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Our offered Product range includes Facelift Surgery Treatment Services, Cosmetic Rhinoplasty Treatment Services, Functional Rhinoplasty Treatment Services, Reconstructive Rhinoplasty Treatment Services and Revision Rhinoplasty Treatment Services.

Facelift Surgery Treatment Services

It is a known fact that growth and ageing in an individual are two irreversible phenomena that are destined to cause constant changes in your body and face. Nowadays, with advancements in medical technology, the natural process of ageing can be reversed. Face-lift, as the name suggests it is the lifting up of your facial skin and muscles that are loose and sagged due to the effects of your ageing. This method can deliberately mask the ageing signs such as wrinkles, deep furrows, loose skin, sagging jowls and the loss of facial volume. The Best facelift surgery in Delhi can do miracles in your face such that you can again get back your charming and youthful face.
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Hair Transplant Services

Best hair transplant in Delhi: Hair transplant or replacement is a cosmetic procedure wherein the treatment is provided for hair loss, thinning hair, or bald spots where hair no longer grows. The procedure is appreciated to enhance your appearance and your self-confidence through hair replacement techniques that use your existing hair. Why choose hair transplant in Delhi?To Have, frizzy and silky hair not only adds a mark to your beauty but also indicates your overall health and well being. But most of the people in todays world take their mane for granted and fail to pamper them. It is the main cause of hair fall, thinning and balding that is becoming quite common nowadays. For a better solution to be given, hair transplantation is the best cosmetic procedure that has touched the peak and gaining popularity these days. Not only men face this balding or hair loss issue, but there are also a lot of women who are very much bothered by thinning hair patterns recently. It is a minimally invasive surgery in which healthy hairs are carefully selected and placed on your scalp in the areas of thinning hair. This promises to provide natural-looking results. Dr. Lokesh Kumar, who is the best hair transplant doctor in Delhi, is more keen about performing this procedure in a dedicated manner to yield effective results. Let us now look into how different types of hair transplant in Delhi help in regaining the lost hair and promote new hair growth in both men and women.
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Cosmetic Rhinoplasty Treatment Services

Cosmetic Rhinoplasty is both challenging and exciting as the requirements for every nose, and every individual is different.A successful rhinoplasty surgeon will have to understand the intricacies of this surgery, its functional and Cosmetic aspects and adequately train himself to deal with the individual problems one may encounter. Dr Lokesh Kumar, one of the renowned rhinoplasty surgeon, says that getting into the patients mind is the most important part of rhinoplasty consultation.Every individual has a specific type of nose, and it is an important characteristic feature of the face. The nose having unsightly humps or bump in the middle of the nasal bridge gives your face an irregular or disproportionate look, which is easily noticeable. He has performed many successful cosmetic rhinoplasty procedures and in his twenty-six years of medical practice has given the desired shape & style and perfection to the nose, which most of the patients are looking forward too. So if your nose is letting you down and you want to walk back confidently with a particular nose feature, you are at the right place.
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Functional Rhinoplasty Treatment Services

We all know that nasal airway is generally perfect, but small changes in airway dimension or nasal support can lead to the improvement in breathing. Such functional change is also required in athletes trying to maximize performance. With all his rich experiences through years, Dr Lokesh Kumar says that the patients looking for improvement in airway function have increased in number over the years. It is because of neglected nasal trauma at some stage in their life. Also, there is increased awareness about the possibility of correction of these problems by an expert intervention. Looking at the expertise in every aspect of rhinoplasty procedure Dr Lokesh has helped many individuals who are not happy with the way their nose functions due to congenital deformities or wrong approach towards the treatment. He has treated various problematic nasal congestion cases by specialized rhinoplasty techniques to enhance air passages, opening them internally without changing the external appearance of the nose. Indications for Functional Rhinoplasty Nasal congestionMouth breathingDry mouthReduced sense of smellSnoringSeptal deviationAllergic RhinitisInternal/ External Valve ProblemDeviated Nose/Crooked Nose
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Reconstructive Rhinoplasty Treatment Services

Dr Lokesh Kumar knows well that the nose is the most defining characteristic of the face, and a slight alteration can significantly improve ones appearance. With his Immense experience and in-depth knowledge about the subject, he has always been successful in taking up the daunting challenges of reconstructive rhinoplasty. Which generally includes repairing deformity of the nasal injury or any congenital disabilities, immune disease or cases of failed attempts of nasal repair. Some of the nasal reconstruction procedure which he performs includes. simple suture closurelocal flapsregional flapsone-stage nasolabial flaptwo-stage nasolabial flapforehead flap
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Revision Rhinoplasty Treatment Services

Dr Lokesh Kumar can help you achieve the nose you were meant to have in the first place. Highly qualified and experienced in complicated rhinoplasty cases, he has been a hope for patients who were unhappy with the cosmetic appearance of their previous rhinoplasty. So if youve already had a rhinoplasty and are not pleased with its outcome, Revision rhinoplasty can be the right approach. Indications for Revision surgery Although the causes of a failed rhinoplasty are many, some of them are listed below: Non-compliance on behalf of the patient.Technical incompetence.Substandard surgery producing an unnatural and awkward appearance.Cosmetic deformity.Surgical destabilization of the nasal tissues.Inadequate tip projection.Internal or external scarring.
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Mid Facelift Surgery Treatment Services

Mid facelift or cheek lift is a procedure to restore the youthful look by addressing the earliest sign of sagging cheeks. The fat may also be transferred to maximize contouring effect. Depending upon the current facial structure or previous facial surgeries and your aesthetic goal the cosmetic surgeon will conduct the mid-facelift to improve the look of the cheekbones, refresh the hollows of the lower eyes, and soften smile lines on your face. Indication The procedure is indicated for Reversal of maturing changesIncreasing the anteroposterior cheek measurementChecking facial asymmetriesCamouflage of implant materials for maxillary increase
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Dimple Creation Treatment Services

Dimples are considered as a sign of good luck. Creating a dimple by cosmetic surgery makes a relatively attractive person suddenly eye-catching. Dimple is a kind of magic spell which appears on smiling and makes the smile carry a lot more happiness. Dimple creation surgery can be done on any type or size cheek. We help you decide where the dimples will be, or you can have where the most optimal place for the dimples should be on your face. Indication Dimple creation surgery is indicated for one cheek or both the cheeks.
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Brow Lift Surgery Treatment Services

With ageing, lines and wrinkles come on the forehead due to constant muscle movement, making us look older. With brow lift or forehead lift procedure, we tighten the soft tissues of the forehead to restore a more youthful contour to your forehead skin, upper eyelids and eyebrows. Indication To reduce wrinkle lines developing across the forehead.To improve frown linesThe raising of a sagging browPlacing eyebrow in an alert position.
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Liposuction Treatment Services

Liposuction is a type of cosmetic surgery which breaks up and sucks fat from various possible parts of the body, most commonly the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, neck, chin, upper and backs of the arms, calves and back. The procedure is used for slimming and reshaping the specific areas of the body by removing excess fat deposits and helps in improving the body contours and proportion. The technique is used to reduce localized fat deposits of the: ThighsHips and buttocksAbdomen and waistUpper armsBackInner kneeChest areaCheeks, chin and neckCalves and ankles
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Thigh Lift Surgery Treatment Services

Thigh lifts or thighplasty procedure is carried out to reshape the thighs by removing excessive fats, from inner and outer thighs resulting in smoother skin Indication The procedure is helpful to treat a condition such as 1. Individuals with weight loss due to diet and exercise or weight loss surgery. 2. Individuals are having excessive soft tissue in the inner and outer thigh region. 3. Healthy individuals without medical conditions 4. Individuals with excess fat or skin in the thigh area. 5. Individuals are seeking to improve the contour of their thighs. 6. Individuals who are committed to maintaining a healthy post-operative lifestyle, including proper nutrition and regular exercise. Types of Thigh lift 1. Inner thigh lift 2. Medial thigh lift 3. Vertical thighplasty 4. Spiral thigh lift Risk Thigh lift surgery risks include: Poor wound healingBleeding InfectionFluid accumulation
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Buttock Lift Surgery Treatment Services

Buttock lift or belt lipectomy is a cosmetic surgical procedure which improves excess, sagging buttocks by raising the skin over buttocks. During a buttock lift, excess skin and fat are removed as a result of weight loss, ageing and gravity, or genetics from the buttocks. The skin is then repositioned to create a more toned look. Indication The buttock lift is helpful to treat a condition such as Overweight patients who are not able to lose a significant amount of weight in the buttock area through physical activity. and changes in your dietIndividuals looking for dramatic improvement in the appearance of their buttocksProcedure Buttock lift surgery is an outpatient procedure with the use of general anaesthesia. Generally, the incision is made at the waist or slightly below the waist. Once the incision is made, the excess skin and fat is detached from the soft tissue and removed. The skin is then tightened and closed in layers, and a sterile dressing is applied that tightly holds the skin to reduce swelling and aid in the natural tightening of the skin. Risks Wound healing is slowScarringFluid accumulation
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Abdominoplasty Surgery Treatment Services

Abdominoplasty is a procedure which involves flattening of the abdomen by removing extra fat and skin which cant be reduced with diet or exercise. Indication The procedure is helpful to treat conditions such as Excessive skin and fat due to obesityWeakened abdominal muscles due to ageing, Skin and fat loosened post PregnancyTypes of Abdominoplasty Complete Abdominoplasty: involves cutting of abdomen from hipbone and then contour the skin, tissue, and muscle as needed.Mini Abdominoplasty: Done on the people whose fat are deposited below the navel. The right candidate for Abdominoplasty A tummy tuck is suitable for men and women who are in good health.Women who had several pregnancies and are looking for tightening of abdominal musclesMen or women who were once obese.Risk factor Surgical risk such as bleedingBlood clotInflamed or itchy scarringDr Lokesh Kumar is the best cosmetic surgeon in Delhi. He has performed many successful cosmetic abdominoplasty procedures.
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Male Breast Reduction Treatment Services

Gynecomastia is swelling of the breast tissue in boys or men and is observed in boys during puberty because of changes in estrogen level. These changes are even observed in middle-aged and older men due to aging or hormonal changes. Indication The procedure is indicated for treating Swollen breastBreast tendernessRight candidates The candidates who can go for Gynecomastia includes Having healthy and a stable body weightExperiencing symptoms of gynecomastiaRealistic about the risks, benefits and outcome of male breast reduction
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Breast Revision Treatment Services

Breast revision or breast implant replacement is procedure which involves removal or replacement of saline or silicone breast implants to check any complication which has occurred during primary breast augmentation. Indication The breast revision method is indicated for Individuals who want a change in size of breastTightening of the scar tissue around the implantIn Breast tissue that has changed due to skin stretching or weight gain
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Breast Reduction Treatment Services

Breast reduction or reduction mammoplasty could be explained as a procedure of surgical removal of excessive fat, glandular tissue and skin from breast so that the size of the breast gets reduced. The procedure gives you the desired appearance and removes the mental burden of overly large breast. Indication In treating virginal Hypertrophy or breast enlargement in teenage girlsIn breast hypertrophy post breast feeding in womanIn men who have one or both the breast
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Breast Augmentation Treatment Services

Breast augmentation is a cosmetic procedure carried out to increase or restore breast size of womans breasts by placing breast implants under breast tissue or chest muscles. Indication to increase breast volume and fullness that is lost after pregnancywomen who have very small breastIndividual who feel their breast size is inadequate.aging has affected the size and shape of your breasts
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Fat Injection Treatment Services

Fat injection is a natural way of restoring a subtle volume and shape of face wherein it is taken from your body fat via liposuction and transferred to areas of the face where the volume is needed. The procedures could be the solution for Individuals looking for a natural and subtle volume enhancement. Indication Fat injection is important to treat condition like Fine lines and wrinklesEye bags or dark circleSunken cheeksRemoving tired look
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Chemical Peel Rejuvenation Treatment Services

Chemical peel rejuvenation is a way of improving acne blemishes, sun damage, age spots, freckles, rough skin and uneven pigmentation. The peel is applied for 10 minutes, and on removal, it reveals a vibrant and glowing skin. Indication Chemical peel rejuvenation is helpful to treat condition like 1. Reducing fine lines under the eyes and around the mouth 2. Treating wrinkles due to sun damage, ageing and hereditary factors 3. To improve conditions of mild scarring Risk factors Some of the risk factors include Temporary rednessStingingSkin flaking.
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Acne Treatment Services

Acne is a disease of the hair follicles of the face, chest, and back and may be may be mild, moderate or severe in nature. Types Acne can appear on the skin and can be of different types like Occluded PoresRed Bumps Also Known As PimplesPustulesCystsCauses contributing to acne HereditaryWork PressureOccupationCosmetic ProductsTreatment Topical treatment for acne includess Benzoyl PeroxideRetinoidsAzelaic AcidSurgical treatment for acne include Laser ResurfacingDermabrasion
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Male Genital Surgery Treatment Services

Male genital surgery includes procedure for penis lengthening, penis enlargement surgery and on several occasion girth enhancements which are all available at DAC India. Indication Some of the male genital surgery which is performed along with their indication includes Penile enlargement: to increase the size of the penisCircumcision or repair: to remove too much of foreskin on penisscrotal reduction procedure: to remove excessive skin between the scrotum and penistesticular implants: to treat sperm generation which is not upto markPenile prosthesis : to treat erectile dysfunction
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Nutrition & Ageing Counselling Services

Nutrition counseling promotes better physical and mental health for older people with nutritious meals. Every individual have specific calorie needs as per his or her age group. If you follow a specific diet schedule as per your age and lifestyle you could definitely avoid disease and disorder. We have a general advice for all age group to stay healthy. Our nutritionist prepares a diet chart as per your age. In your 20 s one should focus more on calcium, folate and iron . Meeting calcium needs is very important to make yoyr bones stronger and also prevent you from disease like osteoporosis.In your 30s the focus is more on calcium and you should also become calorie conscious. The onset of age-related muscle loss slows down our bodys metabolism and calorie requirements is brought down .In your 40s the food needs should be n much focused on antioxidants means food rich in Vitamin E and C to fend of harmful free radicals.DAC India treatment also provides strength nutritional support to prevent ageing in all age groups. Some of the preventive strategies include well balanced nutrition, diet, lifestyle changes and hormonal manipulation to promote and enhance a long and healthy life.
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HCG Weight Management Services

HCG diet has helped millions to lose weight and engage in healthier lifestyles. HCG diet work i.e, it tricks the hypothalamus into not letting your body go into starvation mode when you are consuming less calories than you burn during the course of the day. During HCG weight management, the body pulls the calories it needs by burning fat and thereby reducing the weight to normal levels. Administration HCG drops should be taken sublingually. We recommend drops at 7am , 2pm and 9pm i.e. Three times a day. Phases Four phases of HCG weight managment LoadingLosingMaintainingCycling
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Anti Aging Management Services

One of the most common desires across races and cultures is to keep looking your best and youthful. Every one of us knows that ageing is inevitable, but how you age is not. Men and women have the power to take control and manage their aging process and DAC India is a comprehensive, evidence-based approach to age management. Our age management program includes treating of sagging skin and wrinkles, volume loss and skin texture changes.
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Electro-Lipolysis Management Services

For mild localized cellulite on the thighs, buttocks, hips and stomach, Electrolipolysis is the right procedure. The procedure removes accumulated fat deposits in specific regions of the body. Procedure During Electrolipolysis procedure fine needles are inserted into swollen fatty tissue, running a weak, low frequency electric current through the area that makes the fibrils of connective tissue under the skin. By this method there will be improvement in the quality and appearance of the skin. Indication The method is indicated for Removal of double chin and fat around the waist, inner thighs, and abdomen.For individuals who are struggling to reduce their body weight by doing exercises, dieting and workout.Time period You can expect atleast 6 -10 sessions. The procedure takes around 45 to 60 minutes in length.
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