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Aromatic & Essential Oils

Leading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of Jasmine Water, Evening Primrose Oil, Frankincense Hydrosol, Rosemary Oil and Khus Hydrosol.

Jasmine Water

  • Shelf Life 1 Year
  • Color White
  • Packaging Size 100ml, 200ml
  • Type Herbal
  • Grade Superior
  • Storage Cool & Dry Place
  • Note Samples are free
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Evening Primrose Oil

4,375 /100ml, 250ml, 500ml & 1kg Get Latest Price
  • Type Carrier
  • Shelf Life 1 Year
  • Color Yellow
  • Form Liquid
  • Extraction Type Cold Pressed
  • Part Seeds
  • Botanical Name Oenothera Biennis
  • HS Code 1515
  • This Prices Including 18% GST Tax + All other Taxes
  • Note Samples are free

D.S. Evening Primrose Oil Reduces PMS Pain & Increases Fertility

1. Hormones (PMS + Menopause)

  • What are the benefits of taking evening primrose oil capsules? For starters, women around the world take evening primrose oil to naturally treat PMS symptoms because of its essential fatty acid content. Getting enough omega-6 fatty acids, such as LA and GLA, is shown to support overall hormonal function within the body.
  • During a woman’s premenstrual period, she may experience breast tenderness, bloating, water retention, acne, depression, irritability, foggy thinking and headaches — these symptoms reportedly can subside after using evening primrose oil, according to a study in the journal Lipids. (3)
  • Evening primrose oil menopause use is also quite common because, again, this natural oil can help to balance hormones and improve unwanted menopause symptoms.
  • In 2013, the results of a randomized clinical trial which looked at the effects of evening primrose oil on 56 menopausal women (aged 45–59 years), was published. These women took two 500 milligram capsules of evening primrose oil or a placebo every day for a total of six weeks. The researchers then compared hot flashes between the two groups and found that oral evening primrose oil decreased the intensity of hot flash attacks and decreased the life disruption that results from these attacks. (4)

2. Fertility

  • An omega-3 fatty acid, GLA, has been shown to increase the production of cervical mucus, a factor in successful reproduction and thus a natural treatment for infertility. Cervical fluid is vital for allowing the sperm to swim freely through the cervix. Having a healthy pregnancy is more difficult for women with little or no cervical fluid because the sperm have trouble moving and there may not be a friendly environment for the sperm to sustain themselves.
  • To increase cervical mucus, the recommended dosage is 500 milligrams of evening primrose oil, three times a day. If you aren’t getting results after trying 1, 500 milligrams a day, double your dose during the next cycle.
  • The high levels of essential fatty acids present in evening primrose oil have a direct effect on uterine cells as well — enabling another evening primrose oil health benefit. These essential fatty acids cause the contraction and relaxation of muscle tissue, and this tones the uterine muscles in preparation for pregnancy. Consuming evening primrose oil for its fatty acid content is best only when naturally trying to get pregnant — not for women who are already pregnant because the contraction of the uterus may be problematic at that point.
  • An animal study done at the Department of Animal Nutrition and Management included male and female blue foxes that were given evening primrose oil during mating season in order to measure its effect on reproductive performance. An interesting result was an increase in litter size, mainly as an effect of male treatment, which might indicate that evening primrose oil benefits go beyond the uterus and have an impact on semen quality as well. (5)

3. Acne

  • Is evening primrose oil acne clearing? Even though there aren’t a lot of studies to prove evening primrose’s benefits for acne, dermatologists are known to recommend it as part of an anti-acne regimen and first-hand accounts by acne sufferers also celebrate its skin-clearing benefits when used externally and/or internally. (6, 7)
  • Hormonal acne can be troublesome for many people, especially teenagers who are dealing with fluctuating hormones during puberty. A hormonal imbalance can lead to acne in teens and adults alike, and many people don’t realize that acne can be treated naturally. This is especially true for women because they go through regular periods of hormone fluctuations — this includes the menstrual cycle and menopause.
  • In order to treat hormonal acne, you need to tackle the root of the problem — the hormonal imbalance. No topical treatment does that for you; it only treats the already existing pimples or scars. Getting a proper balance of omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6 fatty acids from healthy sources (like evening primrose oil) may help to overcome and prevent acne. (8) These fatty acids also play a role in cell structure, improving nerve function and promoting skin elasticity.
  • To take advantage of this evening primrose oil health benefit for hormonal acne, you can take an evening primrose oil capsule daily — much like a fish oil capsule. You can also put the oil on your face directly. This is known to help with the healing process and improve the overall appearance of your skin.

4. Hair Loss

  • Men and women struggle with hair loss, and sometimes the best way to prevent this issue is with diet or supplements. Hormones in both men and women are responsible for many body processes. When it comes to hair, hormones play a significant role — including in the hair pattern found on your head, as well as the rest of your body.
  • While there hasn’t been much research to date on using evening primrose specifically as a hair loss remedy, since the oil has been shown to improve skin inflammation and dryness, it makes sense that these benefits would transfer to the skin on our scalps and likely help to boost hair growth and quality. (9)
  • You can apply evening primrose oil directly to the scalp and hair. Let it sit for 30 minutes as a rich, hydrating mask, and then wash your hair as you normally would.

5. Skin Health

  • Evening primrose oil has proved to be a valuable treatment choice for people suffering from skin conditions, such as eczema, psoriasis and atopic dermatitis. Studies published in the International Journal of Cosmetic Science have even shown that evening primrose oil can help with age-related structural and functional changes in skin tissues, such as redness, firmness, roughness and fatigue resistance. (10)
  • Eczema is generally caused by an allergic response to foods, chemicals or other substances, such as perfumes or soaps; it causes dry, red, itchy skin that can blister or crack.
  • Research shows that people with eczema don’t have the normal ability to process fatty acids; this results in a deficiency of gamma-linolenic acid, or GLA. GLA is an omega-6 fatty acid that the body can convert to substances that reduce inflammation and cell growth. Studies prove that evening primrose oil is remarkably effective in relieving many symptoms of eczema, including itching, redness and edema.
  • Psoriasis occurs when skin cells replicate too quickly, which results in swollen patches under the skin covered with whitish scales on top. The scaly patches, also known as psoriatic plaques, are areas of inflammation and excessive skin production. The cause of psoriasis includes hormonal changes, poor diet and difficulty digesting protein. An evening primrose oil benefit is its ability to help naturally treat psoriasis — because the essential fatty acids help with hormone balance and digestion.
  • Atopic dermatitis is a chronic, relapsing, itchy skin condition that commonly starts in childhood. The condition begins with a defective metabolism of essential fatty acids. One study published in the Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology, and Leprology measured the impact of 500 milligrams of evening primrose oil on patients who struggled with this skin condition. Ninety-six percent (!) of the patients showed improvement after five months, and this form of treatment was noted as safe and effective. (11)

6. Rheumatoid Arthritis

  • Rheumatoid arthritis is a type of chronic arthritis that occurs in joints on both sides of the body — such as both hands, both wrists or both knees. It’s an autoimmune disease, which means that the body’s immune system attacks its own healthy tissues. The cause of rheumatoid arthritis is a combination of genetic, environmental and hormonal factors.
  • Some studies show that primrose oil may be a suitable natural remedy for rheumatoid arthritis. One study done by Arthritis Research UK measured the effects of evening primrose oil on 49 people. The data found that 94 percent of participants who got evening primrose oil reported a significant improvement of disease-related symptoms, including pain and morning stiffness. When using evening primrose oil for symptoms of arthritis, it may take one to three months for benefits to appear. (12)

7. Osteoporosis

  • Osteoporosis is when small holes or weakened areas are formed in the bone; this can lead to fractures, pain and a dowager’s hump (a hump at the upper back).
  • Some studies propose that people who don’t get enough of some essential fatty acids are more likely to have bone loss than those with normal levels of these fatty acids. Taking evening primrose oil, along with fish oil and calcium, seems to decrease bone loss and increase bone density in elderly people with osteoporosis.
  • In one controlled trial, women either took a placebo or six grams of a combination of evening primrose oil and fish oil along with 600 milligrams of calcium every day for a total of three years. The women who took evening primrose, fish oil and calcium had zero spinal bone loss in the first 18 months and an impressive 3.1 percent increase in spinal bone mineral density during the last 18 months.
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Frankincense Hydrosol

  • Type Herbal
  • Shelf Life 3 Years
  • Packaging Type 30 to 210 Ltr. (Aluminium/Plastic) Drum/Barrel
  • Form Liquid
  • Usage Everywhere
  • Grade Superior
  • Storage Cool & Dry Place
  • Note Samples are free

Hydrosols are an aqueous product of steam/hydro distillation. Period. They are not spring water with added essential oils. Quality hydrosols are produced by distilling fresh plant material. Straight from the Artisan Distiller to you. This hydrosol is distilled from organic Frankincense Resins. Truly unique. Frankincense is excellent for skin. We use it externally for a lovely facial toner.

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Rosemary Oil

8,750 /100ml, 250ml, 500ml & 1kg Get Latest Price
  • Part Herb
  • Botanical Name Rosmarinus Officinalis
  • Extraction Method Steam Distillation
  • Color White
  • HS Code 3301
  • Storage Cool & Dry Place
  • This Prices Including 18% GST Tax + All other Taxes
  • Note Samples are free

D.S. Rosemary Oil Uses and Benefits for Hair Growth and MoreRosemary is much more than an aromatic herb that tastes great on potatoes and roasted lamb. It’s actually one of the most powerful herbs and essential oils on the planet!
Having an antioxidant ORAC value of 11, 070, rosemary has the same incredible free radical fighting power as goji berries. (1) This wooded evergreen native to the Mediterranean has been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years to improve memory, soothe digestive problems, boost the immune system and relieve aches and pains.
As I’m about to share, rosemary essential oil benefits and uses just seem to keep increasing according to scientific studies, with some of the most recent ones even pointing towards rosemary’s ability to have amazing anti-cancer effects on several different types of cancer!

What Is Rosemary Essential Oil?Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) is a small evergreen plant that belongs to the mint family, which also includes the herbs lavender, basil, myrtle and sage. Its leaves are commonly used fresh or dried to flavor various dishes.
Rosemary essential oil is extracted from the leaves and flowering tops of the plant. With a woody, evergreen-like scent, rosemary oil is typically described as invigorating and purifying.
Most of rosemary’s beneficial health effects haven been attributed to the high antioxidant activity of its main chemical constituents, including carnosol, carnosic acid, ursolic acid, rosmarinic acid and caffeic acid. (2)
Considered sacred by ancient Greeks, Romans, Egyptians and Hebrews, rosemary has a lengthy history of use for centuries. In terms of the some of the more interesting uses of rosemary throughout time, it’s said that it was used as a wedding love charm when it was worn by brides and grooms in the middle ages. Around the world in places like Australia and Europe, rosemary is also viewed as a sign of honor and remembrance when used at funerals. (3)

Top 5 Rosemary Oil BenefitsResearch has uncovered that rosemary essential oil is highly effective when it comes to many major yet common health concerns facing us today. Here are just some of the top ways that you may find rosemary essential oil to be helpful.

1. Discourages Hair Loss and Boosts Growth

  • Androgenetic alopecia, more commonly known as male pattern baldness or female pattern baldness, is a common form of hair loss which is believed to be related to a person’s genetics and sex hormones. (4, 5) A byproduct of testosterone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is known to attack hair follicles leading to permanent hair loss, which is a problem for both sexes but especially for men who produce more testosterone than women.
  • A randomized comparative trial published in 2015 looked at the effectiveness of rosemary oil on hair loss due to androgenetic alopecia (AGA) compared to a common conventional form of treatment (minoxidil 2%). For six months, 50 subjects with AGA used rosemary oil while another 50 used minoxidil. After three months, neither group saw any improvement, but after six months, both groups saw equally significant increases in hair count. So the natural rosemary oil performed as well hair loss remedy as the conventional form of treatment and also caused less scalp itching compared to the minoxidil as a side effect. (6)
  • Animal research also demonstrates rosemary’s ability to inhibit DHT in subjects with hair regrowth disrupted by testosterone treatment. (7)
  • To experience how rosemary oil for hair growth, try using my homemade DIY Rosemary Mint Shampoo recipe.
  • Related: Rosemary, Cedarwood and Sage Hair Thickener

2. Improves Memory

  • There’s a meaningful quote in Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” that points towards one of its most impressive benefits: “There’s rosemary, that’s for remembrance. Pray you, love, remember.” (8) Worn by Greek scholars to enhance their memory when taking exams, the mental strengthening ability of rosemary has been known for thousands of years.
  • The International Journal of Neuroscience published a study highlighting this phenomenon in 2017. Upon evaluating how the cognitive performance of 144 participants was affected by lavender oil and rosemary oil aromatherapy, University of Northumbria, Newcastle researchers discovered that: (9)
  • “Rosemary produced a significant enhancement of performance for overall quality of memory and secondary memory factors.”
  • Probably due to its significant calming effect, “lavender produced a significant decrement in performance of working memory, and impaired reaction times for both memory and attention-based tasks.”
  • Rosemary helped people become more alert.
  • Lavender and rosemary helped produced a feeling of “contentment” in the volunteers.
  • Affecting much more than memory, studies have also known that rosemary essential oil may help treat and prevent Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Published in Psychogeriatrics, the effects of aromatherapy were tested on 28 elderly people with dementia (17 of whom had Alzheimer’s).
  • After inhaling the vapor of rosemary oil and lemon oil in the morning, and lavender and orange oils in the evening, various functional assessments were conducted and all patients displayed significant improvement in personal orientation in relation to cognitive function with no unwanted side effects. Overall, the researchers concluded that “aromatherapy may have some potential for improving cognitive function, especially in AD patients.” (10)

3. Liver Boosting

  • Traditionally used for its ability to help with gastrointestinal complaints, rosemary is also a fantastic liver cleanser and booster. It’s an herb known for its choleretic and hepatoprotective effects. In case you’re not impressed, let me define these two qualities. First, being described as “choleretic” means that rosemary is a substance that increases the amount of bile secreted by the liver. Hepatoprotective means the ability of something to prevent damage to the liver. (11)
  • Animal research reveals that rosemary (and olive) leaf extracts provide liver protective benefits to animal subjects with chemically-induced liver cirrhosis. Specifically, the rosemary extract was able to inhibit the unwanted functional and tissue changes to the liver that result from cirrhosis. (12)

4. Lowers Cortisol

  • A study was conducted out of Meikai University, School of Dentistry in Japan that evaluated how five minutes of lavender and rosemary aromatherapy affected the salivary cortisol levels (the “stress” hormone) of 22 healthy volunteers.
  • Upon observing that both essential oils enhance free radical scavenging activity, they also discovered that both greatly reduced cortisol levels, which protects the body from chronic disease due to oxidative stress. (13)

5. Cancer Fighting

  • In addition to being a rich antioxidant, rosemary is also known for its anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties. One of rosemary’s main active components is carnosol. According to a recent article published in the journal Cancer Letters, “Carnosol has been evaluated for anti-cancer property in prostate, breast, skin, leukemia, and colon cancer with promising results.” In addition, carnosol appears to have “a selective toxicity towards cancer cells versus non-tumorigenic cells and is well tolerated when administered to animals.”(14)
  • In other words, carnosol acts like a military sniper who only takes out his enemy target and doesn’t damage neighboring cells, unlike the chemotherapy nuclear-bomb approach that kills everything along its path.

An article published in the journal Nutrients in 2016 notes that rosemary extract has been shown to exhibit anti-cancer properties in vitro for the following cancers : (15)

  • Colon cancer
  • Pancreatic cancer
  • Breast cancer
  • Prostate cancer
  • Ovarian cancer
  • Cervical cancer
  • Bladder cancer
  • Liver cancer
  • Lung cancer

Best Rosemary Oil Uses

  • As you can see from the research, rosemary essential oil is can be used in a variety of ways. When it comes to implementing rosemary oil uses into your natural health regimen, I personally recommend the following do-it-yourself recipes:
  • Improve Memory: Mix 3 drops of rosemary oil with 1/2 teaspoon of coconut oil and rub on upper neck or diffuse for 1 hour a day.
  • Study better: Are you or your child trying to memorize information for an upcoming test? Diffuse rosemary oil while studying to boost cognitive function and memory.
  • Hair Thickener: Try my Olive Oil Hair Treatment with Rosemary and Lavender, or you can also use my homemade rosemary mint shampoo recipe, which is another great way to incorporate rosemary into your routine for a scalp and hair boost.
  • Boost Prostate Health: Mix 2 drops of rosemary oil with 1/2 teaspoon of carrier oil and rub beneath testicles.
  • Reduce Pain: Mix 2 drops of rosemary oil, 2 drops of peppermint oil and 1 teaspoon of coconut oil and rub on sore muscles and painful joints to increase circulation and decrease inflammation.
  • Improve Gallbladder Function: Mix 3 drops of rosemary oil with 1/4 teaspoon of coconut oil and rub over gallbladder area twice daily.
  • Help Neuropathy and Neuralgia: Take 2 drops of rosemary oil, 2 drops of helichrysum oil, 2 drops of cypress oil and 1/2 teaspoon of a carrier oil and rub on area of neuropathy.
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Khus Hydrosol

  • Type Herbal
  • Shelf Life 3 Years
  • Form Liquid
  • Usage Everywhere
  • Packaging 30 to 210 Ltr. (Aluminium/Plastic) Drum/Barrel
  • Grade Superior
  • Storage Cool & Dry Place
  • Note Samples are free

Vetiver is derived from the complex white root system of a grass used in India and Sri Lanka for the creation of woven matting. It grows up to 1.5 meters. It is thick, clumping and non- running grass that has deep, bulky and matting root system. Generally, Vetiver is known as Khus- Khus, Khas- khas, Botha grass or Aga Wangi. Khus Hydrosol obtained from the steam distillation of roots of vetiver.

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Thyme Oil

5,250 /100ml, 250ml, 500ml & 1kg Get Latest Price
  • Type Thyme Oil
  • Certification ISO 9001:2008 Certified
  • Application Medicines
  • Color White
  • Form Liquid
  • Part Herb
  • HS Code 3301
  • Botanical Name Thymus Vulgaris
  • Extraction Method Steam Distillation
  • Storage Cool & Dry Place
  • This Prices Including 18% GST Tax + All other Taxes
  • Note Samples are free
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Eucalyptus Oil

  • Color White
  • Part Seeds
  • HS Code 3301
  • Botanical Name Eucalyptus Globulus
  • Extraction Method Steam Distillation
  • Storage Cool & Dry Place
  • Note Samples are free

With the aim to opt for excellent quality aspects for our products, we are indulged in presenting supreme quality eucalyptus oil for our clients. With good fragrance, medicinal property and cooling properties, our range of eucalyptus oil has high perfumery, medicinal and industrial uses. Eucalyptus oil can be used to improve respiratory conditions, relieve cough, improve seasonal allergies, fight infections, reduce pain and inflammation, treat headaches, heal wounds, boost mental clarity, repel rats, etc. The product offered by D.S. Fragrances is formulated with the advanced technology with accurate composition and is well packed with customized packaging material to meet the set industry standards. Feel free to get in touch with us and avail the product at a very reasonable price.

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Lavender Oil

35,000 /100ml, 250ml, 500ml & 1kg Get Latest Price
  • Color White
  • Part Flower Head
  • Extraction Method Steam Distillation
  • Storage Cool & Dry Place
  • HS Code 3301
  • Botanical Name Lavendula Officinalis
  • This Prices Including 18% GST Tax + All other Taxes
  • Note Samples are free

D.S. Fragrances is a trusted name in presenting a distinguished range of lavender oil in the market. Being a client-centric organization, we serve as one of the leading natural lavender oil manufacturers based in Kannauj Uttar Pradesh. Having lots of benefits, the lavender oil offered by us is hygienically processed and is available in sealed packs in order to maintain the purity and longer shelf life. Lavender oil is beneficial for treating insomnia, anxiety, fungal infection, hair loss, headache, and also helps in healing wounds, etc. As we are one of the reputed lavender oil suppliers in the market, we ensure that the offered oil goes through several quality checks on different standards. Moreover, our lavender oil is reasonably priced so that they can be accessible by everyone.

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Apricot Oil

4,375 /100ml, 250ml, 500ml & 1kg Get Latest Price
  • Type Carrier
  • Shelf Life 1 Year
  • Form Liquid
  • Botanical Name Prunus Armeniaca
  • Plant Part Kernel
  • Extraction Method Cold Pressed
  • HS Code 3301
  • This Prices Including 18% GST Tax + All other Taxes
  • Note Samples are free

D.S. Apricot Benefits the Liver, Eyes & Digestive System

1. Protects the Liver

  • Besides being the largest internal organ in the human body, the liver is also one of the most important. It has a long list of functions, from producing proteins that help blood clotting to breaking down fats to produce energy.
  • Some research suggests that the apricot fruit benefits the health of your liver and may even protect against liver disease.
  • In one animal study published in the British Journal of Nutrition, apricot was able to protect against liver damage as well as fatty liver, a condition characterized by the accumulation of fat in the liver. (1) Another animal study out of Turkey found that supplementing rats who had part of their livers removed with sun-dried organic apricot helped promote liver regeneration. (2)
  • Consuming an anti-inflammatory diet, reducing your stress levels and getting in more physical activity can also help give your liver function a boost.

2. High in Antioxidants

  • In addition to supplying a wide array of important micronutrients, apricots are also loaded with antioxidants. Antioxidants are compounds that protect against free radicals and prevent damage to cells. They may also reduce the risk of certain chronic conditions like heart disease and cancer. (3)
  • Apricots are loaded with carotenoids, a type of pigment with antioxidant properties. According to one study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, apricots are especially high in carotenoids like beta-carotene, beta-cryptoxanthin and gamma-carotene. (4)
  • Besides apricots, other fruits and vegetables, as well as herbs and spices like turmeric and cilantro, are also high antioxidant foods that you can easily incorporate into your diet.

3. Reduces Inflammation

  • Inflammation is not necessarily a bad thing. In fact, it’s a perfectly normal response triggered by the immune system to keep out foreign invaders and protect the body from injury.
  • Chronic inflammation, on the other hand, can wreak havoc on your body and contribute to diseases like heart disease, diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Some studies have found that apricots could possess potent anti-inflammatory properties to help protect against disease. The apricot seeds, in particular, are believed to be effective in relieving inflammation. In one animal study, giving rats apricot kernel oil extract helped protect against ulcerative colitis, a type of inflammatory bowel disease. (5)
  • Other anti-inflammatory foods include leafy green vegetables, beets, broccoli, blueberries and pineapple.

4. Supports Regularity

  • Apricots are loaded with fiber, providing about 3.1 grams — or up to 12 percent of your daily needs — in just one cup.
  • Fiber moves through the body undigested, helping add bulk to stool and prevent constipation. One analysis composed of five studies showed that increasing fiber intake helped increase stool frequency in patients with constipation. (6)
  • Sweet apricot seeds, which are commonly sold as snack foods, can supply even more fiber. A 1/4-cup serving contains an estimated five grams of fiber, meeting up to 20 percent of your daily fiber needs.
  • In addition to apricots, other high-fiber foods that can help alleviate constipation include fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds.

5. Promotes Eye Health

  • Apricots are an excellent source of vitamin A. Just one cup of raw apricots can knock out 60 percent of the vitamin A you need for the entire day while a cup of dried apricot can nearly fulfill your daily vitamin A requirements all on its own.
  • Vitamin A plays a central role when it comes to eye health. In fact, vitamin A deficiency can result in symptoms like night blindness, dry eyes and vision loss.
  • Besides being rich in vision-boosting vitamin A, apricots may benefit eye health in other ways. A 2016 animal study, for example, showed that applying apricot kernel extract topically helped reduce dry eyes by promoting tear fluid production in mice. (7)
  • Other top vitamin A foods include beef liver, sweet potato, carrots, kale and spinach.
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Clary Sage Hydrosol

  • Type Herbal
  • Shelf Life 3 Years
  • Packaging Type 30 to 210 Ltr. (Aluminium/Plastic) Drum/Barrel
  • Form Liquid
  • Grade Superior
  • Usage Everywhere
  • Storage Cool & Dry Place
  • Note Samples are free

Clary Sage is the one of the most significant essential oils which is extracted by the distillation of the flowering tops of Salvia sclarea, which at the same time is quite rare and found in only a few parts of Africa. This plant is made sure to grow without any fertilizers and made sure that it gets totally natural growth. At, we make the best Clary Sage Hydrosol Oil which you can buy right away.

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Pure Basil Oil

  • Type Basil Oil
  • Certification FSSAI Certified, ISO-9001: 2008
  • Cultivation Type Natural, Organic
  • Processing Type Refined
  • Feature High In Protein, Rich In Vitamin
  • Form Liquid
  • Packaging Type Aluminium
  • Application Body Care, Skin Care
  • Packaging Size 1L
  • HS Code 3301
  • Botanical Name Ocimum Basilicum
  • Part Leaves
  • Extraction Method Steam Distillation
  • Color White
  • Stroage Cool & Dry Place
  • Note Samples are free

Ocimum basilicum L. (sweet basil) belongs to the Lamiaceae or mint plant family, which includes about 200 species of various basil botanical varieties and forms grown around the world. With a naturally sweet, warm, spicy and herbal smell, basil oil can be used in multiple ways both internally and topically.

Basil essential oil benefits include :

  • Fighting bacteria
  • Fighting infections
  • Reducing disease-causing inflammation
  • Fighting viruses
  • Relieving congestion
  • Increasing urine output
  • Fighting free radical damage
  • Stimulating the nervous system
  • Stimulating the adrenal cortex

Basil Essential Oil Uses
1. Potent Antibacterial :

  • Basil oil has shown impressive antimicrobial activity against a wide range of food-borne bacteria, yeasts and mold. Researchers have shown that basil oil is effective against a common food born pathogen known as E. coli. (4)
  • Another study has shown that Ocimum basilicum oils can decrease bacteria due to spoilage and food-borne pathogens when it’s included in the water used to wash fresh organic produce. (5)
  • You can use basil oil in your home to remove bacteria from kitchens and bathrooms, prevent surface contamination and purify the air. Try diffusing or basil oil or combining it with water in a spray bottle to rub down surfaces in your home. You can also use the spray to clean produce.

2. Cold and Flu Treatment

  • Don’t be too surprised if you see basil on a list of essential oils that can help relieve cold and flu symptoms. Reader’s Digest, for example, recently included basil essential oil on that exact type of list and highlighted its “anti-spasmodic qualities that work best if you do a steam inhalation or drink tea made with this.” (6)
  • So how can basil oil help with a cold or flu case? Both the common cold as well as the flu are caused by viruses and research has shown that basil oil is a natural anti-viral. (7) So it may be surprising but true that basil oil can be used as a natural cold remedy.
  • If you’re sick, I recommend diffusing the oil throughout your home, add one to two drops to a steam bath, or make a homemade vapor rub using eucalyptus oil and basil oil that can massaged into the chest to open up your nasal passages.

3. Natural Odor Eliminator and Cleaner

  • Basil is capable of eliminating odor-causing bacteria and fungus from your home, car, appliances and furniture thanks to its antibacterial and antifungal properties. (8) In fact, the word basil is derived from the Greek sentence that means “to smell.”
  • Traditionally in India, it’s been used for many culinary applications, including to eliminate odors and clean kitchen equipment. Run several drops through your kitchen appliances; combine it with baking soda to remove stains and bacteria from pots or pans; or spray it inside your toilet, shower and garbage cans.

4. Flavor Enhancer

  • You’re probably familiar with how just a couple of fresh basil leaves can majorly enhance a dish. Basil oil can also infuse a wide variety of recipes with its signature aroma and flavor. All it takes is adding one or two drops to juices, smoothies, sauces or dressings in place of using fresh torn basil. In the process, you’ll make your kitchen smell great and reduce the risk for food contamination, too! Now, there’s a win-win situation.

5. Muscle Relaxant

  • Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, basil oil can help with aching muscles. (9) Useful as a natural muscle relaxer, you can rub a few drops of basil essential oil along with coconut oil into painful, swollen muscles or joints. To further help relax tense areas and feel immediate relief, try soaking in a warm bath with Epsom salts and a couple drops of lavender oil and basil oil.

6. Ear Infection Remedy

  • Basil oil is sometimes recommended as a natural ear infection remedy. A study published in The Journal of Infectious Diseases used an animal model to look at the effects of putting basil oil into the ear canals of subjects with middle ear infections. What did they find? The basil oil  “cured or healed” over half of the animal subjects with ear infections due to H. influenzae bacteria compared to about a six percent heal rate in the placebo group. (10)
  • Rubbing a a couple drops of antibacterial basil oil diluted in a carrier oil like coconut or almond behind the ears and on the bottoms of the feet may speed up the time it takes to recover from ear infections while also reducing pain and swelling.

7. Homemade Toothpaste and Mouthwash

  • To remove bacteria and odor from your mouth, you can add several drops of pure basil oil to your mouthwash or toothpaste. You can also include it in a homemade mouthwash or homemade toothpaste recipe. With its natural antioxidant and antibacterial abilities, I love basil oil as dental health boosting ingredient to help protect my teeth and gums.

8. Energizer and Mood Enhancer

  • Inhaling basil can help restore mental alertness and fight fatigue since it’s naturally a stimulant that works on the nervous system and adrenal cortex. Many people find it beneficial for reducing symptoms like sluggishness, brain fog and poor moods that accompany adrenal fatigue or chronic fatigue.
  • Diffuse basil essential oil throughout your home or inhale it directly from the bottle. You can also combine a couple drops of basil oil with a carrier oil like jojoba and put it on your wrists for an instant pick-me-up.

9. Insect Repellent

  • Similarly to other essential oils, including citronella oil and thyme oil, research has shown that the volatile oils found in basil can repel mosquitoes and help to prevent bug bites. (11)
  • To make a homemade bug spray or lotion, dilute several drops of basil essential oils with carrier oil and massage into skin or swollen bites as needed.

10. Acne and Insect Bite Remedy

  • Since skin breakouts are mainly caused by a built-up bacteria, excess oil and small areas of infections, basil essential oil can act as a home remedy for acne. Basil essential oil is one of several essential oils that can effectively kill skin pathogens that lead to acne breakouts. When it come the skin, it’s also used for natural treatment of insect bites and wasp stings. (12)
  • Human research also demonstrates that basil essential oil can help to clear up acne lesions with little little discomfort or side effects after application. If there was any burning or redness, it disappeared within a few minutes of application. (13)
  • Using a clean cotton ball, apply one to two drops of basil oil along with coconut or jojoba oil to the affected area once or twice daily.

11. Digestive Booster

  • Basil essential oil is known for helping to stimulate digestion and naturally relieving constipation. (14) Pure basil oil can be taken internally by adding one to two drops to warm water or tea, or you can inhale it and massage it directly into painful areas such as the abdomen and lower back.

12. Stress-Fighter

  • Basil oil is known to be uplifting and renewing, which makes it useful for lowering symptoms of anxiety, fear or nervousness. Used for aromatherapy for centuries to help people deal with racing thoughts and overwhelming feelings, you can burn basil oil at home to relax and unwind. This can also work quickly for natural headache relief. Massage one or two drops with a carrier oil into your feet or over your adrenals nightly to reduce stress.

13. Hair Booster

  • To strip away excess grease or buildup on your hair while adding shine, add a drop or two of basil oil to your shampoo. You can also try mixing it with baking soda and apple cider vinegar to balance scalp pH while removing grease and residue from hair naturally.

Basil Essential Oil Use and Recipes
Here’s how you can start using basil essential oil at home today :

  • Aromatically : Basil essential oil can be diffused throughout your home using an oil diffuser or vaporizer. You can also inhale it directly from the bottle or rub several drops into your palms and then place your hands over your face to inhale.
  • Topically : Basil oil should be diluted with a carrier oil like coconut oil in a 1:1 ratio before applying to directly to your skin. Since it’s a potent oil, start very slowly and use several drops at a time. Basil oil can sometimes cause skin reactions to people with sensitive skin, so avoid using it on your face, neck or chest before making sure you react positively.
  • Internally : The FDA recognizes pure basil oil as safe for consumption (by 21CFR182.20), but this is ONLY the case when using 100 percent therapeutic-grade, high-quality oil brands. Purchase your oil from a reputable seller and check the ingredient label carefully. You should only look for an oil that is made from the Ocimum basilicum. You can add a drop to water or take it as a dietary supplement by mixing it with raw honey or into a smoothie.

10 D.S. Holy Basil Benefits : Tulsi Helps Anxiety, Acne & More

  • Holy basil, otherwise known as tulsi in Hindu, is known for its therapeutic power when it comes to maintaining homeostasis and fighting the effects of stress. The tulsi plant has a rich history dating back 3, 000 years ago to ancient India, as it’s long been considered a medicinal herb and sacred plant in Ayurvedic medicine. Historically, it was used as medicine and still today holy basil leaves are regarded as natural adaptogens (anti-stress agents) that promote health throughout the entire body.
  • What does holy basil do for the body? In the last few decades, several Indian scientists and researchers have studied the pharmacological effects of various parts of the tulsi plant on the immune system, reproductive system, central nervous system, cardiovascular system, gastric system, urinary system and blood biochemistry.
  • Today, tulsi is commonly consumed in supplement form or as holy basil tea. Research tells us that holy basil benefits include naturally decreasing anxiety, helping to manage adrenal fatigue/dysfunction and decreasing symptoms caused by hypothyroidism, unbalanced blood sugar, acne and more.

What Is Holy Basil?Holy basil (Ocimum tenuiflorum or Ocimum sanctum)  is an aromatic shrub in the Lamiaceae basil plant family. It’s thought to have originated in north central India and now grows native throughout the Eastern world. Also known as tulsi, which means “the incomparable one” in Hindu, the holy basil plant is a perennial that has a light lemon scent and purple-pink flowers.
Extracts, oils and supplements can be made from holy basil seeds, leaves, flowers and stems. The holy basil leaf, an oval-shaped leaf with a slightly sharp tip is used to make tulsi tea, is where the majority of the plant’s healing compounds are found. There are two common types of tulsi: Rama tulsi, which has a white stem and green leaves, and Shyam tulsi, which has a dark pinkish-purple stem and leaves. Both types are similar in terms of their health benefits and uses.
Researchers describe holy basil as a natural protector of organs and tissues, defending against chemical stress caused by factors like industrial pollutants, heavy metals, physical stress from prolonged physical exertion, ischemia, physical restraint and exposure to cold and excessive noise. Many of its protective effects are due to its rich concentration of phytochemical constituents, including: eugenol, oleanolic acid, ursolic acid, rosmarinic acid, carvacrol and others.

Holy Basil vs. BasilMore than 40 different basil varieties (and possibly as many as 150) are grown around the world for their edible and medicinal uses. All types of basilare species of the genus Ocimum. Compared to the commonly sold type of “traditional” basil (O. basilicum) that has a sweet taste, holy basil is described as being more peppery, spicy and also minty, which is why it’s sometimes called “hot basil.” There are also many other varieties of basil that have aromas and tastes of lemon, cinnamon, clove, etc.
Both types of basil can be cooked with, including using fresh or dried leaves, but holy basil has therapeutic uses that traditional basil does not. Traditional basil is still a good source of antioxidants and a great addition to healthy recipes, but it’s less commonly used to make extracts, essential oils or supplements.

10 Holy Basil Benefits
1. Fights Skin Infections and Acne

  • Holy basil has been found to have antibacterial, antiviral, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory and analgesic (painkilling) properties. It can help kill bacteria that can cause breakouts and skin infections, so it’s a great natural remedy for wounds, plus a home remedy for acne and other skin irritations. It’s believed to benefit the skin and treat skin infections both internally and externally.
  • The primary active compound of holy basil oil is eugenol, also the active ingredient in the powerful antimicrobial clove oil, which is widely believed to help combat many skin disorders. Holy basil also contains other therapeutic components, including gamma-caryophyllene and methyl eugenol.
  • Research published in the International Journal of Cosmetic Science shows that when used with coconut oil as a carrier, holy basil absorbs into the skin even better and could be even more effective against acne.

2. Protects Against Diabetes

  • Holy basil benefits appear to include the ability to control blood glucose levels as demonstrated by several test tube and animal experiments, as well as human clinical trials.
  • A randomized placebo-controlled, single blind trial of holy basil leaves points toward holy basil’s anti-diabetic activity. In this trial, patients with noninsulin-dependent diabetes experienced decreases in fasting blood sugar levels, postprandial (after a meal) blood sugar levels, urine blood sugar levels as well as mean total cholesterol levels during the holy basil treatment period. Overall, the researchers conclude holy basil may be prescribed as part of a treatment plan for people with mild-to-moderate non-insulin dependent diabetes.

3. Helps Fight Cancer

  • In general, holy basil may not only possibly work as a natural cancer treatment, but another of the many holy basil benefits include that it may also help to prevent it. Research shows that people who regularly consume tulsi are less likely to be immunocompromised and less susceptible to developing cancer cells.
  • According to research published in the journal Nutrition and Cancer, tulsi and its phytochemicals (including eugenol, rosmarinic acid, apigenin, myretenal, luteolin, ß-sitosterol and carnosic acid), in some cases, may help prevent chemical-induced lung, liver, oral and skin cancers because they increase antioxidant activity, alter healthy gene expressions, induce cancer cell death, prevent blood vessel growth contributing to cancer cell growth and stop metastasis — which is the spread of cancer from one organ to another.
  • Holy basil benefits also appear to help protect the body from radiation poisoning and help minimize damage from radiation treatment, according to research published in 2016 in the the Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics. It selectively protects the normal tissues against the destructive effects of radiation.
  • In fact, the journal Nutrition and Cancer published an interesting review outlining the important research involving tulsi’s ability to help fight against cancer that we’ve seen in the past several years. The doctors involved in this research agree that conventional chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatments used during the past three decades haven’t been able to contain the disease, plus they have serious side effects. Many natural agents — especially holy basil leaves and extracts from other plants — prove to be non-toxic, easily available and have potential anti-cancer properties.

4. Balances Stress Hormones

  • There’s evidence that tulsi can address physical, chemical, metabolic and psychological stress through a unique combination of pharmacological actions. One of the most well-researched holy basil benefits is its ability to keep hormone levels balanced naturally and to lower symptoms of anxiety.
  • According to a scientific article published in 2014 in the Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, “Tulsi has also been shown to counter metabolic stress through normalization of blood glucose, blood pressure and lipid levels, and psychological stress through positive effects on memory and cognitive function and through its anxiolytic and antidepressant properties.”
  • Some other evidence of this stress-lowering effect includes the ability of holy basil to improve reaction times and error rates in human subjects compared to placebo. There also seems to be a positive effect of holy basil on cortisol levels.
  • Holy basil includes three phytochemical compounds that help achieve these results. The first two, ocimumosides A and B, have been identified as anti-stress compounds and may lower blood corticosterone (another stress hormone) and create positive alterations in the neurotransmitter system of the brain. According to an article published in Alternative and Complementary Therapies, the third, 4-allyl-1-O-beta-D-glucopyronosyl-2-hydroxybenzene, is also able to lower stress parameters in lab studies.
  • To use holy basil for anxiety, research suggests taking holy basil leaf extract twice daily after meals can help with managing symptoms. You can also try drinking tulsi tea, or adding tulsi to your meals.
  • Does holy basil increase testosterone? While some speculate that it can boost testosterone production, perhaps by possibly reducing stress and supporting thyroid/adrenal function, there isn’t much evidence proving it has this effect. Some preliminary research in animals actually shows the compound called ursolic acid found in holy basil may reduce fertility by damaging sperm. This has led some researchers to believe that holy basil may be used as an effective male contraceptive agent.

5. Relieves Fever

  • Holy basil is often recommended as a natural fever reliever, especially by practitioners of Ayurvedic medicine. Holy basil leaves are thought to act as antibiotic, germicidal and disinfectant agents, which means they can protect us from bacteria and viruses. When we have a fever, it’s proof that our bodies are fighting against an infection. Therefore, with its infection-fighting properties, tulsi may help to fight a fever.

6. Helps Improve Respiratory Disorders

  • Holy basil benefits are found in the components of tulsi leaves, including camphene, eugenol and cineole, which help provide relief from congestion and other symptoms of respiratory disorders. Scientific studies have confirmed that holy basil possesses impressive anti-asthmatic abilities and may make breathing easier, which is why it’s a commonly recommended herb for respiratory issues in Ayurvedic medicine.

7. Good Source of Vitamin K

  • Vitamin K is an essential fat-soluble vitamin that plays an important role in bone health and heart health. It’s one of the main vitamins involved in bone mineralization and blood clotting, but it also helps maintain brain function, a healthy metabolism and cellular health. One cup of tulsi leaves has more than your daily recommended value of vitamin K, making it a perfect source to prevent vitamin K deficiency. Plus, vitamin K can be beneficial to your bone density, digestive health and brain function.
  • Animal studies published in the Alternative Medicine Review also demonstrate that holy basil benefits include cardio-protective properties. In other words, it appears to boost heart health.

8. Supports Dental Care and Oral Health

  • Tulsi may fight bacteria in your mouth that can lead to dental issues, such as cavities, plaque, tartar and bad breath. It serves as a natural mouth freshener and cleanser because compounds found in the leaves kill bacteria and germs hiding in your mouth. Using a mouthwash containing basil leaf extract twice daily seems to help reduce plaque and the risk for developing gingivitis.
  • Holy basil benefits include helping to diminish ulcers in the mouth, and in vitro studies demonstrate it may stop the growth of oral cancer cells. For natural dental care, try adding a drop of tulsi essential oil to your toothpaste or drinking one cup of tulsi tea every day.

9. May Relieve Headaches

  • Practitioners of Ayurveda recommend holy basil as a natural headache remedy that can help relieve migraine pain. Research suggests this is due to its ability to relieve inflammation, sinus pressure and muscular tension due to stress. Try diffusing holy basil essential oil or making tulsi tea to reduce headache symptoms.

10. Supports Eye Health

  • Our eyes are susceptible to viral, bacterial and fungal infections that can be very dangerous. Thankfully, holy basil benefits include helping to fight these detrimental infections. Tulsi is commonly prescribed in Ayurveda to fight against conjunctivitis — also commonly known as pink eye — thanks to its anti-inflammatory and soothing properties.
  • Tulsi may also help prevent a range of eye issues, including cataracts. According to Dr. S.K. Gupta of the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, topical administration of an herbal eye drop mixture containing turmeric and holy basil extracts helps to counter the oxidative stress and insoluble protein formation that lead to cataracts.

How to Use

  • Can you eat tulsi holy basil? Yes, the leaves have a sweet, aromatic smell and a minty taste and are used in garnishing foods, sauces and soups in places like India and Thailand. They’re also commonly used to make juices, flavored water and tulsi tea. For example, in India people eat tulsi leaves raw in order to fight off a cough or cold.

Common Holy Basil Uses

  • Holy basil essential oil — Holy basil essential oil (or holy basil tincture) can be found in many health food stores or online. The essential oil is extracted from the holy basil plant and is used in lotions, soap, perfume, shampoo and conditioner. You can also diffuse the oil in your home; the calming and immune-boosting properties can be inhaled as well.
  • Holy basil supplements — You can find dried tulsi leaves in capsule form, sometimes offered in fermented options, which some sources suggest make it more easily digestible. This is a convenient option if you don’t enjoy the smell or taste of basil.
  • Holy basil tea — Ayurvedic practitioners recommend the regular consumption of tulsi tea as an essential lifestyle practice. Tulsi tea is a popular beverage in India that’s consumed in place of coffee. You can find tulsi tea at many health food stores; it comes in boxes of tea bags, or you can make your own using dried tulsi leaves.

How to Make Holy Basil Tea at Home

  • You can buy dried tulsi leaves in bulk and use a tea ball to make this beneficial and tasty tea. If you’d rather have an iced tea, it’s simple to let the tea cool and add ice and stevia or lemon for flavor. You can also prepare tulsi juice, which includes five tulsi leaves that have been infused in water.
  • To prepare tulsi leaves, clean them thoroughly and then chop them coarsely with a kitchen knife. It’s best to use fresh tulsi leaves within a day or two, but they can be stored in a sealed bag in the refrigerator for five days or so. Combine two to three teaspoons of dried leaves with hot water and let it sit for about five minutes before removing the leaves.

Cooking with Holy Basil

  • One tablespoon of fresh, chopped tulsi leaves would be a great addition to my Green Tea Chicken Soup Recipe. The tulsi addition brings the health benefits of this soup up a notch by adding infection-fighting and stress-relieving properties.
  • Fresh tulsi leaves or tulsi powder can add an interesting and unexpected flavor to everyday salad recipes. Adding tulsi tea to your bath is an awesome way to help enhance organ function and fight bacterial or fungal infections. Check out these 10 Detox Bath Recipes. Adding holy basil essential oil to your skin care regimen is also a great way to improve acne. Try this invigorating Homemade Honey Face Wash for Clear Skin.
  • You can buy and care for a tulsi plant, or you can purchase tulsi leaves and powder from a health food store. If you buy fresh holy basil, look for leaves that are vibrant and green, without any holes or dark spots.

Holy Basil Dosage

  • Tulsi holy basil dosage recommendations depend on how you’re using the plant and the symptoms you’re managing. Some studies have found people who take low doses between 200 and 600 milligrams (mg) of holy basil extract each day may experience improvements in symptoms like anxiety, pain, indigestion, etc. However, higher doses are usually recommended for treating persistent symptoms, such as 600 to 2, 200 mg/day, divided into several doses for the best results.
  • Holy Basil Side Effects and Dangers
  • What are the side effects of basil? Researchers have found that holy basil is safe for regular consumption and topical use. However holy basil side effects may include nausea, vomiting, indigestion and changes in certain hormones when used for an extended period of time. Does holy basil make you sleepy? While it may help you feel calmer, it’s not a sedative and shouldn’t cause drowsiness.

To be safe, it’s generally recommended to use holy basil for about six weeks or less before taking a break.
One note to keep in mind is that tulsi may slow blood clotting, so taking tulsi along with medications that also slow clotting may increase the chances of bruising and bleeding. Some medications that slow blood clotting include aspirin, clopidogrel, dalteparin, enoxaparin, heparin, ticlopidine and warfarin. Due to its influence on blood clotting, you should discontinue use of holy basil two weeks before any scheduled surgery.
Holy basil may cause problems during pregnancy or breastfeeding, so you should avoid using it during these times unless working with a doctor Final Thoughts.
The main benefits of holy basil (tulsi) include:

  • Fights acne
  • Protects against diabetes
  • Helps fight cancer
  • Balances hormones and lowers stress
  • Relieves fever
  • Helps improve respiratory disorders
  • Good source of vitamin K
  • Dental care and oral health
  • Relieves headaches
  • Supports eye health

Holy basil is referenced often in Ayurvedic medicine as an herb to treat a large number of conditions. Used for thousands of years, there have been very few holy basil side effects reported. This herb is available in leaf, powder, supplement and essential oil form. One of the most common uses is taking it for anxiety.

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Ginger Oil

9,800 /100ml, 250ml, 500ml & 1kg Get Latest Price
  • Color White
  • Part Roots
  • HS Code 3301
  • Botanical Name Zingiber Officinalis
  • Extraction Method Steam Distillation
  • Storage Cool & Dry Place
  • This Prices Including 18% GST Tax + All other Taxes
  • Note Samples are free

Gut-Friendly Ginger D.S. Essential Oil — Reduces Inflammation & NauseaGinger is a flowering plant in the family Zingiberaceae; its root is widely used as a spice, and it has been used in folk medicine for thousands of years. Due to its digestive properties, ginger is an integral part of Asian cuisines. Most commonly, it’s added to meals, including meat, because of its ability to aid digestion. Ginger root and ginger essential oil are gaining popularity for their preservation and flavoring capabilities.
The health benefits of ginger essential oil are nearly identical to the medicinal health benefits of fresh ginger; in fact, the most potent form of ginger is the essential oil because it contains the highest levels of gingerol. The essential oil is the best way to use ginger as medicine. It can be taken internally to treat health conditions or rubbed topically with a carrier oil on an area of pain.
Today, ginger essential oil is used to treat nausea, upset stomach, menstrual disorders, inflammation and respiratory conditions. When used as aromatherapy, it’s also known to bring on feelings of courageousness and self-assurance, which is why it’s known as “the oil of empowerment.”

Ginger Essential Oil Nutrition FactsGinger is a herbaceous perennial that grows annual stems about three feet tall. The stems bear narrow, green leaves and yellow flowers. Ginger is indigenous to south China and spread eventually to the Spice Islands, other parts of Asia, and then to West Africa and the Caribbean. As a result of the profitable spice trade, ginger was exported to Europe and India in the first century A.D.; with over 33 percent of the global production, India remains the largest producer of the plant today.
Ginger is part of the plant family that includes turmeric and cardamom, both exceptionally beneficial to your health and wellness. It has a sweet, spicy, woody and warm scent. Ginger essential oil is a warming essential oil that works as an antiseptic, laxative, tonic and stimulant.
Of the 115 different chemical components found in ginger root, the therapeutic benefits come from gingerols, the oily resin from the root that acts as a highly potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent. Ginger essential oil is also made up of about 90 percent sesquiterpenes, which are defensive agents that have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
The bioactive ingredients in ginger essential oil, especially gingerol, have been thoroughly evaluated clinically, and the research suggests that ginger should be used on a regular basis — it has the ability to cure an array of conditions and diseases and unlocks countless essential oil uses and benefits.

10 Ginger Essential Oil Benefits
1. Treats Upset Stomach and Supports Digestion

  • Ginger essential oil is one of the best natural remedies for colic, indigestion, diarrhea, spasms, stomach aches and even vomiting. Ginger oil is also effective as a nausea natural remedy.
  • A 2015 animal study published in the Journal of Basic and Clinical Physiology and Pharmacology evaluated the gastroprotective activity of ginger essential oil in rats. Ethanol was used to induce gastric ulcer in Wistar rats; the ginger essential oil treatment inhibited the ulcer by 85 percent. Examinations showed that ethanol-induced lesions, such as necrosis, erosion and hemorrhage of the stomach wall, were significantly reduced after the oral administration of the essential oil. (1)
  • A scientific review published in Evidence-Based Complimentary and Alternative Medicine evaluated the efficacy of essential oils in reducing stress and nausea after surgical procedures. When ginger essential oil was inhaled, it was effective in reducing nausea and the requirement for nausea-reducing medications after surgery. Ginger essential oil also demonstrated analgesic activity for a limited time — it helped to relieve pain immediately after surgery. (2)

2. Heals Infections

  • Ginger essential oil works as an antiseptic agent that kills infections caused by microorganisms and bacteria. This includes intestinal infections, bacterial dysentery and food poisoning. It has also proven in lab studies to have antifungal properties.
  • An in vitro study published in the Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Diseasesfound that ginger essential oil compounds were effective against Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis and Staphylococcus aureus. Ginger oil was also able to inhibit the growth of Candida albicans. (3)

3. Aids Respiratory Problems

  • Ginger essential oil removes mucus from the throat and lungs, and it’s known as natural remedy for colds, the flu, coughs, asthma, bronchitis and also loss of breath. Because it’s an expectorant, ginger essential oil signals the body to increase the amount of secretions in the respiratory tract, which lubricates the irritated area. (4)
  • Studies have shown that ginger essential oil serves as a natural remedy for asthma patients. Asthma is a respiratory illness that causes bronchial muscle spasms, swelling of lung lining and increased mucus production. This leads to the inability to breathe easily. This can be caused by pollution, obesity, infections, allergies, exercise, stress or hormonal imbalances. Because of ginger essential oil’s anti-inflammatory properties, it reduces swelling in the lungs and helps open airways.
  • A study conducted by researchers at Columbia University Medical Center and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry found that ginger and its active components caused a significant and rapid relaxation of human airway smooth muscles. Researchers concluded that compounds found in ginger may provide a therapeutic option for patients with asthma and other airway diseases either alone or in combination with other accepted therapeutics, such as beta2-agonists.

4. Reduces Inflammation

  • Inflammation, in a healthy body, is the normal and effective response that facilitates healing; however, when the immune system overreaches and begins attacking healthy body tissues, we’re met with inflammation in healthy areas of the body, which causes bloating, swelling, pain and discomfort.
  • Abnormal inflammation is at the root of most diseases, and this is the cause of leaky gut syndrome, arthritis and fibromyalgia symptoms, as well as celiac and irritable bowel disease. It’s important to consume anti-inflammatory foods and plants in order to cut back on this immune response.
  • A component of ginger essential oil, called zingibain, is responsible for the oil’s anti-inflammatory properties. This important component provides pain relief and treats muscle aches, arthritis, migraines and works as a headache remedy. Ginger essential oil is believed to reduce the amount of prostaglandins in the body, which are compounds associated with pain. (6)
  • A 2013 animal study published in the Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology concluded that ginger essential oil possesses antioxidant activity as well as significant anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive property. After being treated with ginger essential oil for one month, enzyme levels increased in the blood of mice. The dose also scavenged free radicals and produced significant reduction in acute inflammation. (7)

5. Strengthens Heart Health

  • Ginger essential oil has the power to reduce cholesterol levels and blood clotting. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, a few preliminary studies suggest that ginger may lower cholesterol and help prevent blood from clotting, which can help treat heart disease, where blood vessels can become blocked and lead to heart attack or stroke.
  • Along with reducing cholesterol levels, ginger oil also appears to improve lipid metabolism, helping decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
  • An animal study published in the Journal of Nutrition found that when mice consumed ginger extract for a 10-week period, it resulted in significant reductions in plasma triglycerides and LDL cholesterol levels. (8)
  • And a 2016 study shows that when dialysis patients consumed 1, 000 milligrams of ginger daily for a 10-week period, they collectively displayed significant decreases in serum triglyceride levels by up to 15 percent when compared to the placebo group. (9)

6. High Levels of Antioxidants

  • Ginger root contains a very high level of total antioxidants. Antioxidants are substances that help prevent certain types of cell damage, especially those caused by oxidation; oxidative damage plays a major role in disease today and has been linked to health conditions like heart disease, cancer and dementia.
  • According to the book “Herbal Medicine, Biomolecular and Clinical Aspects, ” ginger essential oil is able to decrease age-related oxidative stress markers and reduce oxidative damage. When treated with ginger extracts, there was a decrease in lipid peroxidation, which is when free radicals “steal” electrons from the lipids and cause damage. This mean ginger essential oil helps fight free radical damage. (10)
  • Another study highlighted in the book showed that when rats were fed ginger, they experienced less kidney damage due to oxidative stress induced by ischemia, which is when there is a restriction in the blood supply to tissues.
  • Recently, studies have focused on the anticancer activities of ginger essential oil; this has been associated with the antioxidant activities of [6]-gingerol and zerumbone, two components of ginger oil. According to research, these powerful components are able to suppress the oxidation of cancer cells, and they have been effective in suppressing CXCR4, a protein receptor, in a variety of cancers, including those of the pancreas, lung, kidney and skin. (11)
  • Ginger essential oil has also been reported to inhibit tumor promotion in mouse skin, especially when gingerol is used in treatments, so it may work as a natural cancer treatment.

7. Natural Aphrodisiac

  • Ginger essential oil increases sexual desire; it addresses issues such as impotence and loss of libido. Impotence, also known as erectile dysfunction, is the inability for a man to sustain an erection long enough for normal, satisfying sexual intercourse; the causes may be physiological or psychological.
  • Because of its warming and stimulating properties, ginger essential oil serves as an effective and natural aphrodisiac, as well as a natural remedy for impotence. It also helps to relieve stress and brings forth feelings of courage and self-awareness — eliminating self-doubt and fear. (12)

8. Relieves Anxiety

  • When used as aromatherapy, ginger essential oil is able to relieve feelings of anxiety, anxiousness, depression and exhaustion. The warming quality of ginger oil serves as a sleep aid and stimulates feelings of courage and ease.
  • In Ayurvedic medicine, ginger oil is believed to treat emotional problems like fear, abandonment, and lack of self-confidence or motivation.
  • A study published in ISRN Obstetrics and Gynecology found that when women suffering from PMS received two ginger capsules daily from seven days before menstruation to three days after menstruation, for three cycles, they experienced a reduction of severity of mood and behavioral symptoms. (13)
  • And according to a lab study conducted in Switzerland, ginger essential oil activated the human serotonin receptor, which may be able to help relieve anxiety. (14)

9. Alleviates Muscle and Menstrual Pain

  • Because of its pain-fighting components, like zingibain, ginger essential oil provides relief from menstrual cramps, headaches, backaches and soreness. Research suggests that consuming a drop or two of ginger essential oil daily is more effective in treating muscle and joint pain than the painkillers that are given by general practitioners — this is because of its ability to reduce inflammation and increase circulation.
  • In a study done at the University of Georgia, a daily ginger supplement reduced exercise-induced muscle pain in 74 participants by 25 percent. (15)
  • Ginger oil is also effective when taken by patients with pain associated with inflammation. A study conducted by researchers at Miami Veterans Affairs Medical Center and University of Miami found that when 261 patients with osteoarthritis of the knee took a ginger extract twice daily, they experienced less pain and needed fewer pain-killing medications than those who received placebo. (16)

10. Improves Liver Function

  • Because of ginger essential oil’s antioxidant potential and hepatoprotective activity, an animal study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry measured its effectiveness in treating alcoholic fatty liver disease, which is significantly associated with hepatic cirrhosis and liver cancer.
  • In the treatment group, ginger essential oil was administered orally to mice with alcoholic fatty liver disease every day for four weeks. The results found that the treatment has hepatoprotective activity. After alcohol administration, the amount of metabolites increased and then the levels recovered in the treatment group. (17)


Ginger Essential Oil History & Interesting Facts

  • The Chinese and Indians have used ginger tonics to treat ailments for over 4, 700 years, and it was a priceless commodity during the Roman Empire trade around the coming of Christ because of its medicinal properties. Over time, ginger was spread across Asia, Africa, Europe and India because of the spice trading business.
  • In the 13th and 14th centuries, the value of a pound of ginger was equivalent to the cost of a sheep! By medieval times, it was being imported in preserved form to be used in sweets; in fact, Queen Elizabeth I of England is credited with the invention of the gingerbread man, which has become a well-known Christmas treat.

From 1585 on, Jamaican ginger was the first oriental spice to be grown in the New World and imported back to Europe. Today, India is the largest producer of ginger, followed by China, Nepal, Nigeria, Thailand and Indonesia.

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Chamomile Hydrosol

  • Type Herbal
  • Shelf Life 3 Years
  • Packaging Type 30 to 210 Ltr. (Aluminium/Plastic) Drum/Barrel
  • Form Liquid
  • Usage Everywhere
  • Grade Superior
  • Storage Cool & Dry Place
  • Note Samples are free

It Distilled from the Chamomile plant. Hydrosols are the aromatic remains after the steam-distillation process occurs. They are an excellent complement to essential oils because they are gentle enough to be used directly on the skin and can be used on children and pets. Chamomile Hydrosol is known for its calming properties. It is very calming and soothing to the skin and can be used on both children and adults to soothe when irritation occurs. When applied over the skin, it can provide a comforting and moisturizing effect that feels amazing. Chamomile Hydrosol is the ideal hydrosol for baby care. Mist on baby’s bedding to promote calmness and is gentle enough to use on a baby’s bottom for occasional irritation in the diaper area.

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Walnut Oil

1.31 Lakh - 1.75 Lakh /Litre Get Latest Price
  • Type Carrier
  • Application Cooking, Health Supplement, Persnol Care
  • Purity 99%
  • Form Liquid
  • Packaging Type Glass Bottle
  • Extraction Type Cold Pressed
  • Botanical Name Citrullus Lanatus
  • Plant Part Seeds
  • HS Code 3301
  • This Prices Including 18% GST Tax + All other Taxes
  • Note Samples are free
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Lemongrass Oil

3,500 /100ml, 250ml, 500ml & 1kg Get Latest Price
  • Color White
  • Part Grass
  • Botanical Name Cymbopogon Citrus
  • Extraction Method Steam Distillation
  • HS Code 3301
  • Storage Cool & Dry Place
  • This Prices Including 18% GST Tax + All other Taxes
  • Note Samples are free

D.S. Fragrances is a trusted name in presenting a distinguished range of lemongrass oil in the market. Being a client-centric organization, we serve as one of the leading natural lemongrass oil manufacturers based in Kannauj Uttar Pradesh. Having lots of benefits, the lemongrass oil offered by us is hygienically processed and is available in sealed packs in order to maintain the purity and longer shelf life.

Lemongrass oil is widely used in various types of cosmetics, perfumes, and medicines. This oil is beneficial for treating hair loss, stress, anxiety, muscle spasm, infections, menstrual cramps, headache, fever, digestive problems, etc. As we are one of the reputed lemongrass oil exporters in the market, we ensure that the offered oil goes through several quality checks on different standards. Moreover, our lemongrass oil is reasonably priced so that they can be accessible by everyone.

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Geranium Oil

36,750 /100ml, 250ml, 500ml & 1kg Get Latest Price
  • Color White
  • Part Leaves & Flower
  • Botanical Name Pelargonium Graveolens
  • Extraction Method Steam Distillation
  • HS Code 3301
  • Storage Cool & Dry Place
  • This Prices Including 18% GST Tax + All other Taxes
  • Note Samples are free

Based in Kannauj (Uttar Pradesh), D.S. Fragrances is one of the known natural geranium oil manufacturers in India. Commonly used in aromatherapy, our geranium oil is known for its effectiveness. Inhaling the aroma of geranium oil or absorbing it through the skin is thought to transmit messages to a brain and help in controlling emotions. In aromatherapy, geranium oil is mainly used to treat the following problems like anxiety, acne, depression, insomnia, sore throat, etc. The product offered by us is processed hygienically and is well packed with customized packaging material to meet the set industry standards. Being one of the noted geranium oil suppliers, we ensure the delivery of the product at a promised time frame. Feel free to get in touch with us and avail the geranium oil of superior quality at a very reasonable price.

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Fennel Seed Oil

8,750 /100ml, 250ml, 500ml & 1kg Get Latest Price
  • Certification FSSAI
  • Application Medicine, Natural Perfumery
  • Color White
  • Form Liquid
  • HS Code 3301
  • Botanical Name Foeniculum Vulgare
  • Part Seeds
  • Extraction Method Steam Distillation
  • Stroage Cool & Dry Place
  • This Prices Including 18% GST Tax + All other Taxes
  • Note Samples are free
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Blue Lotus Oil

  • Botanical Name Nymphaea Caerulea
  • Purity 100%
  • HS Code 3301
  • Plant Part Flower
  • Extraction Method Solvent Extracted
  • Storage Cool & Dry Place
  • Note Samples are free

Its common name is Blue water lily Blur lily of the Nile, Egyptian lily, Blue Lotus. This celestial & obscure Lotus Oil Is renowned for spiritual growth, rejuvenation, clairvoyance, healing & balancing. Use this oil for any meditative perfume oil blends, sacred products and psychic development. Its unfolding petals suggest the expansion of the soul. The growth of its pure beauty from the mid of its origin holds a benign spiritual promise. The Blue Lotus Absolute oil is extracted from the flower by solvent extraction.
Blue Lotus oil belongs to India, which is one of the rare and traditional plants. The Blue Lotus oil helps us to relax the muscle spasm as well as provide euphoric sensation. It also have has a soothing, calming effect on body. In Egypt, India and Thailand, It is used as a key of good health.
Nature's Gift offers three different Lotus Absolutes, all imported from the producer in India. Blue Lotus Absolute essential oil has an extremely rich aroma.
Blue lotus has many similar elements to the blue lily flower. Blue lotus contains a lot of aporphine and nuciferine, making it a calming sedative and a potent dream potentiate.  The blue lotus had a wide variety of uses in ancient times, all related to pleasure. It has been said to promote sexual desire and to create feelings well being, euphoria and ecstasy.  Blue Lotus absolute oil is often used as an addition to carrier oils to make beautiful, sensuous and calming massage oils.  The active alkaloids in the blue lotus can be absorbed through the skin, and so this is actually a very potent form of healing.
Blue Lotus Absolute, this material is not from Tamil Nadu in India or anywhere across Thailand, this sumptuously provocative and incredibly alluring floral masterpiece hails from Sri Lanka.
Blue Lotus entertains and enchants you a little more, then starts to playfully toy, tease, kiss and delicately caress you, every part of your inner self slowly seduced. Lotus is so in tune with your conscious and even unconscious thoughts, this is that aromatic moment you have longed for and now it’s here. Before you can catch your breath you are greeted with a tidal wave of floral aromatic pleasure, effortlessly stimulating your olfactory senses like never before. Ladies and Gentlemen the aromatic intent of Blue Lotus absolute oil is simply unequivocal pleasure.

Benefit & Uses: Blue Lotus Absolute essential oil is commonly used in massage oils.  It is also a great for use in aromatherapy.

  • In aroma therapy treatment centers, almost all therapists enormously used this absolute oil to provide relief from stress, anxiety, absent mindedness, mental tiredness and many other problems. It has soothing effect on both body and mind.
  • Due to its sweet smelling aroma, it is widely used in the perfumery industry for the formulation of aromatic products such as incense sticks, room fresheners, scented candles, exotic perfumes and scents.
  • It is highly effective in muscle cramp and can provide a euphoric sensation. It is used to boost your sexual desire. Some people say that Blue Lotus has a sort of Viagra effect. It is also used to cure troubles like erectile dysfunctions, loss of sexual interest and short term impotency.
  • Blue Lotus was traditionally used to promote sexual desire, relieve pain, create a feeling of well being; euphoria and ecstasy also increase circulation. The Blue Lotus was a symbol of sexuality some people says that flower has a sort of Viagra effect, sometimes in scenes of sexual debauchery. It contains an anti-spasmodic called Nuciferin and contains aporphine. The history of this species says that is appears to a sort of like the Cannabis of ancient Egypt. Ancient people said are to be a strong aphrodisiac.


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Lavender Hydrosol

  • Type Herbal
  • Shelf Life 3 Years
  • Application Everywhere
  • Packaging Type 30 to 210 Ltr. (Aluminium/Plastic) Drum/Barrel
  • Form Liquid
  • Grade Superior
  • Storage Cool & Dry Place
  • Note Samples are free

Lavender hydrosol is got from the steam distillation of the fresh fragrant lavender flowers. It is refreshing, cooling and soothing and suitable for all skin types, even the most sensitive one. That’s partly because lavender hydrosol actually has a really mild scent of lavender, not a strong one like you’d expect. This makes it very gentle and safe to use for those with allergies, scent irritations, acne and rosacea.

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Rosemary Hydrosol

  • Type Herbal
  • Packaging Type 30 to 210 Ltr. (Aluminium/Plastic) Drum/Barrel
  • Form Liquid
  • Shelf Life 3 Years
  • Usage Everywhere
  • Grade Superior
  • Storage Cool & Dry Place
  • Note Samples are free

Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) hydrosol is the by-product of rosemary essential oil extraction. During the essential oil extraction, steam is passed through rosemary twigs, leaves and branches and the resulting vapor is condensed and collected. This condensed liquid contains both the rosemary essential oil and the distillate, which is referred to as rosemary hydrosol.

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White Lotus Oil

  • Botanical Name Nymphaea Caerulea
  • Purity 100%
  • HS Code 3301
  • Plant Part Flower
  • Extraction Method Solvent Extracted
  • Storage Cool & Dry Place
  • Note Samples are free

White lotus is an aquatic plant which is used to extract white lotus absolute oil through solvent extraction method.  This beautiful flower is mainly found in the muddy ponds and stagnant water. It denotes the symbol of awakening.  It can grow up to the height of 25 cm tall and produces the beautiful flowers which blooms everyday with the pre morning sun. This floral oil has soothing and calming effect due to which it is widely used in the aromatherapy treatments.  This plant is also famous by the common name of safed kamal and lotus.
Lotus absolutes tend to be very concentrated and generally need to be diluted in base oil or blended into other essential oils to allow the essences to open so that the more delicate notes can be experienced.
Lotus essential oil is one of the more expensive of aromatherapy oils available. However, a little goes a long way. If you store the lotus essential oil in a dark glass bottle and keep out of direct heat or sunlight, it should be good for two or three years. You can find them at online aromatherapy, Ayurveda or occult supply shops. If you live in England, essential oils are available at almost any chemist or health food store.
White Lotus Oil from Tamil Nadu, India, wild harvested, distilled from flowers. This is beautiful, captivating fragrance of Pure White Lotus Essential Oil. This rare floral scent comes to us from India.
Lotus White is unmatched for possessing a resounding depth of floral aroma while retaining less or herbaceous notes. An extensive search sampling specimens from many suppliers resulted in this exquisite exotic Lotus White that we simply had to have! Lotus White tends to be more pungent and herbaceous than floral if the flower petals are not collected and processed at the ideal time, or if more than the single flower petals are used during production as we've often found with most suppliers of Lotus White.
White Lotus Absolute is commonly known as Tiger Lotus, Sacred Lotus or simply White Lotus. It is one of the species of Water lilies having lily pads which keep on floating over water surface. The beautiful white flower is sometimes tinged with pink natural color. It is a perennial plant that attains height of 45 cm and prefers warm, silent and vaguely acidic water. Absolute from these sacred flowers is prepared by to amber to thick brownish color with top perfumery notes.

Benefit & Uses : This floral absolute is enriched with the soothing and relaxing properties therefore it is extensively used in Massages, bath etc to treat various ailments.  It is capable of eradicating the negative thoughts of your mind which is the major reason of mental exhaustion and stress. It provides the calming effects to your mind and revitalizes your body to live a healthy lifestyle.
The white lotus absolute has its own clarity and smoothness. It is used for the meditation purposes due to its powerful aroma which directly affects your crown chakra and helps in concentrating your mind to provide the feeling of tranquility and spirituality.
Its pleasing floral whiff, this floral absolute is extensively used in the preparation of myriad variety of perfumes, scents and aromatic products.
White Lotus Absolute helps in promoting tranquility, spiritual reflection and meditation. Sacred absolute is also used in prayers and yoga to deepen breath. It also increases body efficiency. Natural White Lotus Absolute helps in dispelling most of the difficult negative energies from surrounding environ and energy fields. It has ability to calm, soothe and helps in making oneself feel forgiveness and kindness. Organic White Lotus Absolute is often used as perfume and diffuser. It is used as massage oil and in baths. White Lotus Absolute has numerous medicinal and therapeutic benefits that help in cooling, calming and soothing of one’s mind, heart and body.

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Cypress Oil

8,750 /100ml, 250ml, 500ml & 1kg Get Latest Price
  • Type Essential
  • Color White
  • Part Leaves & Seeds
  • Botanical Name Cupressus
  • Extraction Method Steam Distillation
  • Storage Cool & Dry Place
  • This Prices Including 18% GST Tax + All other Taxes
  • Note Samples are free

Cypress essential oil is obtained from the needle-bearing tree of coniferous and deciduous regions the scientific name is Cupressus sempervirens. The cypress tree is an evergreen, with small, rounded and woody cones. It has scalelike leaves and tiny flowers. This powerful essential oil is valued because of its ability to fight infections, aid the respiratory system, remove toxins from the body, and work as stimulate that relieves nervousness and anxiety.
Cupressus sempervirens is considered to be a medicinal tree that has many specific botanical features. (1) According to research published in BMC Complementary &Alternative Medicine, these special features include tolerance to drought, air currents, wind-driven dust, sleet and atmospheric gases. The cypress tree also has a well-developed root system and the ability to flourish in both acidic and alkaline soils. The young twigs, stems and needles of the cypress tree are steam-distilled, and the essential oil has a clean and energizing aroma. The main constituents of cypress are alpha-pinene, carene and limonene; the oil is known for its antiseptic, antispasmodic, antibacterial, stimulating and antirheumatic properties.

8 Cypress Essential Oil Benefits
1. Heals Wounds and InfectionsIf youre looking to heal cuts fast, try cypress essential oil. The antiseptic qualities in cypress oil are due to the presence of camphene, an important component. Cypress oil treats both external and internal wounds, and it prevents infections. A 2014 study published in Complementary & Alternative Medicine found that cypress essential oil possesses antimicrobial properties that inhibited the growth of test bacteria. (2) The study noted that cypress oil can be used as a cosmetic ingredient in soap-making because of its ability to kill bacteria on the skin. It is also used to treat sores, pimples, pustules and skin eruptions.

2. Treats Cramps and Muscle PullsBecause of cypress oils antispasmodic qualities, it inhibits problems associated with spasms, such as muscle cramps and muscle pulls. Cypress oil is effective in relieving restless leg syndrome a neurological condition characterized by throbbing, pulling and uncontrollable spasms in the legs. According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Strokes, restless leg syndrome can lead to difficulty falling asleep and daytime fatigue; people who struggle with this condition often have difficult concentrating and fail to accomplish daily tasks. (3) When used topically, cypress oil reduces spasms, increases blood circulation and eases chronic pain.
It is also a natural treatment for carpal tunnel; cypress oil effectively reduces the pain that is associated with this condition. Carpal tunnel is inflammation of a very smell opening just below the base of the wrist. The tunnel that holds the nerves and connects the forearm to the palm and fingers is very small, so it is prone to swelling and inflammation caused by overuse, hormonal changes or arthritis. Cypress essential oil decreases fluid retention, a common cause of carpal tunnel; it also stimulates blood flow and reduces inflammation. Cypress essential oil improves circulation, giving it the power to clear up cramps, as well as aches and pains. Some cramps are due to a buildup of lactic acid, which is cleared away with cypress oils diuretic properties, thereby relieving discomfort.

3. Aids Toxin RemovalCypress oil is a diuretic, so it helps the body flush out toxins that exist internally. It also increases sweat and perspiration, which allows the body to quickly remove toxins, excess salt and water. This can be beneficial to all systems in the body, and it prevents acne and other skin conditions that are due to toxic buildup. This also benefits and cleanses the liver, and it helps lower cholesterol levels naturally. A 2007 study conducted at the National Research Center in Cairo, Egypt, found that isolated compounds in cypress essential oil, including cosmosiin, caffeic acid and p-coumaric acid, showed hepatoprotective activity.
These isolated compounds significantly decreased glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase, glutamate pyruvate transaminase, cholesterol levels and triglycerides, while they caused a significant increase in the total protein level when given to rats. The chemical extracts were tested on rat liver tissues, and the results indicate that cypress essential oil contains antioxidant compounds that can rid the body of excess toxins and inhibit free radical scavenging.

4. Promotes Blood Clotting Cypress oil has the power to stop excess blood flow, and it promotes the clotting of blood. This is due to its hemostatic and astringent properties. Cypress oil leads to the contraction of blood vessels, which stimulates the flow of blood and promotes the contraction of skin, muscles, hair follicles and gums. Its astringent properties allow cypress oil to tighten your tissues, strengthening hair follicles and making them less likely to fall out.
The hemostatic properties in cypress oil stop the flow of blood and promote clotting when needed. These two beneficial qualities work together to heal wounds, cuts and open sores quickly. This is why cypress oil is helpful in reducing heavy menstruation; it can also serve as a natural fibroid treatment and endometriosis remedy.

5. Eliminates Respiratory ConditionsCypress oil clears up congestion and eliminates phlegm that builds up in the respiratory tract and lungs. The oil calms the respiratory system and works as an antispasmodic agent treating even more severe respiratory conditions like asthma and bronchitis. Cypress essential oil is also an antibacterial agent, giving it the ability to treat respiratory infections that are caused by bacterial overgrowth. A 2004 study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry found that a component present in cypress oil, called camphene, inhibited the growth of nine bacteria and all yeasts studied. (5) This is a safer alternative than antibiotics that can lead to damaging side effects like leaky gut syndrome and loss of probiotics.

6. Natural Deodorant Cypress essential oil has a clean, spicy and masculine fragrance that lifts the spirits and stimulates happiness and energy, making it an excellent natural deodorant. It can easily replace synthetic deodorants because of its antibacterial properties preventing bacterial growth and body odor. You can even add five to 10 drops of cypress oil to your house-cleaning soap or laundry detergent. It leaves clothes and surfaces bacteria-free and smelling like fresh foliage. This can be particularly comforting during the winter season because it stimulates feelings of joy and happiness.

7. Relieves AnxietyCypress oil has sedative effects, and it induces a calm and relaxed feeling when used aromatically or topically. (6) It is also energizing, and it stimulates feelings of happiness and ease. This can be particularly helpful for people who are undergoing emotional stress, having trouble sleeping, or have experienced recent trauma or shock. To use cypress essential oil as a natural remedy for anxiety and anxiousness, add five drops of oil to a warm-water bath or diffuser. It can be especially helpful to diffuse cypress oil at night, beside your bed, to treat restlessness or symptoms of insomnia.

8. Treats Varicose Veins and CelluliteBecause of cypress oils ability to stimulate blood flow, it serves as a varicose veins home remedy. Varicose veins, also known as spider veins, occur when pressure is placed on blood vessels or veins resulting in the pooling of blood and bulging of veins. According to the National Library of Medicine, this can be caused by weak vein walls or a lack of pressure exerted by tissues in the leg that allow the veins to transport blood. (7) This increases the pressure inside of the veins, causing them to stretch and widen. By applying cypress essential oil topically, blood in the legs continues to flow to the heart properly.
Cypress oil can also help reduce the appearance of cellulite, which is the appearance of orange peel or cottage cheese skin on the legs, butt, stomach and back of the arms. This is often due to fluid retention, lack of circulation, weak collagen structure and increased body fat. Because cypress oil is a diuretic, it helps the body remove excess water and salt that can lead to fluid retention.

It also stimulates circulation by increasing blood flow. Use cypress oil topically to treat varicose veins, cellulite and any other condition that is caused by poor circulation, such as hemorrhoids.

How to Use Cypress Essential OilIts safe to use cypress oil aromatically and topically. When applying the oil to the skin, it is best to dilute it with a carrier oil, such as coconut or jojoba oil, before rubbing it into the skin. Here are some ways to use this essential oil in your everyday life :

  • Diffuse 57 drops of cypress oil in the home or office to create emotional balance, induce calm and energizing effects, and help with feelings of anxiousness or anxiety.
  • Apply topically, diluted with equal parts carrier oil, to treat arthritis, restless leg syndrome, cramps, asthma, bronchitis, cough or cold, carpal tunnel, and heavy periods. Simply rub the oil mixture into the effected area; this can be done 23 times daily, depending on your needs.
  • To reduce the appearance of cellulite, varicose veins, wounds, cuts or incisions, apply 23 drops of cypress oil to the area of concern.
  • Add 5 drops of cypress essential oil to a warm-water bath to treat respiratory conditions. You can also dilute cypress with a carrier oil and apply the mixture to the chest to work as a vapor rub. To reduce phlegm, add 35 drops of cypress oil to boiling water, place a towel over your head and breathe in the steam for 510 minutes.
  • To deodorize the home, add 510 drops of cypress oil to cleaning soap or add the oil to water and spray the mixture on curtains, sheets and couches; 12 drops of cypress oil can also be added to shoes, hats and jackets to prevent bacterial growth and body odor.
  • For hair and skin care, add 13 drops of cypress oil to your shampoo, conditioner or Homemade Face Wash. It is perfect for a deep clean, and its beneficial to the skin and hair because of its antimicrobial properties.

DIY Cypress Essential Oil RecipesTry this Homemade Deodorant that is easy to make, healthy and cost-effective. Cypress essential oil is the perfect scent for male deodorant because of its spicy and masculine aroma. You can also try this awesome Homemade Probiotic Deodorant with cypress essential oil. It contains no harmful chemicals, and its beneficial to your body.
Cypress essential oil blends well with lavender, bergamot, cedarwood, chamomile and ylang ylang oils. All of these oils have sedative properties and can be calming and soothing when used aromatically or topically. Blend your favorite oils, and add them to a warm water bath or massage oil. Use coconut oil for the base of any massage oil; when it is applied topically, coconut oil treats the skin by serving as a moisturizing and toning agent.

Safety Concerns with Cypress Essential OilIt is not safe to use cypress essential oil internally. When used aromatically or topically, cypress oil is generally safe and non-toxic. It should also be avoided during pregnancy, and there is not enough research to support its safety for children. Make sure to perform a patch test before using cypress oil directly on the skin. It is safest to dilute cypress with a carrier oil before topical use.

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Nutmeg Oil

17,500 /100ml, 250ml, 500ml & 1kg Get Latest Price
  • Color White
  • Part Seeds
  • HS Code 3301
  • Botanical Name Myristica Fragrans
  • Extraction Method Steam Distillation
  • Storage Cool & Dry Place
  • This Prices Including 18% GST Tax + All other Taxes
  • Note Samples are free

Nutmeg Benefits and Uses
1. Relieves Pain and Inflammation

  • If you suffer from chronic, persistent pain, this spice may be able to help provide relief. Decreased pain may rank as a top health benefit of nutmeg. It can be especially beneficial for pain related to inflammatory conditions, such as arthritis.
  • According to one animal model published in Food & Nutrition Research, nutmeg oil may help alleviate inflammatory joint pain while also reducing swelling. Another study conducted by the National Institute of Hygienic Sciences in Japan showed that specific compounds found within the seed were effective at decreasing inflammation in mice.

2. Boosts Brain Health

  • Although current research is limited to animal models and in vitro studies, some evidence suggests that nutmeg may have neuroprotective properties that could help optimize brain function and protect against disease.
  • A recent 2017 animal model reported that the volatile oils extracted from the seed were able to alter levels of specific neurotransmitters in the hippocampus, which is the region of the brain associated primarily with memory. According to the researchers, this may aid in the treatment and prevention of several neurodegenerative disorders, such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s, although more research is needed to understand if these results are applicable to humans as well.

3. Supports Better Sleep

  • A pinch or nutmeg in a glass of warm milk is a common natural remedy recommended to help treat insomnia and promote better sleep. But can nutmeg help you sleep, or is it little more than a myth?
  • Several studies have focused on the insomnia-busting properties of this spice and demonstrated that it could be an effective remedy to help support better sleep. In one study, taking a capsule containing nutmeg for four weeks was found to improve symptoms of insomnia while also enhancing mood and decreasing weakness. Similarly, an animal study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology showed that taking an extract of nutmeg helped significantly increase the duration of sleep in chickens.

4. Promotes Digestion

  • When paired with a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle, adding a few servings of nutmeg to your daily routine may help optimize overall digestive health.
  • Not only does it have powerful anti-inflammatory properties to protect against conditions like leaky gut, but certain compounds found in this spice also have been shown to have a healing effect on stomach ulcers in some animal models. A study conducted by the Department of Pharmacology at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences also demonstrated that nutmeg could decrease loose stools to help treat diarrhea and support regularity.

5. Improves Heart Health

  • The heart plays a vital role in health, pumping blood through the body to supply the tissues with the oxygen and nutrients that they need to function and thrive. Promising research suggests that nutmeg can improve several aspects of heart health to keep your heart healthy and strong and protect against disease.
  • For example, a 2016 animal model found that the seeds were effective at lowering levels of total and “bad” LDL cholesterol in rats, both of which are risk factors for coronary heart disease. Meanwhile, another study conducted on rabbits showed that nutmeg extract decreased total and LDL cholesterol as well as triglycerides. It also helped block the aggregation of blood clots. This could aid in the prevention of conditions like stroke.
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Tea Tree Oil

29,750 /100ml, 250ml, 500ml & 1kg Get Latest Price
  • HS Code 3301
  • Botanical Name Melalauca Alternifolia
  • Part Leaves
  • Extraction Method Steam Distillation
  • Color White
  • Storage Cool & Dry Place
  • This Prices Including 18% GST Tax + All other Taxes
  • Note Samples are free

D.S. Tea Tree Oil Benefits

1. Hand Sanitizer

  • Tea tree oil makes an ideal natural hand sanitizer.
  • Studies have shown that it kills several common bacteria and viruses responsible for causing illness, including E. coli, S. pneumoniae and H. influenzae (1Trusted Source).
  • Moreover, a study testing several types of hand wash shows that adding tea tree oil to the cleansers boosted their effectiveness against E. coli (4Trusted Source).
  • Here is a simple recipe to make your own moisturizing, all-natural hand sanitizer using tea tree oil.

2. Insect Repellent

  • Tea tree oil may help keep pesky insects away.
  • One study found that 24 hours after being treated with tea tree oil, cows had 61% fewer flies than cows not treated with tea tree oil (5Trusted Source).
  • Furthermore, a test-tube study revealed that tea tree oil had a greater ability to repel mosquitoes than DEET, the most common active ingredient in commercial insect repellents (6Trusted Source).
  • Try this easy-to-make insect repellent using tea tree oil and other natural ingredients.

3. Natural Deodorant

  • Tea tree oil's antibacterial effects may help control underarm odor related to perspiration.
  • Sweat itself does not smell. However, when secretions from your sweat glands combine with bacteria on your skin, a moderate to strong odor is produced.
  • Your underarm area contains a large concentration of these glands and is mainly responsible for what is commonly referred to as "body odor." Tea tree oil's bacteria-fighting properties make it an ideal natural alternative to commercial deodorants and antiperspirants.
  • Here is a safe and effective natural deodorant that can be made from tea tree oil and a few other ingredients.

4. Antiseptic for Minor Cuts and Scrapes

  • Injuries that result in broken skin make it easy for germs to enter your bloodstream, which can lead to infection.
  • Tea tree oil can be used to treat and disinfect minor cuts and abrasions by killing S. aureus and other bacteria that can cause infection in open wounds (1Trusted Source).
  • To disinfect a cut or scrape, follow these steps:
  •     Clean the cut thoroughly with plain soap and water
  •     Mix one drop of tea tree oil with one teaspoon of coconut oil
  •     Apply a small amount of the mixture to the injury and cover with a bandage
  •     Repeat this process once or twice daily until a scab has formed

5. Boost Wound Healing

  • In addition to preventing infection in cuts and abrasions, tea tree oil may also encourage wound healing.
  • Research has shown that tea tree oil helps reduce inflammation and triggers the activity of white blood cells that are instrumental in the healing process (3Trusted Source, 7Trusted Source, 8Trusted Source).
  • In a small study of 10 people with wounds, adding tea tree oil to conventional wound treatment led to decreased healing time in all but one participant (9Trusted Source).
  • A few drops of tea tree oil can be added to wound dressing each time a new dressing is applied.

6. Fight Acne

  • Tea tree oil can be a powerful weapon against acne. Several studies have shown that it helps reduce the amount and overall severity of acne (10Trusted Source, 11Trusted Source, 12Trusted Source).
  • In one study, applying a 5% tea tree gel to acne lesions was shown to be more than three times as effective at reducing the number of lesions than a placebo. It was nearly six times as effective in reducing severity (12Trusted Source).
  • In another study, tea tree oil was found to be as effective against acne as benzoyl peroxide, the most common anti-acne medication (13Trusted Source).
  • Tea tree oil-based acne gels can be purchased at natural grocery stores or from online retailers.
  • Alternatively, you can make your own acne treatment by mixing one part tea tree oil with nine parts water and applying the mixture to affected areas with a cotton swab once or twice a day, as needed.

7. Get Rid of Nail Fungus

  • Fungal nail infections are quite common. Although they aren't dangerous, they can be unsightly. There are medications that can treat nail fungus, though some people may prefer a more natural approach.
  • Tea tree oil has been shown to help get rid of nail fungus when used alone or in combination with other natural remedies (14Trusted Source, 15Trusted Source).
  • In a controlled study, people with nail fungus used straight tea tree oil or an antifungal medication for six months. At the end of the study, about 60% of people in each group experienced partial or full resolution of the fungus (15Trusted Source).
  • You can use a few drops of tea tree oil alone or mix it with an equal amount of coconut oil and apply it to the affected area. Be sure to wash your hands immediately after applying in order to avoid spreading the fungus to other areas.

8. Chemical-Free Mouthwash

  • Research suggests that tea tree oil may fight germs that cause tooth decay and bad breath (16Trusted Source, 17Trusted Source, 18Trusted Source).
  • One study found that tea tree oil was more effective against plaque-causing bacteria than chlorhexidine, a common disinfectant and oral rinse. What's more, its taste was found to be less objectionable (16Trusted Source).
  • On the other hand, an older study reported that tea tree oil didn't seem to have much of an effect on plaque formation (19Trusted Source).
  • To make your own chemical-free mouthwash, simply add a drop of tea tree oil to a cup of warm water, mix thoroughly and swish in your mouth for 30 seconds or so.
  • Like other mouthwashes, tea tree oil should not be swallowed. It can be toxic if ingested.

9. All-Purpose Cleaner

  • Tea tree oil makes a great all-purpose cleaner that also sanitizes surfaces.
  • Plus, it does so without leaving traces of chemicals you wouldn't want your family members or pets coming in contact with.
  • Here's an easy recipe for an all-natural, all-purpose cleaner:
  •     Combine 20 drops of tea tree oil, 3/4 cup of water and a 1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar in a spray bottle.
  •     Shake well until thoroughly mixed.
  •     Spray directly onto surfaces and wipe clean with a dry cloth.
  •     Make sure to shake the bottle before each use in order to mix the tea tree oil with the other ingredients.

10. Soothe Skin Inflammation

  • Tea tree oil may help relieve inflamed skin.
  • A common form of skin irritation is contact dermatitis, which occurs when skin comes in contact with an allergen, such as nickel. Exposure to the allergen leads to red, itchy and sometimes painful skin.
  • Animal and human research suggest that applying tea tree oil may help reduce the severity of these symptoms (20Trusted Source, 21Trusted Source, 22Trusted Source).
  • In a study comparing the effects of different treatments for contact dermatitis, tea tree oil was found to reduce symptoms by 40%, which was significantly more than standard medications applied to the skin (22Trusted Source).
  • In addition, tea tree oil may provide relief from bug bite reactions by reducing the itching, redness and swelling that occurs when your body releases histamine to defend against the insect's saliva (23Trusted Source).
  • Use this recipe to relieve inflamed skin:
  •     Combine 10 drops of tea tree oil with one tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil and one tablespoon of melted coconut oil.
  •     Mix well, and store in a sealed container.
  •     Apply to the affected area up to twice a day until symptoms resolve.

11. Control Dandruff

  • Dandruff, or white flakes of dead skin that fall from the scalp, isn't dangerous.
  • However, it can be annoying and embarrassing.
  • Although there is little published research on tea tree oil's effectiveness in treating dandruff, one controlled study suggests that it may be helpful.
  • In this four-week study, the group who used a shampoo containing tea tree oil had a 40% improvement in dandruff. Moreover, the tea tree group reported significant improvements in dandruff severity, itchiness and greasiness (24Trusted Source).
  • To help reduce dandruff, try adding a few drops of tea tree oil to a dollop of shampoo when washing your hair.

12. Treat Athlete's Foot

  • Athlete's foot can be frustratingly hard to control.
  • Known medically as tinea pedis, athlete's foot is a contagious fungal infection on the feet that can also spread to the toenails and hands. Symptoms include peeling, cracking, blisters and redness.
  • Antifungal medications are considered standard treatment for athlete's foot. Yet studies suggest that tea tree oil may be an effective alternative for relieving symptoms (25Trusted Source, 26Trusted Source).
  • In a controlled study of 158 people, 72% of the tea tree oil group had significant clinical improvement in athlete's foot, compared to 39% in the placebo group (25Trusted Source).
  • However, another study found that although tea tree oil helped relieve scaling, inflammation, itching and burning as well as antifungal medication, it wasn't as effective at actually getting rid of the fungus (26Trusted Source).
  • Here is a natural treatment to relieve the symptoms of athlete's foot:
  •     Combine 1/4 cup arrowroot powder, 1/4 cup baking soda and 20–25 drops of tea tree oil
  •     Stir to combine, and place in a covered container
  •     Apply to clean, dry feet twice a day

13. Banish Mold on Fruits and Vegetables

  • Fresh produce is undeniably delicious and healthy.
  • Unfortunately, it's also susceptible to the growth of gray mold known as Botrytis cinerea, particularly in warm, moist climates.
  • Studies have shown that tea tree oil's antifungal compounds terpinen-4-ol and 1, 8-cineole may help reduce the growth of this mold on fruits and vegetables (27Trusted Source, 28Trusted Source).
  • To protect against mold, add 5–10 drops of tea tree oil to water before rinsing your produce and drying it thoroughly.

14. Relieve Psoriasis

  • Psoriasis is an autoimmune condition characterized by outbreaks of red, itchy, scaly skin.
  • Although there are medications that can improve symptoms, the condition itself is chronic and there is no known cure.
  • Tea tree oil contains anti-inflammatory compounds, which, according to emerging evidence, may be helpful for easing psoriasis symptoms (29Trusted Source).
  • To provide relief for psoriasis flares, combine 10–15 drops of tea tree oil with two tablespoons of melted coconut oil. Apply this to the affected area 2–3 times per day, as needed.
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Cedarwood Oil

8,750 /100ml, 250ml, 500ml & 1kg Get Latest Price
  • Storage Cool & Dry Place
  • HS Code 3301
  • Botanical Name Caruncarvi (Linn)
  • Part Seeds
  • Extraction Method Steam Distillation
  • Color White
  • This Prices Including 18% GST Tax + All other Taxes
  • Note Samples are free
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Kewra Hydrosol

  • Type Herbal
  • Form Liquid
  • Shelf Life 3 Years
  • Usage Everywhere
  • Packaging 30 to 210 Ltr. (Aluminium/Plastic) Drum/Barrel
  • Grade Superior
  • Storage Cool & Dry Place
  • Note Samples are free

Vetiver is derived from the complex white root system of a grass used in India and Sri Lanka for the creation of woven matting. It grows up to 1.5 meters. It is thick, clumping and non- running grass that has deep, bulky and matting root system. Generally, Vetiver is known as Khus- Khus, Khas- khas, Botha grass or Aga Wangi. Khus Hydrosol obtained from the steam distillation of roots of vetiver.

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Green Vetiver Oil

87,500 /100ml, 250ml, 500ml & 1kg Get Latest Price
  • Part Roots
  • HS Code 3301
  • Botanical Name Vetiveria Zizaniode
  • Extraction Method Steam Distillation
  • Color White
  • Storage Cool & Dry Place
  • This Prices Including 18% GST Tax + All other Taxes
  • Note Samples are free
View Complete Details

Cardamom Oil

52,500 /100ml, 250ml, 500ml & 1kg Get Latest Price
  • Part Seeds
  • HS Code 3301
  • Botanical Name Elletaria Cardamomus
  • Extraction Method Steam Distillation
  • Color White
  • Storage Cool & Dry Place
  • This Prices Including 18% GST Tax + All other Taxes
  • Note Samples are free

10 Health Benefits of D.S. Cardamom, Backed by ScienceCardamom is a spice with an intense, slightly sweet flavor that some people compare to mint. It originated in India but is available worldwide today and used in both sweet and savory recipes. The seeds, oils and extracts of cardamom are thought to have impressive medicinal properties and have been used in traditional medicine for centuries (1, 2). Here are 10 health benefits of cardamom, backed by science.

1. Antioxidant and Diuretic Properties May Lower Blood Pressure

  • Cardamom may be helpful for people with high blood pressure.
  • In one study, researchers gave three grams of cardamom powder a day to 20 adults who were newly diagnosed with high blood pressure. After 12 weeks, blood pressure levels had significantly decreased to the normal range (3Trusted Source).
  • The promising results of this study may be related to the high levels of antioxidants in cardamom. In fact, the participants’ antioxidant status had increased by 90% by the end of the study. Antioxidants have been linked to lower blood pressure (3Trusted Source, 4Trusted Source).
  • Researchers also suspect that the spice may lower blood pressure due to its diuretic effect, meaning it can promote urination to remove water that builds up in your body, for example around your heart.
  • Cardamom extract has been shown to increase urination and decrease blood pressure in rats

2. May Contain Cancer-Fighting Compounds

  • The compounds in cardamom may help fight cancer cells.
  • Studies in mice have shown that cardamom powder can increase the activity of certain enzymes that help fight cancer (6Trusted Source, 7Trusted Source).
  • The spice may also enhance the ability of natural killer cells to attack tumors (8Trusted Source).
  • In one study, researchers exposed two groups of mice to a compound that causes skin cancer and fed one group 500 mg of ground cardamom per kg (227 mg per pound) of weight per day (7Trusted Source).
  • After 12 weeks, only 29% of the group who ate the cardamom developed cancer, compared to over 90% of the control group (7Trusted Source).
  • Research on human cancer cells and cardamom indicate similar results. One study showed that a certain compound in the spice stopped oral cancer cells in test tubes from multiplying (9Trusted Source).
  • Even though the results are promising, these studies have only been conducted on mice or in test tubes. Human research is needed before stronger claims can be made.


3. May Protect from Chronic Diseases

  • Cardamom is rich in compounds that may fight inflammation.
  • Inflammation occurs when your body is exposed to foreign substances. Acute inflammation is necessary and beneficial, but long-term inflammation can lead to chronic diseases (10Trusted Source, 11Trusted Source, 12).
  • Antioxidants, found in abundance in cardamom, protect cells from damage and stop inflammation from occurring (13Trusted Source).
  • One study found that cardamom extract in doses of 50–100 mg per kg (23–46 mg per pound) of body weight was effective in inhibiting at least four different inflammatory compounds in rats (14Trusted Source).
  • Another study in rats showed that eating cardamom powder decreased liver inflammation induced by eating a diet high in carbs and fat (15Trusted Source).
  • Though there are not as many studies on the anti-inflammatory effects of cardamom in humans, research shows that supplements may increase antioxidant status by up to 90%

4. May Help with Digestive Problems, Including UlcersCardamom has been used for thousands of years to help with digestion.

  • It’s often mixed with other medicinal spices to relieve discomfort, nausea and vomiting (1).
  • The most researched property of cardamom, as it pertains to relieving stomach issues, is its possible ability to heal ulcers.
  • In one study, rats were fed extracts of cardamom, turmeric and sembung leaf in hot water before being exposed to high doses of aspirin to induce stomach ulcers. These rats developed fewer ulcers compared to rats that only received aspirin (16Trusted Source).
  • A similar study in rats found that cardamom extract alone could completely prevent or reduce the size of gastric ulcers by at least 50%.
  • In fact, at doses of 12.5 mg per kg (5.7 mg per pound) of body weight, cardamom extract was more effective than a common anti-ulcer medication (17Trusted Source).
  • Test-tube research also suggests that cardamom may protect against Helicobacter pylori, a bacteria linked to the development of most stomach ulcer issues (18Trusted Source).
  • More research is needed to know if the spice would have the same effect against ulcers in humans.

5. May Treat Bad Breath and Prevent Cavities

  • The use of cardamom to treat bad breath and improve oral health is an ancient remedy.
  • In some cultures, it’s common to freshen your breath by eating entire cardamom pods after a meal (1).
  • Even the chewing gum manufacturer Wrigley uses the spice in one of its products.
  • The reason why cardamom can lead to minty fresh breath may have to do with its ability to fight common mouth bacteria (19Trusted Source).
  • One study found that cardamom extracts were effective in fighting five bacteria that can cause dental cavities. In some test-tube cases, the extracts prevented the growth of the bacteria by up to 0.82 inches (2.08 cm) (20).
  • Additional research shows that cardamom extract can reduce the number of bacteria in saliva samples by 54% (21).
  • However, all of these studies have been conducted in test tubes, making it unclear how the results may apply to humans.

6. May Have Antibacterial Effects and Treat Infections

  • Cardamom also has antibacterial effects outside of the mouth and may treat infections.
  • Research shows that cardamom extracts and essential oils have compounds that fight several common strains of bacteria (22Trusted Source, 23Trusted Source, 24Trusted Source, 25Trusted Source).
  • One test-tube study examined the impact of these extracts on drug-resistant strains of Candida, a yeastthat can cause fungal infections. The extracts were able to inhibit the growth of some strains by 0.39–0.59 inches (0.99–1.49 cm) (26Trusted Source).
  • Additional test-tube research found that essential oils and extracts of cardamom were just as, and sometimes more effective than standard drugs against E. coli and Staphylococcus, bacteria that can cause food poisoning (23Trusted Source).
  • Test-tube studies have also shown that cardamom essential oils fight the bacteria Salmonellathat leads to food poisoning and Campylobacter that contributes to stomach inflammation (24Trusted Source, 25Trusted Source).
  • Existing studies on the antibacterial effects of cardamom have only looked at isolated strains of bacteria in labs. Therefore, the evidence is currently not strong enough to make claims that the spice would have the same effect in humans.

7. May Improve Breathing and Oxygen Use

  • Compounds in cardamom may help increase airflow to your lungs and improve breathing.
  • When used in aromatherapy, cardamom can provide an invigorating odor that enhances your body’s ability to use oxygen during exercise (27).
  • One study asked a group of participants to inhale cardamom essential oil for one minute before walking on a treadmill for 15-minute intervals. This group had a significantly higher oxygen uptake compared to the control group (27).
  • Another way that cardamom may improve breathing and oxygen use is by relaxing your airway. This may be particularly helpful for treating asthma.
  • A study in rats and rabbits found that injections of cardamom extract could relax the throat air passage. If the extract has a similar effect in people with asthma, it may prevent their inflamed airways from restricting and improve their breathing (28).

8. May Lower Blood Sugar Levels

  • When taken in powder form, cardamom may lower blood sugar.
  • One study found that feeding rats a high-fat, high-carb (HFHC) diet caused their blood sugar levels to remain elevated longer than if they were fed a normal diet (15Trusted Source).
  • When rats on the HFHC diet were given cardamom powder, their blood sugar did not stay elevated for longer than the blood sugar of rats on a normal diet (15Trusted Source).
  • However, the powder may not have the same effect in humans with type 2 diabetes.
  • In a study in over 200 adults with this condition, participants were divided into groups that took only black tea or black tea with three grams of either cinnamon, cardamom or ginger every day for eight weeks (29Trusted Source).
  • The results showed that cinnamon, but not cardamom or ginger, improved blood sugar control (29Trusted Source).
  • In order to better understand the effect of cardamom on blood sugar in humans, more studies are needed.

9. Other Potential Health Benefits of Cardamom

  • In addition to the aforementioned health benefits, cardamom may be good for your health in other ways as well.
  • Studies in rats have found that the high antioxidant levels in the spice may prevent both liver enlargement, anxiety and even aid weight loss:
  • Liver protection: Cardamom extract may decrease elevated liver enzymes, triglyceride and cholesterol levels. They may also prevent liver enlargement and liver weight, which reduces the risk of fatty liver disease (30, 31Trusted Source, 32Trusted Source, 33Trusted Source).
  • Anxiety: One rat study suggests that cardamom extract may prevent anxious behaviors. This may be because low blood levels of antioxidants have been linked to the development of anxiety and other mood disorders (34Trusted Source, 35Trusted Source, 36Trusted Source).
  • Weight loss: A study in 80 overweight and obese prediabetic women found a link between cardamom and slightly reduced waist circumference. However, rat studies on weight loss and the spice have not found significant results (15Trusted Source, 37Trusted Source)
  • The number of studies on the link between cardamom and these potential benefits is limited and mostly done on animals.
  • Furthermore, the reasons why the spice may help improve liver health, anxiety and weight are unclear.

10. Safe for Most People and Widely Available

  • Cardamom is generally safe for most people.
  • The most common way to use cardamom is in cooking or baking. It’s very versatile and often added to Indian curries and stews, as well as gingerbread cookies, bread and other baked goods.
  • The use of cardamom supplements, extracts and essential oils is likely to become more common in light of the promising results of research on its medicinal uses.
  • However, there is currently no recommended dose for the spice since most studies have been on animals. The use of supplements should be monitored by a health professional.
  • Furthermore, cardamom supplements may not be suitable for children and women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • Most supplements recommend 500 mg of cardamom powder or extract once or twice a day.
  • The FDA does not regulate supplements, so be sure to choose brands that have been tested by a third party if you’re encouraged to try cardamom supplements by a healthcare provider.
  • If you’re interested in trying cardamom, remember that adding the spice to your foods may be the safest way.

The Bottom Line

  • Cardamom is an ancient remedy that may have many medicinal properties.
  • It may lower blood pressure, improve breathing and aid weight loss.
  • What’s more, animal and test-tube studies show that cardamom may help fight tumors, improve anxiety, fight bacteria and protect your liver, though the evidence in these cases is less strong.
  • However, little or no human research exists for a number of the health claims associated with the spice. More studies are needed to show if or how the results of preliminary research apply to humans.
  • Nevertheless, adding cardamom to your cooking may be a safe and effective way to improve your health.
  • Cardamom extracts and supplements may also provide benefits but should be taken with caution and under the supervision of a doctor.
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Nagarmotha Oil

26,250 /100ml, 250ml, 500ml & 1kg Get Latest Price
  • HS Code 3301
  • Botanical Name Cyperus Scariosus
  • Part Roots
  • Extraction Method Steam Distillation
  • Color White
  • Storage Cool & Dry Place
  • This Prices Including 18% GST Tax + All other Taxes
  • Note Samples are free

D.S. Nagarmotha’s Indian BackgroundNagarmotha made its first appearance in a Chinese medical book in 500 A.D., and it plays a major role in holistic Eastern medicine, which recognizes not only the connection between the mind and body, but also the philosophy of Greek physician Hippocrates, considered the Father of Modern Medicine, who said, “Let food be thy medicine and let medicine be thy food, ” which recognizes the important role nutrients play in our overall health and well-being.
Nagarmotha was also included in the revered Charaka Sa?hita, a Sanskrit encyclopedia of Ayurvedic medicine that is one of only two surviving texts on Ayurveda that makes up the foundation of one of the oldest systems of medicine in the world. Because most treatments were passed down by elders, the appearance of nagarmotha in the priceless texts makes it a standout among even the most prized essential oils.2
In Vedas literature, the most ancient scriptures of Hinduism, nagarmotha is mentioned as having hypnotic properties, which is similar to the meditative qualities that still make it a standout among even the most prized essential oils.
Known as nut grass in the United States, where it was believed to have been unintentionally introduced in the 1880s, nagarmotha is considered a noxious weed because it is difficult to eradicate, but it could be a cash crop in the right holistic hands.
A 2014 study from researchers in India that appeared in the International Journal of Nutrition, Pharmacology and Neurological Diseases looked at the numerous beneficial nutrients found in nagarmotha, and there were several that were worth a second look, including3:Flavonoids
Flavonoids are phytonutrients that give fruits and vegetables their vibrant colors, such as the deep purple of nagarmotha rhizome skins. They are also power-packed antioxidants that fight free radicals that can damage skin cells while promoting a healthy immune system and inflammatory response. Inflammation has been linked to a wide range of illnesses including type 2 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, heart disease, and some cancers.1
Terpenoids : Terpenoids are phytochemicals – there are more than 40, 000 different plant-based terpenoids that help boost our health in numerous ways including cell growth and repair.

Sesquiterpenes :These compounds in many essential oils have molecules that are small enough to cross the blood-brain barrier, so nutrients that promote healthy inflammation can be delivered to the brain.
Because the nutrient-dense nagarmotha can be used topically and taken internally, it belongs in virtually everyone’s arsenal of essential oils, especially so given its ancient recognition in both Eastern and Ayurvedic medicines.

Healthy Reasons to Love Nagarmotha

  • Nagarmotha is a versatile holistic health option because it provides both internal and external benefits.
  • While there have only been a handful of studies on the ancient essential oil, the results have been overwhelmingly supportive of the role the historic oil plays in folk medicine, which gives it a platform for contemporary research.
  • “Collectively our results suggest that CSRME (C. scariosus rhizomes methanolic extract) contains medicinally important anti-inflammatory compounds, and this justifies the use of this plant as a folklore medicine for preventing inflammation associated disorders, ” wrote Indian researchers in a 2014 abstract appearing in the October 30 issue of the journal Bio information.4
  • Better skin : The inflammation of some stubborn skin conditions such as dermatitis and psoriasis can be calmed with the application of nagarmotha, decreasing the redness associated with the conditions and easing irritation. Nagarmotha also adds moisture to reduce dryness and flaking. It also offers anti-bacterial benefits that may help put acne breakouts to a stop without the drying and flaking that often accompany harsh acid-based treatments that dominate the market.5
  • Erase Free Radicals : Free radicals are cells that have been damaged by pollutants that ravage the body in search of a specific molecule that can repair it, wreaking havoc on cells – especially skin protein cells collagen and elastin – in the hunt. Antioxidants are able to give up that molecule, healing the free radical without damage to itself, making them the most important compounds we can take in, especially when it comes to erasing signs of aging. Despite its role as a noxious weed, nagarmotha is packed with antioxidants that can ease oxidative stress.
  • Less Stress for Better Health : Even though we may feel the most productive when we have a deadline breathing down our neck, our bodies love serenity more than stress. Stress sends cortisol levels soaring, which triggers elevated blood sugar that can cause type 2 diabetes, arteriosclerosis and increased signs of aging, among other things. Nagarmotha is an aromatic that touches on the stress and tension of everyday life. Use it in a desktop diffuser or a personal aromatherapy diffuser to bring serenity into your space.
  • Breathe Easy : A few drops of this spicy/smoky oil with a hint of camphor in a room diffuser can help ease respiratory congestion, break up stubborn mucus and phlegm and positively benefit the central nervous system through nutrients that feed the brain and the nerves that send signals to other parts of the body.
  • Soothing, Tranquil Moisture : If you’re looking for a massage oil, this soothing essential is an excellent option to blend with a base such as sweet almond, jojoba, coconut or avocado oil. Add a few drops and massage into sore joints to help ease inflammation.
  • Easing Epileptic Seizures : The flavonoids in nagarmotha have been shown in research to reduce the occurrences of seizures in mice, suggesting that nagarmotha could prove to be a natural, holistic treatment for epilepsy or other diseases associated with convulsions or spastic muscles.6
  • Pain Relief : Nagarmotha acts as an analgesic, but not only can it help ease the pain, it can also help to speed the healing of wounds that cause discomfort because it acts as a natural antiseptic.
  • Type 2 Diabetes : A 2016 study by researchers from India isolated several different plant-based nutrients that played a role in controlling inflammation associated with both type 2 diabetes and free radical activity. “Collectively, our results suggested that aromatic compounds showed good anti-oxidant and anti-diabetic activities, ” researchers wrote in the December 2016 issue of the journal Pharmacognosy Magazine.7
  • Muscle Relaxation : Tense, painful, overworked muscles can be relaxed and eased naturally with the compounds found in nagarmotha, according to both contemporary and ancient studies.
  • Appetite Booster : In addition to having potential to help ease malnutrition, nagarmotha can act as a stimulant to boost hunger, protecting against eating disorders or preventing the loss of appetite associated with chemotherapy and other medical treatments.

Nagarmotha has also been shown to support lower blood glucose levels, which can reduce the risk factors of developing type 2 diabetes or ease existing symptoms, it has helped promote a healthy weight and has eased digestive woes including diarrhea and constipation.

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Clary Sage Oil

  • Color White
  • Part Flowering Top & Leaves
  • HS Code 3301
  • Botanical Name Salvia Sclarea
  • Extraction Method Steam Distillation
  • Storage Cool & Dry Place
  • Note Samples are free

D.S. Clary Sage Oil Benefits for Menstrual Pain, Hormone Balance and MoreThe clary sage plant has a lengthy history as a medicinal herb. It’s a perennial in the genus Salvi, and its scientific name is salvia sclarea. Clary sage is considered to be one of the top essential oils for hormones, especially in women. Many claims have been made as to its benefits when dealing with cramps, heavy menstrual cycles, hot flashes and hormonal imbalances. It’s also known for its ability to increase circulation, support the digestive system, improve eye health and fight leukemia.
Clary sage is one of the most healthful essential oils, with anticonvulsive, antidepressant, antifungal, anti-infectious, antiseptic, antispasmodic, astringent and anti-inflammatory properties. It’s also a nerve tonic and sedative with soothing and warming components.
Clary sage gets its name from the Latin word “clarus, ” which means “clear.” It’s a perennial herb that grows from May to September, and it’s native to the northern Mediterranean, along with some areas in North Africa and Central Asia. The plant reaches 4–5 feet in height, and it has thick square stems that are covered in hairs. The colorful flowers, ranging from lilac to mauve, bloom in bunches.
The chief components of clary sage essential oil are sclareol, alpha terpineol, geraniol, linalyl acetate, linalool, caryophyllene, neryl acetate and germacrene-D; it has high concentrations of esters at about 72 percent.

10 Clary Sage Oil Benefits
1. Relieves Menstrual Discomfort

  • Clary sage works to regulate the menstrual cycle by balancing hormone levels naturally and stimulating the opening of an obstructed system. It has the power to treat symptoms of PMS as well, including bloating, cramps, mood swings and food cravings. Clary sage is also antispasmodic, meaning it treats spasms and related issues such as muscle cramps, headaches and stomachaches. It does this by relaxing the nerve impulses that we can’t control.
  • An interesting study done at the Oxford Brooks University in the United Kingdom analyzed the influence that aromatherapy has on women in labor. The study took place over a period of eight years and involved 8, 058 women. The evidence from this study suggests that aromatherapy can be effective in reducing maternal anxiety, fear and pain during labor. Of the 10 essential oils that were used during childbirth, clary sage oil and chamomile oil were the most effective in alleviating pain.
  • Another 2012 study measured the effects of aromatherapy as a painkiller during the menstrual cycle of high school girls. There was an aromatherapy massage group and an acetaminophen (pain killer and fever reduced) group. The aromatherapy massage was performed on subjects in the treatment group; the abdomen was massaged once using clary sage, marjoram, cinnamon, ginger and geranium oils in a base of almond oil. The level of menstrual pain was assessed 24 hours later; the results found that the reduction of menstrual pain was significantly higher in the aromatherapy group than in the acetaminophen group.

2. Supports Hormonal Balance

  • Clary sage affects the hormones of the body because it contains natural phytoestrogens, which are referred to as “dietary estrogens” that are derived from plants and not within the endocrine system. These phytoestrogens give clary sage the ability to cause estrogenic effects. It regulates estrogen levels and ensures the long-term health of the uterus — reducing the chances of uterine and ovarian cancer.
  • A lot of health issues today, even things like infertility, polycystic ovary syndrome and estrogen-based cancers, are caused from excess estrogen in the body — in part because of our consumption of high-estrogen foods. Because clary sage helps balance out those estrogen levels, it’s an incredibly effective essential oil.
  • A 2014 study published in the Journal of Phytotherapy Research found that inhalation of clary sage oil had the ability to reduce cortisol levels by 36 percent and improved thyroid hormone levels. The study was done on 22 post-menopausal women in their 50s, some of whom were diagnosed with depression. At the end of the trial, the researchers stated that “clary sage oil had a statistically significant effect on lowering cortisol and had an anti-depressant effect improving mood.” In other words, clary sage oil also works as an effective natural remedy for depression.

3. Relieves Insomnia

  • People suffering from insomnia can find relief with clary sage oil. It is a natural sedative and will give you the calm and peaceful feeling that is necessary in order to fall asleep. When you can’t sleep, you usually awaken feeling unrefreshed, which takes a toll on your ability to function during the day. Insomnia affects not only your energy level and mood, but also your health, work performance and quality of life.
  • Two major causes of insomnia are stress and hormonal changes. An all-natural essential oil like clary sage can cure insomnia without drugs by alleviating feelings of stress and anxiety, and by balancing hormone levels.

4. Increases Circulation

  • Clary sage opens the blood vessels and allows for increased blood circulation; it also naturally lowers blood pressure by relaxing the brain and arteries. This boosts the performance of the metabolic system by increasing the amount of oxygen that gets into the muscles and supporting organ function.
  • A study done at the Department of Basic Nursing Science in the Republic of Korea measured clary sage oil’s ability to lower blood pressure in women with urinary incontinence or involuntary urination. Thirty-four women participated in the study, and they were given either clary sage oil, lavender oil or almond oil (for the control group); then they were measured after inhalation of these odors for 60 minutes.
  • The results indicated that the clary oil group experienced a significant decrease in systolic blood pressure compared with the control and lavender oil groups, a significant decrease in diastolic blood pressure compared with the lavender oil group, and a significant decrease in respiratory rate compared with the control group. The data suggest that clary oil inhalation may be useful in inducing relaxation in females with urinary incontinence, especially as they undergo assessments.

5. Reduces Cholesterol

  • Cholesterol is a naturally occurring substance made by the liver and required by the body for the proper function of cells, nerves and hormones. Cholesterol travels in the lipids (fatty acids) of the bloodstream, which is also called plaque, and can build up in the walls of the arteries. This decreases the flow of blood to vital areas of the body, and if the plaque continues to build, it significantly increases the risk of having a heart attack or stroke.
  • The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of clary sage oil are cardio-protective and help lower cholesterol naturally. Clary sage oil also decreases emotional stress and improves circulation — two very important factors for reducing cholesterol and supporting your cardiovascular system.

6. Works as Stress Reliever

  • Clary sage serves as an antidepressant and as one of the best natural remedies for anxiety; it boosts confidence and mental strength while alleviating feelings of anxiety and failure. It also has euphoric properties, leaving you with a feeling of joy and ease.
  • A 2010 study conducted in South Korea found that clary sage oil could be developed as a therapeutic agent for patients with depression. For the study, antidepressant properties were measured in rats with a forced swimming test; clary oil had the strongest anti-stressor effect.

7. Fights Leukemia

  • A promising study conducted at the Department of Immunology, Hellenic Anticancer Institute in Athens, Greece, examined the role that sclareol, a chemical compound found in clary sage oil, plays in fighting leukemia. The results showed that sclareol is able to kill cell lines through the process of apoptosis.
  • Apoptosis is the process of programmed cell death; research involving the role of  apoptosis has increased substantially since the early 1990s. An insufficient amount of apoptosis results in uncontrolled cell proliferation, such as cancer.

8. Kills Bacteria and Infections

  • Clary sage curbs the growth and spread of bacterial and fungal infections; it can also stop the dangerous behavior of bacteria entering our body through water or food. These antibacterial properties protect the colon, intestines, urinary tract and excretory system.
  • Clary sage is also antiseptic, so wounds will not become infected with germs when you apply this essential oil to them. This beneficial property will protect wounds and heal cuts, and it will help your body to heal quickly.
  • A 2015 study published in Postepy Dermatol Alergol journal found that clary sage oil may be applied to treat wounds and skin infections because of its antimicrobial properties. The results indicated that clay sage essential oil has strong antistaphylococcal activity against clinical strains isolated from wound infections — the oil was active against strains, including Staphylococcus aureus, S. epidermidis and S. xylosus.

9. Promotes Skin Health

  • There is an important ester in clary sage oil called linalyl acetate, which is a naturally occurring phytochemical found in many flowers and spice plants. This ester reduces skin inflammation and works as a natural remedy for rashes; it also regulates the production of oil on the skin.
  • Clary sage oil works similarly to jojoba oil in this regard, so combining the two makes for a perfect skin moisturizer that will keep the skin even throughout the day.

10. Aids Digestion

  • The digestive system is the foundation of good health. This amazing system includes a combination of nerves, hormones, bacteria, blood and organs that work together to complete the intricate task of digesting the foods and liquids that we consume every day.
  • Clary sage oil boosts the secretion of gastric juices and bile, which speeds up and eases the digestive process. By relieving symptoms of indigestion, clary sage minimizes cramping, bloating and abdominal discomfort.
  • This powerful essential oil also prevents stomach disorders and helps the body to absorb the much-needed vitamins and minerals that are consumed throughout the day. It regulates bowel movements, relieves constipation, and helps heals ulcer symptoms and wounds in the stomach.

Some more clary sage oil benefits may include treating :

  • Asthma symptoms
  • Migraines
  • Bronchitis
  • Impotence
  • Throat infections
  • Kidney disorders

Clary Sage Oil Uses

  • For stress relief and aromatherapy, diffuse or inhale 2–3 drops of clary sage essential oil.
  • To improve mood and joint pain, add 3–5 drops of clary sage oil to warm bath water. Try adding clary sage oil to my Homemade Healing Bath Salts to boost your mood and relieve feelings of stress.
  • For eye care, add 2–3 drops of clary sage oil to a clean and warm wash cloth; press cloth over both eyes for 10 minutes.
  • For cramp and pain relief, create a massage oil by diluting 5 drops of clary sage oil with 5 drops of a carrier oil (like jojoba or coconut oil) and apply it to needed areas.
  • For skin care, create a mix of clary sage oil and a carrier oil (like coconut or jojoba) at a 1:1 ratio. Apply the mixture directly to your face, neck and body.For internal use, ONLY very high-quality oil brands should be used. Add a drop of clary sage oil to water or take as dietary supplement; mix clary sage oil with honey or a smoothie.
  • To ease digestion, massage the abdomen with equal parts clary sage oil and a carrier oil, or use a hot compress with 3–5 drops of clary sage oil soaked into it.
  • To enhance healing prayer or meditation, mix 6 drops of clary sage oil with 2 drops of frankincense, white fir or orange oils. Add the mixture to a diffuser or oil burner.
  • To naturally relieve asthma symptoms, mix 4 drops of clary sage oil with lavender oil and massage the blend on the chest or back.
  • For hair health, massage equal parts clary sage oil and rosemary oil into your scalp while showering.
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Clove Leaf Oil

  • Extraction Method Steam Distillation
  • Part Leaves
  • HS Code 3301
  • Botanical Name Eugenia Caryophyllata
  • Color White
  • Storage Cool & Dry Place
  • Note Samples are free

Ayurvedic health benefits of Clove leaf essential oil :Knowledge of life is all the word Ayurveda means. Being a holistic healing approach, the wings of Ayurveda covers everything for addressing a human to be healthy, including his physical, mental and spiritual well-being. The most renowned Ayurvedic philosopher Charaka quotes, The three body, psyche, and soul act as a tripod. The world stands upon them, and within them, the world abides.
Ayurveda regards human body as a temple and trusts that the pure soul dwells in. It aims at maintaining the purity of the soul by keeping the mind, body and spirit clean with clean habits, healthy food regimen, yoga, meditation and prayers for nurturing the mind and the spirit.
The root of Ayurveda is vested with India, the land of the richest and oldest historical values. It is said to be in existence for about 5000 years. This ancient healing methodology states that everything is a part of Mother Nature and is made of the five fundamental elements of nature, including fire, earth, water, air and space.
Ayurveda is a comprehensive healing science that regards every individual as a unique entity, as it strongly believes that no two persons are same in physical, emotional and spiritual aspects. With this firm foundation, Ayurveda prescribes unique remedies for each individual based on their unique individual constitution or doshas (combination of the elements of nature).
The three doshas are vata (air and space), pitta (fire and water) and kapha (earth and water). Every individual is created with a unique combination of these doshas. According to Ayurveda, absolute health means striking perfect balance with nature and sickness or ill-health is an indication that a person is out of balance with nature due to irregular eating routine, change in weather conditions and behavioral changes.
Ayurveda recommends natural medications including Ayurvedic essential oils, Ayurvedic routine, Pranayama or the balanced breathing technique, herbal remedies, Panchakarma or the art of Ayurvedic detoxification, yoga, meditation and prayers based upon an individuals unique constitution and for treating doshic imbalances.
Clove leaf and its essential oil with the warm and soothing properties assist in augmenting pitta energy and pacifying kapha and vata doshas in excess.

1. Excellent support for oral conditions:

  • The antibacterial and anodyne properties of Clove and its essential oil make it an excellent cure for administering dental emergencies and oral problems. This formula is used in mouthwash liquids, toothpastes and dental creams for fighting against germs, bacteria and other micro-organisms that affect oral health.
  • A 2006 study conducted by the Kuwait University have witnessed that a medication prepared with Clove is as effective as a benzocaine gel when used as a topical anesthetic for intraoral injections.
  • The pain-relieving or analgesic properties and numbness or anesthetic properties of Clove leaf oil is attributed to the presence of eugenol component. Numerous research studies conclude that eugenol reveals pharmacological actions on all parts of the human system as it possess anti-inflammatory and free radical scavenging effects.
  • A recent research based in Argentina has proved that the essential oil of Clove is an effective antiseptic and antimicrobial agent for oral infections and fights effectively against Escherichia coli, pseudomonas aeruginosa, staphylococcus aureus and certain other gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.
  • Gargling with a cup of warm water infused with 2 drops of Clove leaf oil can help in reducing toothache, discarding bacteria, germs and other hazardous micro-organisms in the mouth. This is an excellent natural remedy for refreshing your breath daily.
  • Treating your tooth pain even before visiting your dentist is as simple as biting a Clove bud in the painful tooth. You can also add 1 drop of Clove leaf oil in a small cotton ball and keep it on the painful area. This helps in reducing the pain by causing numbness in the painful area.

2. Promising digestive aid:

  • Clove leaf and the essential oil extracted from these magical leaves is a powerful natural remedy for assisting proper digestion. Being an effective carminative and anthelmintic, Clove leaf oil has the power to enhance the secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach and support bowel movements along with peristalsis.
  • Ayurveda states that indigestion is the root cause of many health conditions as it permits the toxic substances to remain in the system thus deteriorating their normal functions. Clove has numerous remedial benefits in Ayurveda for treating digestive disorders.
  • It is called as chardi for treating vomiting, shula for relieving colic pain in the abdomen, adhmana for its potent against abdominal gaseous distension and bloating, paachana and deepana for augmenting digestive power and ruchya for enhancing taste and relieving tastelessness.
  • Massaging your abdomen with 2 drops of Clove oil blended with 1 drop of Peppermint essential oil and 1 drop of Ajowan essential oil along with 2 ml of sesame oil can help in stimulating the secretion of bile, hydrochloric acid and other gastric juices responsible for digestion.
  • This assists in alleviating intestinal gas, abdominal pain, colic, flatulence, vomiting, intestinal worms, sluggish digestion, constipation and bloating. Inhaling the warming aroma by adding 1 drop of Clove leaf oil to a hankie or your wrist especially before eating can support quicker digestion.

3. Heals an extensive range of skin problems:

  • Clove leaf oil has antiseptic, antifungal, antibacterial, antioxidant and blood cleansing properties that elates its stand as an excellent remedy for skin problems. Again, eugenol compound plays a vital role in treating skin problems with its antiseptic and antioxidant properties.
  • The essential oil of Clove is effective against fighting fungi, virus, bacteria and other harmful foreign bodies. Blending 2 drops of Clove leaf oil and 1 drop of Lavender oilwith 2 ml of Almond oil or a mild skin care cream and applying on the affected parts can help in treating athletes foot, ringworm, acne, wounds, cuts, prickly heat, bruises, scabies, insect stings, stretch marks, puffy skin and wrinkles.

4. Relieves respiratory infections:

  • Ayurveda beckons Clove as Shwasa for its effectiveness in treating breathing difficulties, asthma and wheezing problems; Kasa for relieving cough and cold and as Kshaya for administering chronic respiratory conditions.
  • Kapha dosha is a combination of water and earth elements. Excess of which leads to stagnation of water deposits in the system leading to flu, cold, bronchitis, headache, fever and accumulation of phlegm and mucus deposits in the lungs, nasal area and the bronchial passages.
  • Get ready for an energizing steam inhalation with 2 drops of Clove leaf oil, 1 drop of Ginger oil and 1drop of Spearmint oil for loosening the phlegm accumulation, clearing the blocked nasal and bronchial passages, relieving pain associated with migraine and sinusitis.
  • Add that extra spice to your vaporizing ointment by adding 2 drops of Clove leaf oil, 1 drop of Citriodora oil, 1 drop of Basil essential oil and massage the chest, throat, back and temples for a quick relief from runny nose, itchy eyes, sore throat and headache.

5. Alleviates rheumatic and arthritic pain:

  • As seen earlier, vitiation of kapha dosha ends up in amassing of water deposits along with the remains of uric acid, toxic substances and salt. This leads to renal calculi or kidney stones and water-borne problems like obesity and rheumatic conditions.
  • Clove leaf oil has detoxifying and diuretic properties with its power to pacify kapha dosha, which eliminates the toxic remains and excess water deposits by increasing the frequency and quantity of urination.
  • A gentle massage of the painful parts with 5 drops of Clove leaf oil with 2 drops of Citronella oil and 2 drops of Peppermint oil along with 50 ml of Coconut oil can work wonders in reducing pain, redness, muscular soreness, swelling, inflammation, irritation and other symptoms related to arthritis and rheumatism.
  • The most astonishing Ayurvedic truth is that about 70% of toxic substances in the body are eliminated through exhalation and only an average of 30% remains is discarded through sweat and urine. Ayurveda prescribes the practice of Pranayama or the art of balanced yogic breathing for getting rid of the toxic remains in the system.

6.Checks cancerous growths and controls the spread of free radicals:

  • Clove is called as the Champion of all herbs in fighting against cancer for its high free radical scavenging capacity. Clove oil has antioxidant property that controls the growth of free radicals responsible for cellular damage and cancerous growths.
  • Generally, the antioxidant capacity of any particular component is measured by its ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorption Capacity). Amongst all the other essential oils in the world, Clove oil has about 10 million ORAC, which makes it the best antioxidant and is 400 times effective than the leading antioxidant fruit, wolfberry.
  • When diagnosed in the initial stages, Clove oil has the power to support the treatment of various types of cancer including lung cancer, skin cancer, pancreatic cancer and liver cancer. Adding 3 drops of Clove leaf oil in warm bathing water every morning can help in checking the growth of free radicals.
  • Massaging your body with 10 drops of Clove leaf oil along with 2 drops of Cinnamon oil, 2 drops of Geranium oil along with 100ml of Apricot Kernel oil can help in controlling the growth of free radicals, delaying the process of aging and enhancing the immune power of the system.

Other health benefits : Clove is used along with saffron, sandalwood powder and mercuric chloride for treating syphilitic attacks. It has been recommended for treating immune deficiency syndrome, diabetes, dysmennorhea, depression, impotence, premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunctions, epilepsy, cholera, sty, stress and parasitic infections. It is also used as a traditional air freshener and an insect repellant for killing household dust mites and red fire ants.

Disclaimer :

  • This article is only for the use of education and is not recommended as a substitute for prescription medicines or for the advice of a medical professional. We are not healthcare practitioners and this information is shared only with the ultimate idea of spreading the richness and magnificence of Ayurvedic treatment, the mother of all healing methodologies on earth.
  • Always use essential oils in diluted form for topical application only. Ingesting essential oils is not recommended, as 100 percent pure and organic essential oils are extremely concentrated substances and may harm the skin, the most sensitive and the largest organ of the body.
  • It is always good to talk with your Ayurvedic expert or medical practitioner before deciding the most appropriate essential oils for your Prakriti or unique individual constitution and your health condition.
  • Keep essential oils away from children and take special care and medical advice while using essential oils during your pregnancy or nursing period.
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Juniper Berry Oil

15,750 /100ml, 250ml, 500ml & 1kg Get Latest Price
  • Color White
  • Botanical Name Juniperus Communis
  • Extraction Method Steam Distillation
  • HS Code 3301
  • Part Berries
  • Storage Cool & Dry Place
  • This Prices Including 18% GST Tax + All other Taxes
  • Note Samples are free

Juniper berry essential oil typically comes from the fresh or dried berries and needles of the Juniperus communis plant species. Known as a powerful detoxifier and immune system booster, juniper berry plants originate from Bulgaria and have a long history of naturally helping prevent both short- and long-term illnesses.
Juniper berries themselves are high in flavonoid and polyphenol antioxidants that have strong free radical scavenging abilities. (1) Because they were seen as protectors of health — both emotional and physical health — during the Medieval period, juniper berries were believed to help ward off witches. In fact, for years French hospital wards burned juniper and rosemary to help protect patients against lingering bacteria and infections.Juniper Berry Essential Oil Benefits
What is juniper berry essential oil good for? Today, juniper berry essential oil (called Juniperi communis in most research studies) is most commonly used in natural remedies for sore throat and respiratory infections, fatigue, muscle aches and arthritis. It can also help soothe skin flair-ups, boost the immune system, help with insomnia and aid with digestion.
Research shows juniper berry essential oil contains over 87 different active constituent compounds, including strong antioxidants, antibacterials and antifungals. (2) With a sweet, woodsy smell (some people say it’s similar to balsamic vinegar), this oil is a popular addition to household cleaning products, aromatherapy blends and fragrance sprays.

11 Juniper Berry Essential Oil Uses (and Benefits)

What is juniper berry essential oil used for?

1. Can Relieve Bloating

  • Juniper berries have both antibacterial and antifungal properties. (3, 4) One of the most popular homeopathic uses for juniper berries is using them to prevent or naturally remedy urinary tract infections and bladder infections.
  • The berries are also a natural diuretic, which helps the body flush out excess fluids from the bladder and urethra. (5) This has the potential to reduce bloating. This is especially effective when combined with other antibacterial and diuretic foods, including cranberries, fennel and dandelion.

2. May Help Heal and Protect Skin

  • With natural antibacterial abilities, juniper berry essential oil is one of the most popular natural remedies for fighting skin irritations (like rash oreczema) and infections. (6) Due to its antiseptic abilities, it can serve as a home remedy for acne and some people also like to use juniper oil for hair and scalp concerns like dandruff.
  • Use 1 to 2 drops mixed with a carrier oil as a gentle astringent or moisturizer after washing your face. You can also add some to your shower to help treat blemishes and foot odors and fungus. For hair and scalp, you can add a few drops to your shampoo and/or conditioner.

3. Boosts Digestion

  • Juniper can help stimulate digestive enzymes and make it easier to break down and absorb protein, fats and nutrients from foods. This is because it is a “bitter.” Bitters are herbs that begin the digestive process. (7) However, this has not been tested thoroughly on humans. But it has proven to hold true in at least one animal study, in which cows had significantly improved digestion when given garlic and juniper berry essential oils. (8) Some people talk about juniper berry essential oil for weight loss, but this benefit also hasn’t been backed by any solid human studies.
  • For a natural digestive aid or liver cleanse, you can try taking juniper oil as a dietary supplement by adding 1 to 2 drops to a smoothie or water (but onlydo this if you’re sure you have 100 percent pure therapeutic-grade oil). You may want to consult with your natural health care provider first.

4. Relaxant and Sleep Aid

  • The smell of juniper berries offers emotional support and reduce physical and emotional signs of stress. Considered in folklore as a natural anxiety remedy, some sources claim it’s one of the most effective essential oils for dealing with inner trauma and pain because juniper may have positive effects on relaxation responses in the brain when inhaled.
  • One study tested an essential oil fragrance that combined juniper berry essential oil with sandalwood, rose and orris. Examining its effect on insomniacs who were taking medication for their condition, researchers found that 26 of the 29 subjects were able to reduce their drug dosage when using the essential oil fragrance at night. Twelve subjects were able to eliminate medications altogether. (9)
  • For a natural sleep aid, use juniper berry essential oil at home by diffusing it throughout your bedroom, dabbing some on your wrists (diluted with a carrier oil) or clothes for an uplifting perfume, or adding several drops to your laundry detergent mix so the smell lingers on your clothes and linens. You can also add a few drops directly to a bath or my homemade healing bath salts recipe for a relaxing, healing soak.

5. Heartburn and Acid Reflex Relief

  • Another traditional use of juniper berry essential oil is to treat heartburn and acid reflux. (10) To soothe indigestion symptoms like acid reflux, massage 1 to 2 drops of juniper berry oil blended with coconut oil over the entire stomach, abdomen and chest, or consider taking it internally. However, consult with your natural health care provider before ingesting it.

6. Might Reduce Cellulite

  • You can also use juniper oil as a cellulite remedy. It may help to reduce the appearance of cellulite thanks to active components like alpha-pinene, sabinene and juniperene. (11) Add 100 percent therapeutic grade juniper berry essential oil to grapefruit cellulite cream to decrease cellulite.

7. Insect Repellent

  • Just like citronella oil, the scent of juniper may naturally repel bugs like mosquitoes according to scientific research. (12) Spray it on your clothes, mix it with a carrier oil and massage into your skin, or diffuse it indoors and outdoors to purify the air and help prevent bug bites. You can even include it in your own homemade bug spray.

8. Natural Antiseptic

  • Whether you’re looking for a better household cleaner or a natural antiseptic for skin or respiratory infections, juniper berry essential oil may be one answer. Its antimicrobial properties help to kill bacteria and provide what could be a potent treatment for simple infections. (13)
  • Some studies suggest this oil might be effective against bacteria and fungi that are resistant to antibiotics. (14) Juniper berry essential oil has a strong antifungal reaction against the bacteria that causes candida. (15)
  • To help prevent or reduce bacterial strains from spreading within your home, use juniper berry oil on kitchen and bathroom surfaces or appliances. When diffused indoors, it absorbs odors from your home while also purifying the air your family breathes. Run several drops through your washing machine or dishwasher, and replace commercial cleaning products — which usually contain multiple harsh chemicals — with natural antibacterial juniper oil mixed with water.

9. Powerful Antioxidant

  • One reason juniper berry essential oil may function in so many different ways is because it contains antioxidants that help to slow age-related degradation, such as skin problems, as well as prevent disease. (16, 17)
  • In particular, animal studies have found that this oil increases the activity of three very important antioxidants in the body: superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase and glutathione peroxidase. (18) All three of these have huge health benefits. In fact, glutathione peroxidase is associated with prevention and development of diseases like cancer and heart disease. (19)
  • This could be why juniper berry essential oil has shown anticancer effects against certain leukemia cells in lab tests. (20)

10. Might Help Reduce High Blood Pressure

  • Correlated with its antioxidant activity, juniper berry essential oil might be one natural way to reduce high blood pressure. (21) Hypertension is quite manageable with diet and lifestyle changes, such as diffusing heart-healthy essential oils like juniper berry. However, if left untreated, it can lead to heart disease and various other conditions.

11. Flavor Enhancer and Natural Preservative

  • Did you know that juniper berries are one of the key ingredients used to make gin? Their taste is also added to other foods, including some drinks, bitters, sauces, marinades and even sauerkraut recipes. In addition to adding a unique sweet flavor to foods, juniper berries act like a preservative since they keep away bacteria.
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Patchouli Oil

13,125 /100ml, 250ml, 500ml & 1kg Get Latest Price
  • Color White
  • HS Code 3301
  • Botanical Name Pogostemon Cablin
  • Part Leaves
  • Extraction Method Steam Distillation
  • Storage Cool & Dry Place
  • This Prices Including 18% GST Tax + All other Taxes
  • Note Samples are free

Patchouli oil comes from a species of plant with the genus Pogostemon. From the labiatae family, it includes lavender, mint and sage. This bushy herb has rigid stems, reaching two or three feet in height, and produces small, pale pink flowers. The plant is native to tropical regions of Asia, and is now extensively cultivated in China, India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Mauritius, the Philippines, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam.
The components of patchouli oil include alpha patchoulene, beta patchoulene, alpha guaiene, alpha bulnesene, caryophyllene, norpatchoulenol, patchouli alcohol, seychellene and pogostol.
Extraction of patchouli essential oil is by steam distillation of the leaves; the cell walls must be broken with steam scalding, light fermentation or drying the leaves. Patchouli leaves may be harvested several times a year, and when they are dried, they can be exported for distillation.
The strong scent of patchouli oil has been used for centuries in perfumes; more recently it’s been used in incense, insect repellents and alternative medicines. It’s also commonly used for skin care because of its ability to help alleviate skin issues, and it’s considered one of best home remedies for acne, as well as for eczema, inflammation, and cracked, chapped or irritated skin. It has cell-rejuvenating properties, which is why it’s often used in anti-aging skin care; it has the power to lessen the look of scars or marks on the skin.
Patchouli oil’s antifungal properties make it useful in treating athlete’s foot, and it has the power to alleviate inflammation that is due to an infection. It also helps alleviate signs of dandruff in hair, as it balances oiliness and builds strength.

Patchouli Oil Benefits
There are so many amazing health and beauty benefits from just a few drops of patchouli oil. Some of the most common benefits of patchouli essential oil include :

  • Fights depression
  • Boosts immune system
  • Works as a natural deodorant
  • Stops fungal growth
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Enhances mood
  • Strengthens hair
  • Fights infections
  • Clears dandruff
  • Treats skin conditions
  • Works as a bug repellent
  • Stimulates hormones
  • Fights fever

12 Patchouli Oil Uses
1. Antidepressant

  • Patchouli oil is commonly used in aromatherapy because of its depressant remedying properties. Because of the impact that inhaling patchouli oil has on our hormones, it encourages the release of serotonin and dopamine; these hormones ease feelings of anger, anxiety and anxiousness.
  • This is why patchouli oil is commonly used during prayer; it creates an atmosphere or tranquility. An easy way to experience this benefit is to add five drops of patchouli oil to an oil diffuser or burner; you can even try adding 10 drops of patchouli oil to a warm bath.

2. Reduces Inflammation

  • Patchouli oil has antiphlogistic properties, which means that it has the power to soothe inflammation in the body. With inflammation at the root of most disease, patchouli oil can address internal inflammation and such conditions as arthritis and gout, and also deal with external inflammation that can be present in skin infections or irritations.
  • Rub five drops of patchouli oil into your hands and massage your feet, stomach, lower back or any other agitated or inflamed area. (1)

3. Prevents Infections

  • There is always the risk of small wounds become infected and this leads to bigger problems, like tetanus. Patchouli oil is antiseptic, meaning it protects cuts or sores on the skin from becoming infected. It also kills fungus, so it can help if you are battling athlete’s foot or another fungal infection. Simply rub 2–3 drops of patchouli oil on the infected area, or make yourself a warm bath with 5–10 drops of this infection preventing oil. (2)

4. Helps Metabolic System

  • Patchouli oil is a tonic, which means that is helps to tone your liver, stomach and intestines. This increases your ability to decompose food and absorb nutrients properly, so it impacts your digestive system. Because of these metabolic benefits, patchouli oil will give you more energy and help your body to function properly.
  • Inhaling patchouli oil with an oil burner or diffuser can make a big difference; you can also use patchouli oil as a dietary supplement. Try adding 1–2 drops to a cup of tea or a glass of water.

5. Stimulates Hormones

  • Patchouli oil has the power to stimulate hormones and increase your libido, or sex drive. It can be be considered as one of the natural remedies for impotency and erectile dysfunction. Used as an aphrodisiac for years, patchouli oil boosts your testosterone and estrogen levels, and this can have a huge impact on your intimate relationships.

6. Strengthens Hair and Skin

  • Patchouli oil stimulates muscle contractions and, therefore, prevents hair loss or sagging skin. Patchouli essential oil regenerates new skin cells, and this keeps the skin looking young, healthy and vibrant. It is also great for all skin types — dry, cracked skin and oily or acne-prone skin; you will see the healing and germ-fighting benefits of this oil either way.
  • Try adding five drops of patchouli oil to your face wash or lotion, or you can massage the oil on your face directly. For your hair, massage five drops of patchouli oil into your scalp or add it to your conditioner.

7. Minimizes Scars

  • Because of its quick-healing properties, patchouli oil minimizes the look of scars or marks that are left from acne, wounds, measles, pox or boils. You can even heal bug bites with this powerful essential oil. To speed up the healing process of any unwanted marks on the skin, rub 2–3 drops of patchouli oil into your hands and then apply it the scarred area. Do this daily and you will begin to see the mark disappear.

8. Reduces Insomnia

  • It’s very important that you can a full night’s sleep; in fact, proper sleep has a positive impact on every system in your body. Because patchouli oil is a sedative, it helps to treat insomnia; it helps to put your mind and body at ease and allows you to rest peacefully.
  • Simply rub 2–3 drops of patchouli oil into your hands and cup your nose; just by breathing in the sweet scent of patchouli oil, you will experiences the benefits of its sedative properties. You can also touch your temples, neck and chest after rubbing the oil into your hands.

9. Bug Repellent

  • Just a few drops of patchouli oil will go a long way in keeping the bugs at bay. This bug-repelling oil can be used in sprays, lotions and vaporizers; it will repel mosquitoes, fleas, ants, lice, moths and flies. You can use patchouli oil outside while you are gardening or dining in the backyard, or you can use it inside — especially if you are battling bed bugs or lice; try adding patchouli oil to your laundry detergent or burn five drops of the oil in an oil burner. (3)

10. Fights Fever

  • Patchouli oil has a number of powerful properties, which allows it to fight a fever and beat a cold with ease. Patchouli oil reduces inflammation and kills infections; this will bring down your body temperature and reduce the pain that is associated with a fever. It also has cooling properties, so rubbing the oil into your hands, neck and stomach will reduce your body temperature.

11. Natural Deodorant

  • Patchouli oil has a sweet, musky and spicy aroma; it can be used to mask body odor naturally. It also kills germs and fights fungus, so it’s makes a great natural home deodorizer for any infected area.
  • Rub 1–2 drops under your armpits or add it to your favorite body lotion. Keep in the mind that the scene it pretty strong, so only a drop or two will do the trick.

12. Natural Diuretic

  • Patchouli oil increases the frequency of urination, and this can be beneficial to your health in several ways: You are removing excess salt, water and uric acid, which is good for your gallbladder diet, kidney natural remedies and even a liver cleanse.
  • By removing toxins from your body, you can lower your blood pressure, lower cholesterol naturally and increase your appetite. You can consume 3–5 drops of patchouli oil by mixing it with lemon water or flavored tea.

Patchouli Oil History

  • Patchouli comes from the Hindustan word “pacholi” meaning “to scent.” Indian shawls and fabrics were scented with patchouli oil in the 1800s.
  • There are several species of patchouli that are grown in different parts of Asia, including India, Indonesia, China, Brazil and Malaysia. The cablin species is commonly considered a superior species, especially for therapeutic use.
  • This well-known essential oil has a reputation as the scent of the hippy generation. The definition of patchouli in the urban dictionary, for example, is “a pungent scented oil usually worn by those who live an alternative or bohemian lifestyle, like artists, musicians, hippies, bikers and punk-rockers.” (4) This reputation has caused some people to stay away from the smell of patchouli oil, as they relate it to a scent that covers the smell of body odor. Although it’s known for its use during the 1960s, traditional use dates back hundreds, perhaps thousands of years.
  • In India, for instance, patchouli oil was used in cloth and clothing because it works as a moth repellent. In fact, it’s said that the scent of patchouli oil became an indicator of true ‘Oriental’ fabric, and the English and French garment makers would scent their imitation products with patchouli so that the products would sell.
  • Patchouli oil is a highly valuable product in the fragrance industry and its quality changes depending upon raw material age and oil storage — so just like wine, patchouli oil gets better with age.

Research, Unique Compounds and Studies

  • Patchouli oil is known to have neuroprotective, anti-influenza and anti-inflammatory activities, and one study researched where it can be considered a natural cancer treatment. In 2013, researchers performed an in vitro study to investigate whether patchouli oil affects an increase and infection of human colorectal (colon and rectum) cancer cells, and define its potential molecular mechanisms.
  • The data found that patchouli oil suppressed cell growth and induced apoptosis, which means that the cells were no longer a threat. In addition, the patchouli oil reduced enzyme activity — the reactions that cancer can have on the body. These surprising and optimistic findings suggest that patchouli oil exerts an anti-cancer activity by decreasing cell growth and increasing apoptosis in human colorectal cancer cells (5).
  • Another interesting study measured whether or not patchouli oil is effective as a pesticide. Serious fruit and vegetable pests, such as moths, that require multiple insecticide applications per year were put up against 17 essential oils, including patchouli oil, thyme oil, garlic oil and lemongrass essential oil. To reduce non-target exposure to hazardous insecticides and curb resistance development, these alternative controls were found to be required.
  • Based on these results, patchouli oil and other essential oils have sufficient efficacy to be considered as components of an essential oil-based insecticide that targets these pests

Patchouli Oil Side Effects

  • Patchouli oil is regarded as safe when used in regulated amounts. It’s used as a dietary supplement, but it’s not advised for children who are under the age of 6. There is not a lot of scientific evidence to support the safety of patchouli oil for children and women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, so if you plan to use the oil, regulate the doses.
  • Because it works as a sedative, in large amounts it can alter your energy levels. It can also cause sensitivity when used topically in large amounts. When using patchouli oil, start off by diluting a small amount with water to make sure that you will not have a negative reaction.
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Muskmelon Oil

4,375 /100ml, 250ml, 500ml & 1kg Get Latest Price
  • Type Carrier
  • Form Liquid
  • Botanical Name Cucumis Melo
  • Extraction Method Cold Pressed
  • Plant Part Seeds
  • HS Code 3301
  • This Prices Including 18% GST Tax + All other Taxes
  • Note Samples are free
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Sandal Oil

  • Type Herbal
  • Color Yellow
  • Purity 100%
  • Shelf Life 1 Year
  • Grade Superior
  • Storage Cool & Dry Place
  • Note Samples are Free
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Pink Lotus Oil

  • Botanical Name Nymphaea Caerulea
  • Purity 100%
  • HS Code 3301
  • Plant Part Flower
  • Extraction Method Solvent Extracted
  • Storage Cool & Dry Place
  • Note Samples are free

Extraction :This oil is extracted from the finest quality handpicked flowers of Lotus Pink Absolute by making use of solvent extraction method. By this extraction method, the oil is able to retain its natural aroma, aromatic and medicinal qualities.

Chemical Composition :The oil is comprised with neferin, alcohol and lotusine constituents that enhance it in medicinal and perfume relevance.

Essential Oil Information :Pink Lotus Absolute oil is naturally extracted oil from the flower petals to make sure that it is blended with earthy and floral fragrance. The excellent nourishing property of this oil makes it ideal to be used in massage oils, lotions, luxury soaps, air fresheners, aromatherapy products and bath oils. Our pure oil is also good for curing various health related problems due to its excellent medicinal value.

Oil Properties :The oil is idyllically utilized for treating various treating skin related disorders due to optimal properties like non-toxic and non-irritant. This oil is also preferred for its moisturizing and nourishing properties.

Uses :Pink Lotus Absolute oil is ideal to cure health related disorders like rheumatism, asthma, kidney disorders, bladder problems, jaundice, epilepsy and plague. The oil is also used in cosmetic products like soaps, perfumes, lotions, massage oils, air fresheners, light rings, facial steams, hair treatments and incenses for rejuvenating the mind, body and soul with its unique fragrance. With its excellent moisturizing and nourishing nature, the oil soothes and nourishes the body skin. It is also extremely effective in treating the liver and heart disorders.

Therapeutic Properties :The oil offers excellent deepening effect on the body and brain with its impeccable soothing and calming properties. This oil nourishes the body and brain with its aromatic properties. Massaging with this oil rejuvenates the body, mind and soul of the person due to its excellent aromatic properties including deepened moisturizing and nourishing effect.

Summary :This oil is extracted by using solvent extracted methodologies from the petals of pink lotus absolute. The yellow-orange reddish colored oil offers serenity and tranquility through its spiritual treatment effect. The oil is perfect for treating various health problems including treatment of leucorrhea in women and weak sexual function in men.

Precautions :Should not be used during pregnancy

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Jasmine Grandi Oil

  • HS Code 3301
  • Botanical Name Jasmine Grandiflorum
  • Plant Part Flower
  • Extraction Method Solvent Extracted
  • Purity 100%
  • Storage Cool & Dry Place
  • Note Samples are free

Jasmine or Jasminum is a shrub and vine and comes in the olive family. It has around 200 species and is generally native to tropical or warm temperature regions. Flowers of this shrub bloom during early dawn.
Jasmine flowers are white or yellow in color and are typically 2.5 cm in diameter. These flowers basically borne in clusters and have about four to nine petals and one to four ovules.
Jasmine flowers are known for their soothing, calming, aphrodisiac properties. The intense floral scent of jasmine grandiflorum lingers for a long time. This can be used on body after dilution and mixes easily with other aphrodisiac type oils. To produce one gram of oil, one require 8000 blossoms. 

Common Uses :Jasmine Grandiflorum Absolute is widely acknowledged for its sensual, soothing, calming properties that promotes love and peace. Due to its aphrodisiac properties, this is oil is widely preferred during childbirth as it aids contractions. This can be generally used as moisturiser, exfoliant, scrub, body spray, shampoo and conditioner.

Precautions :It should be avoided during pregnancy as it stimulates menstruation and contractions. Besides, internal consumption should also be avoided.

Blends well with :Jasmine Absolute has an essential property of bending with all types of oils. Especially, it blends well with aphrodisiac oils such as Sandalwood and Ylang-ylang.

Aromatic Scent :Jasmine Grandiflorum Absolute is known for its smooth, extremely intense floral smell that is both sweet and lingering. It is also the most masculine of all the floral oils and referred as the King of oils.

Summary :Jasmine Grandiflorum Absolute is a light reddish brown liquid having strong aroma and is used widely in cosmetics and other purposes.

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Jasmine Sambac Oil

  • HS Code 3301
  • Botanical Name Jasminum Sambac
  • Plant Part Flower
  • Extraction Method Solvent Extracted
  • Purity 100%
  • Storage Cool & Dry Place
  • Note Samples are free

This extraction is carried out using Jasmine Sambac, a beautiful plant having intense aroma like floral, more musky and masculine. Jasmine Sambac (Arabian Jasmine) is a vine having little white flowers and shiny dark green leaves. Grown in a cluster of three to twelve among clusters of 3 leaves, the flowers are about one inch across and fade to pink as they age. These flowers generally bloom through summer, late in the evening.
Blends WithThe extraction can blend with orange essential oil, geranium essential oil, palmarosa essential oil, bergamot essential oil, frankincense essential oil, rose essential oil, sandalwood essential oil.

Constituents :Methyl Anthranilate, Benzyl Alcohol, Indole, Linalool, Skatole.


  • It is widely used as an aphrodisiac and provides calm feeling during anxiety.
  • Also used for massage to heighten feelings of sensuality and eroticism.
  • Ideal for anti-depression, as a sedative and for muscle pain.
  • It helps with the contractions and thus, used after birth to help with the scaring of stretch marks.

Details :

  • CAS No. : 1332-58-7
  • Country of Origin : India
  • Color & Odor : Dark brown yellowish liquid with an incredibly intense aroma that is very floral, yet more musky
  • Solubility: Soluble in Ethanol. Insoluble in water
  • Specific Gravity: 0.9290 – 0.955
  • Optical Rotation: +2.23’ - 4.95’
  • Refractive Index: 1.4822 – 1.4935 @ 20 C
  • Flash Point: 200.00 F
  • Extraction Method: Solvent extraction from the Jasmine Sambac concrete
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Champaca Oil

  • Purity 100%
  • HS Code 3301
  • Botanical Name Michelia Champaca
  • Plant Part Flower
  • Extraction Method Solvent Extracted
  • Storage Cool & Dry Place
  • Note Samples are free

Relaxing, rejuvenating and sensual. Also known as champa and champaka, Champaca Absolute is extracted from the fragrant flowers of a tree that is highly revered by the Hindus, and is dedicated to Vishnu and Kamadeva (the Hindu god of love) and associated with Maitreya, the eighth Buddha. This is why the tree is considered so sacred.
The deep, seductive and complex aroma of Champaca Absolute has many subtle nuances; it has a sweet and exotic, dry floral bouquet, with a warm, sensual and spicy undertone that is similar to carnation. Keen noses will also detect subtle but recognisable hints of familiar floral notes comparable to ylang ylang, rose and neroli, which is why it blends so well with all of these.
Used in massage blends, Champaca Absolute supports healthy joints and muscles as well as having a reputation as a potent aphrodisiac that helps with nervous-related intimacy problems and frigidity. In skin care treatments, champaca revitalising properties help moisturize and revitalize dry, mature and wrinkled skin – and the fragrance is truly divine!
The seductive and beautiful fragrance of Champaca Absolute produces a celestial atmosphere that soothes, relaxes and strengthens the mind after a stressful day. It helps to instil a sense of purpose and build strength of character, and this ability is invaluable for those who are full of self-doubt or continually question their chosen path in life.

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Citronella Oil

8,750 /100ml, 250ml, 500ml & 1kg Get Latest Price
  • Type Essential
  • Color White
  • Part Leaves & Seeds
  • Botanical Name Cymbopogon
  • Extraction Method Steam Distillation
  • Storage Cool & Dry Place
  • This Prices Including 18% GST Tax + All other Taxes
  • Note Samples are free

Repel Insects, Pain & Stress!
As a concentrated form of antioxidants and phytochemicals taken from the plants stems and leaves, citronella oil has been used for centuries in China, Indonesia and Sri Lanka to help decrease rashes, inflammation, infections, pain and other health conditions.

What is citronella? Well, citronella oil comes from the Asian grass plant known as Cymbopogon nardus. Its most commonly used as a natural fragrant oil, in insect repellents, as well as in beauty, household and perfume products. According to scientific research, pure citronella oil is known to have amazing antibacterial and antifungal abilities. With these potent properties, is citronella oil harmful to humans? Not when its used properly! In fact, the most popular use for citronella is as an ingredient in homemade or commercially made insect repellents, since it naturally repels various bugs. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency considers citronella to be a biopesticide, which means its a natural nontoxic mode of action against potentially harmful insects like mosquitoes. And insect repellent is just one of citronellas many possible uses and benefits.

Benefits of Citronella Oil According to various studies investigating the effects of these compounds, citronella oil has been shown to have the following benefits :

  • Naturally repels insects
  • Fights free radical damage
  • Fights bacteria and fungi
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Promotes relaxation
  • Helps control pets behavior

Today, there are more than 30 species of Cymbopogon grown wildly throughout parts of the world and used in Southeast Asian cooking and teas. There are two primary types of citronella used to create pure citronella oil: the Java type and the Ceylon type. Both originally come from parts of Asia, especially grassy areas of Sri Lanka. Ceylon citronella is obtained from the Cymbopogon nardus plant and has the following main active ingredients: citronellal (27.87 precent), geraniol (22.77 percent), geranial (14.54 percent), citronellol (11.85 percent) and neral (11.21 percent). (3) It has a scent similar to citrus fruits, wood and cinnamon.
The Java type is similar and derived from a related species called Cymbopogon winterianus. Java citronellas main active ingredients include: geraniol (40.06 percent), citronellal (27.44 percent) and citronellol (10.45 percent). (4) Of the two types, Java is thought to be more powerful, and therefore its usually more expensive. It has a darker color and fresher scent similar to lemon and lemon essential oil. Of citronellas active ingredients, the three that are most researched and valued include citronellol, citronellal and geraniol.
Both types of citronella oil have widespread uses, including stress reduction, antibacterial or antiseptic action, and skin rejuvenation. Citronella essential oil is one of the most common aromatherapy oils and is part of what gives many household sprays and candles their signature scent. Additionally, it can be used as a food additive for flavor and preservation, so you can sometimes find it in foods and beverages.
Lemongrass essential oil can be confused for citronella essential oil and vice versa. Are lemongrass and citronella the same? A citronella plant, also called a mosquito plant, does resemble its relative, the lemongrass plant. The oils derived from these plants also have similar smells, uses and benefits, but they are definitely two completely different plants and oils.9 Citronella Oil Uses + Benefits

What is citronella used for? Here are some of its many uses :

All-Natural Insect RepellentCitronella has been registered as a gentle, plant-based insect repellent in the U.S. since 1948. It has even been shown to repel dangerous Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, which are capable of spreading dengue fever and the Zika virus. (5) Research published in The Israel Medical Association Journal also shows how citronella can be effective in helping to prevent head lice, too. (6)
According to some research, you need to reapply citronella oil about every 3060 minutes for its bug-repelling effects to last. You can combine several drops with coconut oil and spread it on your body like lotion, or add some to a spray bottle with water and cover your skin, hair and clothes.

Anti-Inflammatory and Pain ReducerLike many citrus essential oils, citronella contains compounds that fight free radical damage and help reverse oxidative stress. A 2000 review published in the Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry studied 34 different citrus essential oils and their components for radical-scavenging activities. They found that many citrus volatile components, including the main type found in citronella called geraniol, had high antioxidant capabilities for fighting free radicals that can cause disease and cellular damage. (7)
Due to its antioxidant properties, citronella can be used as a natural pain-relieving treatment to decrease inflammation and pain. Combine several (two to three) drops with a carrier oil like coconut oil and massage it into swollen joints, tissue and muscles.

Uplifting and Stress ReducingCitronella has a citrusy scent that can be both uplifting and relaxing. In fact, research has shown that citronella oil seems to activate both para-sympathetic and sympathetic nervous activity.
Citronella can contribute to natural stress relief so try diffusing it in your home or office to counteract a rough day. When inhaled, citronella can encourage relaxation, invigoration and pleasant memories and may even reduce trouble sleeping and depression.

Destroys ParasitesCitronella oil is used to expel worms and parasites from the intestines. (9) In vitro research shows that citronellas geraniol also has strong anti-helminthic activity, which means it effectively expels parasitic worms and other internal parasites by either stunning or killing them without causing any damage to the host. (10) This is precisely the reason that citronella is used to prevent both internal and external infections, and why it should play a central role in a parasite cleanse.

Natural Perfume or Room SprayBecause it has a clean, fresh scent similar to lemon or lemongrass, citronella is a common ingredient in soaps, candles, incense, perfumes and cosmetics. You can naturally deodorize your home, dishwasher, refrigerator and laundry machine by diffusing citronella or running a cycle of your household appliances with a few drops of citronella included.

Kitchen CleanerProven to have strong antifungal and antibacterial properties, citronella oil can be used to help clean your kitchen, bathroom or household surfaces without the need for harsh chemicals.

Natural Anti-Fungal and Antibacterial Skin Care RemedyAside from keeping away bug bites, citronella can work as a natural skin care aid by killing off bacteria and fungus. Being both an antibacterial and antifungal essential oil, citronella can help with many common skin complaints, including athletes foot and acne.
Citronella essential oil has also specifically been shown to kill off Candida fungus, which can contribute to many skin concerns such as nail infections. (12)
To use citronella oil topically, always dilute it in a 50:50 ration with a carrier oil such as coconut oil. As an easy-to-make home remedy for acne, try dabbing one drop of pure citronella essential oil mixed with one drop of coconut oil on blemishes three times a day using a sterile cotton swab.

Pet ControllerAlthough it might sound strange, rather than using an electric shock, citronella oil can help dogs to stop barking. This is why they make anti-barking collars that contain citronella. According to the ASPCA, research has shown that a citronella collar can be at least as effective for eliminating barking as an electronic collar, and its typically viewed more positively by dog owners. (13)
You can also use citronella to keep your dogs off of furniture. As a bonus, when you spray citronella on your furniture or linens, it keeps them free from bacteria, pests and odors. Add several drops to a spray bottle along with water, shake it up and spray it throughout your home and on household items.
Is citronella oil poisonous to cats? Cats are known to be more sensitive to citronella than dogs. Citronella is actually considered to be a cat repellent.

Natural Shampoo and ConditionerOne of the most popular uses for citronella oil is cleansing and conditioning the hair and scalp. It can help eliminate excess oil and greasiness of hair while adding shine. Many people find it adds volume to hair and helps to detangle knots.
To use citronella oil for hair, add several drops to your shampoo or conditioner, or try making your own homemade recipe using a cleansing oil like coconut oil, which also benefits hair.

Citronella Oil RecipesTaken from my Essential Oils Guide, here are several methods for safely using citronella oil at home:
Aromatically: You can diffuse the oil in your home or backyard just like a candle using a diffuser. To make a natural room freshener, put a few drops of oil along with water into a spritzer bottle. You can also inhale the oil directly by sniffing it.
Topically: Before applying citronella oil to your skin, it should be diluted with a carrier oil, like coconut or jojoba oil, in a 1:1 ratio. Rub the mixture into your skin, or spray some on your clothes and hair. You can also add a few drops of citronella essential oil to your bath, shampoo, soap, lotion or body wash.
Combine citronella oil with other uplifting essential oils, including: geranium oil, orange oil, lemon oil, vanilla oil, peppermint oil, lemongrass oil and eucalyptus oil.

Here are several recipes to try at home using citronella essential oil :
Homemade Citronella Oil Bug Spray Recipe
Instead of using conventional recipes and showering your body in harmful chemicals, try this homemade bug spray recipe. In addition to keeping away bugs, it also helps kill bacteria and nourish your skin. And unlike conventional brands, it smells amazing!

Total Time : 2 minutes

Serves : 30

Ingredients :

  • 1/2 cup witch hazel
  • 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar
  • 40 drops mixed essential oils (citronella, eucalyptus, lemongrass, tea tree or rosemary)
  • Glass spray bottle

Directions :

  • Mix all ingredients in eight-ounce spray bottle. Spray over all portions of the body, but avoid repellent in eyes and mouth.
  • Homemade Hair Conditioner Recipe
  • Homemade Muscle Rub Recipe
  • Homemade Body Wash Recipe

Wondering where to buy citronella oil? Its not hard to find citronella essential oil in health stores or online. Always look for one that is 100 percent pure, organic and therapeutic-grade that was created with chemical-free CO2 extraction methods.

Side Effects and WarningsIs citronella oil toxic? The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency states that citronella oil is known to have little or no toxicity when used as a topical insect repellent on skin. In fact, there have been virtually zero reports of adverse effects of concern since 1948.
Like all commercially sold products that are intended to be applied to human skin, the EPA requires proper precautionary labeling on some insect repellents containing citronella so people know how to safely use it. Citronella oil is safe for adults and children over six months of age. Ask your pediatrician before using citronella on children under the age of six months. Its a good idea to start out using citronella in small amounts and performing a skin patch test to make sure you dont have any citronella oil side effects like allergies, redness, swelling or hives.

Citronella oil is not recommended for use by pregnant women.
Can citronella oil be applied to skin? Yes, but it should always be mixed with a carrier oil like coconut or jojoba oil for external use. However, citronella is typically not recommended for internal use.

Key Points :

  • Citronella oil contains many beneficial active compounds including geraniol, citronellal and citronellol.
  • Citronella essential oil is mainly used topically so speak with your doctor before using it internally.
  • Citronella oil has both antibacterial and antifungal properties.
  • Its really easy to make your own citronella oil mosquito repellent at home.

Benefits of this citrusy oil include :

  • Natural pest repellent
  • Anti-inflammatory pain reliever
  • Stress reducer
  • Parasite destroyer
  • Cleaning aid
  • Natural deodorizer
  • Pet training
  • Skin and hair booster
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Cinnamon Leaf Oil

8,750 /100ml, 250ml, 500ml & 1kg Get Latest Price
  • Certification CE Certified ISO 9001:2008
  • Application Health Problem
  • Color Whie
  • Part Leaves
  • HS Code 3301
  • Botanical Name Cinnamomum Zeylanicum
  • Extraction Method Steam Distillation
  • Storage Cool & Dry Place
  • This Prices Including 18% GST Tax + All other Taxes
  • Note Samples are free
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Brown Vetiver Oil

78,750 /100ml, 250ml, 500ml & 1kg Get Latest Price
  • Part Roots
  • HS Code 3301
  • Botanical Name Vetiveria Zizaniode
  • Extraction Method Steam Distillation
  • Color White
  • Storage Cool & Dry Place
  • This Prices Including 18% GST Tax + All other Taxes
  • Note Samples are free
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Holy Basil Oil

5,250 /100, 250, 500ml Get Latest Price
  • Type Basil Oil
  • Certification FSSAI Certified, ISO-9001: 2008
  • Form Liquid
  • Application Body Care, Skin Care, Spa
  • HS Code 3301
  • Botanical Name Ocimum  Sanctum
  • Part Leaves
  • Extraction Method Steam Distillation
  • Color White
  • Storage Cool & Dry Place
  • This Prices Including 18% GST Tax + All other Taxes
  • Note Samples are free

Extracted from the powerful aromatic herb Tulsi (Holy Basil), Holy Basil oil is widely used in Ayurvedic clinical and folk medicine. Holy Basil Oil has a strong, spicy, warm, and sweet aroma presenting a top fragrance note. The warm fragrance of the oil works great as a topically applied insect repellent when diluted with distilled water or carrier oil. Holy Basil oil is also an excellent natural deodorizer and can reduce body odor.

This oil helps promote sleep, as well as calm the mind. Known for its spiritual and mental awakening properties, Holy Basil oil also may act as an aphrodisiac and works to promote confidence. The Holy Basil oil produced by the reputed Holy Basil oil manufacturers can be used to treat muscular spasms, respiratory conditions, cramps, menstrual issues, headache, and mental and physical fatigue.

Our firm is the most promising name in offering quality products including superior quality Holy Basil oil. As we are known as one of the leading natural Basil oil manufacturers, we are capable of maintaining high standards in terms of quality and delivery of this oil to meet the client’s requirements. We also ensure the best packaging and prompt delivery of our offered products. Browse through our range of products and get this oil from us at a very affordable rate.

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Sugandh Mantri Oil

8,750 /100ml, 250ml, 500ml & 1kg Get Latest Price
  • Certification ISO 9001:2008
  • Color White
  • HS Code 3301
  • Botanical Name Homalomena Aromatica
  • Part Crushed Roots
  • Extraction Method Steam Distillation
  • Storage Cool & Dry Place
  • This Prices Including 18% GST Tax + All other Taxes
  • Note Samples are free
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Pumpkin Seed Oil

4,375 /100ml, 250ml, 500ml & 1kg Get Latest Price
  • Type Carrier
  • Application Medicine
  • Certification FSSAI
  • Shelf Life 1 Year
  • Packaging Type Glass Bottels
  • Form Liquid
  • Part Fruit
  • Botanical Name Cucurbita Pepo
  • Extraction Method Soxhlet Extraction
  • HS Code 3301
  • This Prices Including 18% GST Tax + All other Taxes
  • Note Samples are free

What Is Pumpkin Seed Oil? How Is It Made?

  • Pumpkin seed oil, also called pepita oil, is the oil extracted from the seeds of a pumpkin. There are two main types of pumpkins from which the oil is obtained, both of the Cucurbita plant genus. One is Cucurbita pepo, and the other is Cucurbita maxima.
  • The process of extracting pumpkin seed oil can be done more than one way. You want to choose an oil that has been cold-pressed, which means the oil has been extracted out of the pumpkin seeds using pressure rather than heat. The cold-pressed method of extraction is preferable because it allows the oil to retain its beneficial antioxidants that would be lost or damaged due to heat exposure. (2)
  • Research shows that the oil extracted from pumpkin seeds using cold pressure is “an important source of many healthy components such as antioxidant and antimicrobial agents.” (3) Refined oils are made using heat and chemicals and consequently produce less nutritious and healthy final products.
  • What is pumpkin seed oil used for? You’re about to find out the many uses and benefits of pumpkin seed oil.

8 Benefits of Pumpkin Seed Oil

1. Reduces Inflammation

  • Replacing saturated fats with healthy, unsaturated fats makes a deep impact on the amount of inflammation in your body. In fact, a research study in 2015 found that replacing cocoa butter with pumpkin seed oil in the diet of people suffering from nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and atherosclerosis (plaque buildup in the walls of the arteries) reduced the effects of these diseases on test subjects. (4)
  • If you’re seeking to live a disease-free life, introducing anti-inflammatory foods and supplements into your diet is one of the key actions you need to take.

2. Nutritional Aid for Cancer Patients

  • You read that right! While there is no “cure” for cancer, pumpkin seed oil has been proven in several studies to support the health of cancer patients and/or a reduced risk of cancer.
  • Pumpkin seeds are one vegetable seed proven to help reduce the risk of breast cancer in post-menopausal women. (5) Additional research from the University of Rostock’s Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in Germany has found the nutritional value of pumpkin seeds to possibly prevent and treat breast cancer. (6)
  • The future is promising for men as well as women — pumpkin seeds may also reduce or inhibit the growth of prostate cancer cells. (7)
  • For those currently being treated for cancer, pumpkin seed oil may also be an answer to common problems. A research study published in the Indian Journal of Biochemistry & Biophysics reveals that pumpkin seed oil’s antioxidant properties create a filter for radiation and protect against or prevent small intestinal damage from methotrexate, a treatment for several types of cancer and also rheumatoid arthritis. (8)

3. Good for Prostate Health

  • Perhaps the most well-documented aid of pumpkin seed oil for health is its vast effectiveness on maintaining a healthy prostate. It has been known to protect against prostate cancer, but it’s also great for prostate health in general.
  • Long used as a folk medicine for prostate health, research has shown that pumpkin seed oil can help to reduce the size of an enlarged prostate, especially in the instance of benign prostatic hyperplasia (age-related prostate enlargement).
  • A study published in 2009 reveals that men who consumed 320 milligrams of pumpkin seed oil each day of for six months saw a reduction in their symptoms and improved quality of life. The researchers conclude that pumpkin seed oil (as well as saw palmetto oil) “are clinically safe and may be effective as complementary and alternative medicine treatments for benign prostatic hyperplasia.” (9)
  • That’s why pumpkin seed oil use is one of three steps to improve prostate health!

4. Encourages Mental Well-Being

  • We all need to consider the health of our brains and mental states. Studies using animal subjects demonstrate the impressive anti-depressive effects of pumpkin seeds with a reduction in depression similar to that of standard drugs.

5. Fights Hair Loss in Men

  • Is pumpkin oil good for your hair? The management of hormones in a healthy diet is key to stopping and/or reversing hair loss, as it is linked to an increase in an androgen hormone, DHT (dihydrotestosterone). Pumpkin seeds act as a hair loss remedy due to their zinc content, which helps balance hormones, thus in turn benefits hair growth.
  • Can pumpkin seed oil regrow hair? It just may help according to some research. In a 2014 double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, pumpkin seed oil hair loss benefits were apparent, as men who took the oil over the course of 24 weeks showed an increase of hair count by an average of 40 percent. (11)

6. Great for Heart Health

  • Is it any surprise that an anti-inflammatory supplement would be great for the heart? Through a process that may involve the production of nitric oxide, pumpkin seed oil exhibits antihypertensive and cardioprotective effects, meaning it can protect you from heart disease and/or heart attacks. (12)
  • It also reduces diastolic blood pressure while raising HDL “good” cholesterol and improving menopause symptoms in postmenopausal women, according to a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled, pilot study of 35 women published in Climacteric: The Journal of the International Menopause Society. (13)

7. Helps Manage Diabetes

  • Diabetes has many causes, one of which is poor diet. Both type 1 and type 2 diabetes are manageable, and even treatable, with good diet strategies and supplements. Research shows that the fruit pulp, oil from ungerminated seeds and protein from germinated seeds of pumpkin all have have blood sugar-lowering properties. (14) This makes oil from pumpkin seeds a good addition to any diabetic diet plan.

8. Soothes Overactive Bladder

  • A 2014 study published in the Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine suggests pumpkin seed oil extracts (from both the Cucurbita pepo and Cucurbita maxima varieties) effectively treat urinary disorders, specifically overactive bladder. (15) This indicates consuming this oil is an important part of maintaining a healthy excretory system.
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Ajwain Oil

  • Color White
  • Storage Cool & Dry Place
  • HS Code 3301
  • Botanical Name Trachyspermum Ammi
  • Part Seeds
  • Extraction Method Steam Distillation
  • This Prices Including 18% GST Tax + All other Taxes
  • Note Samples are free

Ajowan is a spicy little wonder that has colossal healing values and has been recognized as a ‘hub of remedies’ by the most commendable medical geniuses of the world like Acharya Charaka, Dioscorides, Galen, Sushruta and Avicenna.
Highly acclaimed as one among the best digestive aid for its excellent carminative properties, Ajowan or Ajwain has been a part of the Indian traditional regimen and is also used as a popular spice. Botanically termed as Trachyspermum Ammi or Trachyspermum copticum, Ajwain resembles cumin, fennel, caraway and smells like thyme.
Called as Yamani or Dipyaka in Sanskrit, Ajwain and its essential oil have been used in Ayurvedic medicine for treating digestive disorders, gastro-intestinal problems, bronchitis, pharyngitis, asthmatic attacks, impotency, rheumatic pain, migraine, amenorrhea, ulcer and chronic cough. It has also been employed as a powerful respiratory stimulant and tonic for the heart and kidneys.

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Carrot Seed Oil

11,375 /100ml, 250ml, 500ml & 1kg Get Latest Price
  • Color White
  • Part Seeds
  • HS Code 3301
  • Botanical Name Daucas Carota
  • Extraction Method Steam Distillation
  • Storage Cool & Dry Place
  • This Prices Including 18% GST Tax + All other Taxes
  • Note Samples are free

One of the unsung heroes of the oily world, carrot seed oil has some impressive benefits, particularly against dangerous bacteria and fungi. In fact, some studies suggest that it can even destroy certain cancer cells.
Among its more popular uses, carrot seed oil can be included in skin care products as a skin-protecting agent. Its also useful for natural hair moisturizing products.
Rich in antioxidants, carrot seed oil deserves more laud than it has received in the past. I believe youll agree after reading all of the incredible benefits it can provide.

Carrot Seed Oil Nutrition FactsWhen discussing carrot seed oil, its important to know specifically what youre discussing. Studies are lacking on the benefits of carrot seed essentialoil, while several exist that examine the benefits of carrot seed oil, a cold-pressed oil derived from carrot seeds.
A common misconception is that carrot oil, a carrier or base oil, is the same thing as carrot seed oil. According to Aromatherapy Science: A Guide for Healthcare Professionals, they are often misquoted or erroneously interchanged. This is an important distinction, because carrot oil is rich in vitamin A and does not provide an essential oil. (1)
Conversely, carrot seed oil and carrot seed essential oil have no vitamin A, although they include incredible antioxidants to help protect against disease.
Carrot seed oil is extracted from the carrot plant, Daucus carota. Extracts vary, since there are so many species of carrot. However, it typically contains three bioflavonoids, all derivatives of luteolin, a cancer-fighting antioxidant found in many fruits. (2, 3)

5 Best Benefits of D.S. Carrot Seed Oil
1. Helps Kill Fungi and Bacteria

  • The most thoroughly researched quality of carrot seed oil is its ability to kill certain bacteria and fungi. Indeed, some of the viruses its powerful against are concerning for a number of reasons. Many are common in developing nations, and the oil may provide a unique way to fight these illnesses, if developed properly.
  • Here are the bacteria and fungi that seem to be most affected by it:
  • Dermatophytes Keratin is required for these fungi to grow. Infections from dermatophytes typically affects the hair, skin and nails and result from direct contact with people, animals and soil infected with the fungus. (4, 5)
  • Cryptococcus neoformans For most people, infection with C. neoformansis not symptomatic or recognized. However, in some people (particularly those with compromised immune systems), this infection can result in lung symptoms and nervous system ailments such as confusion, headache and fever. (6)
  • Alternaria alternata This fungus lives on leaves and can cause rot and blight for crops, a particularly dangerous event for farmers with limited resources. (7)
  • Escherichia coli An E. coli infection can cause diarrhea and, in some rare cases, anemia and kidney failure. (8)
  • Salmonella This bacteria is estimated to cause a million foodborne illnesses each year in the United States alone. A common culprit of food poisoning, salmonella causes diarrhea, fever and stomach cramps that occur 12 or more hours after exposure and can last for four to seven days, usually solved without treatment (although some cases result in hospitalization).
  • Candida Yeast infections caused by Candida albicans are the most common yeast infection. While its not always considered serious, compromised immunity can worsen its effects. Even without a life-threatening component, sufferers of Candida infection are often exhausted, experience brain fog and may have chronic sinus and allergy problems.
  • Acinetobacter Strains of the gram-negative bacterium Acinetobactercause a number of serious infections including: pneumonia, UTIs, secondary meningitis, infective endocarditis and burn/wound infections. It is of most concern in hospital environments. (9)
  • Stenotrophomonas maltophilia This is another virus that is normally seen only in hospital environments. Infection with S. maltophilia is rare but can occur in cancer patients, those undergoing immunosuppressive therapy, patients with cystic fibrosis and people on broad-spectrum antibiotics. (10)
  • Aedes albopictus OK, this last one isnt a virus; its a mosquito. But its significant, because carrot seed oil can kill larvae of this Asian tiger mosquito. Why should you care? Well, Aedes albopictus mosquitoes often spread yellow fever, dengue fever, Zika and a variety of other dangerous viruses. (11)

2. May Fight Cancer Cells

  • In the fight against cancer, researchers consistently look at substances by beginning in the lab and seeing what impact, if any, they have on different cancer cell lines.
  • Lab studies confirm carrot seed oil has anticancer properties against acute myeloid leukemia, colon cancer and breast cancer cell lines. (12, 13)
  • An animal study was conducted to investigate the effect of carrot seed oil on skin cancer (namely, squamous cell carcinoma) in rats and found it to be particularly potent. (14)

3. Included as Part of Natural Sunscreen Option

  • An oft-cited study about the benefits of carrot seed oil was published in 2009 by an Indian university. Various sources claim that the study found that it has an SPF of around 40, making it a useful UV-blocking agent. Well, close. But not exactly.
  • The study was actually investigating how to valuate SPF from natural products with various herbal ingredients. Researchers found that a product containing a number of herbal ingredients, including carrot seed oil, turn out to have an SPF of 40 or so. (15)
  • Because of the way natural ingredients interact to create the SPF found in the tested product, its unlikely that carrot seed oil on its own actually has a significant enough SPF to be used in place of chemical-rich, conventional sunscreens. It does, though, seem to be a part of a natural sunscreen recipe that can be useful.
  • Interestingly, an extract of the much less common purple carrot seems to be particularly powerful in blocking harmful UV rays. I will note that this extract is not definitely carrot seed oil, according to available study data; however, the concept is fascinating. (16)

4. Powerful Antioxidant

  • Like many oils and essential oils, carrot seed oil contains powerful antioxidants that can help to protect against disease. (17)
  • Specifically, these polyphenols have been studied in animal tests for their liver-protecting qualities. Carrot seed oil shields the liver from damage and exhibits strong protection against free radicals that cause oxidative stress and cell damage. (18, 19)

5. Supports Skin and Hair Health

  • Traditionally, carrot seed oil is a popular beauty product for moisturizing skin and hair. While no studies confirm its effectiveness for moisture-rich properties, it is safe for topical use and may help provide these benefits. Its likely it can protect skin and hair from damage because of its antioxidant load.
  • Carrot seed oil has also been used in natural medicine to heal abscesses, boils and ulcers. (20) Again, this is an unproven effect on the scientific front, but the oil is unlikely to worsen these conditions.

History & Interesting Facts

  • In ancient medicine, carrot seed oil was known for its carminative properties, according to unconfirmed sources. (21) While that may sound rather fancy, it actually means people used it to relieve flatulence.
  • Not much is actually known about the origin of carrot seed oil, but it is most often obtained from wild carrots in European countries.
  • Like I mentioned earlier, there is a common misconception about carrot seed oil as compared to carrot oil. Carrot seed oil does not contain vitamin A, although its antioxidants are nothing to scoff at, while carrot oil (functioning as a base or carrier oil) does contain vitamin A.
  • Final Thoughts
  • Carrot seed oil is a useful cold-pressed oil from wild carrot seeds.
  • Carrot seed oil and carrot seed essential oil do not contain vitamin A (although they have several antioxidants), while carrot oil, derived from the actual carrot plant, does contain a large amount of vitamin A.
  • The benefits of carrot seed oil include antifungal, antibacterial and anticancer qualities, due to the bioflavonoids it contains.
  • Because of its antioxidant content, carrot seed oil is an ingredient in a natural sunscreen product and may offer some sun protection, as well as skin-repairing to dry and damaged skin.
  • By using carrot seed oil in aromatherapy, you may reap the benefits of its antioxidants by preventing diseases caused by oxidative stress.
  • Try using carrot seed oil as part of a homemade face scrub to exfoliate, moisturize and protect skin.
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Caraway Oil

8,750 /100ml, 250ml, 500ml & 1kg Get Latest Price
  • Type Caraway Oil
  • Certification CE Certified ISO 9001:2008
  • Color White
  • Form Liquid
  • Packaging Size 1ltr
  • Botanical Name Caruncarvi (Linn)
  • HS Code 3301
  • Part Seeds
  • Extraction Method Steam Distillation
  • Storage Cool & Dry Place
  • This Prices Including 18% GST Tax + All other Taxes
  • Note Samples are free
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Ylang Ylang Oil

8,750 /100ml, 250ml, 500ml & 1kg Get Latest Price
  • Certification ISO 9001:2015
  • Feature Get Strong Hair, Improve Hair-shaft Width, Natural Essential Oil, Pure
  • Packaging Size 1Kg
  • Botanical Name Cananga Odorata
  • Extraction Method Steam Distillation
  • Color White
  • HS Code 3301
  • Part Flower
  • Storage Cool & Dry Place
  • This Prices Including 18% GST Tax + All other Taxes
  • Note Samples are free
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Tea Tree Hydrosol

  • Type Herbal
  • Application Everywhere
  • Form Liquid
  • Shelf Life 3 Years
  • Packaging 30 to 210 Ltr. (Aluminium/Plastic) Drum/Barrel
  • Grade Superior
  • Storage Cool & Dry Place
  • Note Samples are free

Tea tree oil is a very popular essential oil that almost everyone knows about. It got so famous because it’s touted as the best essential oil for acne. However, at the same time tea tree oil is being extracted, another amazing but less-known product is also being collected. And that’s tea tree hydrosol! It is basically water-infused with a tiny percentage of tea tree oil, which makes it a very much safer option to use than the essential oil. Why is it safer? Because you can’t suffer from sensitization or chemical burns or other hazards when using tea tree hydrosol.

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