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We are leaders in the market for providing best range of Solar Thermal Solutions, Off Highway Products-Dana and DC Mini Power Units

Hydraulic Accumulator

Pumps and Motors with displacement of 18 to 108 ccrev.Accumulators range from 0.1 to 50 liters.Pumps and Motors with displacement of 18 to 108 ccrev.Accumulators range from 0.1 to 50 liters.Pumps and Motors with displacement of 18 to 108 ccrev.Accumulators range from 0.1 to 50 liters.
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Hydraulic Cylinders

Dantal supplies customized solutions in Hydraulic Cylinders to OEMs based on their requirements

A close contact is developed with the customer right from the enquiry stage through all stages of design and development until the correct solution is reached for production. Deployment of advanced 3D design software and CADEM manufacturing system speeds up this process.

Hydraulic Cylinders product range includes
  • Single acting Cylinders
  • Double acting Cylinders,
  • Single acting and double acting telescopic Cylinders
Technical Specifications:

Tube Bore 40mm to 300mm, rod Dia-16mm to 200 mm, strokes up to 8000mm and working pressure up to 450Bar with various mounting options.

Apart from this Dantal also offers special application cylinders like:
  • 3 stage and 4 stage Double Acting Telescopic Cylinders for Refuse Compactors.
  • Military Application Cylinders for -40 C Ambient Temperatures
  • High Pressure Extrusion Press - Working Fluid Distilled Mineral Water (98%)
  • Large bore Double acting Press Cylinder, Test Pressure @ 400Bar
  • Cylinders with position sensors and integrated valves.
  • Multistage double acting telescopic cylinder, high precision Missile launcher cylinders suitable for -40DegC, 380mm and bigger Bore press cylinders
Earthmoving & Construction Equipment- Backhoe Loaders, Front end Loaders, Soil Compactors, Motor Graders etc.
    • Agriculture machinery Harvester Combines, Tractors , Tractor attachments etc
    • Material Handling Pick and Carry Cranes, Slew Cranes, Forklifts, Stackers etc
    • Transport Hydraulics - Garbage compactors, Dumper placers, Car Carriers, Tipping , etc.
    • Industrial & Other applications

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Solar Thermal Solutions

Since time immemorial, we have worshipped Sun as a God. Civilizations have relied upon Sun throughout history, for farming and agriculture efforts to grow crops and sustain populations. But technology improvements and innovations have helped mankind develop the ability to harness the suns awesome power. The resulting technologies have promising implications for the future of renewable energy and sustainability. The solar power is a virtually unlimited and inexhaustible resource (as opposed to power produced from fossil fuels) while the carbon footprint of solar power continues to diminish and the dream to go solar becomes more accessible to masses.

Dantal Hydraulics Pvt. Ltd., has diversified in the business of building solutions with solar as its primary building block. There is enough solar energy available for all of us round the year. The need is to harness it for the good. Dantal SUNshine provides extensive solutions and services to make use of sunlight for regular industrial operations and activities, gradually replacing conventional fuels, conserving funds for utilization in other productive operations/expansion, accumulate wealth for you via carbon points.

Some applications of solar energy where Dantal SUNshine can be your partner of choice include:
  • Hot water generation for industrial applications for use in your paint shops, drying, degreasing, heating of tanks, paint baking, cooling and refrigeration, effluent treatment, and many more.
  • Hot water applications for residential purposes
  • Provide clean and green electricity to off-grid locations to make a significant change in the lives of people
  • Co-generation to provide clean energy during scheduled/unscheduled power-cuts

Dantal SUNshine gets into a detailed study mode to find you a customized solution that works for your organization. Dantals engineering team manages complete integration with your existing environment without disruptions to your core business operations. The solutions are easy to operate with no special skills to operate the new set up, seamless and produce results from the first day itself. You can monitor the progress yourself and check accruing benefits in monetary terms as days progress and you get a handsome return on your investments. The payback periods are encouraging and hold tremendous promise over years.

Dantal SUNshines Hot Water Applications Temperatures upwards of 120deg C Thermal Energy in Automobile Industry:
  • Degreasing through solar steam
  • Drying through solar hot air
  • Heating of tanks through solar heater
  • Low temperature tempering through solar hot air
  • Paint Baking using solar hot air
Thermal Energy in Chemical Industry

The Chemical Industry includes basic chemicals and its products, petrochemicals, paints and varnishes, gases, fertilizers and alcohol. It is one of the most diversified of all industrial sectors covering thousands of commercial products. It plays an important role in overall development of Indian economy. It provides chemicals to various other industries such as paper, paint and textiles. The huge agricultural sector also depends heavily on the chemical industry through fertilizers. The chemical manufacturing process is quite complex due to wide variety of outputs having different properties. The typical energy intensive processes in the chemical plant are distillation, evaporation, packaging, centrifuging and drying. Heat is required in almost all forms such as low and high pressure steam, hot water and hot air.

Thermal Energy in Pharma Industry:
  • Sterilization through solar steam or solar hot air
  • Granulation through solar hot air
Thermal Energy in Paper & Pulp Industry:
  • Pulp making solar hot water and solar steam
  • Pulp processing - solar hot water and solar steam
  • Water treatment and steam and power generation and effluent treatment solar steam
Thermal Energy in Textile Industry:
  • Yarning solar hot air
  • Weaving solar steam
  • Dying solar hot water
  • Bleaching solar hot water
  • Drying solar hot air
  • Steam pressing solar steam
  • Curing solar steam
Thermal Energy in Food Processing Industry:
  • Pasteurization solar steam heating
  • Drying of vegetables/fruits solar hot air
  • Frying of edible items hot thermic oil
  • Pasteurization solar steam
Thermal Energy in Solar cooling

Besides heating applications, solar thermal systems can also meet cooling demands. In this case, solar thermal cooling systems can be used to replace gas driven or electricity-driven absorption/adsorption chillers or to replace electricity driven, vapor-compression air conditioning systems. Absorption and adsorption chiller systems use liquid or solid refrigerants to cool the environment. In absorption chillers (the most common system), solar energy is used to regenerate the absorber fluid, which contains the refrigerant after it has been evaporated.

Services Engineering & Design

We plan, design, and implementsolar thermal energy projects - anything from large-scale municipal projects to home rooftop installations. Wetypically begin with a client consultation, site assessment, and financial assessment along with installation cycle.

Energy Audit

Energy Audit is the key to a systematic approach for decision-making in the area of energy management. In any industry, the three top operating expenses are often found to be energy (both electrical and thermal), labour and materials. If one were to relate to the manageability of the cost or potential cost savings in each of the above components, energy would invariably emerge as a top ranker, and thus energy management function constitutes a strategic area for cost reduction.

Energy Audit will help to understand more about the ways energy and fuel are used in any industry, and help in identifying the areas where waste can occur and where scope for improvement exists.

The Energy Audit would give a positive orientation to the energy cost reduction, preventive maintenance and quality control programmes which are vital for production and utility activities. We conduct such audit programmes to keep focus on variations which occur in the energy costs, availability and reliability of supply of energy, decide on appropriate energy mix, identify energy conservation technologies, retrofit for energy conservation equipment etc.

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Hydraulic Manifold Block

Dantal offers the industrys widest range of high performance hydraulic cartridge valves (Poppet and Spool Type), system manifolds and electronic controls with flow of 379 lpm and pressure 420 bar for serving the industries i.e. Construction and Mining, Injection molding, Road Building Equipment, Arial Lift, Waste Handling Equipment etc.
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Hydraulic Test Stands

In aviation, the dynamics of hydraulic engineering is not merely limited to the design and manufacture of an aircraft but also in the functioning of its various components and systems on the ground as well as in air. Thus whether taxiing on the runway or in a trajectory flight, the applications of this science in the form of cylinders, pumps, reservoirs, valves, flight and wing controls (ailerons, rudder and elevator) among others are most crucial. Keeping in view the safety aspects, all these systems call for highest level of monitoring and preventive maintenance for their upkeep in the course of their operation and utilities. This is enabled by the hydraulic test stand as an important diagnostic and analytical medium to ascertain the worthiness of each component. Also known as the test bench, it thoroughly tests the entire range of new, refurbished and even cannibalised parts and subassemblies. As such despite the advent of computers and automation based on assorted software for the fly-by-wire, there is an eternal demand for the services of hydraulic cartridge valves suppliers and test rigs, in India and around the world.
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Puzzle Car Parking System

As a company focused on bringing revolutionary changes, Dantal has developed advanced Car Parking Solutions. These low cost and easy installation systems come in various types:Automotive Hydraulic cylinderDependent or Stack Car Parking System A simple Hydraulic lifting and lowering technique used to park two cars one above the other.Puzzle Type or Semi-Automatic Car Parking SystemLateral and vertical movement of platforms used to accommodate multiple cars in a puzzle like structure.
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Mini Hydraulic Power Pack

Dantal offers the complete range of Mini Compact power packs for various needs:Dock levelerElectrical StackersEmergency loweringCar CarrierTier ChangerCar LiftScissor LiftCar Parking SystemsScooter and three wheeler LiftCustomized Applications
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Hydraulic Test Rig

In aviation, the dynamics of hydraulic engineering is not merely limited to the design and manufacture of an aircraft but also in the functioning of its various components and systems on the ground as well as in air. Thus whether taxiing on the runway or in a trajectory flight, the applications of this science in the form of cylinders, pumps, reservoirs, valves, flight and wing controls (ailerons, rudder and elevator) among others are most crucial. Keeping in view the safety aspects, all these systems call for highest level of monitoring and preventive maintenance for their upkeep in the course of their operation and utilities. This is enabled by the hydraulic test stand as an important diagnostic and analytical medium to ascertain the worthiness of each component. Also known as the test bench, it thoroughly tests the entire range of new, refurbished and even cannibalised parts and subassemblies. As such despite the advent of computers and automation based on assorted software for the fly-by-wire, there is an eternal demand for the services of hydraulic cartridge valves suppliers and test rigs, in India and around the world.
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Automatic Car Parking Systems

As a company focused on bringing revolutionary changes, Dantal has developed advanced Car Parking Solutions. These low cost and easy installation systems come in various types:Automotive Hydraulic cylinderDependent or Stack Car Parking System A simple Hydraulic lifting and lowering technique used to park two cars one above the other.Puzzle Type or Semi-Automatic Car Parking SystemLateral and vertical movement of platforms used to accommodate multiple cars in a puzzle like structure.To complement its manufacturing product range Dantal distributes products of following internationally renowned companies in India:
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Electromechanical Actuators

Dantal is leading manufacturer of Aircraft Hydraulic Service Trolleys, Car Parking Solutions, Hydraulic Systems and Hydraulic Cylinders. It has manufacturing unit for Hydraulic Cylinders at IMT Manesar and another unit for manufacturing of Hydraulic Systems and Aircraft Hydraulic Service Trolleys at Bangalore. It always remains conscious towards maintenance of high quality in overall business operation. For this purpose, it has employed an expert team comprising of quality analysts. Being a leading hydraulic cylinder manufacturer, it equips itself with all the necessary resources to meet the requirements of the customers. Modus operandi of manufacturing is handled by competent technicians and engineers in the industry. Each and every component manufactured at company is unique in itself. Being designed to perfection and customized with precision, the company makes sure that the components are manufactured under stringent quality checks.Read more
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Hydraulic Car Parking System

As a company focused on bringing revolutionary changes, Dantal has developed advanced Car Parking Solutions. These low cost and easy installation systems come in various types:Automotive Hydraulic cylinderDependent or Stack Car Parking System A simple Hydraulic lifting and lowering technique used to park two cars one above the other.Puzzle Type or Semi-Automatic Car Parking SystemLateral and vertical movement of platforms used to accommodate multiple cars in a puzzle like structure.
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Hydraulic Manifold Assembly

Dantal offers the industrys widest range of high performance hydraulic cartridge valves (Poppet and Spool Type), system manifolds and electronic controls with flow of 379 lpm and pressure 420 bar for serving the industries i.e. Construction and Mining, Injection molding, Road Building Equipment, Arial Lift, Waste Handling Equipment etc.
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Hydraulic Trailer

Complete Hydraulic package including power packs, pumps, direction control valves and cylinders for Deck and Ramp doors of Car Carriers built on Trailers and 4x2 rigid body vehicles.Complete Hydraulic package including remote pump drives, pumps, direction control valves and cylinders for outrigger and load bin linkage.We offer complete tipping solutions for vehicles from three wheelers to Multi axle trailers. For payloads varying from one ton to 60 tones and for bulk material movement to unitized loads.
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Hydraulic Systems

The Hydraulic Systems manufactured by Dantal are used for major Defense Projects. Some of the systems developed by Dantal are being used in: Multi Span Bridging System mounted on wheeled and track vehicles, Mobile Radar Systems, and many other applications.

Other Applications and Key Customers of Hydraulic Systems include:

  • Defense Research Organizations
  • Indian Army
  • Indian Air Force
  • Indian Navy
  • Nuclear Power Corporation India
  • Industrial & Machine Tools Applications
  • Power IndustryApplications

Specifications of Hydraulic System:

  • Hydraulic System Electric motor driven and engine driven
  • Suitable for maximum operating pressure of 5000 Psi and maximum flow capacity up to 250LPM.
  • Suitable for Hydraulic Oils like Mineral based oil, Synthetic oil, Phosphate esters, ATF & SKYDROL fluids
  • State of the art Designs, Data user platform with DAS
  • Sound proof enclosures for reduced noise requirement(
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Aircraft Hydraulic Service Trolleys

Dantal manufactures Aircraft Hydraulic Service Trolleys for the Indian Air Force, Indian Navy and other private aeronautical entities.

These trolleys are specifically designed for ground testing of aircrafts & helicopters in order to test & certify the Hydraulics of the aircrafts. Dantal Hydraulics offers complete range of Aircraft Hydraulic Service Trolley for ground servicing of various fighter Aircrafts like SU-30, MIG-29, MIG-21, MIG-27, IL-76, MI-26, ALH Helicopter etc.

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Car Parking Systems

  • Dana Off Highway axles and transmission
  • Eaton Hydraulic components
  • Marzocchi High pressure Gear pumps and motors
  • Hydro Leduc Pumps, Motors and accumulators
  • Linkan Electromechanical Linear Actuator System
  • Power Packs Compact AC and DC Power pack
  • HydraForce  Valves & Manifolds

Dependent or Stack Car Parking SystemA simple Hydraulic lifting and lowering technique used to park two cars one above the other.

Puzzle Type or Semi-Automatic Car Parking SystemLateral and vertical movement of platforms used to accommodate multiple cars in a puzzle like structure.

To complement its manufacturing product range Dantal distributes products of following internationally renowned companies in India:

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Dependent Or Stack Car Parking System

Dependent or Stack Car Parking System

It is based on Hydraulic lifting and lowering. The unique feature of the system is its single post which saves space and offers flexibility when installed in basements and garages.

The platform is curved at the ends to allow the car to roll-on / roll-off conveniently from either side. An operating control pendant can be conveniently installed anywhere in the garage, basements, and outdoor structures for operation from a safe distance.


  • Allows the car to approach from both sides
  • Can be installed in compact areas
  • Only two hours required to install
  • No special construction required for installation
  • Silent in operation
  • Operation Electro Hydraulic
  • Lift Height : 2000 mm standard
  • 24 Volt DC controls
  • Control pendant can be conveniently located for remote operations
  • Key switch in control pendant to protect against misuse
  • Minimum operating & maintenance cost
  • Hydraulic, Mechanical and Electrical safety devices included
  • Easy to relocate & dismantle
  • Platform lowering possible in case of power failure or any kind of emergency
  • Maximum platform load - 2000 kg

Technical Specifications:

  • Operation: Electro Hydraulic
  • Drive: 1.5 kw 14440rpm Electric Motor, three phase, 415 V AC, 50 HZ
  • Platform Capacity: 2000kg / 2500 kg
  • Lift Height: Up to 2000mm standard(2100mm/2200mm optional)
  • Platform: Anti Skid Surface
  • Useful Platform Width: 2000mm standard. Different measures optional
  • Platform Length: 4450m with both ramps
  • Hydraulic Power Pack: all enclosed power pack with pressure relief valve, 24V DC solenoid lowering Valve, Hydraulic Tank-10 litres capacity
  • Electric Control: 24 V DC push button control switches on the control pendant
  • Mechanical Safety: Positive Insertion type, easily accessible from one end
  • Hydraulic safety: Hose failure safety valve, pressure relief valve
  • Electrical safety: 24V DC controls, key switch in control pendant to protect against any misuse
  • Retrieval/ Parking time: 60 sec
  • Unit Weight: 1300 Kgs



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Puzzle Type Or Semi-Automatic Car Parking System

Dantals Puzzle Car Parking Systems can be installed in various ways for above ground and underground parking. In this system, the combination of lateral and vertical movement of platform / pallets takes place in order to accommodate maximum number of cars within the space available.


  • Independent Parking
  • Indoor and outdoor installation flexibility
  • Efficient use of space
  • Easy and low cost installation
  • Minimal operational cost
  • Easy to drive-out and not drive out
  • Multiple entry/ exit
  • Parking or retrieving a car takes less than 180 secs
  • Safe operation, PLC controlled
  • Lifting and lowering by Hydraulic cylinders or Electric Motor Chain Drives
  • Low Noise level
  • All steel structure
  • Corrosion resistant paint
  • User friendly parking/ retrieval using coded buttons/ Identifications


  • Dantal Hydraulics in collaboration with SOGOOD CORPORATION of Taiwan offers unmatched variety of solutions in Car Parking Systems.
  • Maximizing land space, construction and recurring operating costs like lighting, fire fighting, security guards by eliminating additional basements.
  • Achieve close to 100% volume efficiently.
  • Safety, security and scratch free handling of cars.
  • Widest product range systems available in various options depending on requirements.
  • Life of systems more than 25-30 years - high quality of components, galvanizing offers adequate corrosion protection.
  • Very low installation and operating costs.
  • Only 45 seconds to three minutes time taken for car parking / retrieval (depending on system configuration).
  • User friendly, convenient (wider platforms), very low noise levels.
  • Warranty 1 year and AMC thereafter by fully qualified and trained engineers as per contract.

Technical Specifications:

  • Puzzle type Car Parking System
  • Lifting Speed: 4.0 m/ min
  • Power Requirement for Vertical Lift: 3.7 KW
  • Horizontal Travel Speed: 8 M/min
  • Power requirement for Horizontal Travel: 0.4 KW
  • Power Source: 415 V AC 50 Hz Three Phase
  • Control Method: PLC
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Car Parking Lift

As a company focused on bringing revolutionary changes, Dantal has developed advanced Car Parking Solutions. These low cost and easy installation systems come in various types:Automotive Hydraulic cylinderDependent or Stack Car Parking System A simple Hydraulic lifting and lowering technique used to park two cars one above the other.Puzzle Type or Semi-Automatic Car Parking SystemLateral and vertical movement of platforms used to accommodate multiple cars in a puzzle like structure.
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Telescopic Hydraulic Cylinder

Dantal supplies customized solutions in Hydraulic Cylinders to OEMs based on their requirements A close contact is developed with the customer right from the enquiry stage through all stages of design and development until the correct solution is reached for production. Deployment of advanced 3D design software and CADEM manufacturing system speeds up this process.Hydraulic Cylinders product range includesSingle acting CylindersDouble acting Cylinders, Single acting and double acting telescopic CylindersTechnical Specifications:Tube Bore 40mm to 300mm, rod Dia-16mm to 200 mm, strokes up to 8000mm and working pressure up to 450Bar with various mounting options.Apart from this Dantal also offers special application cylinders like:3 stage and 4 stage Double Acting Telescopic Cylinders for Refuse Compactors.Military Application Cylinders for -40 C Ambient TemperaturesHigh Pressure Extrusion Press - Working Fluid Distilled Mineral Water (98%)Large bore Double acting Press Cylinder, Test Pressure @ 400BarCylinders with position sensors and integrated valves.Multistage double acting telescopic cylinder, high precision Missile launcher cylinders suitable for -40DegC, 380mm and bigger Bore press cylinders
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Power Cylinder

Hydraulic rams and hydraulic cylinders perform extremely significant roles in modern Engineering, and are heavily used in different domains. Here are some pieces of crucial information on the functionalities of hydraulic rams and cylinders, their parts and the areas they are applied. Hydraulic Cylinder Well known as linear hydraulic motor, it performs the task of producing unidirectional force through a unidirectional stroke. It can be understood as a mechanical actuator. It is made of primarily: Cylinder baseSeal glandCylinder headCylinder barrelPiston rodPiston and seals.
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CNC Vmc Machine

As a leading manufacturer of hydraulic cylinders and hydraulic systems, Dantal equips itself with every resource necessary to make a difference in quality and delivery.Spread across a total area of over 80000 sq ft. both of its facilities are state of the art setups manned by highly skilled engineers and technicians in the industry.At these facilities, advanced production techniques and the best practices gained over the years is employed to result in greater efficacy, greater adherence to specifications and lesser rejections in the products.The machining section at Dantal is equipped with state of the art CNC machines like:The dedicated Turning centers for Tube, Rod and components (Supers:Absolute accuracy, complex& high speed)Multiple Vertical Machining Centers ( Delivering high precision of piston rod eyes)The highpoint of the machining division is the installation of Robots that are used for loading and unloading the material thereby resulting in efficient turnaround time.The facility is also equipped with skiving & burnishing machine to ensure precision and quality finishing of tube bore for excellent surface finish.
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Off Highway Products-Dana

Dantal is an Authorized Service Center in India for Dana Corporations Spicer Off-Highway Products Division of their Heavy Vehicle Technologies and Systems Service Group which covers brands like - Spicer Clark-HurthTMand various others.

Dantal provides application engineering for DANA OFF HIGHWAY Powertain components including powershift transmissions, axles, torque converters and electronic controls

  • Dantal Service Team is staffed by qualified & experienced Engineers and technicians
  • Full range of DANA Genuine Spare Parts
  • On Site Services - Fault diagnostics and troubleshooting, On site repair / overhauls
  • Dantal Service Centre offers Transmission/Torque converter and Axle overhauls and repairs with complete in-house testing facilities


Dana Drive Train components covers wide range of applications like Construction equipments, Mining, Material Handling, Agricultural, Outdoor Power equipments, Leisure/Utility Vehicles, Forestry etc.

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DC Power Pack

Mini Compact Power PacksDantal offers the complete range of Mini Compact power packs for various needs:Dock levelerElectrical StackersEmergency loweringCar CarrierTier ChangerCar LiftScissor LiftCar Parking SystemsScooter and three wheeler LiftCustomized Applications
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Transport Hydraulic Systems

Car Carriers:

Complete Hydraulic package including power packs, pumps, direction control valves and cylinders for Deck and Ramp doors of Car Carriers built on Trailers and 4x2 rigid body vehicles.

Dumper Placers:

Complete Hydraulic package including remote pump drives, pumps, direction control valves and cylinders for outrigger and load bin linkage.


We offer complete tipping solutions for vehicles from three wheelers to Multi axle trailers. For payloads varying from one ton to 60 tones and for bulk material movement to unitized loads.

Tipping solutions include underbody / front end fitments with two stage and multiple stage cylinders (max 5). We offer single acting and double acting cylinders to suit requirements. The kit includes Hydraulic Pumps (Piston and Gear) for various flow and pressure combinations, Pneumatically Controlled Hydraulic Valves and Cab Controls. Dantal also offers Hydraulically operated Tail Doors for tippers. The solution also gives access to the Body & sub frame requirements of the vehicle through our Marketing / Design team.

Multi Purpose Vehicles:

Dantal provides complete Hydraulic kits for Landing Jacks required for trailers and multi axle vehicles.

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Hydraulic Components

-Spool Valve motors

-Valve in Star ( VIS) motors

-Disc valve Motors

-Hydrostatic Power steering units

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Ningbo Zhongyi

  • Displacement range 50 to 16, 000 cc/rev.
  • Rated Torque 200 to 39, 000 NM

Radial Piston Motor suitable for Medium to High pressure applications be it Winch drive, drilling head or Auger drive. The Radial piston motors are also available in intra piston (Cam ring) design also.

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DC Mini Power Units

Mini Compact Power PacksDantal offers the complete range of Mini Compact power packs for various needs:
  • Dock leveler
  • Electrical Stackers
  • Emergency lowering
  • Car Carrier
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Motor Trolley

Until 90s it was said that in China if any person wished to own a car, it was mandatory for the buyer to prove that he or she has space to park the car. Factually speaking, it was a wise policy since owning a car also meant its safety as well as protecting it from vagaries of the nature like rain and sunshine. The adverse effect of this aspect is very much relevant in India too. Evident are the instances of rage over parking ones vehicle in several cities across the country. And with the open economy that the former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh mooted when he was the Union Finance Minister in 1991, the country did witness sudden boom in the auto sector. Thus almost every tenth urban Indian owns a vehicle, be it a two wheeler or a car including SUV, and consequently, parking has become a gigantic problem despite real estate developers coming up with residential projects having suitable slots for all the owners of these vehicles.
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