Welcome to Decoratives
Decoratives by Nilesh is an extension of its parent enterprise Kalpana Timber Depot & Nilesh Timber Traders. Kalpana Timber Depot, started in 1963 had become popular for its quality Teak (Web site www.kalpanatimberdepot.com) and Nilesh Timber Traders established in 1986 for its quality plywood & variety of veneers. With changing trend and the necessity to meet the expectation of the discerning clientele. Decoratives by Nilesh, a showroom, very elegant and different was pursued in November'2012 and was completed in March'2013. Here, the customer is given a choice to view FULL SHEETS of Laminates, Designer MDF, Leatherites, Alcopanels (Aluminium Composite Panels) and Wallpapers in a very beautiful environment. It helps to decide in selection of decorative material as one can try different combinations of full sheets on display. Regular display updation is the norm at Decoratives and fixed pricing is its strength.