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  7. Others Services 22 Services available

Our Services

We offer a complete product range of Large Nostrils Treatment Services, Septoplasty Surgery Treatment Services, Asymmetric Breast Correction Surgery Treatment Services, Axillary Breast Removal Surgery Treatment Services and Beard Transplantation Services

Large Nostrils Treatment Services

Human noses appear in diverse configurations and extents, be it thin, straight and large or broad, flat, and rounded. Hence, a balanced and even nose size is all subjective. Although there arent any specific guide to the perfect pleasing nose since that depends on individual to individual. However, there are some standard guidelines that surgeons take help to evaluate the exact size of the trunk of a patient in comparison to the face. Nostrils that generally need treatment are known to be too large or oversized to get them in the right proportion. Some scientists have discovered the reasons due to which these variations in the nose sizes occur. It includes genetic factors, some factors related to the bone structure, cartilage, etc. There are also some traits of the nose which tends to adapt to its geographical temperatures. It is famously known as rhinoplasty.
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Septoplasty Surgery Treatment Services

Septoplasty is a surgical course of action that is undertaken to correct the malformation of the nasal septum. In simple language, the procedure encompasses straightening the cartilage and the bone departing the space between the two nostrils. Deviated septum enhances the risk of blocking a side of the nose and adds difficulty to breathe and further elevates the risk of sinus due to improper air drainage. Through Septoplasty the crooked nasal spectrum is positioned correctly, utilising the remaining cartilage and bone, in the middle of the nose.
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Breast Liposuction Surgery Treatment Services

Want that well contoured breast with well shaped size ? Breast liposuction finds a solution this. But one should remember that there are various techniques to get that perfect shape and size which is symmetrical for your body and enhances your vitals. Breast Liposuction is fundamentally a surgical procedure for removing fat from the breast . Significant advances have been made in both the equipment and surgical technique including breast reduction surgery Liposuction methods include:Suction Assisted Liposuction (SAL)Ultrasonic Assisted liposuction (UAL)Power Assisted Liposuction (PAL)Vaser LiposuctionTumescent Liposuction
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Small Breast Implants Surgery Treatment Services

Want that lean body which you have achieved with dieting and exercise but need those breast enhanced without having larger breast.Here is the perfect choice and technique what many women are going for is mini job of small breast implant to enhance their bust stats. It is one of mini job procedure. When we talk about breast implants, it is most probable that we are thinking of increasing the breast size and shape. These days woman are seeking for smaller breast implants which looks in accordance with their body size and shape with subtle increase in the breast size. Today there are many patient who just want the shape and contouring to be enhanced that is they are looking for small breast implants which is to increase basically the cup size to be more specific. These smaller breast size can be preferred by active women who dont want larger size. A woman may want to correct asymmetry of her breast might need small implant procedure to return to the pre pregnancy shape if they have deflated look.
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Asymmetric Breast Correction Surgery Treatment Services

Every single woman have uneven breast. Yes that true in reality. And every woman or girl should accept that with pride. Womanhood should be taken with pride and confidence A woman has various feminine features that she develops in her course of life and accentuates her body. It is enhancement of her shape and size which makes her more curvaceous. It is generally seen in 80% women that both the breast are never equal in size and shape. A minor correction may always be needed. Such women may not need to worry anymore, because the problem can be analysed and taken care of. Breast symmetry could be in size or shape, position of nipple or sagging. The milder asymmetries may not need correction but when volume difference is more as observed asymmetry correction is needed. Women may face psychological stress. Extreme asymmetry when one breast fails to develop
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Axillary Breast Removal Surgery Treatment Services

If you probably have secondary breast or excess of breat tissue in the armpit you will probably dislike how it looks when your arm is down .It is thicker and palpable. Weight gain can make it look worse .Tired of fatty tissue protruding between your arm and breast. Get rid of it in unique procedure.Breast tissue is present along the milk duct line above and below which is considered normal in the breast . However sometimes breast tissue is present along the axilla or the armpit area forming the accessory breast . This might be present from birth or might have developed during the natural course of development. There could be many reasons for it. The same pathology that occur in normal breast tissue can occur in the accessory tissue as well. The ultrasound would give a clear cut picture about the breast tissue in the axilla or the armpit mimicking as additional breast. Accessory breast tissue id defines as residual breast tissue that is present after full development of the breast. This is also known as ectopic breast tissue. Ectopic breast tissue is umbrella term for many breast tissue developing in the areas other than breast . This tissue lacks organized secretory system of milk.
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Hair Transplantation Services

One among four humans suffers from hair balding in India and this problem is not a secret to anyone. What might seem like a small problem that could go unnoticed is actually one of those problems that affect people on a regular basis. Hair transplantation has been proven to be a successful, effective and easy way to get back hair and also the confidence in people. But what actually is hair transplantation? Hair transplantation is a simple process of taking off hair follicles from one part of the body (known as the donor part) and putting it on the place where there is less or insufficient hair (known as the recipient side).
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Beard Transplantation Services

What might seem an ordinary appearance feature to many can be a reason of confidence. Less beard hair is a problem that was never a secret. And, to solve this, many men prefer the safest method to get back their hair i.e. beard transplantation. It is a procedure in which hair is extracted from one part of your body, majorly your back scalp or chins and is transferred to your beard area or your face. This process is helpful for people who like their beard about and are worried about less beard hair. Want to know in detail? Here are all your beard transplant questions and the answers you have been looking for.
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Female Parting Baldness Services

Female parting baldness or pattern baldness is also known as androgenic alopecia. It occurs due to the over-production of the male hormone androgen in females. There are non-invasive treatments for the condition. But only hair transplantation provides a permanent solution. There are two transplantation techniques for female pattern baldness. These are FUT(Follicular Unit Transplantation) and FUE( Follicular Unit Extraction). FUT is the traditional method while FUE is the newer technique.
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Mesotherapy Services

Mesotherapy is a treatment method for skin and hair. Here, doctors inject nutrients, medicines, hormones, enzymes and other substances into the mesoderm. Its uses are skin revitalization, tightening, fat and cellulite loss and alopecia treatment. It improves the local blood circulation and changes the micro-environment of cells. This helps restore the original health of the area.
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Sagging Breast Surgery Treatment Services

Breast sagging is one of the natural changes women experience as they age. The female fat is made up of fat and ligaments but lack muscle tissue so there is no amount of exercise that can change this or strengthen the breast. The medical term for sagging breast is ptosis. As women becomes older the ligaments stretch and lose elasticity. A change is prominent in the menopausal stage. Years of gravitational pull takes a toll on the breast. Lack of proper support to the breast may also result in sagging of breast. Weight gain can cause major fluctuations in the breast leading to sagging of breast. Pregnancy is beautiful phase but breastfeeding the child can cause sagging of breast which can be corrected with Breast lift or Mastopexy.
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Breast Silicon Implant Treatment Services

Breast Implants is a cosmetic procedure to make and give your breast a fuller appearance and contour. Using an implant to rebuild breast is a procedure that requires an art. Some women with smaller breast may need the idea of having bigger fuller breast to accentuate their vital stats. But remember it should be in accordance with your body shape and contour which requires specific technique and skill. Women have choice of implants filled with silicone or saline water for breast implant. It is important to discuss these options with your surgeon as there are several choices that can be made for the style of implant. Care fully go through the procedure and technique followed. Many surgeons prefer smooth implant for their softer and natural feel.
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Fat Injection Into Breast Treatment Services

Are you dreaded about surgery of breast and want to avoid any risk or complications for the same. Do you want a treatment can be trusted upon and best for your breast and natural rather than having artificial breast implant. Here is answer to your question is to go for fat transfer. Fat transfer essentially uses liposuction to take fat from other parts of the body and inject into the breast. This is the best option for women who are relatively looking for smaller breast increase in size and would prefer natural results. It is also known as lipofilling , fat grafting or fat transfer to enhance the shape and size of the breast.
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Liposuction Surgery Services

Are you suffering from stubborn fat which is difficult to lose. Here is a solution for everyone who is not only overweight but suffering from stubborn fat . The meaning of the word liposuction is lipo meaning fat and suction meaning removal. Liposuction procedure is a simple procedure where the unwanted body fat is removed to improve your body appearance and to smooth irregular body shapes. There are two types of liposuction Ultrasound assisted liposuction (UAL) uses ultrasonic vibrations to turn the fat cells into liquid . The technique may help to remove fat from dense, fiber filler (fibrous) areas of the body like the upper back or enlarged male breast tissue.
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Ultrasonic Liposuction Services

For those having difficult trimming the fat from specific areas of the body one of the popular and safe cosmetic body contouring procedure you take is liposuction. If you prefer something less invasive the perfect option is Ultrasonic Liposuction UAL. It has good results with instant benefits. It is same as the ultrasound method if you ever been suggested an ultrasonography or abdomen and pelvis but here it involves ultrasonic waves. As the name implies , this procedure uses simple ultrasonic waves to get rid of fat cells .
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Cleft Lip Surgery Services

Nasal deformities associated with a congenital cleft lip are a very complex problem and poses significant functional problems as well as aesthetic issues. The cleft lip and nose surgery remain one of the most challenging procedures in reconstructive surgery, particularly when the cleft lips accompany nasal deformity. The surgery is part of Rhinoplasty and it can occur as a birth defect or due to injury or accident.
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Birth Defects Surgery Services

Birth defects can affect the lives of babies adversely with several types of functional abnormalities. Among the functional abnormalities, cleft lip, clubfoot, cleft palate, and many other deformities are there. Comprehensive rehabilitation is possible through surgery for a child suffering from birth defects and provides the child with a normal life.
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Rhytidectomy Surgery Treatment Services

Rhytidectomy is a cosmetic operational procedure that eliminates all the excess facial skin and makes a face appear younger and natural. It gets done to look at least a decade or two younger than the original age. It not only improves the facial look but also lowers the aging of the neckline. It reshapes the more despicable part of the face by removing excess skin. It not only reshapes but also tightens the loose skin on the front. It does not include eyebrows, uplift, forehead, etc. But it can get done along with the rhytidectomy for the better results. In this treatment, the primary focus is on the two-third bottom face. The surgeons smooth the creases formed to make a vibrant appearance on the front.
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Mid Facelift Treatment Services

Mid facelift treatment addresses the earliest signs of ageing that will help in keeping the face sculpted by sharpening the facial appearances. Also known as cheek lift treatment the surgery actively participate in elevating the cheeks and eye area that will provide fulfilled to the entire face. The results of the surgery are permanent and the recovery is quicker. There are few non-surgical procedures of the facelift treatment that will help in elevating the lower eyelids as well as the upper cheeks. Since the non-surgical procedures and very time consuming and the results are temporary the surgical treatment of mid cheek lift healthy population to improve their official appearance. With the gradual increase of age, the skin of the face becomes looser, fat is deposited underneath and the quality degrades. A mid facelift is thus considered as a one-time solution that will not only help in tightening the skin by removing wrinkles and creases but will also help in improving the quality of the skin so that it becomes more sculpted.
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Skin Pigmentation Treatment Services

Skin pigmentation is a common dermal condition. In this, patches or spots of skin develop at different shade from the natural complexion. It can occur due to many reasons. The most common ones are age, sun damage, acne, chickenpox, inflammation and rashes. Many hormonal diseases also cause skin pigmentation. Hyperpigmentation refers to the skin developing blotches of darker colour whereas hypopigmentation occurs when the skin gets lighter. A large number of treatments exist for these conditions. The treatment recommended depends upon the condition you have.
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Facial Threads Treatment Services

These are a type of temporary suturing material used very commonly nowadays for the purpose of cosmetic treatments. It restores the skins firmness and form in a very subtle and noninvasive manner but it does have a visible effect. The new modern threading technique has also been accredited by the FDA, so it is all the more safe and secure to experience now.
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Facial Scars Treatment Services

Many wounds after healing also leave a permanent scar on your skin. When the scar is prominently present on your face, it also interferes with your self-esteem and confidence as a result of hampering your look. Especially in your years of youth any kind of speckle on the face can cause a big blow to your self-esteem. So, with the development in technologies and more awareness amongst the common people, everybody wants to undergo treatments for removal of such scars from their face.
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Laser Hair Removal Services

It is a therapeutic method that practices an intense laser radiation beam to eliminate undesired hair from the body. Laser hair removal efficiently prevents hair germination for lengthy stretches. It ordinarily doesnt succeed in permanent hair replacement. Various laser hair replacement procedures are required for first hair removal. Simultaneously, preservation methods might be necessary as well. Laser hair removal is prevalent beneficial for somebody who has bright skin and darkish hair. The laser transmits the light, which is consumed by the melanin in the roots. It reconstructs the light energy into the radiation that degrades the hair follicles which exhibit hair. Its also feasible to manage unwanted hair in almost every area, besides the eyelid or surrounding area. In conclusion, expected hair growth has hindered or restricted.
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Men Chest Reshaping Treatment Services

Men with swelling of the chest or enlargement of chest tissue can get a lot of benefits with excision of the tissue or liposuction. Male chest reshaping or reduction remains the most effective treatment for enlarged male chestt or gynecomastia. It can help to get a well-toned body that can increase confidence and can boost your overall personality.
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Jaw Line Reshaping Treatment Services

Jawline Reshaping is a procedure that can reduce and reshape the outer jaw and make it streamlined and proportionate with the rest of the face. It can make the patients having square wide, overly long, U-shaped jaws look more youthful.
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Beard Reshaping Treatment Services

People love to have a well-groomed beard and it can be a game-changer for your looks. It can be quite a task to maintain a neat and clean beard arranged in a shape that you prefer and you have to take a lot of time to maintain it regularly. Laser facial hair removal can be wonderful to achieve the objective of hair removal and reshape the beard as per your wish with no stray hairs and irritating collar rash.
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Lip Reshaping Surgery Treatment Services

Every person has a different perception of the perfect lips. Some people feel that fuller lips are more attractive, some like normal sized lips and some like a thin line of lips. So a lot of people want to change or beautify the appearance of their lips and lip reshaping surgery is the solution here. Lip reshaping surgery can help you get the desired shape of lips. A lip augmentation procedure is performed to change the appearance of your lips by increasing the fullness. Lip reduction surgery (cheiloplasty) reduces the size of protruding or abnormally large lips and lip lift is performed to raise the upper lip towards the nose.
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Hair Restoration Services

The process Hair Restoration is one type of surgery in which surgeons do small surgeries to perform this operation, and they transplant hairs for the customers. Patients facing problems of losing hairs can contact these types of surgeons to stop their hair fall and get beautiful hair and can see the visible difference before meeting the surgeons and after meeting the surgeons. Here patients can see the results in practical ways that are permanent means. The hair which they get by transplant will be durable, so they dont need to worry about it.
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Non Surgical Liposuction Services

Tired many gym and zumba sessions to get rid of that fat and you are dreaded about surgery or health does not allow to undergo surgery , go for non surgical liposuction to boost your metabolism and burn fat from difficult areas. Non surgical fat reduction is safe and is less invasive procedure and alternative to regular or the traditional method of liposuction. Non surgical fat reduction is often called as nonsurgical liposuction , but really , it isnt liposuction at all. Traditional liposuction is surgical procedure involving small incisions in which tube is inserted into the fatty area. This fat is then sucked out through the cells resulting in permanent fat reduction of those fat cells. Non surgical can be one of those procedures which use heat , cooling or lasers and sound waves to destroy the fat cells which will be removed from the body a metabolic products.It should be limited to small stubborn areas that remain after an adequate diet and exercise program or patients who cannot undergo surgery, In order to be fully effective multiple treatments are required. There are number of non surgical removal of fat which may be laser or light assisted therapy, cryo or freezing therapy . Each type works at destroying the call membrane which overtime may appear to melt that fat away
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Face Scar Revision Treatment Services

Face scar revision is one of the effective procedures that actively participates in making facial scars less prominent. A medical procedure involves the surgeon method to lessen the elevated as the well rough surface of face in order to smoothen the area. Discolouration, hypertrophic scars, keloids and contractures are the most common types of scars that are cured by the facial scar surgery treatment. A simple procedure is painless as it is initiated by anaesthesia. The surgical procedure also helps in the improvement of the scarring area by providing various kinds of skin treatments.
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Six Pack ABS Treatment Services

Six Pack ABS or abdominal etching surgery designed to contour and reshape the abdominal body of male uses liposuction technique to remove excess fat. An advanced level of detailing in the abdominal region helps you to get six-packs in your abdomen courtesy of highly skillful surgeons. The liposuction procedure of the next level can remove the fat accumulated between the abdominal muscles perfectly and can accentuate the abdominal rippling that makes you look fabulously masculine.
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