Our Products
We offer the best product range of Lemongrass Oil, Rosemary Oil, Lemongrass Essential Oil, Peppermint Hydrosol and Natural Watermelon Seed Oil.
The Lemongrass essential oil contains anti-inflammatory properties, reducing redness, inflammation, itching, and swelling. As it is rich in antiseptic and astringent properties, one could often find it included in cosmetics meant to achieve soft, toned, and glowing skin.
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Payment Terms : L/C
Packaging Details : As per customer.
Delivery Time : One week
Rosemary Oil is an antioxidant, which gives it anti-aging properties. Additionally, it will help prevent damage to your skin& from environmental agents.Rosemary Oil has a stimulating effect on skin. It improves circulation, which means that this oil can help reduce puffiness by removing excess water from the skin.
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : L/C
Packaging Details : As per customer
Delivery Time : One week
We are seamlessly providing our revered clients an enticing range ofLemongrass Essential Oilthat is available in different patterns and colors.
Peppermint Hydrosolis steam distilled using freshly harvested organicPeppermintLeaves. Inflammatory skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, and rosacea can be relieved usingpeppermintwater. It has astringent properties so it controls oily skin and tightens large pores when used as a facial toner.
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : L/C
Packaging Details : As per customer.
Delivery Time : One week
Watermelon Seed Oilhelps to restore elasticity to the skin. It is also wonderful for all skin types, including dry, oily, acne-prone or maturing skin. Watermelon Seed Oil eliminates sebum, the dirt and grease that builds up in your skin and creates acne.
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : L/C
Packaging Details : As per customer.
Delivery Time : One week
Tea tree oil can be used to treat conditions and symptoms that affect skin, nails, and hair. It can also be used as a deodorant, insect repellent, or mouthwash. When used topically, tea tree oil can treat certain skin conditions or improve the overall appearance of your skin. Tea tree oil can help soothe dry skin by reducing itching and irritation.
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : L/C
Packaging Details : As per customer Need
Delivery Time : One week
ApricotOilmakes a non-greasy, enriching emollient. It can be applied directly to theskinas a revitalizing salve that soothes and prevents acne, inflammation, and dryness. Used under the eyes, it is known to diminish the appearance of dark circles, fine lines, and puffiness.
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : L/C
Packaging Details : As per customer.
Delivery Time : One week
Camphor oil isemployed as a principal ingredient of bath products , massage oils, toners, facial and body cleaners, aromatherapy products, and perfumes.
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Payment Terms : L/C
Packaging Details : As per customer.
Delivery Time : One week
Turmeric Oilis known to tighten and tone theskinwith its astringent properties. This helps to not only moisturize but to also promote elasticity, to clean acne-proneskin, and to brighten and even out areas with damage caused by overexposure to sunlight.
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : L/C
Packaging Details : As per customer.
Delivery Time : One week
Aniseed blends well:Cardamom , Caraway, Cedar wood, Coriander, Rosewood etc
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Payment Terms : L/C
Packaging Details : As per customer.
Delivery Time : One week
Use of citronella oil-based beauty productsimproves complexion by evening out the skin tone, clear blocked pores, and also reduces various signs of ageing.
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : L/C
Packaging Details : As per customer.
Delivery Time : One week
Rosemarybelongs to an aromatic family of herbs that includes Basil, Lavender, Myrtle, and Sage. RosemaryEssentialOilof the most superior quality is obtained from the flowering tops of the plant.RosemaryEssentialOilis best known for its stimulating, soothing, and pain relieving. Itis an antioxidant, which gives it anti-aging properties. Additionally, it will help prevent damage to your skin from environmental agents. It improves circulation, which means that this oil can help reduce puffiness by removing excess water from the skin.
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : L/C
Packaging Details : As per customer
Delivery Time : One week
Lavender essential oilis one of the most popular and versatileessential oilsused in aromatherapy. Distilled from the plant Lavandula angustifolia, theoilpromotes relaxation and believed to treat anxiety, fungal infections, allergies, depression, insomnia, eczema, nausea, and menstrual cramps.
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : L/C
Packaging Details : As per customer
Delivery Time : One week
Carrot seed essential oil stimulates the growth of new cells and tissues.Itsantifungal and antibacterial properties might help with skin infections. Carrot seed oil might help relieve eczema by fighting it. Some people also add carrot seed oil to shampoo and conditioner to help nourish their scalp.
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : L/C
Packaging Details : As per customer.
Delivery Time : One week
CARROT SEED OIL is a biennial herb with hairy leaves and umbels of white lacy flowers with purple centers. Containing carotene, Vitamin A, these oils are playing a vital role in promoting healthy skin, hair, gums and teeth. It is used in some complexion creams in order to enhance skin tone, elasticity and general skin health.
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : L/C
Packaging Details : As per customer
Delivery Time : One week
Use of citronella oil-based beauty productsimproves complexion by evening out the skin tone, clear blocked pores, and also reduces various signs of ageing.
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : L/C
Packaging Details : As per customer
Delivery Time : One week
It is lighter than other face oils and easily absorbed into skin. It deeply penetrates to soothe and soften while providing an excellent moisturizing effect and adding a healthy glow.
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : L/C
Packaging Details : As per customer.
Delivery Time : One week
Peppermintisused asa dietary supplement for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), other digestive problems, the common cold, headaches, and other conditions.Peppermint oilis alsousedtopically (applied to the skin) for headache, muscle aches, itching, and other problems
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : L/C
Packaging Details : As per customer
Delivery Time : One week
peppermintisused asa dietary supplement for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), other digestive problems, the common cold, headaches, and other conditions.Peppermint oilis alsousedtopically (applied to the skin) for headache, muscle aches, itching, and other problems
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : L/C
Packaging Details : As per customer.
Delivery Time : One week
Used inFrankincense Essential oilworks as an expectorant to clear the nasal passageway, promote the relief of congestion, and encourage easy breathing. It's sweet, woody aroma is sedative and enhances mood by diminishing feelings of stress and anxiety while improving concentration and memory.
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : L/C
Packaging Details : As per customer.
Delivery Time : One week
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : L/C
Packaging Details : As per customer.
Delivery Time : One week
Orangeessentialoilis antiseptic and anti-inflammatory which makes it an ideal ingredient in yourskinand hair routine. Thisoilisn't just for acne-proneskinthough: It's been shown to increase the ability to absorb vitamin C, collagen production, and blood flow, all of which are essential for anti-aging
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : L/C
Packaging Details : As per cutsomer
Delivery Time : 30 days