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Measuring Instruments & Equipment
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1 Products availableWe offer a complete product range of Hollow Bar System, Air Track, Aluminium Manifold and Cleaning Agents
VPInstruments dew point sensors are designed for ease of use, incorporating all the features needed to make installation and operation as simple as possible. The calibrated transmitters can be instantly incorporated into VPVision or they can be connected to your air or gas management and control system.
Maintaining the dew point of your air or gas system will prolong the life of your equipment. Permanent monitoring enables you to detect and prevent problems in time. We offer various models which meet both moderate dry air (refrigerant dryer) and extreme dry air (dessicant dryer) applications.
Features and benefitsThe VPFlowScopeDP measures mass flow, temperature and pressure simultaneously and is optimized for wet compressed air measurements. The patented design has a bright blue LCD display which provides real-time information that, in combination with the built-in data logger, enables you to make recordings forcertain periods of time. In turn, you can use our VPStudio softwareto process this data andprint reports for real-time measurements.
Features and benefits
VPInstruments dew point transmitters are designed for ease of use, incorporating all the features needed to make installation and operation as simple as possible. The calibrated transmitters can be instantly incorporated into VPVision or they can be connected to your air or gas management and control system.
Maintaining the dew point of your air or gas system will prolong the life of your equipment. Permanent monitoring enables you to detect and prevent problems in time.
Features and benefitsHP-series high-pressure filters remove dust, oil aerosols, vapours and odours atworking pressures up to 45barthereby supplyingcompressed air to all purity classes as per ISO 8673-1. They are ideal companions to our Kaeser reciprocating compressors and booster stations, where they are used for producing the blower air used in PET bottle production.
Your advantages
Compressed air treatment systems are designed for a certain rate of air flow which, when the system is operating at full load, pushes against the pressurised air in the air distribution network. However, should this resistance not be present, for example during periods of low load or downtime, it is possible that dryers and filters may be "overwhelmed" by the sudden surge in airflow that occurs when the system re-starts. DHS air-main charging systems reliably prevent this from occurring.
Thanks to a patented pulse width modulating control concept, every DHS air-main charging system is ready-prepared for all eventualities and, as is Kaesers way, combines exceptional operational reliability with straightforward operation.
Your advantages
AP is the latest generation of modular piping system developed by TESEO, available in 20, 25, 40 and 50 mm diameters with a wide range of accessories.The pipes are in extruded aluminium and are connected to fittings and accessories, equipped with "O" rings, with the exclusive dovetale clamping and joining system patented by TESEO.AP can handle compressed air up to 15 bars pressure, vacuum and other non dangerous gases. It is suitable for the installation of column drops, small distribution ringmains and manifolds on machines or control panels.The assembly is easy and very fast with the use of simple tools, without threading or welding any component. By simply drilling the profile and applying an outlet plate, you can immediately extract the fluid power where needed, at any moment, and even when the installation is already completed.
ATS is a trolley with a point of use for compressed air, and it runs on a modular rail in anodized aluminium. The trolley can support and feed one or more tools running along the track.
MAT is a trolley that fits directly onto the distribution line HBS 50, equipped with an outlet plate for compressed air and hanging points for balancers and tools. The pipe has the double role of rail and distributor manifold, thus reducing the overall di
C.A.M. is a revolutionary manifold for the distribution of compressed air and other fluids under pressure (drinking water, oil, inert gases and vacuum ). AM is particularly suitable to be mounted onto automatic machines to feed the different servomechanis .
High-performance compressor oils made by Klber Lubrication ensure higher reliability and longer lifetime of reciprocating, screw or rotary vane compressors while extending oil change intervals and providing increased efficiency.
Lubricants have to prove their abilities under pressure: Klber lubricants help reciprocating, screw or rotary vane compressors attain a new dimension of operational reliability and longevity. Our products high degree of wear protection, low viscosity-temperature dependence, reduced residue formation, minimum carbonisation tendency and good water separation ability result in higher efficiency and cost savings through extended oil change intervals. Our compressor oils overcome additional requirements when used in air, process gas or refrigeration compressors: They ensure that compressed air is oil-free or compatible with the process gas or refrigerant.
Checking oil condition with the T.A.N. kitThe Summit T.A.N. kit has been developed by Klber Lubrication for the quick analysis of compressor oil condition on site. It serves to determine the lubricants neutralisation number to analyse the state of ageing. Oil change will only have to be undertaken if the oil cannot continue to be used, which results in optimised oil change intervals that save costs.
DT is a tool that allows to drill a TESEO installation under pressure. With a few easy steps it is possible to install an outlet plate on the live distribution line and feed a new machine or pneumatic tool.
Concentrated, synthetic conditioner for compressors, hydraulic systems, gears and other oil circulation systems. Klber Summit Varnasolv is a concentrated conditioner fluid containing synthetic ester oil and cleaning additives. It is miscible with mineral oils, synthetic hydrocarbons, ester oils and polyglycols.
Benefits for your applicationDissolves varnish and carbon deposits, thus reducing maintenance and cleaning costs no dismantling of systems needed prior to cleaning
Used during operation, no downtime of machines for cleaning
Easy application due to the neutral behaviour towards seals, when added to the compressor oil on1 to 10 basis
Reduced operating and maintenance costs due to higher efficiency (e.g. compressor) and longer service life of the fresh oil fill.
SAB is a swinging arm completely made of anodized aluminium, available in a bench or wall fixing versions. The horizontal bar is equipped with an outlet plate for the air feeding and a glider pad for the support of a pneumatic tool.