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Our Products

Leading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of Roto Packer, Inline Packers, Diversion Boxes and Bulk Loader.

Screw Conveyors

We offer screw conveyor as a solution in material handling equipment. Our range of screw conveyors are designed and manufactured to give high durability and efficient performance- Screw conveyors are used for conveying powder material and granular material from one point to the other.Compact in design screw conveyors are easily adapted to suit the needs of the client and location and are available in various sizes, capacities and cnecifiratinns. These sizes rarv frnm 1 Stamm to 600mm and can be installed horizontally at an angle. We can supply single screws eleminati ng the need for support bearings and maintenance. Screw flights are available in may forms : Full bladed Varius pitches
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Roto Packer

CWS Roto Packers are the outcome of years of combined experience of engineers in design, engineering and manufacturing of Packing Plants equipments. Roto Packers are available having 4 to 16 spouts for capacity ranging from 1200 bags to 4800 bagshr. Every Spout is equipped with individual filling system consisting of impeller box assembly, bag chair assembly, filling spout assembly, load cell assembly and electronic unit. The electric unit is a sturdy, user friendly, proven design unit and very reliable enabling to achieve good accuracy for this king of machines. In fact our electronic units have been installed at existing Roto Packers supplied by other companies, clearly providing the superiority with regards to functions and accuracy. Data for set weights, achieved weight, bags within tolerance etc. can be send via RS 232 interface to PLC as well as printer for MIS reports.
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Inline Packers

CW5 stationary packers are available from sir!gre spout upto4 spouts inline, delivering capacity of 300 to 1200 bags hours of SO kg. Bag discharge can be manual or automatic depending upan the requirement These machines are most suitable for small plants having capacity upto 3, 00 000 tons per annum. Fast filling is achieved by hi-speed impeller box and god accuracy is obtained by using a three position cylinder, which enable filling in the bags to be done in steps. Initially the bag filling is done in main feed (faster filling), uptaapprox. 90-92% of desired weight, in around B secs. and balance 8% of material is filled in minor feed in 2 secs. ensuring good accuracy and consistency.
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Ship Loader Bulk Loader

CWS has supplied a bag ship loader to load Cement bags @ 3600 bags per hour. The Ship loader has been working satisfactorily for the last five years. This ship loader is moving on rails and can load ships upto capacity of 5000 Ton. Spiral chute ensures smooth loading. The turntable installed at the end of the spiral chute helps in proper placement of bags, CWS has also commissioned two stationary ship loaders at a plant in Bangladesh for loading of bags at the rate of 1800 bags per hour.
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Belt Conveyors

The design of belt conveyors is rugged In construction made of into nation standards, Fabrication is accurately made to ensure perfect alignment. We offer the following types of conveyor belt A fixed type over head conveyor system, very useful for handling various kinds of bags, varying from 5OFcgs to f aakg bagsPortable eit Conveyor system for two stage crushing and screening plant. All conveyor units have ruggedly fabricated steel structure frame so that it can be shwifted, the whole unit where ever needed. G) Belt conveyor system for handling various types of stones aggregates for crushing arrdscreening plantd) Belt conveyor system for clinker transportThese belt conveyors can easily be installed in both stelici nary and portable cn.ishinq plants. The conveyors can also be designed to meet the specral requirement of handling final products in large quantities.
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Bucket Elevator

Con Weigh Systems is supplying bucket elevators, both chairx and belt type, depending upon their capacrty and height requirement. MS has supplied bucket elevators along with other auxiliary equipments, for order received, for complete packing plants. Steel chord as well as single and double strand chain elevators are available. Plate link chair) elevators adopts flow charging and gravity induced discharging_ Advantages being powerful conveying ability. energy saving efficiency compared with loop chain elevator_ Hr-speed plate link chain has advantageof small size, lightweight, high rigidity max-speed can reach 70inminute). Belt elevators have good conveying ability, high elevating height, low energy consumption, stable running, low vibration, convenient maintenance and long operation life.
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Air Slide

Are used for pneumatic transport of the material from one discharge point to another feeding point. Fluid slides are one of the most economical mode of transport, which need very less maintenance. These are designed with 2 chambers, upper & lover. Upper chamber is used to carry the material and lover chamber is used to aerate the fabric. Fluid slides consists of special synthetic fabric, high pressure fan and manual butterflyvalues for control of air.
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Manual Cutoff Gate

Manual cut off gates are made of M.S. Steel body, consisting of slide plate, stuffing box, spindle and hand wheel chain pulley. These types of gates are used at the time of maintenance or erection commissioning.
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Flow control gates have a key role in any kinds of plants operations as it is the equipment which gives the feedback about the material passing through the line and controls the flow of the material as per the requirement. Flow control gates are designed and supplied with a provision of 0-100% output flow, which can be set as per the desired output These types of gates are motorised or with pneumatic actuator.
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Pneumatic Cutoff Gate

Play an important role at the time of power failure These gates are specially designed considering the different aspects of the running operations and as per requirement, they get closed or open quickly at the time of power failure.
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Diversion Boxes

Junction Box Diversion Unit is a part of fluid airslide and is useful to turn the fluid slide at 300 degrees Junction boxes are designed with matching inlet & outlet flanges of the fluid slide with airated bottom and air inlet.
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Vibrating Screen

Vibrating Screens are installed above bag filling machines and bulk loading stations. They offer optimum safety against foreign bodies, material rumps and other oversized particles. Selection of mesh width, wire thickness and screen cloth material is done depending upon the individual requirements. With impeller type filling machine, screening is normally done at a mesh width of 5 mm square and with air type filling machines and bulk loading plants screening is normally done at a mesh width of 6.3-10 mm square.
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