Our Services
Quality Checking Service
1 Services availableOur comprehensive range of services for agricultural commodities can help you to mitigate risk on contractual and regulatory obligations, ensure customer satisfaction and deliver peace of mind.
Agriculture and food are the most important industries in the world. Consumers desire assurance on food safety, quality and correct quantity at every stage in the supply chain process, from farm to fork.
We inspect cargo before shipment to ensure your goods conform to regulatory and contractual requirements. We check the condition of a vessel's hatch for suitability in order to reduce the risk of cargo getting damaged during transit. We supervise the discharge of liquid cargo, as well as container stuffing and destuffing, in order to protect shippers from quantity and quality claims from buyers.
Cotecna also offers services to monitor quality and quantity during procurement, and the testing of agricultural commodities through our network of state-of-the-art laboratories, which are ISO 17025 accredited.
Full list of Agricultural Services
Key Benefits