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Plumbing & Pipe Fittings
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1 Products availableCement Retainer
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1 Products availableOur Complete range of products are Compression Set Retrievable Packer, Hydraulic Set Single String Retrievable Production Packer, Hydraulic Set High Angle Production Packer and Hydraulic Production Packer.
retrievable casing packer is a compact, economical set-down packer that can be used by itself for production applications or, with a companion un loader and hold-down, it can be used for well stimulation, testing and other pressuring operations and then left in the well as a production packer.
.the hydro-1 packer is an industry standard, fully hydrostatic, hydraulic set and straight pull shear release, single string retrievable packer. It can be used in the following applications: production, injection, and zonal isolation.
hydraulic set high angle production packer ct-hydro 2 is compact, economical, packer designed for low to medium-pressure applications. The short body length makes it ideal for tight radius deviations and horizontal applications. The packer requires no movement for setting, allowing stacked applications. Straight pull releases the packer and built-in by pass ports equalize pressure across the packer for ease in retrieval. The shear release mechanism is isolated from the packer hydraulics to allow low release force even at full pressure differential.