USE : It is use to prepare standard specimen for further test.
Depth : 220
Specifications : With Sliding Weight, Lifting And Ramming Cam, Specimen Tube, Pedestal Cup And Stripper.
We are considered to be the leading Supplier, Exporter and Importer of the Fuji Sand Rammers . Used in a number of industries for manual hammering and ramming, these rammers and hammers are highly preferred in the market. Further, their corrosion resistance and sturdiness is impemore...
These rammers are mainly used for ramming and compacting sand It is use to prepare standard specimen for further test. Lifting And Ramming Cam Specimen Tube, Pedestal Cup And Stripper Product Code : SAMS FST - 004 more...
We are offering sand rammer. Technical specifications with sliding weight lifting and ramming cam specimen tube pedestal cup and stripper use it is use to prepare standard specimen for further test. more...