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We maufactuer small product booklets with information about each product. they are very effective for distribution purposes. It can be left behind to the distributors and help them remind your brands. it also cost very less and is very effective way to promote your company. more...
We are offering product brochures. Injections , tabalets, capsules.susp.dry syurp and protin powder more...
We manufacture small product booklets, that are very attractive, educative, catchy and these booklets mainly used for distribution purpose, and can leave to distributors as they are very cheap also. more...
Genie Prints (p) Ltd.
(Industrial Area Phase I,Chandigarh) - 163 A, Ind. Area, Phase-i,Industrial Area Phase I,Chandigarh
(Phase II,Chandigarh) - PLOT NO 152, FIRST FLOOR, INDUSTRIAL AREA, PHASE 2,,Phase II,Chandigarh
New vision print pack
(Industrial Area Phase I,Chandigarh) - Plot No. 74, Industrial Area,Phase 1,,Industrial Area Phase I,Chandigarh
Prince Offset Printers
(Industrial Area Phase I,Chandigarh) - Plot No. 147 Press Site Industrial Area Phase - 1 Chandigarh Punjab - 160 001