organic Cowpea Red

  • Weight 0.5kg

These red beans are smaller in size than the kidney beans, but are high in proteins and other nutrients. It is a good source of vitamin A, B and C and also contains many minerals like phosphorous, magnesium, zinc, calcium, folic acid, iron and selenium. It is also rich in dietary fiber and complex carbohydrates.

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Organic Peanuts

  • Weight 0.5kg

Peanuts are rich in monounsaturated fats and antioxidants. They provide healthy doses of Vitamin E, Niacin, Folate, Protein and Manganese.

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Organic Dried Green Pea

Our certified Organic Green peas can be soaked and then cooked and added to Pulav (mixed rice), curries, mashed stuffed into parata, or just eaten as snack.

Green peas are a powerhouse of nutrition. It is low in fat and high in micro-nutrients and can aid weight management. It is high in phyto-nutrients and anti-oxidants, which can slow aging, build the immune system and help prevent risk of cancer. It is a good source of plant protein and dietary fiber. It is also an excellent source of folic acid and B-complex vitamins, vitamin A, C, and K and minerals such as calcium, iron, copper, zinc, and manganese.

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Organic Palm Jaggery

  • Weight 250g

Palmyra Palm Sugar is very rich in essential vitamins, minerals and amino acids. It is one of the rare plant sources of Vitamin B12!! It contains 20 mcg of Vitamin B12 per 100 gms. It is diabetic friendly and has lots of therapeutic value. It is an alkaline food and is good for problems related to high blood pressure, anemia, diabetes and arthritis.

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Organic Black Pepper

  • Weight 100g

Ayurvedic properties: pacifies kapha and vata.

Native to India, black pepper has been used as a spice for millennia and its benefits include relief from respiratory disorders, coughs, common cold, constipation, indigestion, anemia, impotency, dental disease, diarrhea and heart disease.

Black pepper enhances bio availability of the nutrients present in other herbs.

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Organic Black Pepper Powder

  • Weight 100g

Ayurvedic properties: pacifies kapha and vata.

Native to India, black pepper has been used as a spice for millennia and its benefits include relief from respiratory disorders, coughs, common cold, constipation, indigestion, anemia, impotency, dental disease, diarrhea and heart disease.

Black pepper enhances bio availability of the nutrients present in other herbs.

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Organic Turmeric Powder

  • Weight 100 g

Ayruvedic properties: tridoshahara (balancing) and sattvic

Botanicalname: curcuma longa

Sacred to Hindus and indigenous to India, turmeric is an essential part of our society. Researchers have been discovering properties in this root already familiar to Ayurveda, such as being anti-swelling, anti-cancerous, an age abating antioxidant, a digestive enhancer, liver protector, blood purifier, antiseptic, cholesterol buster and skin toner.

Turmeric powder can be used in innumerable ways, be it for cooking or for therapeutic reasons, so go ahead and spice up your life.

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Organic Cumin Powder

  • Weight 100g

Cumin is rich in iron and a very good source of manganese, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and vitamin B1.

It is extensively used in Indian, Middle Eastern and Mexican Cooking.

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Organic Mace

  • Weight 50 g

Mace spice is a dried, outer envelope around the nutmeg kernel. It is more aromatic than nutmeg and greatly enhances colour, taste and flavor of foods. It is rich in anti-oxidants and minerals.

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Organic Flaxseeds

  • Weight 100g

Flaxseeds contain high quality protein and dietary fiber. It is a rich source of omega 3 fatty acids, antioxidants and lignin.

Benefits of flaxseeds include a healthier heart, strong joints, increased immunity and many more.

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Pumpkin Seeds

  • Weight 100g

Pumpkin seeds are a great health food with a wide variety of nutrients ranging from magnesium and manganese to copper, protein and zinc, and healthy Omega-3 fats and high dietary fiber. They are also rich in phytosterols and antioxidants.

They make an excellent snack and don't need refigeration.

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Dhatu Virgin Sesame Oil

  • Weight 250ml
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Dhatu Extra Virgin Coconut Oil

  • Weight 250ml
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Organic Dry Ginger Powder

  • Weight 50g

Ginger is a warming and stimulating spice which can work wonders for many common health problems. In ayurveda, ginger has been used as a digestive aid, a stimulant for circulation, fever reducer, pain reliever and remedy for common cold.

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Organic Birds Eye Chilli

  • Weight 50g

Birds eye chili pepper is considered as one amongst the ten hottest chili peppers in the world! It is commonly found in Assam and Western Ghat region of India. Birds love to pick the ripe chili and since its propagation is done by birds they are called by the name birds eye chili.

It is known for weight reducing qualities and increases the metabolism of the body.

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  • Weight 100g

In Sanskrit, known as Agnikrita, cashews are considered to be having Vata pacification and Sattva promoting qualities.

Dhatu brings to you these crunchy, tasty and delightfully delicious whole cashews from the fragile coastal belt of Karnataka. These cashews are ethically sourced from small time and rain fed marginal farmers who inhabit the coastal belt of Karnataka.

These cashews are packed with energy, antioxidants, minerals and vitamins just the way nature wants you to have them.

Safely stored, packed and shipped directly to us from the farm, this helps retain their lip smacking, appealing taste and wholesome nutrition. Having a mild flavor and free from harmful processes and chemicals, these cashews are just the right ones to go ahead and bite into!

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Organic Raisins

  • Weight 100g

Raisins (dehydrated grapes) are nutrient dense, rich in B vitamins, iron and potassium. Traditionally, it is used for relief from constipation, acidosis, anemia and fever.

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Whey Protein

  • Unflavoured
  • No Artificial Ingredients
  • Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCCA)
Suggested Usage: Blend 1 heaping scoop with 200 ml of cold water/milk/juice.
- High-Quality Protein
- High Bioavailability and Easily Digested
Whey protein is considered to have the highest biological value of any protein sources.
24g Protein per serving
2g Carbs per serving
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Organic Clove Whole

  • Weight 50 g

We source our spices from Western Ghats which are older than the Himalayas! It has an exceptionally high level of biological diversity and endemism and is recognized as one of the worlds eight hotspots of biological diversity. Spices like cardamom, black pepper trace their origin to Western Ghats. We source our spices ethically from Western Ghats region.

The health benefits of clove include antimicrobial effects, management of diabetes, and amelioration of neurological problems.

Culinary uses: use as a flavoring addition to meats, stewed fruits, pickles, curries, pies, salads and spiced alcoholic beverages.

It can also be used as a mouth freshner and is beneficial during toothache

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