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delta medicare private limited

Delta medicare private limited is an unlisted private company incorporated on 15 december, 2000. It is classified as a private limited company and is located in guwahati, assam. It's authorized share capital is inr 10.00 lac and the total paid-up capital is inr 10.00 lac.

The current status of delta medicare private limited is - active.

The last reported agm (annual general meeting) of delta medicare private limited, per our records, was held on 30 november, 2021. Also, as per our records, its last balance sheet was prepared for the period ending on 31 march, 2021.


Basic Information

  • Nature of Business Manufacturer / Exporter / Supplier / Retailer / Distributor / Importer / Trader
  • Contact Person Mr Kumar
  • Registered Address 1ST FLOOR, ARUNA MEMORIAL HOSPITAL BUILDING, Guwahati, Assam - 781005
  • Total Number of Employees 20 - 50
  • Year of Establishment 2000
  • Legal Status of Firm Corporation/Limited Liability Company

Branch Office

  • Address 1ST FLOOR, ARUNA MEMORIAL HOSPITAL BUILDING, Guwahati, Assam - 781005
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