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1 Services availableWe are leaders in the market for providing best range of Half Cell Potential Testing, Pile Integrity Testing, Load Testing, Rebound Hammer Testing and Non Destructive Testing Services
We offer Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Testing services according to IS 13311 (Part 1): 1992. Located in Maharashtra (India), our services are highly in demand. This method is used for testing ultrasonic pulses that are transmitted through the concrete.In solids, the particles can oscillate along the direction of sound propagation as longitudinal waves, or the oscillations can be perpendicular to the direction of sound waves as transverse waves. At surfaces and interfaces, various types of elliptical or complex vibrations of the particles occur. Our instrument is dependent on Dynamic Youngs Modulus, density, and Poissons ratio of the material. A complex system of stress waves is developed which includes longitudinal (Compressional), shear (transverse) and surface (releigh) waves. Piezoelectric transducers are designed to generate longitudinal and transverse (shear) waves. The active element of most acoustic transducers is piezoelectric ceramic. These transducers convert electrical signals into mechanical vibrations (transmit mode) and mechanical vibrations into electrical signals (receive mode). The travel time is measured with an accuracy of +- 0.1 microseconds. Transducers with natural frequencies between 20 kHz and 200 kHz are available, but 50 kHz to 150 kHz transducers are common.
Core Testing services that we provide are highly admired by the clients. We are located in Maharashtra (India) and provide core tests according to IS 516 1959, IS 1199 1959&IS - 456 2000. Core Testing isa reliable testing that is done for checking the compressive strength of the In situ concrete. Other physical properties such as density, water absorption can also be measured from the core concrete.In addition to this, chemical properties of concrete specimen for its cement content, carbonation depth, chloride and sulphate content can also be measured by this. The test can be usedfor slabs, walls, etc., wherepartial destruction of concrete due to core cutting does notdisturb the stability of the member. In this method concrete cores of sizes raging from 20 mm to 150 mm in diameter and 50 mm to 500 mm long are drilled out by a diamond cutters. The recommended diameters are 100 to 150 mm, but if the drill depth is insufficient as in of case slabs, then smaller diameters may be used but not less than three times nominal aggregate size. The core diameter to length ratio shall be normally between 1.0 to 2.0 (preferably 2.0). The core diameter shall be at leastthree times the nominal maximum size of aggregate. Reinforcement shall be avoided in the core. At least three cores shall be tested for acceptable accuracy. These cylindricalconcrete cores arethen made smooth at both ends (if required) and then tested for compressive strength. If required capping of the faces shall be done. The strength of capping material shall be higher than that of concrete in the core. Cap shall be as thin as practicable. The specimen shall be cured in water for 48 hours before testing. The cylindrical strength is then co-related to cube strength. IS 516 suggest a multiplying factor of 1.25 for converting cylindrical strength to equivalent cube strength. In addition a correction factor for height to diameter ratio shall be applied as given in IS 516. IS 456 states that the concrete in the member represented by a core test shall be considered acceptable, if the average equivalent cube strength of core is equal to at least 85 % of the cube strength of the grade of concrete specified, but no individual core has strength less than 75 %. Application : The core cutting is mainly conducted for : Reliability & Limitations : As this test gives actual in situ strength of concrete is more acceptable, but due to partial destructiveness needs to be used very carefully. The reliability of small cores i.e. 40 50 mm is less as compared to normal cores. The detection of reinforcement shall be perfect. If the quality of concrete is not good, one may not even get a complete core for testing. The cost of core cutting is more compared with other ND tests, as it consumes diamond bits, which are costly.
The company is located in Maharashtra (India) and involved in providing Half Cell Potential Testing services to the clients at very affordable rates. The instrument we possess measures the potential and theelectrical resistance between the reinforcement and the surface to evaluate the corrosion activity as well as the actual condition of the cover layer during testing. The electrical potential of a point on the surface of steel reinforcing bar can be measured comparing its potentialwith that of copper copper sulphate reference electrode on the surface. Practically this achieved by connecting a wire from one terminal of a voltmeter to the reinforcement and another wire to the copper sulphate reference electrode. Then general readings taken are at grid of 1 x 1 m for slabs, walls and at 0.5 m cc for Column, beams. The risk of corrosion is evaluated by means of the potential gradient obtained, the higher the gradient, the higher risk of corrosion. The test results can be interpreted based on the following table : Significance and use : Reliability & Limitations : The test does not actual corrosion rate or whether corrosion activity has already started, but it indicates the probability of the corrosion activity depending upon the actual surrounding conditions and no information relating to corrosion kinetics can be obtained. If this method used in combination with resistivity measurement, the accuracy is higher. If the concrete surface has dried to the extent that it is dielectric , then pre wetting of concrete is essential especially for Cement Silos, Exposed roof slab. The Quality of the cover concrete, particularly its moisture condition and Contamination by carbonation and or chlorides may affect the results
Half cell potential (mv) relative to%chance of corrosion activity
We are involved in lending excellent Pile Integrity Testing services to the clients. Based in Maharashtra (India), we provide Pile Integrity Testing services in case of defective pile shaft necking, discontinuity of concrete, intrusion of foreign matter and improper toe formation due to contamination of concrete at base with soil particles, washing of concrete due to high water current, adoption of improper construction method, poor quality control on concreting etc.
Cracks can also be a cause of failure, so if pile integrity can be assessed before completion of pile caps, then this will go a long way towards certification of pile integrity. Our Pile Integrity Testing is a quick procedure that enables number of piles to be examined in a single working day. This method provides information about continuity, defects such as cracks, necking, soil incursions, changes in cross section and approximate pile lengths ( unless the pile is very long or the skin friction is too high).
In this test, a small metal / hard rubber hammer is used to produce a light tap on the top of the pile. The shock traveling down the length of the pile is reflected back from the toe of the pile and recorded through a suitable transducer / accelerometer ( also held on the top of the pile close to the point of impact) in a computer disk for subsequent analysis.
The primary shock wave which travels down the length of the shaft is reflected from the toe by change in density between the concrete and the sub strata. However, if the pile has any imperfections or discontinuities within its length these will set up secondary reflections which will be added to the return signal. By a careful analysis of the captured signal and knowledge of the conditions of the ground, age of the concrete etc., a picture of the location of such problems can be formed.
Principle & Procedure :
Significance and use :
Limitations :
It may not detect :
We are known for providing reliable Load Testing services to the clients. Based in Maharashtra (India), we provide load testing of building & bridge components in case of the strength of concrete is below the acceptable norms, structural design data is not available, load carrying capacity of the flexural member needs to be assessed, the members is to be subjected to a higher loads, the members are noticed to have cracks, deflections, the structure is damaged due to fire, earthquake, blast, corrosion etc., and change in use of structure. IS – 456 – 2000 recommends that Load Testing of flexural members should be carried out in such case where the core test results do not satisfy the requirements.
The Load Test for Building is carried out as per IS – 456. For Bridges Load test is carried out in accordance with IRC – SP – 51 – 1999, the load test can be performed by either loading with simulation of specific IRC vehicle (IRC – 37) or by other type of static load which produces the design forces. Load Test Procedure as per IS – 456- 2000. The structure should be subjected to a load equal to full dead load of the structure plus 1.25 times the imposed load for a period of 24 h and then the imposed load shall be removed.
Based in Maharashtra (India), the firm is acknowledged for lending accurate Rebound Hammer Testing services to the clients. This test is used for checking the strength of concrete since 1940.The test is based on the principle that the rebound of an elastic mass depends on the hardness of the surface against whichmass strikes.The plunger of hammer is strongly and steadily pressed against the concrete surface at right angles until the spring loaded mass is triggered from the locked position. The spring controlled mass rebounds and the extent of such rebound depends upon the surface hardness of concrete. The distance traveled by the mass as a percentage is defined as rebound number. Influence of Test Conditions : The test is significantly influenced by following factors : Application : The rebound hammer method may be used for Reliability & Limitations : The test determines the hardness of the surface only. The impact of hammer is sensitive to the surface layer of about 25 to 50 mm only. The reliability of this test as alone, for compression strength is less, but it can generally indicate uniformity of concrete. The rebound hammer results are very sensitive to the spring constant, thus after a use of hammer for about 15000 impacts, it is recommended to calibrate the hammer on Anvil. The influence of aggregate type and proportion can be considerable. Thus it is strongly recommended that every lab, NDT consultant using rebound hammer shall develop their own graphs for compressive strength verses Rebound number, and shall not use blindly, the graphs given by manufacturers. The probable accuracy of prediction of concrete strength in laboratory level is 15 % and that of structure is 25 %. It is recommended to use of Rebound hammer along with ultrasonic concrete testing or core test.