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1 Products availableOur offered Product range includes Garlic, Solo Garlic, Garlic Flakes, Garlic Granules and Red Kidney Beans.
Garlic is a species in the onion family with the scientific name Allium Sativum. It has been used throughout recorded history for both culinary and medicinal purposes. It has a characteristic pungent hot flavour that mellows and sweetens considerably with cooking. The leaves and stems are eaten particularly, when they are tender.
Its origin is from Shandong and Yunnan province. Its slightly bigger than a walnut and has the flavour of a garlic clove, but is milder and slightly perfumed. The appearance is that of a pickling onion with white skin and purple stripes.
Garlic flakes are slices or bits of garlic that must be reconstituted before using.These flakes are natural white or yellow in colour.These garlic flakes are sometimes referred to as, instant garlic.
Garlic granules help repel flies, and are believed to exhibit antibiotic, expectorant and antihistamine qualities. They are nice light yellow in color. It has a strong flavour with low sulphur content
The kidney bean with its dark red skin is named for its visual resemblance to a kidney. Small red beans are noticeably smaller and darker than kidney beans.They have a smoother taste and are preferred for Cajun cuisine.
It is the most common bean in the United States and northwestern Mexico. It is Often used for refried beans and are great in corn tortillas.
The mung bean is one of many species recently moved from the genus Phaseolus to Vigna and is still often seen cited as Phaseolus aureus or Phaseolus radiatus. Commonly used in Chinese cuisine.
Beans are classed as pulses whereas soyabeans are classed as oilseeds. Soyabeans are a source of complete protein. Medium-size oval, yellowish bean. Very bland flavor and firm texture.
The black turtle bean, a small, black variety of the common bean especially popular in Latin American cuisine Oval, creamy white bean with a black eye Soft texture. It is a southern tradition to cook them with rice and greens.
Broad beans are rich in tyramine, and thus should be avoided by those taking monoamine oxidase (MAOI) inhibitors.They contain vicine and convicine, which can induce haemolytic anemia in patients with the hereditary condition glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency Oval-shaped light brown beans. Earthy flavor and creamy texture. Lovely in soups and salads. Pure for tasty dips.