Are you smiling? Or would you love to smile more? How you smile speaks volumes about how you are feeling.Having a makeover will give you, not only a great smile, but also the confidence you deserve! A smile makeover is the process of creating a better, brighter healthier smile by using one or more dental processes or procedures. Those procedures can include brightening, braces, tooth implants, and repairing chips and cracks or installing tooth veneers. What procedure is necessary depends on your individual needs. We begin by assessing your current smile, take you through a test drive if required and then finding out what youd like your smile to be like when were finished. Well work with you to create a plan to give you the smile you want at a price you can afford. Some of the processes we use are: BracesYou dont have to walk around for months with metal braces anymore. We now have a nearly invisible brace called Invisalign. Its an appliance you wear and remove. Its custom made for your mouth, is comfortable and eliminates the common problem of metal allergies so many people have. Tooth VeneersOnce you lose that bright white surface of the tooth its often impossible to restore, unless you have tooth veneers installed. Tooth or dental veneers are wafer-thin, custom-made shells of tooth-colored resin or porcelain. Veneers are designed to cover the front surface of your teeth to improve your appearance. The veneers are permanently bonded to the front of your teeth. Veneers change the color, shape and even the size or length of your teeth, giving you a younger, fresher, better-looking smile.