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1 Products availableOur offered Product range includes Metsulfuron Methyl 20 % WP, Atrazine Herbicide, Butachlor 50 % EC / 60 % EC / 50 % EW, Pretilachlor 37% EW and Paraquat Dichloride 24 % SL / 20 % SL.
Non-Stop (Metsulfuron Methyl 20%Wp ) is a Selective Post-Emergence Herbicide of Triazinyl-sulfonylurea group, which effectively controls the broad leaf weeds in the standing crop of Wheat, Paddy & Sugarcane .KG
It is absorbed through roots and foliage and translocate to Apex of the plants.
It is safe for neighboring Broad Leaved and other crops.
It also controls very effectively the weeds like Wild Onion, Rumex sp.
Additional Information:
Packaging Details : Laminated Aluminium Pouch, Labeling, Shrink, Leaflets, Corrugated box (UN approved packaging).
SIZE- As Per Requirement .
atragold ( atrazine 50% wp ) is a broad spectrum selective and translocatedpre emergence herbicide of chloro-triazines group.
it is used to control a wide range of grasses and broad-leaved weeds in maize, sugarcane, sorghum, potato, bajra coffee, grape vine, oil palm, banana, pineapple and guava.
it controls trianthama monogyna, digera arvensis, echinochloa spp., eleusine spp., xanthium strumarium, brachiaria spp., digitaria spp., amaranthus viridis, cleome viscosa, polygonum spp. In maize and portulaca oleracia, digitaria, boerhaavia diffusa, ephorbia, tribulus terrestris in sugarcane.
it is used in non-crop areas as a total weed killer against annual perennial weeds.
available in ldpe-bag inside an e-flute carton.
Additional Information:
Packaging Details : Leaflets, Mono cartons, Corrugated box (UN approved packaging).
SIZE- As Per Requirement .
CHEMCHLOR ( Butachlor 50% EC ) is a Systemic Pre-emergent Herbicide
An Herbicide of the Acetanilide class.
It is used as a Selective Pre-emergent Herbicide for Transplanted rice.
It treats Cyperus difformis, cyper Iria, Echinochola crusgalli, Echinochola colonum, Eclipta alba, Sphenoclea zeylancia in Paddy .
Additional Information:
Packaging Details : HDPE / Coex plastic bottles , Labeling, Shrink, Leaflets, Corrugated box (UN approved packaging).
SIZE- As Per Requirement .
PRETILA PLUS ( Pretilachlor 37% EW ) is Pre- emergence Selective Herbicide for Transplanted Rice. It controls Grass, Broad Leaf and Sedge Weeds.
Application time between 0-3 Days after transplanting.
Dose/acre 600 ml /acre.
It is a Pre- emergence Selective Herbicide for Transplanted Rice.
It controls Grass, Broad Leaf and Sedge Weeds.
It dissolves and spreads Fast and has an Effective Action.
It is convenient to use and safe for the Crop and Environment.
Additional Information:
Packaging Details : HDPE / Coex plastic bottles , Labeling, Shrink, Leaflets, Corrugated box (UN approved packaging).
SIZE- As Per Requirement .
GRAMEX (Paraquat Dichloride 24 % SL) is Broad Spectrum, Non Selective & Contact Herbicide containing 24% Paraquat dichloride A.I which effectively controls Broad Leaved Weeds in Tea, Row Crops , Non-Crop Areas & Grasses.
It is absorbed by Foliage with some Translocation in Xylem.
An ideal Herbicide for Conservation and no-till system (only controls the foliage parts of weeds) thus Promoting Intact Roots and preventing Soil Erosion.
It is used as Post Emergence directed application & Pre-Plant application in many Crops.
It damages Cell Membranes & Cytoplasm during Photosynthesis by producing Superoxide.
Additional Information:
Packaging Details : HDPE / Coex plastic bottles , Labeling, Shrink, Leaflets, Corrugated box (UN approved packaging).
SIZE- As Per Requirement .
Adolf ( Glyphosate 54% SL ) Broad-Spectrum Systemic Herbicide and Crop Desiccant.This Herbicide is labeled for Brush and Tough weeds near Water Bodies.
It is highly concentrated (54% active ingredient) so one bottle goes a long way!
Additional Information:
Packaging Details : HDPE / Coex plastic bottles , Labeling, Shrink, Leaflets, Corrugated box (UN approved packaging).
SIZE as per Requirement .
PENDIN ( Pendimethalin 30 % EC ) is a Dinitroaniline based Herbicide.
It is a Pre-emergent Herbicide, destroys 51 types of Annual Grasses and Broad-Leaved Weeds, thus protecting crops in the early and critical days of their growth.
Itis a Selective Herbicide to be used before Emergence of Weeds and Crops
Itbelongs to Dinitroaniline group and controls both, Narrow and Broad Leaf Weeds.
Additional Information:
Packaging Details : HDPE / Coex plastic bottles, Labeling, Shrink, Leaflets, Corrugated box (UN approved packaging).
Size- As Per Requirement .
OXYFLOW (Oxyflourfen 23.5 % EC) is a Herbicide of the Diphenyl-Ether Group used for Selective Weed Control in a wide range of Fruit Trees, Vegetables, Field Crops, Ornamentals, Forestry, Sugarcane and Non-Crop Areas.
Its Broad spectrum activity - Continue to be Effective & Prolong action in soil.
Excellent control of both Broadleaf.
Complete eradication of select weeds.
It has prolonged Residual activity and shows negligible leaching.
Minimal rain or Irrigation is necessary to activate the Residual Effect.
Additional Information:
Packaging Details : HDPE / Coex plastic bottles , Labeling, Shrink, Leaflets, Corrugated box (UN approved packaging).
SIZE- As Per Requirement .
win super (fenoxaprop-p-ethyl 10% ec ) is a selective, post - emergent herbicide with contact and systemic action effecting on broad spectrum of grasses.
. Fenoxaprop-p-ethyl is used to control echinochloa sp. And other grassy in soybean, rice, cotton, black gram and onion.
mode of action:
it is absorbed principally by the leaves, with translocation both acropetally and basipetally to the roots or rhizomes.
features -
win super is broad specturam & versatile herbicide and can be used in all important broadleaved crops.
post-emergence control of annual and perennial grass weeds in potatoes, beans, soya beans, beets, vegetables, peanuts, flax, oilseed rape, and cotton .
weed control independent of soil type: whip super is taken up via the green plant tissues of the weed and not via the roots. It thus works independently of soil type.
Additional Information:
Packaging Details : HDPE / Coex plastic bottles, Labeling, Shrink, Leaflets, Corrugated box (UN approved packaging).
SIZE- As Per Requirement .
PRETILA (Pretilachlor 50 % E.C ) is a Pre-emergence Herbicide (ContainingPretilachlor) for control of Grasses, Sedges and some Broad Leaf Weeds in Transplanted Rice .
It is a selective systemic herbicide, absorbed primarily by the germinating shoots, and secondarily by the roots, with trans-location throughout the plant, giving higer concentrations in vegetative parts than in reproductive parts.
TARGET WEEDS : Echinochloa crusgalli, cyperus difformis Echinochloa colonum, Cyperus iria, Fimbristylis miliacea, Eclipta alba, Ludwigia Pulviflora, Leptochloa chinensis, Monochorea vaginalis, Panicum repens.
TARGET CROPS : Transplanted Rice.
Recommended Dose/ha: Dissolve 1000-1500 ml in 500 Litre of water and spray on plants.
Additional Information:
Packaging Details : HDPE / Coex plastic bottles , Labeling, Shrink, Leaflets, Corrugated box (UN approved packaging).
SIZE- As Per Requirement .
Fenoxaprop-P-ethyl is a Selective, Post - Emergent Herbicide with Contact and Systemic action effecting on broad spectrum of Grasses.
. Fenoxaprop-P-ethyl is used to control Echinochloa sp. and other grassy weeds in Soybean, Rice, Cotton, Black Gram and Onion.
Mode of action:
It is absorbed principally by the leaves, with translocation both acropetally and basipetally to the Roots or Rhizomes.
Features -
Fenoxa Super is Broad Specturam & Versatile Herbicide and can be used in all important BroadLeaved Crops.
Weed control independent of soil type: Whip Super is taken up via the green plant tissues of the weed and not via the roots. It thus works independently of soil type.
Additional Information:
Packaging Details : HDPE / Coex plastic bottles / Laminated Aluminium Pouch, Labeling, Shrink, Leaflets, Mono cartons, Corrugated box (UN approved packaging).
Size- As Per Requirement .
We use premium-packaging materials to safeguard our products from mechanical and environmental conditions. For our patrons, we offer customized packaging solutions as well. With the help of our brilliant logistics network, we render safe and time-bound deliveries.
Herbicides & Weedicides | Trade Name |
2,4-D Amine Salt 58% Sl | Sultan |
2,4-D Ethyl Ester 20% Wp | Bull Fighter |
2,4-D Ethylester 38% Ec | Fighter |
2,4-D Sodium Salt 80% Wp | Fighter Ss |
Ammonium Salt Of Glyphosate 71% Sg | Gaja-71 |
Anilofos 24% + 2, 4-D Ethyl Ester 32% Ec | - |
Anilofos 30% Ec | Anilogold-30 |
Atrazine 50% Wp | Atragold-50% |
Butachlor 5% Gr | - |
Butachlor 50% Ec | Chemchlor |
Butachlor 50% Ew | Quickmix |
Chlorimuron Ethyl 25% Wp | - |
Fenoxaprop-P-Ethyl 10% Ec | Super Power |
Glyphosate 41% Sl | Glysil-41% |
Imazethapyr 10% Sl | - |
Isoproturon 75% Wp | Achieve |
Metribuzin 70% Wp | Senate |
Metsulfuron Methyl 10% + Chlorimuron Ethyl 10% Wp | - |
Metsulfuron Methyl 20% Wp | Nonstop |
Oxyflourfen 23.5% Ec | Reffree |
Paraquate Dichloride 24% Sl | Gramex |
Pendimethalin 30% Ec | Pendin |
Pertilachlor 30.7% Ec | Pertila-N |
Pertilachlor 50% Ec | Pertila |
Piroxofop-Propanyl(Clodinafop-Propargyl) 15% Wp | Toss |
Sulfosulfuron 75% Wg | Teacher |
Trifluralin 48% Ec | Tornado 48% |