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Our Complete range of products are Personal Consulting Worldwide, Employee Assistance Program, Book: HEALING WITH WORDS: Poetry Therapy, , Diagnostic Psychometry and Teenagers & Youth Guidance.

Personal Consulting Worldwide

Problem-solving Consultancy :With our 2 decades of experience in psychological consulting, we are earned a great deal of trust from our valued clients. We are relied upon  by discerning clients and referring doctors in the UAE and India for finding professional solutions to teenage problems, youth guidance, marital conflicts, personality disorders etc.

  • Solution-focused “Reach-out” program making our service accessible worldwide through telephone, Skype and other communication media.  
  • Follow up program for clients who have moved to other cities.
  • Combining personal visits and tele-counseling to ensure continuity  and to achieve the best results.
  • Senior Consultant: Dr George Kaliaden, Ph.D. Member of the  American Psychological Association
  • Backed by 22 Years of goodwill from fully satisfied clients and referring physicians.
  • Relied by discerning clients in the UAE for problem-solving (teenage issues, youth guidance, marital conflicts, personality disorders etc.)

Our online mentoring  services are widely used by college youth living on campuses away from home, by parents of teenagers who refuse to take professional help and by married people who wish to consult the psychologist privately without the spouse knowing about it.
Several organizations utilizethe online facility to get professional opinion about the mental and behavioral health of an employee. In such cases psychological screening / assessment is done online prior to one-on-one sessions.  

Common Problems for which psychological help is sought :

  • Depressive states associated with any specific event or experience
  • Social phobia or fear of interacting with people
  • Fear of air travel, other specific phobias / conditioned anxiety
  • Panic attack and other anxiety disorders
  • Tension headache and other (unexplained) bodily pains
  • Hysterical fainting or other symptoms
  • Uncontrollable anger and other destructive emotions
  • Self-injurious behavior
  • Anger issues, domestic violence
  • Personality disorder (BPD, Obsessive etc.)
  • Instability in career / frequent job changes
  • Alcohol abuse and other addictions due to underlying psychological problems
  • Teenage  underachievement / sudden or gradual deterioration  in academic performance
  • College youth underachievement: Academic failure/  rebellious, defiant behavior
  • Examination anxiety and panic
  • Marital conflicts / relationship problems
  • Pre-marital relationship problems/ evaluation of  viability of marriage
  • Divorce / Separation issues/ Damage control/ Family Therapy  
  • Child behavior management problems; school refusal, social skills deficits, loss of motivation, oppositional defiant behavior, conduct disorder etc.
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Marriage & Relationship

With over 20 years of experience in marriage counseling and couple therapy. Professional input has helped many couples and families to objectively assess the viability of a marriage and take wise decisions on marriage enhancement or peaceful dissolution of marriage. Our consulting program (offered in person or online) is designed for facilitating personal insight and a deeper understanding of the problem situation. Equipped with the new knowledge, insight and new perception of the situation, couples  work toward quality decision-making and reliable, lasting problem resolution. For many years Dr George Kaliaden has been a Member of the Experts Panel conducting Marriage Preparation course in St. Mary’s Church, Dubai, and St. Michael’s Church, Sharjah. He has also served as Psychological Consultant advising the Judiciary Tribunal (Marriage Annulment Cases) of the Apostolic Vicariate of Arabia.

  • Diagnostic Assessment & Evaluation of Viability
  • Individual counseling ( what needs to be changed?)
  • Inter-personal Communication / conflict resolution
  • Relationship Logistics
  • Follow-up and ongoing guidance

Marriage Enhancement Program :  Marriage is a loving relationship that supports personal growth of the partners. We conduct a one-day program for couples preparing for marriage and for newly married couples. This is a 4 hour  program designed for empowering couples by providing them with knowledge and tools necessary for building a strong foundation for the relationship.      
Four interactive sessions. The course is made up of the following sessions of one hour duration.

  • Assessment  (SWOT)   
  • Communication Skills  
  • Relationship Logistics  
  • Goal Setting and Review. 
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Professional Training / Certification

Associate’s Certificate :Consilium Institute invites applications from graduates in psychology, social sciences, social work or related fields for  ACIPP Program (Post-Graduate Professional Development Program leading to the title “Associate of the Consilium Institute of Professional Psychology)

The Certificate Course will offer selected candidates  opportunity to :

  • Receive comprehensive training in theory and practice and help them join the growing pool of experts  in adolescent therapy providing training for the youth.
  • Establish and develop their practice as trainers /counselors  under supervision.

Eligibility : 

  • Masters’ Degree in Psychology, Behavioral Sciences, Medicine, Social Work.
  • Completion of at least one Internship Program with CIPP in specific areas (Child Guidance, Positive Psychology, Art & Poetry Therapy  or Youth Training and Guidance)

Program Contents :

  • Principles and Theories of Psychological Therapies & Counseling.
  • Therapeutic Skills Training
  • Neuro-Linguistic Therapy
  • Teenager Dynamic Theory and Practice
  • Psychometric Assessment, Diagnostic Skills
  • Co-Training Practicum


Certification :On completion of the Program Requirements, successful candidates will be awarded the title of ACIPP (Associate of the Consilium Institute of Professional Psychology).

Short-Term  Professional Development courses :

  • Teachers’ Training in Behavior Management 4 weeks
  • Psycho-Diagnostic & Therapeutic Skills for Pastoral Counselors 4 weeks
  • Training Workshop - Parenting and Behavior Management – One Day
  • Introduction to NLP and Brief Therapy Models – One Day.
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Online Mentoring Coaching Service

Coaching for Excellence :We have worked with CEO’s and Senior Executives a wide variety or corporations and helped them with their personality, decision - skills, thought management, communication skills, presentations skills, etc. We take up coaching assignments for a limited number of executives on a long-term coaching contract, usually lasting three to six months.  We also conduct executive training programs for personal growth and improved

Efficiency :

  • Workshop devoted to coaching  and group training for the staff.
  • Issues of Time, Values And Priortization and how to move deeply with heart-felt capacity towards inner alignment and motivation. Some of what you will learn is the power of
  • The four fundamental Time-Energy-Motivation conversations.  Introducing effective methods for time and value related conversations.
  • The delicate art of creative prioritization: Identify the relevant value elements for effective prioritization. 
  • Issues of Creativity, Innovation And Opportunity Creation. You will learn how to access your inner genius. You will learn how to explore structures of innovation by modeling the key thinking qualities of great writers, painters, musicians and inventors.  Some of what you will learn is the power of:
  • Mental maps that create clear perspectives - Designing effective strategies for the mastery of complex situations and projects
  • How to spark a flow of ideas -  Assist your clients as they find deep, creative solutions and build brand new ideas.  Show them how to center on their own "creativity style."
  • Effective ways to Transform Blueprints Into Well Staged Operations For Success. We will and explore the seven steps that allow our clients to move a project from a simple idea into a richly organized plan. We will thoroughly explore the power of the inner critic as a resource to find optimal solutions.
  • Create motivation for action -  Move towards the deepest meanings that creates passion and purpose.
  • Meeting your critic where s/he lives -  The three key phases to overcoming barriers; the difference that makes the difference to create effective operational plans.
  • Exploration Of Mastery. We want to look at the key stages of development that produce the inner experience of mastery, and how our clients can move through those stages with ease and power.
  • Handle quantum leap shifts in power and responsibility -  Strengthen your experience of mastery, self-reliance and self-generation for superior leadership performance.
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Publications : Good Counsel Books

Books by Dr George Kaliaden :

  • Healing with Words - A Psychologist’s Experiments in Poetry Therapy (New)
  • Techniques to Shape Better Behavior (New Edition )
  • Padtippikkam Nalla Sheelangal (Malayalam)
  • Tashkeel Al T’faal (Moulding Your Child- Arabic Edition)
  • Apne Bachhom ki Tarbiyat Kijiye
  • Happening (Collection of Poems)
  • Mental Health and Psychological Practice in the United Arab Emirates
  • (Chapter 12 By Dr George Kaliaden)
  • Teens & Parents Quarterly Magazine (Back issues) 


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Coaching for ExcellenceWe have worked with CEOs and Senior Executives a wide variety or corporations and helped them with their personality, decisionskills, thought management, communication skills, presentations skills, etc. We take up coaching assignments for a limited number of executives on a long-term coaching contract, usually lasting three to six months. We also conduct executive training programs for personal growth and improved efficiency. Workshop devoted to coaching and group training for the staff. Issues of TIME, VALUES and PRIORTIZATION and how to move deeply with heart-felt capacity towards inner alignment and motivation. Some of what you will learn is the power ofThe four fundamental Time-Energy-Motivation conversations. Introducing effective methods for time and value related conversations.. Some of what you will learn is the power of:Effective ways to TRANSFORM BLUEPRINTS INTO WELL STAGED OPERATIONS FOR SUCCESS. We will and explore the seven steps that allow our clients to move a project from a simple idea into a richly organized plan. We will thoroughly explore the power of the inner critic as a resource to find optimal solutions.Create motivation for action: Move towards the deepest meanings that creates passion and purpose.Meeting your critic where s/he lives: The three key phases to overcoming barriers; the difference that makes the difference to create effective operational plans.EXPLORATION OF MASTERY. We want to look at the key stages of development that produce the inner experience of mastery, and how our clients can move through those stages with ease and power. Handle quantum leap shifts in power and responsibility: Strengthen your experience of mastery, self-reliance and self-generation for superior leadership performance.Contact: GEORGE KALIADEN CONSULTING, FZE Dubai Tel: +97150-5811857/
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Employee Assistance Program

We are recognized for conducting effective Employee Assistance Program. We view happiness as a good emotion and the scientists of positive psychology have also defined happiness with goal achievement. John Locke wrote, “The business of man is to be happy”. So, it will be fair to say that a business can improve by taking care of the happiness of the internal and external customers. The happiness strategies are related to the consumer-oriented, experience-related economy of today that helps in flourishing the companies. Customer’s happiness is thus crucial for a becoming a successful organization. A happiness mindset separates the exceptional from an average organization.

 Call: +97150-5811857.   GEORGE KALIADEN CONSULTING, FZE

Below mentioned are some of the happiness strategies that organizations can implement for the long term, from the inside out :

  • Authentic Leadership : An authentic leadership will be when an employer takes interest in the employees. If you are a transparent leader, then your employees will be much focused with their clear and intentional goals. Employees always want to feel connected and an engaged staff is always a happy staff as well as a productive one. A 2011 Gallup poll found that 71 percent of American employees are disengaged from their workplace. This means that employees are devoid of various benefits. Thus, they are contaminating the surrounding environment and offering the customers a bad experience.
  • Making a Difference : Company culture should always be like to empower the employees as well as the customers. People who embrace the meaningfulness in their purpose are such who are fulfilled by an experience. In case, you are feeling good, there are chances that you will repeat the same gesture again. Robust brands have benefited from the “feel good” psychology and expanded their product line because of it; brands such as, McDonald’s” Happy Meal”, Apples iphone and the ultimate driving experience of BMW.
  • Employee Autonomy : Micromanagement is long gone and people now want to feel that they have control over their personal and professional destinies. Much importance should be laid upon what we do rather that the hours for which we worked.
  • Work Integration : It is a kind of new life balance and this helps in having more time for yourself, family and friends by working effectively.
  • Customer Engagement : If you get repeat customers, then that is the best business you are doing. In order to sustain products life cycle, customer engagement is necessary and also essential for the “happynomics” of the organization. If you are able to engage your customers for your brand, then they will be become your loyal buyers or repeat customers.

What is Consilium Employee Assistance Program?Consilium Employee Assistance Program (CEAP) is a professional, fully confidential, and short-term counseling intervention by professional psychologist offered to all employees of the organization. We maintain annual contract with the organization. Services are free for employees. It is a fully confidential Professional Counseling program for personal and work-related problems. 

Under this program, employees and their immediate family members are free to avail both counseling and other psychological services for dealing with the common personal problems that might affect their wellbeing and efficiency. CEAP, offered by professionals, provided service to organizations like :

  • Otis Elevators (UAE)
  • Middlesex University (Dubai)
  • University of Wollongong
  • Cathay Pacific
  • McDonalds (Middle East Region)
  • National Air Cargo (Dubai)
  • Standard Chartered Bank
  • Sabah Group (Sharjah)
  • Hykon Transcripts (CSEZ Cochin)

CEAP can assist with Work–related Stress: Work-Life Balance, Inter-personal Conflict at Work, Difficulty with Change and Adaptation, Emotional Stress, Anxiety, Anger, Depression Low Self Esteem and Social Skills Deficits, Personal Relationship Problems, Improving Work Performance, Personal Growth

CEAP can assist with Family-related Stress :

  • Marriage and Family Problems
  • Concerns about Children and Child Behavior
  • Addiction and Impulsive Behavior
  • Domestic violence, Emotional and Physical Abuse, Grief and Bereavement
  • Dealing with Traumatic Events
  • CEAP is Convenient
  • Access to both face to face and telephone counseling
  • 24/7 emergency counseling

Feedback from an employee on our EAP Program :

M. S. Registered Nurse P.O.Box 5566, DubaiUnited Arab Emirates

15 November 2002

To :  The Webmaster.  

I am an Australian expatriate, currently working in Dubai and attending part-time postgraduate studies at the Dubai Campus of the Wollongong University of Australia. In August I felt the need to seek counseling and asked U.O.W. for a contact.  She gave me the Employee Assistance Program brochure.
I write this letter to you to convey how positively the EAP Program has assisted me personally.  I have been seeing Dr. George Kaliaden since mid-August, initially for one hour weekly for two months and now about every three weeks.
I was quite surprised how quickly we addressed many issues and separated the areas of difficulty. So much more came up for me on a personal level relating to childhood and self, which was unexpected. Dr. Kaliaden initiated a personality test and an I.Q. test, both of which have dramatically positively enhanced my understanding of my own behavior traits and my level of ability and confidence academically. I feel my most effective results have been releasing past paternal issues. This has reduced my general level of anger and reaction and I find myself communicating more effectively in general. It has been important for me to identify the difference between aggressive and assertive behavior and to work on relaxation techniques to modify my responses.
I have enjoyed Dr. Kaliaden’s relaxed and kind manner which have been imperative for me to build trust. He has been systematic and given me continued positive reinforcement and support. We have shared humour, which has helped alleviate stress and I have looked forward immensely to the sessions.  Although not all my troubles are resolved, I certainly feel more able to deal with them and move on.
I must thank you for providing a psychological service in Dubai, where it is often difficult to find comparable “western” standard support services. To have this available at such high professional standing in Dr. Kaliaden is indeed commendable. With thanks for supporting those of us in The Gulf who truly appreciate this.
Yours sincerely, Maggie Staggs, R.N.  (Note: I have granted permission to Dr Kaliaden to publish my name and identification on the website posting)

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Book: HEALING WITH WORDS: Poetry Therapy

400 /Piece Get Latest Price
Discover the power of words and use it effectively in healing, counseling, and communicative arts. The author shares with the readers his two decades of experience in consulting, therapy and training and experiments with poetry and arts in the treatment process. The psychological principles by which our ordinary words get infused with healing powers are explained giving real-life examples and case studies. Topics include: The art of Changing the MindHow to use words to heal the sick and to comfort those in distress? How to use words to inspire, motivate peopleHow to change / re-structure the thought processHow to use poetry and art for self-therapy? How to conduct a poetry therapy sessionProphetic role of poets.Truth liberates. Truth shall make you free and heal you!The psychology of retreats and healing bhajansLove as a healing power Toward a practical religion for all. Poets as counselors and healers in the community The Author : Dr George Kaliaden Poet, psychologist and internationally acclaimed youth trainer, Dr George J. Kaliaden, holds a Ph.D. in Applied Psychology. His background includes study/research at the University of Pennsylvania, University of Texas at Arlington and the IIT Bombay He has been practicing as a consultant/ therapist for the past two decades. He holds Diplomas in Philosophy and in German Literature and is the author of several books: Moulding Your Child (1995), Happening (2005), Positive Behavior (2008). His book Moulding Your Child was translated into Arabic and published by the Government of Sharjah (1998). Price: Foreign Edition: $ 27 + Postage. Indian Edition: Rs.400 including postage anywhere in India. ORDER YOUR COPY (VPP) : 9846110021 / 7293656365Dubai: +97150-6524285E-mail:
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Healing With Words: Book On Poetry Therapy

400 /Piece Get Latest Price
Discover the power of words and use it effectively in healing, counseling, preaching and communicative arts. The book is a poet-Psychologists literary and scientific inquiry into the POWER OF WORDS and into the mysteries behind the practice of healing arts. The literary autobiographic style in which poetic creations and therapeutic experiments merge, provides a deeper insight into the process of healing. Combining his professional and creative skills Dr Kaliaden gives the reader valuable insights into the ancient wisdom of poetic communication. Sharing with the readers his two decades of experience in consulting, therapy and training and experiments with poetry and arts in the treatment process. The psychological principles by which our ordinary words get infused with healing powers are explained giving real-life examples and case studies. 39 Chapters in three sections of the bookReflections on Poetry TherapyThe Practice of Poetry TherapyExperiments in Poetry Therapy using the authors own poems. Topics include: The art of Changing the MindHow to use words to heal the sick and to comfort those in distress? How to use words to inspire, motivate peopleHow to change / re-structure the thought processHow to use poetry and art for self-therapy? How to conduct a poetry therapy sessionProphetic role of poets.Truth liberates. Truth shall make you free and heal you!The psychology of retreats and healing bhajansLove as a healing power Toward a practical religion for all. Poets as counselors and healers in the community It provides practical lessons on how to use poetry and art for youth guidance, marriage counseling and couple therapy, parenting, child care, spiritual retreat, bereavement counseling and palliative care. The book will be sent by VPP : order Now:
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Corporate Consulting / Training

Organizational Effectiveness and Profitability depends on Personal efficiency, the so-called U-Factors or Psychological Variables. Emotional Quotient and the inner strength of the director or the executive are reflected in his/her motivation, commitment, inter-personal relations, leadership, team spirit, customer relations, target achievement etc. A progressive organization cannot ignore these critical personal factors.

Some Real-Life Situations in the Corporate Setting :

  • Irritable and aggressive under pressure.
  • Inability to organize one’s time and keep the deadlines.
  • Difficulties in establishing relationship, social network   
  • Personal problems affecting official duties
  • Rigidity,   resistance to change.
  • Chronic, depression, irritability,   low self esteem.
  • Selecting the right candidate for key positions.

What Can CIPP Do for Coprporate Quality Enhancement?

  • Personnel Quality Improvement Programs                                        
  • Workshops on Personality, Efficiency and Communication                    
  • Assessment for Employee Selection, Promotion                              
  • Employee Assistance Programs
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, Diagnostic Psychometry

The following questionnaire is to assess your nature and usual behavior pattern. Answer each question  based on your thinking, feeling, behavior over the past several months. Please mark T (True) or F (False)  against each item. Do not leave any item. You need to choose one answer (Yes or No) even if you are not fully sure. There is no time limit. There are no right or wrong answers. It simply describes what kind of person you are.

Child Behavior

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Perasonality Ass

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Teenagers & Youth Guidance

Transformational change- Is it possible?, Read this from Ritwik Sankaran 10th Grade student in Delhi Private School, Sharjah dated Dec.1, 2012.),   “I was getting bad marks in almost all subjects before joining “Teenager Dynamic” Program; but now because of proper planning of time, I got very good marks in my subjects. I used to get 60’s out of 80 in Math; but now I got full in Math. I was extremely bad in Social Studies, getting only 50’s; but now I get in the 70’s out of 80. And every time I used to get bad marks in Arabic only 73 out of 100; but now I got 82.5. I would like to thank my parents for making me join this program and also Dr George who helped me.  (sd/  Ritwik).
This is just one of the hundreds of letters and feedback from participants that we have on our files since 1994. Teenager Dynamic – The Power to Change….Yes Change is possible, it is real and enduring.
Special skills may be needed to understand teenagers and to communicate with them. Many teenagers initially refuse to take help or avoid professional support. Since 1994 we have been providing counseling, training and mentoring to teenagers and college youth. We have completed our 150th training workshop in August 2016 as we continue to help the youth advance their level of functioning by improving their motivation, learning skills, communications skills, emotional intelligence, decision skills and other self-management skills. Teenager Dynamic ®  Since 1994.

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Teenager Dynamic program is now offered in  18-hour interaction format  spread over a 3-day weekend.  A candidates come over the weekend along with the family to participate in the intensive, interactive process which, to their surprise, turn out to be a fun experience. They go back as  changed persons.  
Two decades of professional experience helps us quickly diagnose each teenager in a SWOT format and understand his/her strengths and weaknesses before beginning the training, counseling and mentoring process.

Teenager Dynamic group  program  includes the following modules :

  • Introduction to teenage life and experience.
  • A behavioral model of success as a series of goal-directed action.
  • Dynamics of self-motivation
  • Goal setting and decision skills
  • Communication skills
  • Freedom and responsibility
  • Emotional  Intelligence and strategies for managing emotions
  • Program evaluation
  • Parents’ workshop
  • Concluding session

Several therapeutic techniques adapted from Narrative Therapy, Poetry Therapy, Dialectical Cognitive Therapy, Cognitive Behaviour Modification, Gestalt Therapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming etc. are applied during these sessions.  The power of group dynamics is fully utilized by carefully designed activities and demonstration. The interactive mode is instrumental in eliciting active participation and a sense of camaraderie within the group.

Is it really effective? On completion of the 100th Batch a systematic program evaluation was done on a sample of 360 participants of the Teenager Dynamic program  ( between 1994 and 2007). 98% of participants (353 out of 360)  reported that they were fully satisfied with the program and would recommend it to their friends. 70% of the participants rated the program as “Excellent”  and 30% rated it as “good”. Interestingly enough, none of them rated the program as “average” or  “Not Effective”.  Following were the percentage if teenagers who reported significantly high improvement in each of the Personal Growth factors :

  • Self- Confidence - 86%              
  • Self Motivation - 68%           
  • Concentration - 60%         
  • Memory Skills - 60%
  • Socializing Skills - 76%
  • Assertive Skills - 66%
  • Group/Public Communication -  70%  
  • Study Skills - 54%
  • Skills in managing Emotions - 54%     
  • Overall Personal Growth - 66%   

These results confirmed the validity and reliability of the intervention process.  Personal remarks and comments made by each participant were also recorded and filed for future reference. Some of the remarks were as follows :

  • “I think it was an amazing program, I had great fun and it was very helpful. I have learnt a lot of things that will be useful for me in life” ( Nislin, The Indian High School, Dubai )
  • “It opened my eyes…taught me totally new ways of doing things which never knew before….”  Pooja Varier ( Batch 106)
  • “A powerful, intensive program. you feel different…it defines your view on life. ”Asma Kamal (Batch 51)
  • “A program that leaves every teenager dynamic. gives us a deep insight into ourselves” Nikhil Nair ( Batch 45)
  • “Really great and I want to attend the program once again. I learnt to deal with teenage problems .” Maria P.R ( Batch 68)
  • “These four days will be my most memorable days in life”C.P.Mubeena (Batch 66)
  •  “It was so interesting that I don’t have words to express my feelings. I will encourage all my friends to attend this course. ”  Reshma (Batch 72)
  • “I feel the program has worked well for me. I was amazed at what I was able to achieve.” Nikhil Mathew ( Batch 42)
  • “Joining this program was the smartest and the best thing I have done. This is my best summer vacation. made worthwhile.” Shoaib ( Batch 56)
  • “The program has absolutely changed my outlook toward life.” Rahul ( Batch 56)
  • “It has given me immense potential for personal growth. I am really glad to be a TEENAGER DYNAMIC”   Shobhna Bhatia (Batch 52)

 Teenager Dynamic program (with Dr George Kaliaden)  continue to transform teenagers and is now accepted by participating families as well as by professionals as a reliable method for addressing teenage problems. Referral professionals like doctors, teachers, pastors, principals etc. continued to sustain the program without any advertising or media support. We are supported by ever-increasing god will of the participants. That was the most rewarding experience.    Thousands of families now vouch for the program and works for its wider reach. Teenager Dynamic is now ready to reach out to other states and communities. Trainers are being inducted and trained for continuing the mission.  

Register online for personalized problem-solving program or Teenager Dynamic Group Program : Contact:, +91-9846110021, Visit

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Schools Colleges Partnership Consulting Service

Consilium Institute works with schools on a contract basis to serve as consultants or visiting counselors. Dr Geoge Kaliaden is on the Governing Board of Elite English High School, Dubai and have served on the Advisory Focus Group of Indian High School Dubai. Dr Kaliaden has been the counslling psychologist ( visiting) at Middlesex University since 2005. We conduct workshops and training programs for teachers and parents on behavior management techniques and motivational strategies.  We provide crisis management services for referred cases of teenagers identified as “at risk” of suicide, school drop out, criminal (violent) behavior, anti-social behavior etc.  We have been providing online /telecounseling services to students in a number of foreign universities like Manipal Institute, NIT, VIT, IIT, University of California, San Diego, University of Torronto, American university of Sharjah and University of Wollongong, Dubai.

Schools and associations that have used our services and conducted our Behavior Mangement workshops include :

  • American University of Sharjah
  • Delhi Private School, Sharjah
  • Rajagiri Public School, Kalamassery, Cochin
  • Gems Our Own High School, Sharjah
  • The Indian high School, Dubai
  • Leaders Public School, Sharjah
  • Elite English High School, Dubai
  • Crescent Publis School, Dubai
  • Our Own Egnlsih High School, Dubai
  • Little Folwer High School, Dubai,
  • Sharjah Indian High School
  • Our Own English School, Fujairah
  • Indian High School, Fujairah
  • Progressive Ebglsih School, Sharjah
  • Indian Public School, Ras Al Khaimah
  • Al Ain Juniors School, Al Ain
  • Indian Association, Al Ain,
  • Indian Association, Abu Dhabi
  • Priyadarshini Association, Sharjah
  • Dubai Art Lovers Asssociation
  • TKM Engineers Alumni Associaton,
  • Konkan Regional Association Dubai
  • St Mary’s Church Dubai
  • St Joseph’s Church, Abu Dhabi
  • Dibbah Government Hospital, Dibbah
  • KMEA Engineering College, Pookattupady
  • World Malayalee Council, Global Meet Bangalore
  • Films Division ( Government of India), Mumbai

CIPP Introduces E.Q. Workshop for Schools (2016 -17)

Emotional Intelligence To Enhance Learning :As a part of the community psychology program we are pleased to offer a 90 minutes interactive workshop for parents of KG – 3rd Grade students of your school. The workshop is a forum for parents to improve their parenting skills for developing emotional intelligence in their children. The workshop is conducted by Dr George Kaliaden who has more than twenty years of experience in psychological consultation and child behavior management.

Workshop highlights :

  • Understanding Emotional Intelligence
  • Qualities of an Emotionally Intelligent Parent
  • Managing Emotional Impulsivity in Children
  • How does Emotional Intelligence enhance learning?
  • School Environment and Emotional Intelligence.

The 90 minutes workshop will be structured as follows :

  • Lecture by Dr Kaliaden using Power Point Presentation - 40 mts
  • Case study - Exercises and discussions - 30 mts
  • Interactive Session on parenting and behavior management - 20 mts

College Youth Counseling Program : We have years of accumulated experience in counseling the college youth. Programs in well-known institutions like Middlesex University, Dubai, University of Wollongong have been using our student counseling services for the benefit of the entire student community. Many colleges and Universities organize workshops and lectures by our consultants on topics like Study Skills, Emotional Intelligence, Value Education, Thought Management, Personality Development, Relationship Management etc.

Following are the problem areas in which students generally seek counseling support :

  • Stress in adapting to the new campus environment
  • Stress in adapting to the academic program
  • Feeling lonely, homesick while getting used to the fellow students
  • Difficulties in coping with time tables and deadlines
  • Problems in accessing and managing the resources
  • Family related problems including financial worries
  • Difficulties in organizing one’s time and taking personal responsibility
  • Deficits in communication and presentation skills
  • Pre-existing personality problems or other conditions like anxiety, depression etc

Under the College Youth Guidance Program, our counselor visits the college on certain days as scheduled and presents the program to the student community. Thereafter students are encouraged to meet with the counselor or set up Skype of telephone counseling sessions as and when the need arises. All counseling sessions and conversations are kept absolutely confidential and  the faculty and the college administration have no access to information regarding consulting sessions. Even the identity of the student is kept confidential.

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Child Guidance And Parenting

Dr Kaliaden is the author of several books on Child Behavior Management and Parenting.  He provides consultancy and training for parents on child behavior, teenage issues and college youth crisis situations.  Workshops for schools and other organizations done by Dr Kaliaden or one of the CIPP staff / associates upon request.

  • How can you change behavior without punishment?
  • How to stamp out unwanted behavior?
  • How to shape positive behavior?
  • Successive approximation and Chaining technique
  • Anxiety Reducing Techniques
  • How to deal with ADHD or hyperactive children?
  • How to improve attention?
  • How can you motivate your child to study better?

Our Books on Child Guidance and Parenting have been translated into Urdu, Arabic and Malayalam (see  

Testimonial from a participant :“When I first saw this book, I felt it is God’s answer to my problem, and eventually it turned out to be so (along with prayers). It is really worthwhile, interesting and doable and it inspires the parent and gives tremendous food for thought. A million thanks for making us parents aware of this “miracle cure” Mrs. Susie P. - Dubai (after reading the earlier version “Molding Your. Child”

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290 /Piece Get Latest Price
First in India: a Introductory book on Poetry Therapy and the Psychology of Healing. How does healing take place through the medium of words ( in psychotherapy, counseling, healing practice, retreats, discourses, etc.) Published in Australia . For E-Book or Foreign Edition: visit : FOR INDIAN EDITION : RECEIVE BY VPP POST: Call: 07293656365 John Price Rs. 290.
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