Our Products
Clutches, Clutch Parts & Accessories
2 Products availableEngine Components
2 Products availablePiston And Crankshaft Assemblies
2 Products availableBrakes & Braking Systems
2 Products availableFashion Jewelry
2 Products availableGenerators
2 Products availableCompression Springs & Air Springs
2 Products availableLeading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of Car Parts Brake Pad, Car Oil Seal, Fifth Wheel and Steering Pump.
We are the leading manufacturer and supplier of top qualityClutch Cover, which are highly appreciated for itssuperior quality, durabilityandsmooth functionality. These covers find their application inautomobile companiesand can be used forall kind of vehicles. Available in awide variety, these covers are accessible atreasonable rates.
We offer a comprehensive range of premium qualityShock Absorber. Specially manufactured with the most advanced scientific technologies using high grade raw materials, these products are highly appreciated forsuperior quality, smooth functionalityandhigh performance. These products play important role in absorbing and dissipating energy in various suspensions of automobile and motorcycle. And our experts stringently check and test on various required aspects to ensure that our products are impeccable and comply with theinternational standard. These products are available atreasonable prices. |
We are the renowned manufacturers of premium qualityTurbo Charger.Our comprehensive range is made usingfine quality raw materialwhich is sourced from thetrusted vendors. All the products aretestedby ourteam ofexpertsto ensure the quality. Thesehighlyefficient chargers are used forforced inductionof aninternal combustion enginewhich increases thedensity of airentering the engine to createmore power. Wellknownfor itsdurability, sturdy constructionandcorrosionandchemical resistancethese turbo chargers are offered atreasonable rates. |
We are the leading manufacturer and supplier of top qualityWater Pumpto our esteemed clients. Available in varied specifications, these pumps are highly appreciated forsuperior quality, durability and smooth functionality.Furthermore, we also offercustomization servicesto our clients atreasonable prices.
We supply a wide array of the finest qualityAuto Cabin Cylinder.Our precision engineered products are specially manufactured with the most advanced technologies using premium quality raw materials procured from the registered vendors. Amenable to the international quality standard, our valued clients can avail personalized as per their required specifications atcompetitive rates.
We are specialized in supplying of premium qualityParabolic Spring. These products are more flexible than the Leaf Springs, because of the parabolic designs. And they are highly recommended for superior quality and high performance, and can withstand heavy loads. We also ensure that our precision engineered products are manufactured with the latest scientific technologies using thebest quality raw materials.Furthermore, these products are available atreasonable rates.
We supply a wide array of the finest qualityDrag Link. These are the products which help in changing the rotary motion of a crank to the second crank or link in a different axis or plane. Our precision engineered products are specially manufactured with the most advanced technologies usingpremium quality raw materials procured from the certified vendors. Compliant to the international quality standard, our valued clients can availcustomizationas per their required specifications atcompetitive rates. |
We are engaged in manufacturing extensive variety ofClutch Discto our valuable clients. These clutch discs are made usingsuperior quality raw materialwhich is procured from thereliable vendors.Precisely engineered, these discs areappreciatedfor theirdurability, corrosion resistanceandsturdy construction.
The artisan team of our company provides wide variety ofCrank Shaftto our esteemed clients. These shafts are fabricated usinghigh quality raw materialand havepotential of improving the engine efficiency.Crank Shaft is extensively used in variousautomobiles such as tractors and jeeps.Furthermore, we also offerpersonalized servicesto our respected clients atcompetitive prices.
We offer a comprehensive range of premium qualityShock Absorber. Specially manufactured with the most advanced scientific technologies using high grade raw materials, these products are highly appreciated forsuperior quality, smooth functionalityandhigh performance. These products play important role in absorbing and dissipating energy in various suspensions of automobile and motorcycle. And our experts stringently check and test on various required aspects to ensure that our products are impeccable and comply with theinternational standard. These products are available atreasonable prices.
we provide a wide array of top-notch qualityo-ring. if there is any leakage in the engine, ourprecision engineeredo-ring is the right product toprevent any further leakage. under our vigilant supervision of our talented experts, these products are manufactured with the most advance technologies using high grade silicon, neoprene and viton as raw materials. these products are better known for their impeccable quality, high performance, accurate dimension, and high efficiency, and they are available atattractive rates.
We are engaged in supplying of premium qualityAuto Light. These products are widely used in various types of vehicles foe their superior quality, high performance, durability and smooth functionality. They are widely used in all renowned motor vehicles forbetter lighting purposes. Ourprecision engineeredproducts can be fitted easily and maintain our originality and quality. And our products are also available atattractive rates.
Our organization is engaged in manufacturing and supplying wide variety ofBrake Padto our valuable clients. Thesemeticulously designedbrake pads havesteel backing plates with friction material bound to the surface facing the disk. Highly demanded in theAutomobile market, these pads areprecisely engineeredfrom ourtrusted sources.
The expert teams of our company providers an array ofU- Boltson demands of our valuable clients. The U- bolts are manufactured usingpremium quality raw materialwhich is procured from thereliable vendors. These bolts arecorrosion and chemical resistantand requirelow maintenance.We believe in a strong commitment to customer service withconsistent quality, personalized serviceanddependabilityand have proven to bemutually beneficialfor our customers. |
Leveraging to the efficient workforce and expertise, we offer excellent qualityBrake Lining.Manufactured usingfine quality raw materialthese products arehighly appreciatedforsuperior quality, smooth functionalityandhigh performance.Our expertsstringentlycheckandtestonvarious required aspectsto ensure that our products areimpeccableandcomplywith theinternational standard. These products are available atreasonable prices. |
Our company offers premium qualityBrake Shoein wide range. These products are widely used inautomobile industriesfor various applications. These products are manufactured with themost advanced technologiesandhigh grade raw materials. Our team checks all the products on various required parameters to ensure that these products areflawlessand are withaccordance to the international quality standard. In addition, we also offercustomizationas per our valued clientsspecificationsataffordable rates.
We are the renowned manufacturers of premium qualityTurbo Charger.Our comprehensive range is made usingfine quality raw materialwhich is sourced from thetrusted vendors. All the products aretestedby ourteam ofexpertsto ensure the quality. Thesehighlyefficient chargers are used forforced inductionof aninternal combustion enginewhich increases thedensity of airentering the engine to createmore power. Wellknownfor itsdurability, sturdy constructionandcorrosionandchemical resistancethese turbo chargers are offered atreasonable rates. |
We offer a comprehensive range of premium qualityOil Seal. These products are widely used for lubrication retaining and moisture and dirt exclusion. Ourprecision engineeredproducts are specially manufactured with the most advanced technologies usinghigh grade raw materials. Owing to the international quality standard, these products are available in various sizes, shapes and designs to meet our valued clients requirements. And in addition, they are available ataffordable rates.
We are specialized in supplying of the finest qualityFuel Pumpand its spares parts. These products are specially re-conditioned by our technical team of professionals so that these products can be available for 24X7 ready to use as per the required applications. And our experts also stringently check and test on various required aspects so that our available products are with accordance to theinternational standard. And they are available atreasonable prices.
We offer a comprehensive range of premium qualityOil Seal. These products are widely used for lubrication retaining and moisture and dirt exclusion. Ourprecision engineeredproducts are specially manufactured with the most advanced technologies usinghigh grade raw materials. Owing to the international quality standard, these products are available in various sizes, shapes and designs to meet our valued clients requirements. And in addition, they are available ataffordable rates.
We offer wide variety ofRadiator Fanto our clients. These fans provide an axial airflow through aradiator mounted behind the radiator fan. This axial fan provides airflow within an area having asubstantially circular extensionin a planeperpendicular to an axial flow direction.As conventional radiators are quadrangular, the airflow in thecorners of the radiators is very low.
We offer top qualityEngine Mountingto our valuable clients. These mountings are manufactured usinggood quality metal components, bolts, nuts, casting ferrous and non- ferrous procured from trusted vendors. Suitable for high vertical static and shock load in compression, these mounting providehigh isolation value in the horizontal shear direction. |
We offer a varied range ofAuto Cabin Pumpto our respected clients. Widely used in automobile spare parts industries for various applications, these are manufactured with the mostadvanced technologiesandhigh grade raw materials.Our team is also engaged in checking and testing on various required parameters to ensure that these products are flawless. In addition, we also offercustomization as per or valued clientsrequire specifications ataffordable rates.
We supply a varied range of the finest qualityTie Rod End. These products act as a coupler in steering knuckle, pivot supports. Steering linkage and other various hinge mechanisms. Our products are manufactured with the most advanced technologies using high grade raw materials to ensure that they are fullyloaded with efficacyandflawlessness.Compliant to the international standard, our products are widely used in various automobile parts industries. And they are available ataffordable rates.
Being an industry leader, we offer wide variety ofCylinder Headto our clients. Sourced from trusted vendors, these Heads are made usinghigh quality raw material.These have major role in anymodern diesel or gasoline engine for reducing exhaust emissions, improving power output and fuel efficiency.We also offercustomization servicesto our clients atreasonable prices. |
Our company is engaged in offeringAuto Starterto our respected clients. These are fabricated usinghigh quality raw materialprocured from trusted vendors. Auto starter are well known for theirdurable and resistant nature.Provide for all types of truck and passenger car, we also offercustomization servicesatminimal prices.
We are engaged in manufacturing and supplying wide variety ofEngine Bearingto pour clients. Fabricated usinghigh quality raw material, these products quality isrechecked in our laboratoryto ensure that the final products delivered by us areflawless in nature.We also offercustomization servicesto our clients atreasonable prices.
We are the leading manufacturer and supplier of top qualityClutch Cover, which are highly appreciated for itssuperior quality, durabilityandsmooth functionality. These covers find their application inautomobile companiesand can be used forall kind of vehicles. Available in awide variety, these covers are accessible atreasonable rates. |
We offer and extensive range of the finest quality Tapper Roller Bearing. Specially designed and manufactured with the latest modern scientific technologies using high grade raw materials, these products are highly recommended for outstanding performance, fine finishing, accurate dimensionand high durability. In sync with the international quality standard, our precision engineered products are ideal for various applications in automobile industries. In addition, they are available in both inch and metric sizes at competitive prices.
We are engaged in manufacturing wide variety of Alternator to our esteemed clients. Fabricated using superior quality iron, these alternator are sourced from trusted vendors. These are appreciated for their durability, resistance and efficient nature which make them high in demand. Furthermore, we also offer personalized services to our clients at reasonable prices.
We are engaged in manufacturing extensive variety ofClutch Discto our valuable clients. These clutch discs are made usingsuperior quality raw materialwhich is procured from thereliable vendors.Precisely engineered, these discs areappreciatedfor theirdurability, corrosion resistanceandsturdy construction.
We are the leading providers of comprehensive range ofBrake Drum.These brake drums are manufactured usinghigh quality raw materialwhich is procured from thereliable vendors.Precisely engineered, the drums are well known for theirflexibility, low maintenance, andhigh operating speedand to deliverconsistent performance.
We are engaged in manufacturing wide variety ofAlternatorto our esteemed clients. Fabricated usingsuperior quality iron, these alternator are sourced from trusted vendors. These are appreciated for theirdurability, resistanceandefficient naturewhich make themhigh in demand.Furthermore, we also offerpersonalized servicesto our clients atreasonable prices.
Backed by our efficient workforce and labors, we offer extensive range ofPiston Ringto our esteemed clients. These are manufactured usingsuperior quality raw material, which are sourced from trusted vendors. Well known forhigh efficiencyandproductivity, these piston rings areheavily demanded for varied industrial purposes.
We are the main supplier of this product.
We offer a range of premium qualitySteering Pump.Manufactured with advanced scientific technologies using high grade raw materials, these products are highly appreciatedfor superior quality, smooth functionalityandhigh performance.These pumps create system pressure. And then, the pressurized fluid is routed into a cylinderthat helps push the wheels one-way or the other when the steering wheel is turned. |
Our organization is engaged in manufacturing and supplying wide variety ofBrake Padto our valuable clients. Thesemeticulously designedbrake pads havesteel backing plates with friction material bound to the surface facing the disk. Highly demanded in theAutomobile market, these pads areprecisely engineeredfrom ourtrusted sources.
Leveraging to our efficient workforce and expertise, we offerAuto Air Compressorto our esteemed clients. Fabricated usingpremium quality raw material, these compressors are appreciated forhigh reliabilityandefficiency.Widely used in variousindustrial applications, these compressors are available atreasonable prices.
The expert team of our company offers exclusive variety ofPistonto our respected clients. Manufactured using superior quality raw material, these pistons are extensively appreciated forexcellent finishinganddimensional accuracy. Mainly used in reciprocating engines, pumps and gas compressors, these are availableat reasonable prices.
The artisan team of our company offers exclusive variety ofSpring Brake Chamberto our esteemed clients. Sourced from trusted vendors, these chambers are appreciated fordurability, robust constructionandhigh reliability. We have quality experts who check our products onvarious parameters to ensure flawless performance. |
Being an industry leader, we offer extensive range ofCylinder Linerto our valuable clients. Designed with accurate precision for industrial purposes, these liners are made fromcentrifugally casted, shell casted with close grained cast iron. These liners are duly heat treated is appreciated for theirdurable and resistant quality.Furthermore, we also offercustomization servicesto our clients depending upon theirspecific requirement. |