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  1. Epoxy Coatings 3 Products available
  2. Cement And Concrete

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  3. Sealants

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  4. Construction Chemicals

    2 Products available
  5. Adhesives & Sealants

    2 Products available
  6. Chemical Compound

    1 Products available
  7. Industrial Chemicals

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  8. Adhesives

    1 Products available
  9. Others Products 6 Products available

Our Products

Our Complete range of products are Flooring Compounds, Bonding Materials, Concrete Aids and Waterproofers.

Construction Chemicals

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Metric Ton
We are offering construction chemicals, anti corrosivesprotective coatingscico thermoseal -xlhi -tech thermal insulating -cum- waterproofing coating featuressafe, no voc hence, non -toxicexcellent waterproofing and thermal insulation properties.Very efective in hot climatereduces heat flow and cooling lossideal for all residential and commerical roof applicationssaves energy and utility costs by reducing heatingcooling demands usageinfinite application possibilities. It can be applied on walls, ceilings, roofs, steam pipes, a.c. Ducts. Cold storages and all other residential industrial and commerical structures. method of applicationsthe sufrace to be treated should be clean and free from dust. Loosse materials, grease, oil, etc.if the surface is dirty, the dirt should be removed by proper cleaning. All cracks should be filled and leveled. Stir the contents thoroughly before use. Apply one coat of sutable primer, followed by tow even coast of cico thermoseal-xl by brush, roller or spray gun, allowing the first coat to dry before applying teh second coat. pack size : 1 ltr, 5 ltr, 20 ltr and 50 ltr. shelf life 18 months.

Additional Information:

Payment Terms : L/C, T/T

Packaging Details : 1 Ltr, 5 ltr, 20 ltr and 50 Ltr

Delivery Time : PROMPT

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Construction Chemicals

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Ton
  • Type Waterproofing Chemicals
  • Brand Name CICO NO.3
  • Country of Origin India
  • Model Number CICO NO.3
We are offering construction chemicals, water prooferscico no.3quick setting and reapid hardening admixture for poain cement concrete and mortar featuresmoderate settinghardening waterproofing compoud for less severe infiltration of water and for early gain of strength in cement pastemortarconcrete. usagesealing joints in brick wallsconcrete structuresbasement where leakage is moderate or where quick release of shuttering is required. method of applicationmix 1 part of cico no.3 with 3 parts of opc by volume with in 30 seconds and then place it and work on the leaking areas. dosage1:3 or 4 (cico no3:cement), but may vary depending on site condition. pack size : 1kg, 5kg, 20kg, 50kg and 225kg shelf life : 18months.

Additional Information:

Payment Terms : L/C, T/T

Packaging Details : 1Kg, 5Kg, 20Kg, 50Kg, and 22 Kg

Delivery Time : PROMPT

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  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Metric Ton
  • Brand Name CICO SEALANT T680
  • Country of Origin India
  • Model Number CICO SEALANT T680
We offer sealants. cico sealant t 680.Polysulphide based elastomeric sealant for joints subject to movement. Available in two pack units. featuresused to for long lasting weather -resistant and waterproof seals in expansion jointslong lasting elasticityhigh movement capacityexcellent adhesion to many substanceschemical resistancegun grade for vertical jointseasy to pour on horizontal joints with pour grade usagegun grade is used in vertical as well as horizontal jointspour grade is used specifically in horizontal movement joints areas like runways, subways, rigid pavements or in industrial floors. method of applicationuse paddle type mixer for mixing both components to a smooth uniform consistency. Mixing time normally around 8-10 minutes. Place the uniformly mixed sealant into the joints. Remove masking tape from the edge. dosagedosage depends upon the joint size. Refer to technical data sheet for details. pack size : 1kg, 4kg kitshelf life : 12 months.

Additional Information:

Payment Terms : L/C, T/T

Packaging Details : Pack size : 1kg, 4kg kit

Delivery Time : PROMPT

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  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Metric Ton
  • Brand Name CICO SEALANT T680
  • Country of Origin India
  • Model Number CICO SEALANT T680
We offer sealants. Cico sealant t680polysulphide based elastomeric sealant for joints subject to movement. Available in two pack units. featuresused to for long lasting weather -resistant and waterproof seals in expansion jointslong lasting elasticityhigh movement capacityexcellent adhesion to many substanceschemical resistancegun grade for vertical jointseasy to pour on horizontal joints with pour grade usagegun grade is used in vertical as well as horizontal jointspour grade is used specifically in horizontal movement joints areas like runways, subways, rigid pavements or in industrial floors. method of applicationuse paddle type mixer for mixing both components to a smooth uniform consistency. Mixing time normally around 8-10 minutes. Place the uniformly mixed sealant into the joints. Remove masking tape from the edge. dosagedosage depends upon the joint size. Refer to technical data sheet for details. pack size : 1kg, 4kg kitshelf life : 12 months.

Additional Information:

Payment Terms : L/C, T/T

Packaging Details : 1Kg, 4kg Kit.

Delivery Time : PROMPT

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Grouting Compounds

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Ton
  • Brand Name CICO POLY GROUT
  • Country of Origin India
  • Model Number CICO POLY GROUT
We are offering grouting compounds.Grouts & grouting compoundscico polygrout expansice aqua -reactive water barrier and grouting system. featuresquick setting properly even in ground where water flow is violent. It stops water from oozing and solidifies the grount with in few seconds.Imparts successful solidifing property in all types of water, such as sea water, internal water, or that containing sllight acid and alkali.Extremely stable both echemically and physically and will not be dmaged by any bacteriafungus. completely non -pollutant to teh water it contacts and has no effect on portable water, fish or marine life. usagestarts reacting with water on contact sand expands and penetrates into ites surroundings and quicly cures to a tough sold to repel the influence of underground seepageflow. The expanded foam is unaffected by corrosice environment. Can be sued in civil enginerring and building constructioon works for various purposes. method of applicationit is generally pumped as a single component through low -pressure hand opearted pumps or special high pressure pumps as required. The surface is ealed patched properly to prevent the injected liquid from coming out. When water is not present in suficent quantity, water is required to be injected. pack size : 5kg, 20kgshelf life : 12 months

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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T

Packaging Details : 5Kg and 20Kg

Delivery Time : PROMPT

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Structural Adhesives

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Metric Ton
  • Brand Name CICO TILFI NSA
  • Country of Origin India
  • Model Number CICO TILFI NSA
We are offering structural adhesives.Tile & structural adhesivescico tilfi nsa single pack tile adhesive for wall and floor. featurescan be used on dry as well as damp sustrates.Offers good adhesive bond strengthslip -resistanthigh early strengthnon -shrinkingfast curinglong open time ( up to 25min) in wet stateeco friendly -offers no health hazard to users.No curing is required economical usagebonding indoor ceramic, mosaic tiles to concreteplastered surfaces, floors and walls. method of applicationssuface must be structurally sound and free from dust, grease, oil etcabout 250-300ml of water to be mixed for each kg of cico tilfi nsa.Add powder gradually to water and mix until a uniform, lump-free consistency is obtained spread out the above paste on the substrte to a uniform thickness bed of 34 mm by using a sutable notiched trowel having notching angle 45 degrees to teh surface. pack size : 20kg hdpe bagsshelf life: 12 months

Additional Information:

Payment Terms : L/C, T/T

Packaging Details : 20KG HDPE Bags

Delivery Time : PROMPT

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Waterproofing Chemicals

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Metric Ton
  • Type Waterproofeing Chemicals
  • Brand Name CICO SUPER
  • Country of Origin India
  • Model Number CICO SUPER
We are offering waterproofing chemicals.Waterprooferscico supernormal setting liquid integral waterproofing compound for concrete and mortar.available with isi mark is 2645:2003 featurespermeability of concrete is greatly reduced, acts as a hydrophobe.Increases cohesion. Reduces segrgation and bleeding significantlyimproves workablity and surface finish of concrete and mortar usagerccplain, concrete intended for water tank, roof slab, basement, lift pit or in a situation where hydro insulation is a must. method of applicationadd measured quantity of cico super to mixing water.add solution only in to the dry mix of cement and sand. The quantity of cico super and water is to be pre-determined as per the cement content of the mix. dosage 0.2% or 100ml per bag of cement. pack size : 100ml, 1ltr, 5 ltr, 10 ltr, 20 ltr, 50 ltr, and 200 ltr plastic container shelf life 18months.

Additional Information:

Payment Terms : L/C, T/T

Packaging Details : 100ml, I ltr, 5ltr, 10ltr, 20ltr, 50ltr and 200Ltr plastic container.

Delivery Time : PROMPT

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Water Proofing Coatings

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Metric Ton
  • Type Water Proofing Coatings
  • Brand Name CICO TAPECRETE P 151
  • Application Used with cement to form polymer modified cementitious composite (PMCC)
  • Type A surface treatment system for protecting concrete & masonry
  • Classification Water Proofing Coatings
  • Model Number CICO TAPECRETE P 151
  • Place of Origin INDIA
We are offering water proofing coatings.Cico tapecrete p 151 a surface treatment system for protecting concrete & masonry. features:-polymer in conjunction with cement provide properties to combat the shortcoming of cement - particularly its poor adhesion properties, low impact strength, low flexural strength. Combines a tough, hard- wearing surface with water proofing allows trapped vapors to escape thus preventing peeling and blister formation.Can be applied in uniform thickness to horizontal and vertical surfaces.Develops excellent bond to most building materialsreduces or prevents sale penetration into concreteunaffected by ultraviolet light for by chemicals ranging from mild acids to strong alkaliesno voc therefor can be safely used for green building construction.Usage:-used with cement to form polymer modified cementitious composite (pmcc). In addition if used with varying amount of sliicaquartz sand produces pmc brush topping, pmc filter and pmc mortar. All the above materials are extensively sued for waterproffing and strengthening of existing external surface to prevent ingress of water. Method of application.To produce a pmc mix whether slurry, brush topping or mortar, required quantity of tapecrete pi 151 is to be mixed with proper amount of other materials. The recommended ration is 100 parts of opc and 50 parts of tapecret p 151 by weight. the pmc material is placed on the surface to be treated after wetting the surface to saturation with but without any free water. The curing of the pmc material is only nominal and required for maximum of 4 days starting one day after the application. Packing sizes : 0.5kg, 1kg, 5kg, 10kg, 20kg, 50kg, 100kg, and 200kg hdpe plastic container. Shelf life 18 months.

Additional Information:

Payment Terms : L/C, T/T

Packaging Details : 0.5Kg, 1Kg, 5Kg, 10Kg, 20Kg, 50kg, 100kg and 200Kg HDPE Plastic Container.

Delivery Time : PROMPT

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Flooring Compounds

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Metric Ton
  • Type Flooring Compounds
  • Brand Name CICO FLORTOP -RTU
  • Model Number CICO FLORTOP -RTU
  • Place of Origin INDIA
We are offering flooring compounds.Cico flortop -rtunon- metallic wear resistance floor topping. Featuresprovide built -in wear resistance and produces high abrasion resistant floor surface.Impact resistance twice that of plain concrete.Resistance to penetration by oil, grease, hydralic fluids, ethylene, glycol and many industrial chemicals. Usagesfor factory floors, hangars, warehouse, car packs, loading bays etc. Where toughened hardwearing surface is required.Use in dry as well as wet areas. Method of applicationsprinkle the powder material on freshly laid concrete floors and then trowel or power float and cure thoroughly. Pack size25kg bag.

Additional Information:

Packaging Details : 25KG Bag

Delivery Time : PROMPT

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Flooring Compounds

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Metric Ton
  • Type Flooring Compounds
  • Brand Name CICO FLORTOP -RTU
  • Model Number CICO FLORTOP -RTU
  • Place of Origin INDIA
We are offering flooring compounds. cico flortop rtunon- metallic wear resistance floor topping. featuresprovide built -in wear resistance and produces high abrasion resistant floor surface.Impact resistance twice that of plain concrete.'resistance to penetration by oil, grease, hydralic fluids, ethylene, glycol and many industrial chemicals. usagesfor factory floors, hangars, warehouse, car packs, loading bays etc. Where toughened hardwearing surface is required.Use in dry as well as wet areas. method of applicationsprinkle the powder material on freshly laid concrete floors and then trowel or power float and cure thoroughly. pack size25kg bag.

Additional Information:

Payment Terms : L/C, T/T

Packaging Details : 25KG BAGS

Delivery Time : PROMPT

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Concrete Aids

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Metric Ton
  • Brand Name CICO LEASE WB
  • Application Admixture
  • Model Number CICO LEASE WB
  • Place of Origin INDIA
We are offering concrete aids cico lease wb water reducible concrete mould release agent features ideal for use on form-work, manufactured from timber, steel, fiber glass, plastics and specialised flexible materials. provide a clean positive release even in intricate and difficult casting condition.Assists producing of uniform mat stain -free concrete surface with reduced incidents of blow holes and surface blemishes.Unaffected by strong sunlight, drying winds and foot traffic and can be applied to damp form work.Due to its excellent release properties , little or no deposit of cement paste remains on the shutter surface. usageit is used on most types of form-work to give an optimum release and quality of surface finish to concrete over a wide range of designs. method of applicationsupplied ready to use and can easily be applied by sprayers, squeegee or brush. pack size : 20ltr bucket shelf life : 18 months

Additional Information:

Payment Terms : L/C, T/T

Packaging Details : Pack size : 20ltr bucket

Delivery Time : PROMPT

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Bonding Materials

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Metric Ton
  • Brand Name CICO BOND EPO
  • Country of Origin India
  • Model Number CICO BOND EPO
We are offering bonding materialscico bond eposolvent -less epoxy bonding agent in two packs. featurescan be applied to both dry and wet surface. can be normal and long pot of life depending on user`s requirementit is also a wood adhesivemost suitable as structural adhesive bonding agent for mortar, concrete, stone, steel and iron etc. usageused as a bonding agent between old to old and old to new concrete. Failure always takes place in concrete and neverl at the joint, if simple air curing is done for 7 days. method of applicationsurface on which it will be applied should be thoroughly cleaened and prepared as normally requird for any other surface coating. pack size : 0.5kg, 1kg, 4kg kit. shlef life : 18 months

Additional Information:

Payment Terms : L/C, T/T

Packaging Details : Pack Size : 0.5kg, 1Kg, 4Kg Kit.

Delivery Time : PROMPT

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Floor Coating

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Metric Ton
  • Type Floor Coatings
  • Brand Name CICO POXY 21P
  • Usage Low viscosity epoxy based two component primer
  • Country of Origin India
  • Model Number CICO POXY 21P
We are offering floor coatingscico poxy 21plow viscosity epoxy -based two component primer featuresexcellent adhesionhard wearingfast curinggood aestheticsexcellent glossy finishgood chemical resistanceexcellent mechanical strength. Usagefood processing plantspharmaceuticalsautomobile industryfruit and pulp industrycold storage roomsbreweriesrefineries method of applicationsmix cico poxy 21p resin & hardener to the ration 2:1 by weight. Stir well and apply it on the floor with roller, brush or spray gund. Pack size 6kg and 30kg shelf life24months

Additional Information:

Payment Terms : L/C, T/T

Packaging Details : 6Kg & 30Kg

Delivery Time : PROMPT

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Epoxy Compound

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Metric Ton
  • Type Coal Tar Epoxy Coating
  • Brand Name CICO POLYCOTE 1100
  • Application No Priming, Single Coat Application by brush
  • Country of Origin India
  • Model Number CICO POLYCOTE 1100
We are offering epoxy compounds & mortarscico polycote 1100coal tar epoxy coating featuresprovides long term corrosion protectioneasily applied by brush or sprayhigh film build up in single applicationchemical and abrasion resistantno priming is required in most caseseconomical and versatile product usagehigh quality protective coating for concrete and metal structures, prevents corrosion in aggressive environmentsmost suitable for tanks above ground or in totally submerged conditions such as pipe lining useful in sewage works effluent plants, docks, and harbour installations. Method of applicationsno priming, single coat application by brushsurface should be clean and dry free from loose particles, laitance nd previous coatings.Mix pack a + pack b thoroughly to a uniform consistency. Pack size : 40kg containershelf life : 24 months

Additional Information:

Payment Terms : L/C, T/T

Packaging Details : 40Kgs

Delivery Time : PROMPT

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Admixtures -construction Chemical

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Metric Ton
  • Country of Origin India
  • Model Number CICO PLAST-N
  • Brand Name CICO PLAST -N
We are offering admixtures cico plast -nnormal water reducing admixture plasticiser for concrete. Specification conforms to astm c-494 type a&d is 9103:1999 featuresimproves the workability of concrete.Improves both early and ultimate strength without increasing cement content and without reducing workability.Saves cement without reducing strength and workability.Improves surface finish, allows to produce denser concretereduces drying shrinkage cracks, bleeding and segregation of concrete. usageat locations with congested reinforcement, thin section or any other locations, where improved workablity is required.For pumped concrete as it improves the lubricating propertiesroof slabs for both residential as well as industrial buildingsmedium to low grade concrete to improve the cohesivenesswater retaining structure. method of applicationadd measure quantity of cico plast -n, either directly to the wet concrete mix in the concrete mixder under operation of along with guaging water. dosage200ml to 500ml per 50kg of cement, for best results conduct site trial. pack size 5kg, 20kg, and 22kg container. shelf lifeminimum 18 months

Additional Information:

Payment Terms : L/C, T/T

Packaging Details : Pack size 5kg, 20kg, and 22kg container.

Delivery Time : PROMPT

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  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Metric Ton
  • Type Normal Water reducing admixture/ Plastciser for concrete.
  • Brand Name CICO PLAST -N
  • Application Add Measured quantity of CICO Plast -N either directly to the wet concrete mix
  • Country of Origin India
  • Model Number CICO PLAST-N
We are offering admixturescico plast -nnormal water reducing admixture plasticiser for concrete. Specification conforms to astm c-494 type a&d is 9103:1999 features improves the workability of concrete.Improves both early and ultimate strength without increasing cement content and without reducing workability. Saves cement without reducing strength and workability.Improves surface finish, allows to produce denser concretereduces drying shrinkage cracks, bleeding and segregation of concrete. Usageat locations with congested reinforcement, thin section or any other locations, where improved workablity is required.For pumped concrete as it improves the lubricating propertiesroof slabs for both residential as well as industrial buildingsmedium to low grade concrete to improve the cohesivenesswater retaining structure. Method of applicationadd measure quantity of cico plast -n, either directly to the wet concrete mix in the concrete mixder under operation of along with guaging water. Dosage200ml to 500ml per 50kg of cement, for best results conduct site trial. Pack size 5kg, 20kg, and 22kg container. Shelf life minimum 18 months

Additional Information:

Payment Terms : L/C, T/T

Packaging Details : 5KG, 20KG, and 220Kg.

Delivery Time : PROMPT

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Grouting Compounds

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Metric Ton
  • Type Grouting Compound
  • Brand Name CICO GROUT GP
  • Country of Origin India
  • Model Number CICO GROUT GP
We are offering grouts & grouting compound.Cico grout gpnon-shrink general purpose cementitious grout. Features controlled expansion, to ensure positive surface contactno rusting or stain on exposed edgespremixed, only addition of water neededcontains no calcium chloride usageanchoring of bolts, base plate grouting under foundationsnormal curing should carried out in the vicinity of applicationcompression strength method of applicationmeasured quantity of water, about 15-17% by weight of powder, and grout powder should be thoroughly mixed for 5 minutes to get free flow grout.plastic grout can be obtained with lesser water. Yield 1900-2100 of dry powder grout mix per cubic meter of grout. Pack size : 25kg bag shelf life : 12 months

Additional Information:

Payment Terms : L/C, T/T

Packaging Details : 25KG Bags

Delivery Time : PROMPT

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Anti Corrosive Coatings

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Metric Ton
  • Brand Name CORECHEM60I
  • Country of Origin India
  • Model Number CORCHEM60I
We are offering anti corrosive coatings.Anti -corrosives protective coatings.Corchem60ibipolar concrete penetrating corrosion inhibitor admixture.Featurescorrosion inhibitor reduces chloride infiltration into concrete surfaces and is more environmentally friendly and less toxic than alternatives.Free from conventional nitritenitrateadmixture for concrete formulate to prevent corrosion anodically & cathodically effectively blocking corrosion at both sitessoluble in water can be added to mixing wataer, and may be used with a metering pump or large jobs.Usageintrouduce the corchem60i corrosion inhibitor to teh concrete batch after adding water.Method of applicationstir thoroughly , add corchem 60i corrosion inhibitor to teh concrete mixed during mixing with water. Clean up equipment with water.Dosage 0.6 -1.2% by weight of cement. Pack size 5 ltr, 20 ltr & 200 ltr drum shelf life : 12 months.

Additional Information:

Payment Terms : L/C, T/T

Packaging Details : 5 Ltr, 20 Ltr and 200 Ltr Drum

Delivery Time : PROMPT

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Concrete Aids

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Metric Ton
  • Brand Name CICO LEASE WB
  • Application Supplied ready to use and can easily be applied by sprayers, squeegee or brush
  • Model Number CICO LEASE WB
  • Place of Origin INDIA
We are offering concrete aidscico lease wbwater reducible concrete mould release agent featuresideal for use on form-work, manufactured from timber, steel, fiber glass, plastics and specialised flexible materials. Provide a clean positive release even in intricate and difficult casting condition.Assists producing of uniform mat stain -free concrete surface with reduced incidents of blow holes and surface blemishes.Unaffected by strong sunlight, drying winds and foot traffic and can be applied to damp form work. Due to its excellent release properties , little or no deposit of cement paste remains on the shutter surface. Usageit is used on most types of form-work to give an optimum release and quality of surface finish to concrete over a wide range of designs. Method of applicationsupplied ready to use and can easily be applied by sprayers, squeegee or brush.Pack size : 20ltr bucketshelf life : 18 months

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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T

Packaging Details : 20Ltr bucket & 200Ltr Barrel

Delivery Time : PROMPT

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  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Metric Ton
We are offering water proofing compounds, water prooferscico no.1normall setting integral waterproofing compound for concrete and mortal.available with isi mark 2645 :2003 featureschloride free, corrosion inhibitor, reduces water absorbtion and dampness, reduces efflorescence and fungus growth. Usage plastering mortar, masonry mortar and concrete, tunnels, basements, canals, water tanks, manholes, swimming pools, excellent to arrest dampness of wall.Method of applicationfor plastering renderingscreeding: dilute it at 1:16 with clean or portable water and use this diluted cico no.1 to get required work ability. For concrete : above method is also applicable or else 1kg to 1.5kg per 50kgs cement may be added to the wet concrete in concrete mixer. Dosage 1.5kg per 50kgs of cement.Pack size : 1kg, 5kg, 20kg & 225kg metal plastic drum. Shelf life : 18months.

Additional Information:

Payment Terms : L/C, T/T

Packaging Details : 1Kg, 5kg, 20kg & 225kg Metal/ Plastic Drum

Delivery Time : PROMPT

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