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Fequency Ranges Available: 1Hz to 100KHz (Analog) 1Hz TO 200KHz 1Hz to 1MHz (Analog) 1MHz (Digital) 2MHz (Digital) 10MHz (Digital) more...
tetra pak tpih 3500 high frequency induction heating generator more...
Single/Dual channel output, 500 Msa/s or 1 G Sa/s sample rate, 14 bit vertical resolution DDS technology provides precise, stable and low distortional output signal 4.3” LCD (TFT) display Built-in accurate frequency counter enables measuring range of 100-200MHz Multiple modulation funstion, various modu more...
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The RFG-1A is a universal RF generator that delivers both thermal and pulsed RF output. The RFG-1A has simplified controls and presets for both neurosurgical and pain management RF procedures, including pallidotomy, thalamotomy, cingulotomy, cordotomy, DREZ, trigeminal, intradiscal, medial branch, dorsal ro more...