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2 Products availableInsecticides
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1 Products availableWe offer the best product range of Diafenthiuron 50% WP, Acetamiprid 20% Sp, Fipronil 40 % Imidacloprid 40 % WG, Dimethoate 30 % EC / 40% EC and Tebuconazole 25.9 % EC / 25 % WG / 2% DS.
LUDO (Diafenthiuron 50% WP) is an insecticide of the Thiourea group, acts as an insecticide and acaricide by contact and stomach action.
Additional Information:
Packaging Details : HDPE / Coex plastic bottles / Laminated Aluminium Pouch, Labeling, Shrink, Leaflets, Mono cartons, Corrugated box (UN approved packaging).
Size- As Per Requirement .
Prime (Acetamiprid 20% SP ) is asystemic insecticide with translaminar activity with contact and stomach action.
Insecticide of Neonicotinide group .
Suitable for Pest Management Integreted Program.
Additional Information:
Packaging Details : HDPE / Coex plastic bottles / Laminated Aluminium Pouch, Labeling, Shrink, Leaflets, Mono cartons, Corrugated box (UN approved packaging).
Size- As Per Requirement .
FIDA(FIPRONIL 40 % IMIDACLOPRID 40 % WG)is asystemic insecticide of the Neonicotinoid and Phenylpyrazole group with contact and stomach action. The product is used to control chewing and suckingpests .
Additional Information:
Packaging Details : HDPE / Coex plastic bottles / Laminated Aluminium Pouch, Labeling, Shrink, Leaflets, Mono cartons, Corrugated box (UN approved packaging).
Size- As Per Requirement .
CHEMGOR(Dimethoate 30 % EC)is an organophosphate insecticide .
It is used to kill mites and insects systemically and on contact.
Additional Information:
Packaging Details : HDPE / Coex plastic bottles / Laminated Aluminium Pouch, Labeling, Shrink, Leaflets, Mono cartons, Corrugated box (UN approved packaging).
Size- As Per Requirement .
TEBUCURE( Tebuconazole 25.9 % ec ) is a broad spectrum systemic triazole fungicide with protective, curative and eradicative mode of action . effective against brown rust, leaf blotch, net blotch, septoria leaf spot & yellow rust of cereals; soybean-asian rust, brown spot/septoria leaf spot, powdery mildew; rice-dirty panicle & grain discoloration.
formulations available = | 25.9% ec, 25 % wg and 2 % ds |
Additional Information:
Packaging Details : HDPE / Coex plastic bottles, Labeling, Shrink, Leaflets, Corrugated box (UN approved packaging).
Size- As Per Requirement .
Rippen GR (Fipronil 0.3 % GR ) is aBroad Spectrum Insecticide of Phenylpyrazole Group which effectively controls the Insects by its Systemic Action .
Additional Information:
Packaging Details : HDPE / Coex plastic bottles / Laminated Aluminium Pouch, Labeling, Shrink, Leaflets, Mono cartons, Corrugated box (UN approved packaging).
Size- As Per Requirement .
GOLDLUX (Quinalphos 25 % E.C)
is a highly effective insecticide with contact and stomach action. |
Additional Information:
Packaging Details : HDPE / Coex plastic bottles / Laminated Aluminium Pouch, Labeling, Shrink, Leaflets, Mono cartons, Corrugated box (UN approved packaging).
SIZE- As Per Requirement .
NUCRON (Profenofos 50% EC ) is an Organophosphate insecticide.
Odourless amber liquid.
Soluble in all organic solvents.
A Neurotoxin acting as a cholonesterase inhibitor in insect nervous system.
Controls a range of chewing and sucking insects .
Additional Information:
Packaging Details : HDPE / Coex plastic bottles / Laminated Aluminium Pouch, Labeling, Shrink, Leaflets, Mono cartons, Corrugated box (UN approved packaging).
Size- As Per Requirement .
MACHO (Acephate 95% SG) is an Organophosphate Insecticide .
Target Pest - Stem borer, Leaf folder & BPH on Paddy.
Additional Information:
Packaging Details : HDPE / Coex plastic bottles / Laminated Aluminium Pouch, Labeling, Shrink, Leaflets, Mono cartons, Corrugated box (UN approved packaging).
Size- As Per Requirement .
NOBLE(Imidacloprid 70 % wg ) is a neonicotinoid insecticide with contact and stomach action.
a systemic insecticide which contains 70%w/w imidaclorpid as active ingradient used as foilar spray for the control of sucking insects, including plant hopper, aphids, thrips , white flies brown plant hopper , white backed plant hopper .
Additional Information:
Packaging Details : HDPE / Coex plastic bottles / Laminated Aluminium Pouch, Labeling, Shrink, Leaflets, Mono cartons, Corrugated box (UN approved packaging).
Size- As Per Requirement .
GOLDFEN-20 (Fenvalrate 20 % EC) is a contact synthetic pyrethroid insecticide used against a variety of pests .
It controls Hemiptera, Lepidoptera, Coleoptera Diptera, Orthoptera on Christmas Tree Plantings, Pine seed orchards, Forest tree Nurseries .
Additional Information:
Packaging Details : HDPE / Coex plastic bottles / Laminated Aluminium Pouch, Labeling, Shrink, Leaflets, Mono cartons, Corrugated box (UN approved packaging).
Size- As Per Requirement .
Additional Information:
Packaging Details : HDPE / Coex plastic bottles / Laminated Aluminium Pouch, Labeling, Shrink, Leaflets, Mono cartons, Corrugated box (UN approved packaging).
Size- As Per Requirement .
Kataar (Lambda Cyhalothrin 5 % EC ) is apyrethroid insecticide that acts by contact and stomach action. The product controls sucking and lepidopteron pests in various crops.
Pests controlled include aphids, Colorado beetles and butterfly larvae, Jassids, Thrips, Stem Borer, Fruit borer, Leaf folder, Green Leaf hopper, Gall midge, Hispa, Brown plant Hopper and White Backed Plant hopper, Whril Maggot etc. Crops on which it may be applied include cotton, cereals, hops, ornamentals, potatoes, vegetables, Rice, Egg-plants, and, others. It is an excellent cost-effective crop protection insecticide which can be used in both preventative and curative control strategies as well as in Integrated Pest Management.
Additional Information:
Packaging Details : HDPE / Coex plastic bottles / Laminated Aluminium Pouch, Labeling, Shrink, Leaflets, Mono cartons, Corrugated box (UN approved packaging).
Size- As Per Requirement .
DOSE (Deltamethrin 2.8% EC )is Non Contact, Systemic Insecticide which acts by contact and ingestion, and exhibiting a broad spectrum control of chewing and sucking insects.
It is world's most effective synthetic pyrethroid insecticide for use in agriculturen .
Formulations- 2.8% EC / 1.8 % EC / 2.5% FLOW /1.25 % ULV /1 % RTU
Additional Information:
Packaging Details : HDPE / Coex plastic bottles / Laminated Aluminium Pouch, Labeling, Shrink, Leaflets, Mono cartons, Corrugated box (UN approved packaging).
Size- As Per Requirement .
RAFFLES(CHLORPYRIFOS 16% ALPHACYPERMETHRIN 1% EC) is a combination product, Insecticide effects on Crops like Pome Fruit, Stone Fruit, Citrus Fruit, Nut Crops, Strawberries, Figs, Bananas, Vines, Vegetables, Potatoes, Beet, Tobacco, Soybeans, Sunflowers, Sweet Potatoes, Peanuts, Rice, Cotton, Alfalfa, Cereals, Maize, Sorghum, Asparagus, Glasshouse and Outdoor Ornamentals, Turf and in Forestry .
Additional Information:
Packaging Details : HDPE / Coex plastic bottles / Laminated Aluminium Pouch, Labeling, Shrink, Leaflets, Mono cartons, Corrugated box (UN approved packaging).
Size- As Per Requirement .
BICEP (Bifenthrin 10% EC)belongs to Pyrethroid Group .
It is a Non-Systemic Insecticide & Acaricide.
Bicep affects insects by Stomach and Contact action.
Additional Information:
Packaging Details : HDPE / Coex plastic bottles / Laminated Aluminium Pouch, Labeling, Shrink, Leaflets, Mono cartons, Corrugated box (UN approved packaging).
BUFEN (Buprofezin 25% SC ) is an Insecticide and Acaricide with Contact and Stomach Action .
An Insecticide of Insect Growth Regulator Group which inhibits the chitin formation in Insects.
Additional Information:
Packaging Details : HDPE / Coex plastic bottles / Laminated Aluminium Pouch, Labeling, Shrink, Leaflets, Mono cartons, Corrugated box (UN approved packaging).
Size- As Per Requirement .
OCEAN (Propargite 57% EC) is a Systemic And Contact Insecticide .
A miticide (Acaricide) of sulfite ester group, which gives effective control of mites through its contact and fumigant action. It gives immediate protection to crops, because feeding activity of mites ceases immediately after application.
Additional Information:
Packaging Details : HDPE / Coex plastic bottles / Laminated Aluminium Pouch, Labeling, Shrink, Leaflets, Mono cartons, Corrugated box (UN approved packaging).
Size- As Per Requirement .
NAGRAJ-505 (Chlorpyriphos 50% + Cypermethrin 5 %EC) is aNon-Systemic Insecticide of Organophosphorus and Synthetic Pyrethroids group with Contact and Stomach action. The product is used to control Chewing and Sucking Insect Pests.
Additional Information:
Packaging Details : HDPE / Coex plastic bottles / Laminated Aluminium Pouch, Labeling, Shrink, Leaflets, Mono cartons, Corrugated box (UN approved packaging).
Size- As Per Requirement .
GOLDBAN-20 (Chlorpyriphos 20% EC ) is a Non-Sytemic Insecticide.
CROPS- Paddy pulses, sugarcane, cotton, groundnut, mustard, vegetables, fruits, Tobacco .
Additional Information:
Packaging Details : HDPE / Coex plastic bottles / Laminated Aluminium Pouch, Labeling, Shrink, Leaflets, Mono cartons, Corrugated box (UN approved packaging).
Size- As Per Requirement .
NASA (ETHION 40% CYPERMETHRIN 5% EC )is pyrethroid and organo phosphate combination insecticide for the control of American bollworm on cotton .
It is available in emulsifiable concentrate form.When pest comes in contact and insecticide reaches to its stomach it starts action .
Additional Information:
Packaging Details : HDPE / Coex plastic bottles / Laminated Aluminium Pouch, Labeling, Shrink, Leaflets, Mono cartons, Corrugated box (UN approved packaging).
Size- As Per Requirement .
ANACONDA PLUS (Triazophos 35% + Deltamethrin 1% EC) is a Combination of Synthetic & Organo phosphate insecticide.
Broad spectrum insecticide having contact & stomach action .
Additional Information:
Packaging Details : HDPE / Coex plastic bottles / Laminated Aluminium Pouch, Labeling, Shrink, Leaflets, Mono cartons, Corrugated box (UN approved packaging).
Size- As Per Requirement .
Ours is a quality-driven organization that is engaged in offering only high-quality products. Thus, we use superior grade raw materials for the fabrication of our entire range. Offered by us in several specifications, our products are in complete compliance with the quality standards.
Generic Name | Trade Name |
Acephate 75% Sp | Acegold-75 |
Acephate A.I. 25% + Fenvalerate A.I. 3% Ec | Mamba |
Acetamiprid 20% Sp | Prime |
Azadirachtin 5% W/W Min. | - |
Bifenthrin 2.5% Ecg | Bicep1 |
Buprofezin 25% Sc | Bufen |
Carbofuran 3% Cg | Furan 3g |
Cartap Hydrochloride 4% Gr | Eldan 4% Gr |
Cartap Hydrochloride 50% Sp | Eldan 50% Sp |
Cartap Hydrochloride Technical For Import Only | - |
Chlorpyrifos 16% + Alphacypermethrin 1% Ec/Td> | Horn |
Chlorpyriphos 1.5% Dp | - |
Chlorpyriphos 10% Gr | Goldban Gr |
Chlorpyriphos 2% Rtu | Killer |
Chlorpyriphos 20% Ec | Goldban-20 |
Chlorpyriphos 50% Ec | Killer-50% |
Cypermethrin 3% + Quinalphos 20% Ec | Killer |
Deltamethrin 0.75% + Endosulfan 29.75% Ec | Ozone |
Deltamethrin 1.25% Ulv | Dose 1.25% |
Deltamethrin 11% W/W Ec | Nadir |
Deltamethrin 2.5% Flow | Dose |
Deltamethrin 2.8% Ec | Dose |
Dichlorvos 76% Ec | Nuvos |
Dimethoate 30% Ec | Chemgor-30 |
Endosulfan 35% Ec | Endon-35 |
Endosulfan 4% Dp | - |
Ethion 40% + Cypermethrin 5% Ec | Nasa |
Ethion 50% Ec | Goldmit-50 |
Etofenprox 10% Ec | - |
Fenazaquin 10% Ec | Trick |
Fenobucarb 50% Ec (B.P.M.C.50% Ec) | Brust |
Fenpropathrin 10% Ec | Curfew |
Fenvalrate 0.4% Dp | - |
Fipronil 0.3% Gr | Rippen |
Fipronil 5% Sc | Rippen |
Imidacloprid 17.8% Sl | Imidore |
Imidacloprid 30.5% Sc | Imidore Super |
Imidacloprid 48% Fs | Imidore |
Imidacloprid 70% Wg | Nobel |
Imidacloprid 70% Ws | Imidore |
Indoxacarb 14.5% Sc | Indoxa |
Lindane 1.3% Dp | - |
Lindane 20% Ec | Goldane-20 |
Lindane 6% Gr | - |
Lindane 6.5% Wp | - |
Melathion 5% Dp | Malathion-Dp |
Melathion 50% Ec | Goldthion-50% |
Methyl Parathion 2% Dp | Foli Gold-Dp |
Methyl Parathion 50% Ec | Paragold-50 |
Monocrotophos 36% Sl | Chetak-36 |
Perfenofos 50% Ec | Nucron |
Permethrin 25% Ec | - |
Phenthoate 2% Dp | Phentom 2% |
Phorate 10% Cg | Forgold-10 |
Phosphamidon 40% Sl | Chemdon |
Propargite 57% Ec | Ocean |
Propoxur 20% Ec | Panic |
Quinalphos 25% Ec | Goldlux-25 |
Quinalphos 5% Granules | Cytox |
Temphos 50% Ec | Tempar |
Thiacloprid 21.7% Sc | Alert |
Thiamethoxam 25% Wg | Thomson |
Thiamethoxam 30% Fs | Mantri |
Thiamethoxam 70% Ws | Tune |
Thiodicarb 75% Wp | Lama |
Triacontanol Ew-0.1% | Gold |
Triacontanol Gr 0.05% Min. | Triculan |
Triazophos 40% Ec | Target 40% |
LEGEND SUPER (Profenofos 40% + Cypermethrin 4% EC) is a ready to use Mixture of two Active Ingredients i.e. Profenofos and Pyrethroid Cypermethrin.It is a Non-Systemic Insecticide having Contact and Stomach Action. It is effective against several Insect Pests (Both Chewing and Sucking types).
Common Name:Profenofos 40% + Cypermethrin 4%
Formulation:40% (Profenofos) + 4% (Cypermethrin) EC
Additional Information:
Packaging Details : HDPE / Coex plastic bottles / Laminated Aluminium Pouch, Labeling, Shrink, Leaflets, Mono cartons, Corrugated box (UN approved packaging).
Size- As Per Requirement .