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Coaching Classes

We are leaders in the market for providing best range of Professional Training / Certification, COACHING and MENTORING for CEO's and Corporate Consulting / Training

Professional Training / Certification

Associate’s Certificate :Consilium Institute invites applications from graduates in psychology, social sciences, social work or related fields for  ACIPP Program (Post-Graduate Professional Development Program leading to the title “Associate of the Consilium Institute of Professional Psychology)

The Certificate Course will offer selected candidates  opportunity to :

  • Receive comprehensive training in theory and practice and help them join the growing pool of experts  in adolescent therapy providing training for the youth.
  • Establish and develop their practice as trainers /counselors  under supervision.

Eligibility : 

  • Masters’ Degree in Psychology, Behavioral Sciences, Medicine, Social Work.
  • Completion of at least one Internship Program with CIPP in specific areas (Child Guidance, Positive Psychology, Art & Poetry Therapy  or Youth Training and Guidance)

Program Contents :

  • Principles and Theories of Psychological Therapies & Counseling.
  • Therapeutic Skills Training
  • Neuro-Linguistic Therapy
  • Teenager Dynamic Theory and Practice
  • Psychometric Assessment, Diagnostic Skills
  • Co-Training Practicum


Certification :On completion of the Program Requirements, successful candidates will be awarded the title of ACIPP (Associate of the Consilium Institute of Professional Psychology).

Short-Term  Professional Development courses :

  • Teachers’ Training in Behavior Management 4 weeks
  • Psycho-Diagnostic & Therapeutic Skills for Pastoral Counselors 4 weeks
  • Training Workshop - Parenting and Behavior Management – One Day
  • Introduction to NLP and Brief Therapy Models – One Day.
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Coaching for ExcellenceWe have worked with CEOs and Senior Executives a wide variety or corporations and helped them with their personality, decisionskills, thought management, communication skills, presentations skills, etc. We take up coaching assignments for a limited number of executives on a long-term coaching contract, usually lasting three to six months. We also conduct executive training programs for personal growth and improved efficiency. Workshop devoted to coaching and group training for the staff. Issues of TIME, VALUES and PRIORTIZATION and how to move deeply with heart-felt capacity towards inner alignment and motivation. Some of what you will learn is the power ofThe four fundamental Time-Energy-Motivation conversations. Introducing effective methods for time and value related conversations.. Some of what you will learn is the power of:Effective ways to TRANSFORM BLUEPRINTS INTO WELL STAGED OPERATIONS FOR SUCCESS. We will and explore the seven steps that allow our clients to move a project from a simple idea into a richly organized plan. We will thoroughly explore the power of the inner critic as a resource to find optimal solutions.Create motivation for action: Move towards the deepest meanings that creates passion and purpose.Meeting your critic where s/he lives: The three key phases to overcoming barriers; the difference that makes the difference to create effective operational plans.EXPLORATION OF MASTERY. We want to look at the key stages of development that produce the inner experience of mastery, and how our clients can move through those stages with ease and power. Handle quantum leap shifts in power and responsibility: Strengthen your experience of mastery, self-reliance and self-generation for superior leadership performance.Contact: GEORGE KALIADEN CONSULTING, FZE Dubai Tel: +97150-5811857/
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Corporate Consulting / Training

Organizational Effectiveness and Profitability depends on Personal efficiency, the so-called U-Factors or Psychological Variables. Emotional Quotient and the inner strength of the director or the executive are reflected in his/her motivation, commitment, inter-personal relations, leadership, team spirit, customer relations, target achievement etc. A progressive organization cannot ignore these critical personal factors.

Some Real-Life Situations in the Corporate Setting :

  • Irritable and aggressive under pressure.
  • Inability to organize one’s time and keep the deadlines.
  • Difficulties in establishing relationship, social network   
  • Personal problems affecting official duties
  • Rigidity,   resistance to change.
  • Chronic, depression, irritability,   low self esteem.
  • Selecting the right candidate for key positions.

What Can CIPP Do for Coprporate Quality Enhancement?

  • Personnel Quality Improvement Programs                                        
  • Workshops on Personality, Efficiency and Communication                    
  • Assessment for Employee Selection, Promotion                              
  • Employee Assistance Programs
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