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  7. Web Development & Marketing Services

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  9. Others Services 1 Services available

Business Management Consultants

Our product range contains a wide range of Search Engine Optimization Service, Search Engine Optimization Services, Social Media Optimization Services, Php Development Services and cakephp development services

Search Engine Optimization Service

Deific India InfoSolution is an IT company that does SEO or search engine optimization for its clients You have probably seen multiple IT companies advertising their SEO services online so how does. Search engine optimization is the process of optimizing your website to maximize organic traffic from search engines The leading search engines are Google, YouTube, Bing, and Yahoo.
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Search Engine Optimization Services

Deific India InfoSolution is an IT company that does SEO or search engine optimization for its clients You have probably seen multiple IT companies advertising their SEO services online so how does. Search engine optimization is the process of optimizing your website to maximize organic traffic from search engines The leading search engines are Google, YouTube, Bing, and Yahoo.
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Social Media Optimization Services

SMO enables you to drive more traffic, interaction, and conversion while learning about your target audience and capturing tangible metrics to gauge your social media initiatives Social media optimization is not just about helping you grow your companys online reputation and presence on social networks such as Facebook and LinkedIn. It is also about leveraging these online communities to boost your followers, engagement, and website traffic. The end goal is to increase sales, and social media optimization can help you do this in the most cost-effective way.
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PHP Development Services

For the newbies among us, PHP is a web development language that has been widely adopted for multiple websites throughout the world. It also has its uses in general programming functions. Literally millions of websites are now running on the PHP language which means that your e-commerce business may need to be founded on the PHP language as well to facilitate smooth operations with other PHP based websites. If you are looking for a developer to make a PHP based web solution for you, Deific India InfoSolution could be the right company for the job.
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CakePHP Development Services

To those who dont know, CakePHP is actually a web application framework that is very useful for commercial applications.It was founded on the PHP web development language and got its inspiration from Ruby on Rails. With CakePHP on your side, you can create new web applications without having to use excessive code this makes web app development simpler yet faster. Of course, some business owners dont want to be hampered by having to learn CakePHP from the ground up so you could always consider hiring Deific India InfoSolutions to handle the heavy coding for you.
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Yii Framework Development Services

If you are thinking of making Web 2.0 applications (meaning you want to make new websites that allow visitors and users to interact with one another online in dynamic ways), the Yii framework could be the solution to this problem. Yii is actually founded on the PHP web programming language and was designed to lessen web app development time significantly.
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Joomla Development Services

You may be thinking Why should I choose Joomla for my content management system? Well, why not? Joomla is one of the most popular CMS (content management systems) out in the market at the moment. It is based on the PHP language meaning it can be used in tandem with your PHP based website smoothly. The Joomla Extension Directory offers more than 6, 000 commercial and free extensions that you can use or you can turn to other sources to get even more extensions if you prefer. Joomla has also been awarded the Packt Publishing Open Source Content Management System Award three times so you know that it does have clout in the CMS world.
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WordPress Development Services

If you are thinking of putting up a blog site but dont know any coding languages (or even what a code is) then your next best option could be signing up for a WordPress website. WordPress is used by many bloggers throughout the world which may be why some consider it to be the most popular blogging tool on the Internet. You can easily sign up for a free WordPress blog account if you are just starting out but once you get the hang of it might want to delve further into blogging by getting a for-pay WordPress blog account later on.
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Sneha Touch Development Services

If you are aiming to make new mobile applications that will run on BlackBerry, iOS, or Android devices then you might need to use the Sencha Touch web app framework. These devices should be based on web standards like the HTML 5, CSS3 to be compatible with Sencha Touch. The advantage for developers is that mobile web applications may be made to work like native applications when used within browsers. The key is for the user interface itself to be amended by the developer using the Sencha Touch user interface framework or library. If you have no idea what all that means or are not sure youre capable of using Sencha Touch yet, you may need the services of Deific India InfoSolution for this.
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Dot Net Development Services

Newbies may want to know what .Net is before they ask how it can help their business. The .Net system is actually a software framework so you might have heard of other names for it such as .Net Framework instead. It runs on the Windows operating system of Microsoft but is unique because it is compatible with a range of different programming languages. This means that you can run .Net on any of those programming languages without worrying that the code will be rejected. Because .Net is Windows based, many new applications that are grounded on the Windows OS platform are compatible with the .Net integrate .Net Development into your business. One way that the .Net Framework can be helpful is if you install new applications into your existing system and these have to interact with older applications that had been installed earlier. .Net will allow both the old and the new to interact and coexist in the same system. If you install new software you want it to run smoothly without compromising security requirements either so this is why you need the .Net Framework. As far as security is concerned, one way your system can be vulnerable is because the malicious software has made its way into the internal structure so .Net can provide a standardized security structure for each and every application.
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Asp.Net Development Services

All the Asp.Net applications are highly monitored and managed to help application available to handle requests The content and the program logic are separated in the .Net Framework, thus reducing the program inconveniences Asp.Net features like early binding, JIT compilation, caching services and native optimization supports gives your application the high level of performance With the built-in configuration information, Asp.Net is easy to deploy
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UberCart Development Services

If you have an e-commerce site, you may be looking for a great e-commerce software solution that can help make sales generation and data management easier. Would you consider Ubercart? Ubercart is used by e-commerce companies for practically anything required to drive business up while improving efficiencies. It is open-source so you need not pay for royalties and licensing but it still delivers on great features, though. Deific India InfoSolution can assist you in learning how to optimize Ubercart for your business. Why is Ubercart the right e-commerce solution for your online business? First, it allows you to assign products to the right catalogs based on size so that customers know what you are offering and in what sizes for that price range. Second, it allows you to sell virtual items that are now popular in the online community. Third, if you are offering software, videos or music for sale to the public they can avail of your products as file downloads because you have Ubercart. Fourth, you can offer event registrations for purchase by your customers. Fifth, if your website is open to your special members only then Ubercart will permit you to offer site access for purchase to them inclusive of the automatic renewal option and letting user access expire when needed. You can even sell your products on multiple sites if necessary. These are all advantages when you are in an online business because in e-commerce ease of use and offering the right functionality all affect the level of sales your business can generate. Your business survival depends on it.
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Prestashop Development Services

The main reason PrestaShop can be an attractive e-commerce business solution is that it is an open-source system. If you are an online business owner you naturally want to get a business solution that is priced as low as possible so that your overhead does not overwhelm you. With an open-source solution like PrestaShop, you need not pay anything to get it which is a boon especially if every cent saved counts. Deific India InfoSolution knows PrestaShop so we too can contribute to your e-commerce survival. If you are currently using some other e-commerce solution but are interested to try PrestaShop, you can always migrate easily to PrestaShop (as many other e-commerce merchants have done before you). The nice thing about migrating is that your valuable customer and sales data will remain intact until you have completed the transition. Data such as customers, catalog content, orders, payments, shipping details, preferences and business statistics will all be moved to PrestaShop without any data being lost along the way. No matter what e-commerce solution you are currently using your new PrestaShop store will be able to accommodate your business information.
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CS Cart Development Services

CS Cart is called a Shopping Cart Solution rather than simply an e-commerce solution because the aim of the CS Cart engineers is to promote the customer shopping experience. Thus, by calling it a shopping cart solution CS Cart engineers want your business to become known for having the right products and services to sell that customers really want. CS Cart is offered as an open-source code system meaning you have the added freedom of customizing the source code as your business requires if that is what you require. At the same time, the CS Cart Store you set up can be adjusted and designed for you by the CS Cart people for a certain fee. (Take note, Deific India InfoSolutions can help you with the source code programming if coding is not your strength).
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Virtuemart Development Services

If you have heard of Virtuemart before you probably already know that it is an e-commerce solution available as an open-source system for interested online users. However, what you may not have known is that it is actually meant to be used with the Joomla! Content Management System. The two are meant to be used together because they are both based on PHP programming which makes them adaptable for use within a PHP/MySQL Environment. Virtuemarts other claim to fame is that more e-commerce websites rely on it compared to popular e-commerce solutions like OpenCart, PrestaShop, an osCommerce. If you wish assistance in migrating to the Virtuemart system, you can always ask Deific India InfoSolution for their input.
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Big Commerce Development Services

When you opt to use a BigCommerce Store, you gain some features that will help you in the e-commerce world. For example, your online store will look attractive to any demographic because BigCommerce offers a range of store themes that you can choose between and HTML/CSS based interface that you can customize as you wish. BigCommerce can make your e-commerce marketing campaign stronger by offering you necessary marketing tools (such as newsletters, coupons and promo campaigns). Because your store will be designed at the start for better search engine rankings, you may be pleased to find that you do get higher rankings after the switch to BigCommerce. Another great aspect is that you will not have to pay for hidden fees even as you are given access to multiple features that will help in e-commerce.
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Logo Designing Services

Whether you realize it or not, your company is actually trying to develop a distinctive brand that will stand out in the industry that you are competing in. Every day that your business is operating is an opportunity for you to make your brand stronger. However, many business people are not actually that aware of how to develop a better brand. This is where Deific India InfoSolutions can help you out. You can make your brand stand out in your marketing campaigns so that the brand has good recall in the minds of clients and customers.logo design is a major concern in marketing because the logo is often the first thing that clients and customers see and remember. What you need is for this target market to make that vital connection between the logo and your company brand. Although marketing is both an art and a science, you can easily spur your marketing campaign to success by choosing the right logo to represent your business.
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Java Development Services

The Java programming language is one of the most popularly used programming languages in the world today. Originally developed at Sun Microsystems by James Gosling, Java development now involves creating software applications that can be installed on any Java virtual machine regardless of the underlying computer architecture. One important factor that makes Java development a popular choice is that Java is now considered a FOSS or free and open source software. In simple terms, anyone can download the Java language to make their own applications without having to pay licensing fees for its use. As a result, business people may want their own Java applications, which is why Deific India InfoSolutions includes Java development in their list of services. Having the right Java application can help your business survive in a corporate environment that is increasingly becoming difficult. You would also want to develop a Java application without exceeding your budget. Of course, businesses come in a wide array of sizes and financial strength so an application development budget that is suitable for a small business would probably be too small for a much larger corporation. You need to know what you require from your Java application so that you will know how extensive the application has to be to make your business competitive.
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C Development Services

The C# is a programming language owned by the Microsoft company. Its latest version the C#5.0 was launched on August 15, 2012. C# was designed to help create new applications suitable for embedded and hosted systems, with varying sizes of the end user environments. One advantage of relying on C# development is that the applications were designed for practical use, meaning that C# applications helped economize processing power and memory demands. This may explain why businesses are interested in C# development at this time.
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Ruby On Rails Development Services

Ruby on Rails is based on the Ruby programming language. It is a web framework based on open source access that is sometimes better known simply as Rails. Applications based on Ruby on Rails may be as small or as large as required by your business. The names Ruby on Rails, and Rails, as well as the Rails logo are all property of their creator David Heinemeier Hansson. One of the greatest positives that Ruby on Rails development brings is that developing web applications can now be shortened to a few days (whereas before it used to take many weeks, or even months before the web applications could be released in their final form). This means your business can deploy new products or services within a shorter window of time, thus giving you an edge over competitors who are still developing their business-based web applications. It also brings down the cost of developing web applications, especially if you used to pay web application developers by the hour or by the day for their services.
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