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The Soya division of Deesan commenced its operation in 1995 with its extraction plant located in Dhule, Maharashtra State. Since its inception, Deesan has been one of the top quality soya processors in India. Dhule is located 324 km from Mumbai the commercial capital and sea port of India.
Deesan it is one of the lead soybean processor in Maharashtra which produces value added products. The Soya products manufactured by DEESAN have wide applications in, food, feed stuff, confectionery, baking, pharmaceuticals and downstream products such as high protein soya bean meal protein concentrates,
Defatted soya bean meal (toasted & untoasted both), Defatted soya bean Flour (toasted & untoasted both),fermented soya bean meal etc.
Alongside having a good reputation for product quality, considering the strong potential of soybean production in the vicinity the products of Deesan are being exported in many countries. Deesan is one of the lead soybean processor in Maharashtra which produces value added products. The Soya products manufactured by DEESAN have wide applications in, food, feed stuff, confectionery, baking, pharmaceuticals and downstream products such as high protein soya bean meal protein concentrates, Defatted soya bean meal (toasted & untoasted both), Defatted soya bean Flour (toasted & untoasted both),fermented soya bean meal etc.
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