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In order to make available high-quality product range, we make use of the finest grade raw material that is sourced from the trusted places after complete assurance of the quality. Delivering orders within the promised time is our forte as we are supported by wide distribution network and fastest transportati more...
Baby Diapers more...
Baby Diapers more...
Pampers small size Pampers larges size Pampers medium size Huggies small size Huggies large size Huggies medium size Mamy Poko small size Mamy poko large size Mamy poko medium size more...
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baby mamypoko diapers pant MamyPoko pants extra absorb comes with crisscross absorbent sheet which absorbs 7 glasses of urine and spreads it equally, so there's no fear of heaviness. Its stretchable thigh support prevents gaps between diaper and baby's thigh, hence prevents leakage. more...
All round soft elastic waist band Upto 6 glasses of absorption for all night good sleep Soft leg gathers that prevents leakage all night long Ideal for babies with weight of 12-17kgs more...
Shri Giriraj Global Enterprises
(Chander Vihar,Delhi) - CA-40, Veer Bazar Road, Chander Vihar,Delhi