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Medical Treatment Services #6784453

Eyelid Surgery

Eyelid Surgery Delhi, IndiaEyelid surgery is a cosmetic surgical procedure used to correct all forms of deformities or defects seen in the eyelid region. It is also known as blepharoplasty at times. This is a simple cosmetic procedure aimed at improving the appearance of the region around the eyes. What is Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty)?An eyelid surgery procedure is a type of purely cosmetic surgical procedure which is useful for correcting any sort deformities, defects (disfigurations) which are seen to affect a persons eyelids. This is a plastic surgery that aims to improve the aesthetic aspects of the eyelids and the surrounding facial region and is one of the most commonly performed cosmetic surgical procedures at Cocoona. This cosmetic surgery involves removing/repositioning (or both) of the excess tissues such as the subcutaneous facial fat and the skin. It also reinforces the underlying muscles and tendons. This surgery is used to addresses problems caused in the region of the face between the eyebrow and the upper part of the cheeks. This surgerys aim is to restore the correct functioning of the affected eyelid as well as restoration of the aesthetic aspects of the surrounding region. This is achieved by removing any excessive skin from the eyelids and then smoothing the underlying eye as well as tightening the support structure. It also works by removing the excessive facial skin under the eyes and re-draping it by stretching it tight over the retro-septal area of the eye.
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Post Weight Loss Surgery

Post weight loss surgery/ Surgery after massive weight loss Weight loss surgery or bariatric surgery is becoming very common these days. Bariatric surgeries are been opted by super obese people and it works in most of the cases and they are losing weight. Massive amount of weight is lost post surgery. These obese people get back in shape and look good in dress. But when they remove the dress, the fold and loose skin is not a pretty thing to see. All these post bariatric cases can be treated with a plastic surgeon who has various options to treat after a massive weight loss surgery. These body lift operations can give them the desired look post correcting the sagging skin/tissues. Few of the most common post weight loss surgeries are: Lower body lift or tummy Tuck or 3D circumference liftUpper body lift/ corrections on mid backArm liftBreast lift or correction of male breastThigh + Buttock lift [Often part of the tummy tuck as a 3D lift]Inner thighs liftGenitals lift the body areas which might not require any corrective procedure are the face, lower elbow, lower knee and they do not suffer much change post the weight loss surgery.Most common trend which is seen for these cases is they undergo the weight loss surgery but are ignorant/ignore the body lift corrections to give the desired look to their body. A plastic surgeon can help in removing the excess sagging skin, the fat cells, the tissues. Depending on patient to patient, combination of two or more procedures can be performed. There are few important considerations which need to be panned to avoid complications and give the optimum results.Post the surgery, patients feel more confident and also give them an impressive look. A plastic surgery is highly recommended post a massive weight loss surgery. Our consultant plastic surgeons are experience and have performed numerous post weight loss surgery corrections. Explore the various opportunities when you meet our Plastic surgeon at Cocoona.
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Endoscopic Brow Lift Surgery

Unlike the classic brow lifts, in endoscopic forehead lift our surgeons make only four or five small scalp incisions, each less than an inch in length. An endoscopic tool (a sophisticated miniature camera device mounted on a flexible probe) connected to a television monitor, is inserted through one of the incisions. The endoscopic camera allows our surgeons to view the muscles and tissues beneath the skin and plan the most effective and efficient course of action. Next our surgeons use specially designed surgical instruments (which are inserted through the other incisions), to lift the forehead skin and work on the underlying muscles and tissues. The tool allows our surgeons to remove or changed the excess tissue and muscle to produce a smoother, more appreciable appearance. It is quick, easy and in comparison to a normal brow lift, relatively less painful. When the lift is complete, the scalp incisions area closed with the help of stitches or clips. As in the case of classic forehead lift, gauze or an elastic bandage may be used to cover the operated area. Most endoscopic patients return to their daily routine in less than 2-4 days.
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Ear Reshaping Surgery

EAR RESHAPING (OTOPLASTY)Otoplasty, commonly referred to as ear reshaping or ear pinning, is a cosmetic procedure which can reduce the size of ears or realign them closer to the head so that they look more pleasing. For Children Protruding ears can make children a target for teasing, jokes and derogatory remarks at school. Otoplasty can help children avoid such situations. The procedure can be performed as early as age four or five, and is very safe and quick. In children, the procedure is performed under general anesthesia. A well-concealed incision is placed behind the ear, and the cartilage is reshaped or removed to give the ear a more natural shape. Dissolvable stitches are used to close the incision, and the ears are covered by a dressing for about five days. For Adults In adults, the procedure is performed under local anesthesia with sedation on the outpatient basis. Through the procedure is identical to the one performed on children, the surgical technique may differ with each patients condition or demand. The procedure is relatively pain free; however, some patients experience mild discomfort with ear aches, which can be easily treated with prescribed medicines. However, the patient may have to use headbands to protect the ears during sleep.
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Gynecomastia Surgery

What Is Gynecomastia?It may surprise many, but 1 out of 3 men have unnaturally large breasts, and in most cases, it causes them some mental discomfort and embarrassment. This condition of large breasts amongst men is known as Gynecomastia, and it can be solved by different methods depending upon the age and severity of the condition. If the recommended method is surgery, a well experienced plastic surgeon, who specializes in breast surgery will be needed. Gynecomastia surgery, also popularly known as male breast reduction surgery, is a process that requires specialized surgical expertise. So, before deciding to undergo this surgery, it is imperative to get a clear understanding of the process, and the dos and donts associated with it. Being the leaders in male breast surgeries in India, we share the relevant information here for you. Gynecomastia correction is indicated for menWho are uncomfortable with their breast size, and its causing them psychological discomfort.Alternate treatment (dieting and exercising) have been unsuccessful in aiding themWho are not significantly overweightWho have good skin elasticity
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Service Provider of Medical Treatment Services from Delhi, Delhi by CocoonaDelhi
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Delhi, India
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Medical Treatment Services #6784453

Eyelid Surgery

Eyelid Surgery Delhi, IndiaEyelid surgery is a cosmetic surgical procedure used to correct all forms of deformities or defects seen in the eyelid region. It is also known as blepharoplasty at times. This is a simple cosmetic procedure aimed at improving the appearance of the region around the eyes. What is Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty)?An eyelid surgery procedure is a type of purely cosmetic surgical procedure which is useful for correcting any sort deformities, defects (disfigurations) which are seen to affect a persons eyelids. This is a plastic surgery that aims to improve the aesthetic aspects of the eyelids and the surrounding facial region and is one of the most commonly performed cosmetic surgical procedures at Cocoona. This cosmetic surgery involves removing/repositioning (or both) of the excess tissues such as the subcutaneous facial fat and the skin. It also reinforces the underlying muscles and tendons. This surgery is used to addresses problems caused in the region of the face between the eyebrow and the upper part of the cheeks. This surgerys aim is to restore the correct functioning of the affected eyelid as well as restoration of the aesthetic aspects of the surrounding region. This is achieved by removing any excessive skin from the eyelids and then smoothing the underlying eye as well as tightening the support structure. It also works by removing the excessive facial skin under the eyes and re-draping it by stretching it tight over the retro-septal area of the eye.
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Post Weight Loss Surgery

Post weight loss surgery/ Surgery after massive weight loss Weight loss surgery or bariatric surgery is becoming very common these days. Bariatric surgeries are been opted by super obese people and it works in most of the cases and they are losing weight. Massive amount of weight is lost post surgery. These obese people get back in shape and look good in dress. But when they remove the dress, the fold and loose skin is not a pretty thing to see. All these post bariatric cases can be treated with a plastic surgeon who has various options to treat after a massive weight loss surgery. These body lift operations can give them the desired look post correcting the sagging skin/tissues. Few of the most common post weight loss surgeries are: Lower body lift or tummy Tuck or 3D circumference liftUpper body lift/ corrections on mid backArm liftBreast lift or correction of male breastThigh + Buttock lift [Often part of the tummy tuck as a 3D lift]Inner thighs liftGenitals lift the body areas which might not require any corrective procedure are the face, lower elbow, lower knee and they do not suffer much change post the weight loss surgery.Most common trend which is seen for these cases is they undergo the weight loss surgery but are ignorant/ignore the body lift corrections to give the desired look to their body. A plastic surgeon can help in removing the excess sagging skin, the fat cells, the tissues. Depending on patient to patient, combination of two or more procedures can be performed. There are few important considerations which need to be panned to avoid complications and give the optimum results.Post the surgery, patients feel more confident and also give them an impressive look. A plastic surgery is highly recommended post a massive weight loss surgery. Our consultant plastic surgeons are experience and have performed numerous post weight loss surgery corrections. Explore the various opportunities when you meet our Plastic surgeon at Cocoona.
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Endoscopic Brow Lift Surgery

Unlike the classic brow lifts, in endoscopic forehead lift our surgeons make only four or five small scalp incisions, each less than an inch in length. An endoscopic tool (a sophisticated miniature camera device mounted on a flexible probe) connected to a television monitor, is inserted through one of the incisions. The endoscopic camera allows our surgeons to view the muscles and tissues beneath the skin and plan the most effective and efficient course of action. Next our surgeons use specially designed surgical instruments (which are inserted through the other incisions), to lift the forehead skin and work on the underlying muscles and tissues. The tool allows our surgeons to remove or changed the excess tissue and muscle to produce a smoother, more appreciable appearance. It is quick, easy and in comparison to a normal brow lift, relatively less painful. When the lift is complete, the scalp incisions area closed with the help of stitches or clips. As in the case of classic forehead lift, gauze or an elastic bandage may be used to cover the operated area. Most endoscopic patients return to their daily routine in less than 2-4 days.
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Ear Reshaping Surgery

EAR RESHAPING (OTOPLASTY)Otoplasty, commonly referred to as ear reshaping or ear pinning, is a cosmetic procedure which can reduce the size of ears or realign them closer to the head so that they look more pleasing. For Children Protruding ears can make children a target for teasing, jokes and derogatory remarks at school. Otoplasty can help children avoid such situations. The procedure can be performed as early as age four or five, and is very safe and quick. In children, the procedure is performed under general anesthesia. A well-concealed incision is placed behind the ear, and the cartilage is reshaped or removed to give the ear a more natural shape. Dissolvable stitches are used to close the incision, and the ears are covered by a dressing for about five days. For Adults In adults, the procedure is performed under local anesthesia with sedation on the outpatient basis. Through the procedure is identical to the one performed on children, the surgical technique may differ with each patients condition or demand. The procedure is relatively pain free; however, some patients experience mild discomfort with ear aches, which can be easily treated with prescribed medicines. However, the patient may have to use headbands to protect the ears during sleep.
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Gynecomastia Surgery

What Is Gynecomastia?It may surprise many, but 1 out of 3 men have unnaturally large breasts, and in most cases, it causes them some mental discomfort and embarrassment. This condition of large breasts amongst men is known as Gynecomastia, and it can be solved by different methods depending upon the age and severity of the condition. If the recommended method is surgery, a well experienced plastic surgeon, who specializes in breast surgery will be needed. Gynecomastia surgery, also popularly known as male breast reduction surgery, is a process that requires specialized surgical expertise. So, before deciding to undergo this surgery, it is imperative to get a clear understanding of the process, and the dos and donts associated with it. Being the leaders in male breast surgeries in India, we share the relevant information here for you. Gynecomastia correction is indicated for menWho are uncomfortable with their breast size, and its causing them psychological discomfort.Alternate treatment (dieting and exercising) have been unsuccessful in aiding themWho are not significantly overweightWho have good skin elasticity
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