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  1. Pediatric Care Facilities 4 Products / Services available
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  6. Others Services 2 Services available

Pediatric Care Facilities

We offer a complete product range of Cerebral Palsy Treatment Services, ADHD Treatment Services, ADHD Treatment and Cerebral Palsy Treatment

Cerebral Palsy Treatment Services

Cerebral palsy refers to a condition where there might be an abnormal brain development or injury to the brain during its development that might require best cerebral palsy treatment. This can happen before, during, or even after birth or while a child is small and his brain is growing. Cerebral palsy is not one specific disease but refers to an umbrella term which pertains to a number of conditions where there is essentially a disorder of voluntary movement and/or coordination. Children suffering from cerebral palsy face difficulties in establishing muscle movements as they grow and develop. The nature and extent of these problems may alter as children grow but cerebral palsy itself does not increase in severity: the injury or impairment in the brain also does not change if given the best cerebral palsy treatment. Cerebral palsy can have mild to severe indications. Often Cerebral Palsy need not necessarily weaken the patient entirely as part of the brain which controls our thinking is separate from the part which is responsible for controlling our movements. Therefore, many people suffering from cerebral palsy can have normal intelligence in spite of motor and movement problems with the best cerebral palsy treatment in Gurgaon.
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ADHD Treatment Services

Attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurobehavioral disorder that affects 3-5 percent of all American children. It interferes with a person's ability to stay on a task and to exercise age-appropriate inhibition (cognitive alone or both cognitive and behavioral). Some of the warning signs of ADHD include failure to listen to instructions, inability to organize oneself and school work, fidgeting with hands and feet, talking too much, leaving projects, chores and homework unfinished, and having trouble paying attention to and responding to details. ADHD is usually diagnosed in childhood, although the condition can continue into the adult years.
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ADHD Treatment

ADHD Treatment
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