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1 Products availableOur product range contains a wide range of Tora, mahuwa flowers and tamarind flowers
Chandan Trading Company (P) Ltd. is one of the largest suppliers of Mahua Seeds (Madhuca Indica) called TORA also, that is also used for making mahua oil cake. Seed paste is applied to improve the texture and vigor of skin. Bark decoction is used in curing bleeding gums and ulcers. Mahua oil extracted from the seeds has laxative properties. Apart from this, customers can be eased with the availability of quality Mahua Seeds at the most competitive prices.
Uses :
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Charota or Cassia Tora or Cassia Obtusifolia, is a wild crop and grows in most parts of India as a . A natural gelling agent which has industrial and food applications is made commercially from the seed. Cassia grows in hot, wet, tropical climates both wild and commercially. Cassia is a tonic, carminative and stimulant. Cassia contains 1-2 % volatile cassia oil, which is mainly responsible for the spicy aroma and taste.
imli or tamarind (tamarindus indica), also called indian date, is a large, broad-leaved, tropical tree found in india. The word tamarind is from arabic ' tamar-ul-hind', meaning, "the date palm of india". Apart from imli, among its other regional names are ambilis, amli, tintiri tintul, titri, and teteli.
Maize is commonly known as corn in some countries. The growing of corn first began in Mesoamerica and has since spread throughout the American continents. Today maize is the largest crop in the Americas. There has been much disagreement about the origin of maize in Mesoamerica. There are some reports that the Spanish first grew maize in southern Mexico. The domestication of maize has been dated back as far back as 12, 000 years ago.
The United States produces the largest amount of maize throughout the world, but there are other countries that also produce high quantities of maize as well such as China, Brazil and South Africa. In 2003 there was six hundred metric tons of maize produced in the world. Maize can only be produced in areas that do not have extreme cold temperature, as it is a cold-intolerant crop.