Our Complete range of products are Dyeing auxiliaries Chemical, Finishing Agents Chemical and enzyme.
Dyeing Auxiliaries Chemical
Dyeing auxiliaries: the dyes used in this mass colouration are specific for a particular substrate and are classified with regard to their chemical constitution, substantivity to the fibre type and method of application. Dyeing auxiliaries ensure levelness and optimum depthshade of the dyeing, dye solubilitydispersing property of the dye and good fastness properties.
Finishing is the final stage in textile processing. Textile materials undergo several chemical treatments from the raw stage to finished product. These processes cause the surface of the fibres to become rough and harsh. This leads to the fabric having an unpleasant feel. To solve this problem textile materials are treated with substances like softeners, cross linking agents, wax emulsions etc. Which give a pleasant feel and requisite finish as desired.
Desizing EnzymeCRYZYME 5XA u n i q u e d e s i z i n g e n z yme formulation with wetting and lubrication properties.CRYZYME AOWLBased on amylase with oxidative, wetting and lubricating properties.CRYZYME SUPER CONCConcentrated alpha amylase preparation.Bio ScouringBio FinishingPeroxide Neutralizer