Eyes being a primary way of facial expression are the central focus of gauging a persons beauty always. Beautiful eyes are ever desirable and brighten up the face. Blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery can remove excess eyelid skin, correct bagginess and puffiness and alter eyelid position to create and restore a more youthful, rested and alert appearance. If the upper lid is too droopy, covering a disproportionate amount of iris (darkened part of the eye), it creates a tired or a sad appearance. Eyelid laxity can cause lower lids to droop, allowing white of the eye to be seen between the iris and lower lid (scleral show). Upper and lower eyelid surgery can correct bagginess caused by excess of skin or skin laxity as well as due to herniated fat pads. However, other causes of eyelid oedema or fluid retention should be ruled out. There are many approaches to the eyelid surgery which are decided by the skeletal structure of the eye, fat distribution, presence of dark circles, etc. If lateral hooding is present, that is when a fold of skin appears between the eyebrow and the outside corner of the eye, this may require a browlift/forehead lift.