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Papaya leaves are medium to large in size, averaging 50-70 centimeters in diameter and 18-90 centimeters in length, and are broad, flat, and deeply, palmately lobed . The rough, green leaves are thin, pliable, and have prominent yellow veining spreading throughout the 5-9 lobes. more...
Description : The papaya plant has an erect branchless trunk 6-20 ft tall, and a palmlike head of foliage at the top. The trunk remains somewhat succulent and soft wooded, and never develops true bark. Details : Botanical Name -Carica papaya Hindi Name : Papita Manipuri Name : Awathabi Marathi Name : Pappayi, more...
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Papaya leaf juice is claimed to have reversed cancer in many people living on the gold coast in australia. Harold w. Tietze in his book papaya the medicine tree, describes how to make the juice and tells the stories of many cancer survivors who reportedly used the juice to get rid of their cancer. more...
As is evident from its name, papaya leaf juice is a juice extracted from the leaves of papaya plant. We all are aware of the health benefits of eating papaya fruit, which is also known as ‘papita‘ (Hindi). But recently papaya leaf extract has gained popularity due to its medicinal properties and it can pr more...