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Chamakkatt Herbal Products
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Medicines Tonics And Drugs

We offer a complete product range of Thulsiyog Cough Syrup, Thulasiyog Cough Syrup, Arishtas Asavas Syrup and Kashayam Syrup

Thulsiyog Cough Syrup

174 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1200 Piece(s)
We are offering thulsiyog cough syrup. a unique herbal preparation for all bronchial complaints, cough, difficulty in breathing.

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Packaging Details : 60 nos of 100ml bottles are packed in one master carton box

Delivery Time : 20 DAYS

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Thulasiyog Cough Syrup

We are offering thulasiyog cough syrup etc. Ideal for curingall bronchial complaintscoughdifficulty in breathingdosageone teaspoon for adults thrice dailyhalf tea spoon for children thrice dailyor as suggested by physician
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Thulasiyog Cough Syrup

ATTINBRATH Indications : It can be recommended as a general health tonic. It improves strength, vitality & good for postnatal care for mothers Dosage : 5-30ml twice daily before meals or as per physician's advice. HERBAL SANTHI Indications : An ideal medicine for asthama, Cures cough, bronchial complaints & difficulty in breathing. Dosage : two tea spoon for adults thrice daily & half tea spoon for children thrice daily or as suggested by physician. RHUEX POWDER A safe & effective remedy ensures better results in rheumatism & arthritis. Indications : Rheumatoid arthritis, muscular skeletal pain, sciatica, lumbago & all problems other condition of pain in the joints. Dosage : 3 - 5 gm choornam mix in Luke warm water & take twice daily or as suggested by physician. HERBALICKS Indications : Gives strength , stamina , vitality & can be used as a food supplement. Dosage : Two teaspoon of powder mix with hot milk & take in the morning and evening before meals. HERBALICKS (BABY) Indications : Gives strength, stamina, vitality, intelligence, memory power& can be used as a food supplement. Dosage : Two teaspoon of powder mixes with hot milk & takes in the morning and evening before meals. HERBALICKS (D SUGARED) Indications : Gives strength, stamina, vitality & improves sexual potency for diabetic patients. can be used as a food supplement. Dosage : Two teaspoon of powder mix with hot milk & take in the morning and evening before meals. THULASIYOG COUGH SYRUP Indications : For all bronchial complaints, cough, difficulty in breathing. Dosage : one tea spoon for adults thrice daily & half tea spoon for children thrice daily or as suggested by physician. BRAHMIYOG Indications : Recommended for children to improve their vitality, strength, memory power, intelligence & grasping power. Dosage : Two teaspoon(20gms) of powder mix with hot milk & take in the morning and evening before meals. KADHALIKALPPARASAYANAM Indications : For all types of vaginal discharges, burning sensation of abdomen, burning menstruation, the systems associated with leucorrhoea, back ache, general weakness and postnatal care. Dosage : 5 to 10 gm 2 times daily before meals or as suggested by physician. POOKULALEHYAM (PREPARED IN SUGAR CANDY) Indications : An unique health tonic to regain health & strength of women after their delivery child birth). It also good for vertebral pain. Dosage : 10 to 30gm 2 times daily before meals or as suggested by physician. KURINJIKUZHAMBU Indications : It can be recommended as a general health tonic for mother after their delivery child birth) Dosage : One table spoon twice daily or as suggested by physician. HERBAL DIEX POWDERAn ideal medicine for the control & management of diabetics mellitus. Indication : Diabetics mellitus Dosage : 5 gm choornam mix in Luke warm water & take twice daily or as suggested by physician. OBEX POWDERAn answer to reduce obesity and excessive appetite. Indications : Obesity & hyper cholesterol. Dosage : 5 gm choornam mix in Luke warm water & take twice daily before meals or as suggested by physician.
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Arishtas Asavas Syrup

ABAYARISHTAM REF : Ashtamgahruthayam Indications : Piles, Ascites, Constipation, Oedema, Urine retension etc. Improves digestive power. Good lexative also. Dosage : 15 - 25ml twice daily or as directed by the physician. AMRUTHARISHTAM REF : Sahasrayogam Indications : For all kinds of fevers, diseases in conjuction with fevers, Rheumatic complaints etc. Dosage : 15 - 25ml or as directed by the physician. ARAGWADARISHTAM REF : Sahasrayogam Indications : Itching, skin diseases, old and infected wounds, Abscess etc. Dosage : 15 - 25ml twice daily or as directed by the physician. ASOKARISHTAM REF : Sahasrayogam Indications : Excessiveuterine bleeding, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, painful menstrual periods, fever, piles, indigestion, lack of appetite, inflammation etc. Dosage : 15 - 25ml twice daily or as directed by the physician. AYASKRUTHI REF : Ashtamgahruthayam Indications : Diabetes, piles, leucoderma, lack of appetite, sprue syndrome, skin diseases, anemia, obesity etc. Dosage : 15 - 25ml twice daily or as directed by the physician. ASWAGANDHARISHTAM REF : Sahasrayogam Indications : Faintness, epilepsy, fatigue, psychic problems, piles, indigestion, rheumatic complaints etc. Improves memory power and vitality. Dosage : 15 - 25ml twice daily or as directed by the physician. BALARISHTAM REF : Baishachiam Indications : For all types of rhematic complaints. Regains body health, strength and digestive power. Dosage : 15 - 25ml thrice daily before meals or as directed by the physician. CHITHRAKASAVAM REF : Ashtamgahruthayam Indications : Leucoderma, skin diseases. Dosage : 15 - 25ml twice daily before meals or as directed by the physician. DASAMOOLARISHTAM REF : Baishachiam Indications : The most famous in arishtas. restorative tonic, effective in sprue syndrome, anorexia, bronchial complaints, fatigue, digestive tract disorders, vomiting, rheumatic complaints, general debility and jaundice. Dosage : 15 - 25ml twice daily or as directed by the physician. DHANDIARISHTAM REF : Ashtamgahruthayam Indications : Piles, sprue syndrome, anemia, skin diseases, ascites, swelling spleen complaints, fever, digestive tract disorders, fatigue, vomiing worm trouble etc. Dosage : 15 - 25ml twice daily or as directed by the physician. DHRAKSHARISHTAM REF : Shargadharam Indications : Recommended in general debility, cough, asthamatic complaints, heart burn and piles. Dosage : 15 - 50ml twice daily or as directed by the physician. DURALABHARISHTAM REF : Ashtamgahruthayam Indications : Piles, norexia, indigestion and sprue syndrome. Dosage : 15 - 25ml twice daily before meals or as directed by the physician. JEERAKARISHTAM REF : Sahasrayogam Indications : Complaints of sprue syndrome, Digestive tract disorders, Bronchial complaints and general debility. Reccomended for post natal care. Dosage : 15 - 30ml twice daily or as directed by the physician. KHADIRARISHTAM REF : Sahasrayogam Indications : Skin diseases, Cardiac complaints, Cough, spleen complaints and worm trouble. Dosage : 15 - 25ml before meals or as directed by the physician. DASAMOOLAJEERAKAM REF : Patent Indications : Grahani, gulma, aruchi, general debility and as a general tonic. Dosage : 5 - 10ml twice thrice daily for children and 15 - 30 ml for adults twicethrice daily or as directed by the physician. KUMARRYASAVAM REF : Shagdharam Indications : Adviced for catalising digestive systems, health vigour and general well-being.Cures pain due to peptic ulcers, ascites, fatigue, diabetes, epilepsy, disorders of semen, calculus, worm trouble, difficult urination etc. Dosage : 10 - 25ml before meals or as directed by the physician. KANAKASAVAM REF : Baishachiarathnavali Indications : Bronchial complaints, general debility, fatigue, chronic fever etc. Dosage : 15 - 25ml twice daily before meals or as directed by the physician. KUJARISHTAM REF : Baishachiarathnavali Indications : Fever, sprue syndrome, dysentry, ulcerative colitis and bleeding piles. Dosage : 15 - 25ml twice daily before meals or as directed by the physician. MUSTHARISHTAM REF : Baishachiarathnavali Indications : Effective in indigestion, lack of appetite, cholera and different types of sprue syndrome. Dosage : 15 - 25ml twice daily or as directed by the physician. PARTHADYARISHTAM REF : Baishachiarathnavali Indications : For all cardiac and lung diseases.Provides health and vigour. Dosage : 15 - 25ml thrice daily or as directed by the physician. SARASWATHARISHTAM REF : Baishachiarathnavali Indications : It offers longer life with increased vigour, grasping power, memory power, courage, health, handsomeness etc. It cures stammering and offers melodious voice. Dosage : 15 - 25ml twice daily or as directed by the physician. VASARISHTAM REF : Sahasrayogam Indications : Cough, asthematic complaints, vitiated pitha seases, throat diseases etc. Dosage : 15 - 25ml thrice daily before meals or as directed by the physician. ARAVINDASAVAM REF : Sahasrayogam Indications : Children's diseases like sprue, diarrhoea, indigestion etc. Provides good ppetite, health and physical well-being. Dosage : 5 - 15ml thrice daily or as directed by physician. LOHASAVAM REF : Ashtamgahruthayam Indications : Anemia, compliants of swelling, digestive tract disorders, ascites, skin diseases, spleen disorders, cough, itching, asthama, lack of appetite, sprue synrome and cardiac complaints. Dosage : 15 - 25ml twice daily after meals or as directed by the physician. LODHRASAVAM REF : Ashtamgahruthayam Indications : Diabetics, piles, leucoderma, skin diseases, lack of apptite, worm complaints, anemia, sprue syndrome, obesity etc. Dosage : 15 - 25ml twice daily after meals or as directed by the physician. CHANDANASAVAM REF : Sahasrayogam Indications : Wet dreaming, burning micturition, leucorrhocat etc. Improves body strenth and digestive system. Keeps the body cool & also maintain good general health. Dosage : 15 - 25ml twice daily before meals or as directed by the physician. MADHUKASAVAM REF : Sahasrayogam Indications : Diabetes, skin diseases, sprue syndrome & oedema.Also as a tonic for general well - being. Dosage : 15 - 25ml twice daily or as directed by the physician. MOOLAKADHYARISHTAM REF : Baishachiarathnavali Indications : Chronic ulcers, rheumatoid arthritis, fistula etc. Dosage : 15 - 25ml thrice daily or as directed by the physician. PIPPALYASVAM REF : Sahasrayogam Indications : Debility, anorexia, digestive tract disorders, ascites, sprue syndrome, anaemia, piles etc. Dosage : 15 - 25ml twice daily after meals or as directed by the physician. PUNARNNAVASAVAM REF : Sahasrayogam Indications : Swellings, ascites, spleen complaints, acidity, liver complaints, digestive tract disorders, fever etc. Dosage : 15 - 50ml twrice daily before meals or as directed by the physician. PUTHIKARANJASVAM REF : Ashtamgahruthayam Indications : All types of piles including bleeding piles, ascites, enlargement of spleen, flatulance etc. Dosage : 15 - 25ml thrice daily before mealsor as directed by physician. SARIBADYASAVAM REF : Ashtamgahruthayam Indications : Diabetes and allied complaints, fistula, rheumatoid arthritis etc. Dosage : 15 - 25ml thrice daily or as directed by the physician. USIRASAVAM REF : Sahasrayogam Indications : For burning sensation of head and body, vertigo, disturbed sleep, tachy cardia etc. Dosage : 15 - 25ml thrice daily or as directed by the physician.
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Kashayam Syrup

AMRUTHOTHARAM KASHAYAM REF : Sahasrayogam Indications : Increases appettite, relieves constipation & keeps away all kinds of fever. Dosage : 5 - 15ml of kashaya to be dialuted with 20 - 60ml boiled & cooled water & take thrice daily before meals or as directed by physician. ARAGWADADI KASHAYAM REF : Sahasrayogam Indications : Anemia, chronic ulcer, other skin diseases, poisons, fever etc. Dosage : 5 - 15ml of kashaya to be dialuted with 20 - 60ml boiled & cooled water & take thrice daily before meals or as directed by physician. ASHTAVARGAM KASHAYAM REF : Sahasrayogam Indications : Body aches, especially hands, legs & back pain. Dosage : 5 - 15ml of kashaya to be dialuted with 20 - 60ml boiled & cooled water & take thrice daily before meals or as directed by physician. BALAGULUCHATHI KASHAYAM REF : Ashtamgahruthayam Indications : For body pain, swelling & burning sensation related to rhumatoid arthritis. Dosage : 5 - 15ml of kashaya to be dialuted with 20 - 60ml boiled & cooled water & take thrice daily before meals or as directed by physician. BRHATHYADI KASHAYAM REF : Ashtamgahruthayam Indications : Burning micturition, urinary calculai, enlargement of prostrate gland etc. Dosage : 5 - 15ml of kashaya to be dialuted with 20 - 60ml boiled & cooled water & take thrice daily before meals or as directed by physician. BADHRADARVADI KASHAYAM REF : Ashtamgahruthayam Indications : Bronchial diseases, cough, hiccup & rheumatic complaints. Dosage : 5 - 15ml of kashaya to be dialuted with 20 - 60ml boiled & cooled water & take thrice daily before meals or as directed by physician. CHERIYARASNATHIRASNERANDATHI KASHAYAM REF : Sahasrayogam Indications : Rhumatic problems with pain, rhumatoid arthritis etc. Dosage : 5 - 15ml of kashaya to be dialuted with 20 - 60ml boiled & cooled water & take thrice daily before meals or as directed by physician. CHIRUVILWADI KASHAYAM REF : Sahasrayogam Indications : Piles, onstipation, digestive tract disorder, fistula. Dosage : 5 - 15ml of kashaya to be dialuted with 20 - 60ml boiled & cooled water & take thrice daily before meals or as directed by physician. DHANADANAYANADI KASHAYAM REF : Sahasrayogam Indications : Facial paralysis, hemiplegia & other rhumatic complaints. Dosage : 5 - 15ml of kashaya to be dialuted with 20 - 60ml boiled & cooled water & take thrice daily before meals or as directed by physician. DHANWANTHARAM KASHAYAM REF : Ashtamgahruthayam Indications : For pregnant & post natal mothers. rhumatic complaints urinary infections, hernia, fatigue & vaginal omplaints. Dosage : 5 - 15ml of kashaya to be dialuted with 20 - 60ml boiled & cooled water & take thrice daily before meals or as directed by physician. DASAMOOLAKADUTHRAYAM REF : Sahasrayogam Indications : Bronchial & asthamatic complaints, gastric disorders, pain on ribs, vertibra, head ache & fever. Dosage : 5 - 15ml of kashaya to be dialuted with 20 - 60ml boiled & cooled water & take thrice daily before meals or as directed by physician. DRAKSHADI KASHAYAM REF : Ashtamgahruthayam Indications : Vatha & pitha predominent fever, toxicity due to exessive alcholism, vomitting, fainting, giddiness, thirsty feeling, jaundice, burning sensation of whole body. Dosage : 5 - 15ml of kashaya to be dialuted with 20 - 60ml boiled & cooled water & take thrice daily before meals or as directed by physician. ELAKANATHI KASHAYAM REF : Sahasrayogam Indications : Cough, wheezing, hiccup, pain on ribs & body slimming. Dosage : 5 - 15ml of kashaya to be dialuted with 20 - 60ml boiled & cooled water & take thrice daily before meals or as directed by physician. GHANDHARVAHASTHADI KASHAYAM REF : Sahasrayogam Indications : Cures rhumatic diseases, envigorates digestive system & relieves back ache, mild laxative also. Dosage : 5 - 15ml of kashaya to be dialuted with 20 - 60ml boiled & cooled water & take thrice daily before meals or as directed by physician. GULGULUTHIKTHAKAM KASHAYAM REF : Ashtamgahruthayam Indications : Rhumatic diseases, chronic skin complaints, cancer, complaints of upper portion of the body, abdomenaldigestive tract disorders, piles, diabets, rhumatoid arthritis, abcess etc. Dosage : 5 - 15ml of kashaya to be dialuted with 20 - 60ml boiled & cooled water & take thrice daily before meals or as directed by physician. GULUCHYADI KASHAYAM REF : Sahasrayogam Indications : Vitiated cough & pitha, severe fever on account of vitiated pitha, vomitting, jaundice, burning sensation, thirsty feeling etc. Dosage : 5 - 15ml of kashaya to be dialuted with 20 - 60ml boiled & cooled water & take thrice daily before meals or as directed by physician. INTHUKANTHAM KASHAYM REF : Sahasrayogam Indications : Rhumaic complaints, fatigue ascites, digestive tract dis orders, brouchial problems, frequent fever. Improves immunity power of body. Dosage : 5 - 15ml of kashaya to be dialuted with 20 - 60ml boiled & cooled water & take thrice daily before meals or as directed by physician. MAHAMANJISHTATHI KASHAYAM REF : Ashtamgahruthayam Indications : Skin diseases, rhumatoid arthritis, filaria, numbness on legs, edema, obesity and eye diseases. Dosage : 5 - 15ml of kashaya to be dialuted with 20 - 60ml boiled & cooled water & take thrice daily before meals or as directed by physician. MAHATHIKTHAKAM KASHAYAM REF : Ashtamgahruthayam Indications : Skin diseases due to vitiated pitha, irritations, abcess, ulser, abdominaldigestive tract disorders, halucination, cardiac complaints, cataract, sprue syndrome, jaundice, epilespy, ascitis, bleeding, swelling, uneasiness due to mild oisons, piles etc. Dosage : 5 - 15ml of kashaya to be dialuted with 20 - 60ml boiled & cooled water & take thrice daily before meals or as directed by physician. MUSLIKHADIRADI KASHAYAM REF : Ashtamgahruthayam Indications : White discharge & excecive bleeding of ladies. Dosage : 5 - 15ml of kashaya to be dialuted with 20 - 60ml boiled & cooled water & take thrice daily before meals or as directed by physician. MANJISHTADI KASHAYAM REF : Ashtamgahruthayam Indications : For all types of skin diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, itching etc. Dosage : 5 - 15ml of kashaya to be dialuted with 20 - 60ml boiled & cooled water & take thrice daily before meals or as directed by physician. NISAKATHAKADI KASHAYAM REF : Sahasrayogam Indications : Diabetes meletes. Dosage : 5 - 15ml of kashaya to be dialuted with 20 - 60ml boiled & cooled water & take thrice daily before meals or as directed by physician. PADOLAKADUROHINYADI KASHAYAM REF : Ashtamgahruthayam Indications : Skin diseases due to vitiated kapha & pitha, fever, poisons, vomitting, lack of appettite, jaundice etc. Dosage : 5 - 15ml of kashaya to be dialuted with 20 - 60ml boiled & cooled water & take thrice daily before meals or as directed by physician. PADOLAMOOLADI KASHAYAM REF : Ashtamgahruthayam Indications : Skin diseases especialy of oozing type. Good laxative. Dosage : 5 - 15ml of kashaya to be dialuted with 20 - 60ml boiled & cooled water & take thrice daily before meals or as directed by physician. PRASARANYADI KASHAYAM REF : Sahasrayogam Indications : Rhumatic complaints, especially for "APABAHUKAM" Dosage : 5 - 15ml of kashaya to be dialuted with 20 - 60ml boiled & cooled water & take thrice daily before meals or as directed by physician. ] PUNARNNAVADI KASHAYAM REF : Ashtamgahruthayam Indications : Swelling all over the body, ascites, bronchial complaints, abdominal pain and anemia. Dosage : 5 - 15ml of kashaya to be dialuted with 20 - 60ml boiled & cooled water & take thrice daily before meals or as directed by physician. PANCHATHIKTHAKAM KASHAYAM REF : Ashtamgahruthayam Indications : For all types of fever and malaria. Dosage : 5 - 15ml of kashaya to be dialuted with 20 - 60ml boiled & cooled water & take thrice daily before meals or as directed by physician. RASNASAPTHAKAM KASHAYAM REF : Sahasrayogam Indications : Back pain, pain on thighs and lower parts of legs. Also effective in all rheumatic complaints. Dosage : 5 - 15ml of kashaya to be dialuted with 20 - 60ml boiled & cooled water & take thrice daily before meals or as directed by physician. SAPTHASARAM KASHAYAM REF : Sahasrayogam Indications : Constipation, indigestion, vaginal pains, pain in stomach, back and waist. Digestive tract and spleen disorders. Dosage : 5 - 15ml of kashaya to be dialuted with 20 - 60ml boiled & cooled water & take thrice daily before meals or as directed by physician. SAHACHARADI KASHAYAM REF : Sahasrayogam Indications : For all rheumatic complaints, mainly on waist and legs. Dosage : 5 - 15ml of kashaya to be dialuted with 20 - 60ml boiled & cooled water & take thrice daily before meals or as directed by physician. SUKUMARAM KASHAYAM REF : Sahasrayogam Indications : Hernia, abscesses, digestive tract disorders, vaginal diseases, piles, rheumatic complaints, swellings, ascites, pain on spleen and constipation. Dosage : 5 - 15ml of kashaya to be diluted with 20 - 60ml boiled & cooled water & take thrice daily before meals or as directed by physician. VARANADI KASHAYAM REF : Sahasrayogam Indications : Diseases related to flume formation and obesity, rheumatic complaints, head ache, abdomenal disorders, internal bleedings etc. Dosage : 5 - 15ml of kashaya to be diluted with 20 - 60ml boiled & cooled water & take thrice daily before meals or as directed by physician. VIDARYADI KASHAYAM REF : Sahasrayogam Indications : Increases body weight, cures rheumatic and acidic complaints, abdominal disorders, body pain, rheumatic complaints of the upper part of body, bronchial asthmatic complaints etc. Dosage : 5 - 15ml of kashaya to be diluted with 20 - 60ml boiled & cooled water & take thrice daily before meals or as directed by physician. VALIYARASNADI KASHAYAM REF : Sahasrayogam Indications : Rheumatic complaints like hemipligia, facial paralysis, paralegia and parkinsonism. Dosage : 5 - 15ml of kashaya to be dialuted with 20 - 60ml boiled & cooled water & take thrice daily before meals or as directed by physician. THIKTHAKAM KASHAYAM REF : Ashtamgahruthayam Indications : Skin diseases due to vitiated pitha, abscess, swellings, abdominal disorders, hallucination, cardiac complaints, cataract, ascites, bleedings, diseases due to poisons etc. Dosage : 5 - 15ml of kashaya to be diluted with 20 - 60ml boiled & cooled water & take thrice daily before meals or as directed by physician.
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