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The prime arterial Cannulas are designed for aortic cannulation. Their bodies are available in reinforced and non-reinforced. The tip types are available in straight, curve and metal, which completely meet every operational requirement. more...
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AURFLON : (IV cannula with wings and injection port) With tri-sectional bevel (tri bevel) Needles. Instant flash back and minimizes blood exposure. Rounded Grip o needle hub for better support. Stainless steel, silicone tipped needle for smooth penetration. 6% luer taper for compatibility with all standard de more...
Trocars are used during Laparoscopic Procedures to make Small Puncture like Incisions in outer Tissue Layers. These Incisions allow Surgeon to insert Cannula through which Surgical Instruments can be introduced. Trocars are placed through the abdomen during laparoscopic surgery. The trocar function more...