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Benefits of Liquid Fish Pro: Helps in rapid decompostion of organic waste in the pond system. Controls vibrio and other Pathogenic Micro organisms. Effectively reduces Ammonia, Hydrogen sulphide, Nitrate, Nitrite and other toxic gases. Maintains Plankton level and pH. Improves the water quality and reduces wa more...
ECOGOLD ENERMOL - (AFS) ECOGOLD ENERMOL is an herbal extract mixture which facilitates at least 15/20 days early harvesting of different shrimp varieties (Venami, Tiger, Scambi), Fish being grow inland. As this specially formulated powder has key ingredients to enhance the immunity levels in Shrimp and fish, more...
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dosage: 10 g/kg of feed for prevention. 15 gm. per kg of feed for treatment. for pond preparation 25 kg/acre (1 meter water depth). more...