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We have online payment processing system to avoid security issues. In order to make it more reliable, we have maintained payment logs accessible for the convenience of our customers. We have captured the market with the wide array of products; we make available the same from Coimbatore(India). more...
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glass coat is one of the best products available in the market with solar reflective, thermal insulative and water repellent combined in a single product. With 2kg unit about 200 area can be covered -2coats. Retards the heat flow through the galss considerably. Room temperature will be reduced substantially. more...
High gloss fast drying polish provides excellent appearnece with antique look.Can be used for spot, full panel and overall top coat application. Good moisture resistance and long lasting Gloss. more...
Venlac Exterior Emulsion are most economic Exterior Acrylic Paint, with better durability and weather resistance.Manufactured used non-fading pigments and has Anti-fungal quality. more...
Can be used for both internal and external of concrete and mortar wall, ceilings, Gives very good smooth and glossy finish, All type of paints or distemper can be applied on it. more...