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2 Products availableWe offer the best product range of Hazardous Waste Incinerator, Liquid Waste Incinerator, Bio-medical Waste Incinerators, Incinerator System Upgradation and Modification and Hazardous Waste Incinerators.
Incinerators are one of the demandable products of our company. The main function of these Incinerators is to incinerate all kind of wastes of Hospitals & related Industries and keep environment clean. These Incinerators are run on low power to save on operational costs.
Special design alteration can be done in case you require recovery of certain elements from the wastes to be incinerated.
These products are designed and manufactured under the supervision of our experienced engineers who have industrial experience of more than 20 years on this subject. We undertake Annual maintenance and operation of these systems / units installed by us.
The features of this are:-
Industrial incinerators are one of the most demandable products of our company. The main function of these Incinerators is to burn up the solid / liquid industrial wastes of all kind. In these Incinerators waste heat recovery unit can also be equipped to produce steam or hot air to recover waste heat. This helps in reducing operational cost and better payback. We offer Solid / liquid waste incinerator etc. the company is a renowned liquid waste incinerator manufacturer, exporter, and supplier, based in India. The liquid waste incinerator, offered by us, is made as per the set industrial standards only. The liquid waste incinerator is known for its excellent efficiency and longer working life.
Special design alteration can be done in case you require recovery of certain elements from the wastes to be incinerated. These products are designed and manufactured under the supervision of our experienced engineers who have industrial experience of more than 30 years on this subject.
We undertake Annual maintenance and operation of these systems / units installed by us
The features of this are:
Incinerators are one of the demandable products of our company. The main function of these Incinerators is to incinerate all kind of wastes of Hospitals & related Industries and keep environment clean. These Incinerators are run on low power to save on operational costs.
Special design alteration can be done in case you require recovery of certain elements from the wastes to be incinerated.
These products are designed and manufactured under the supervision of our experienced engineers who have industrial experience of more than 20 years on this subject. We undertake Annual maintenance and operation of these systems / units installed by us.
The features of this are:
Additional Information:
Delivery Time : 3 to 4 months
Modifications and efficiency improvements of existing incinerators for burning different hazardous waste material: -
If your existing incinerators are not giving proper performance or desired results are not achieved then we can be of services to you. With minimum expenditures incinerators can be modified giving desired performance as per PCB pstsmeter.
Our expertise lies in manufacturing, exporting and supplying high grade industrial incinerators. The industrial incinerators that we offer are made using high grade material under the expert’s supervision. these industrial incinerators are designed by the industry experts that ensure safe and comfortable operations. The industrial incinerators offered by us efficiently burns up the hazardous wastes of the industry and helps in keeping the environment clean. important features of industrial incinerators : completely automatic, oil fired, twin chambereco friendlyconforms to cpc band & eap specificationsresidue time 1 - 1.8 sec our industrial incinerators are suitable for : animal houseshospitalspharmaceuticals bulk drug units advantages of our industrial incinerators : rapidly reduces the waste volumereduces the waste into carbonaceous gases by the process of pyrolysis, which is supported by low oxygen in the primary combustion, where the temperature fluctuates from 800oc + 100occapacity to incinerate up to 300kg/hr of the waste material construction of industrial incinerators : have mild steel shell construction that offers satisfactory structural support. Incinerators are made with waste heat recovery system i.d fan is offered to sustain a balanced draft in the furnacethe negative draft of these incinerators allows them to be loaded while working and it lowers the temperature of flue gasesa scrubber is offered to cool the gases in third chambera heat exchanger can be offered for recovering the heat from
Incinerators are one in demand for disposing off all kind of wastes coming from residential complexes. This is to keep environment around residential areas clean. These Incinerators are run on very low power to save on operational costs.
These products are designed and manufactured under the supervision of our experienced engineers on this subject. These can be easily operated by and one and maintenance cost is also very low.
The features of this are:-