ABAYARISHTAM REF : Ashtamgahruthayam Indications : Piles, Ascites, Constipation, Oedema, Urine retension etc. Improves digestive power. Good lexative also. Dosage : 15 - 25ml twice daily or as directed by the physician. AMRUTHARISHTAM REF : Sahasrayogam Indications : For all kinds of fevers, diseases in conjuction with fevers, Rheumatic complaints etc. Dosage : 15 - 25ml or as directed by the physician. ARAGWADARISHTAM REF : Sahasrayogam Indications : Itching, skin diseases, old and infected wounds, Abscess etc. Dosage : 15 - 25ml twice daily or as directed by the physician. ASOKARISHTAM REF : Sahasrayogam Indications : Excessiveuterine bleeding, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, painful menstrual periods, fever, piles, indigestion, lack of appetite, inflammation etc. Dosage : 15 - 25ml twice daily or as directed by the physician. AYASKRUTHI REF : Ashtamgahruthayam Indications : Diabetes, piles, leucoderma, lack of appetite, sprue syndrome, skin diseases, anemia, obesity etc. Dosage : 15 - 25ml twice daily or as directed by the physician. ASWAGANDHARISHTAM REF : Sahasrayogam Indications : Faintness, epilepsy, fatigue, psychic problems, piles, indigestion, rheumatic complaints etc. Improves memory power and vitality. Dosage : 15 - 25ml twice daily or as directed by the physician. BALARISHTAM REF : Baishachiam Indications : For all types of rhematic complaints. Regains body health, strength and digestive power. Dosage : 15 - 25ml thrice daily before meals or as directed by the physician. CHITHRAKASAVAM REF : Ashtamgahruthayam Indications : Leucoderma, skin diseases. Dosage : 15 - 25ml twice daily before meals or as directed by the physician. DASAMOOLARISHTAM REF : Baishachiam Indications : The most famous in arishtas. restorative tonic, effective in sprue syndrome, anorexia, bronchial complaints, fatigue, digestive tract disorders, vomiting, rheumatic complaints, general debility and jaundice. Dosage : 15 - 25ml twice daily or as directed by the physician. DHANDIARISHTAM REF : Ashtamgahruthayam Indications : Piles, sprue syndrome, anemia, skin diseases, ascites, swelling spleen complaints, fever, digestive tract disorders, fatigue, vomiing worm trouble etc. Dosage : 15 - 25ml twice daily or as directed by the physician. DHRAKSHARISHTAM REF : Shargadharam Indications : Recommended in general debility, cough, asthamatic complaints, heart burn and piles. Dosage : 15 - 50ml twice daily or as directed by the physician. DURALABHARISHTAM REF : Ashtamgahruthayam Indications : Piles, norexia, indigestion and sprue syndrome. Dosage : 15 - 25ml twice daily before meals or as directed by the physician. JEERAKARISHTAM REF : Sahasrayogam Indications : Complaints of sprue syndrome, Digestive tract disorders, Bronchial complaints and general debility. Reccomended for post natal care. Dosage : 15 - 30ml twice daily or as directed by the physician. KHADIRARISHTAM REF : Sahasrayogam Indications : Skin diseases, Cardiac complaints, Cough, spleen complaints and worm trouble. Dosage : 15 - 25ml before meals or as directed by the physician. DASAMOOLAJEERAKAM REF : Patent Indications : Grahani, gulma, aruchi, general debility and as a general tonic. Dosage : 5 - 10ml twice thrice daily for children and 15 - 30 ml for adults twicethrice daily or as directed by the physician. KUMARRYASAVAM REF : Shagdharam Indications : Adviced for catalising digestive systems, health vigour and general well-being.Cures pain due to peptic ulcers, ascites, fatigue, diabetes, epilepsy, disorders of semen, calculus, worm trouble, difficult urination etc. Dosage : 10 - 25ml before meals or as directed by the physician. KANAKASAVAM REF : Baishachiarathnavali Indications : Bronchial complaints, general debility, fatigue, chronic fever etc. Dosage : 15 - 25ml twice daily before meals or as directed by the physician. KUJARISHTAM REF : Baishachiarathnavali Indications : Fever, sprue syndrome, dysentry, ulcerative colitis and bleeding piles. Dosage : 15 - 25ml twice daily before meals or as directed by the physician. MUSTHARISHTAM REF : Baishachiarathnavali Indications : Effective in indigestion, lack of appetite, cholera and different types of sprue syndrome. Dosage : 15 - 25ml twice daily or as directed by the physician. PARTHADYARISHTAM REF : Baishachiarathnavali Indications : For all cardiac and lung diseases.Provides health and vigour. Dosage : 15 - 25ml thrice daily or as directed by the physician. SARASWATHARISHTAM REF : Baishachiarathnavali Indications : It offers longer life with increased vigour, grasping power, memory power, courage, health, handsomeness etc. It cures stammering and offers melodious voice. Dosage : 15 - 25ml twice daily or as directed by the physician. VASARISHTAM REF : Sahasrayogam Indications : Cough, asthematic complaints, vitiated pitha seases, throat diseases etc. Dosage : 15 - 25ml thrice daily before meals or as directed by the physician. ARAVINDASAVAM REF : Sahasrayogam Indications : Children's diseases like sprue, diarrhoea, indigestion etc. Provides good ppetite, health and physical well-being. Dosage : 5 - 15ml thrice daily or as directed by physician. LOHASAVAM REF : Ashtamgahruthayam Indications : Anemia, compliants of swelling, digestive tract disorders, ascites, skin diseases, spleen disorders, cough, itching, asthama, lack of appetite, sprue synrome and cardiac complaints. Dosage : 15 - 25ml twice daily after meals or as directed by the physician. LODHRASAVAM REF : Ashtamgahruthayam Indications : Diabetics, piles, leucoderma, skin diseases, lack of apptite, worm complaints, anemia, sprue syndrome, obesity etc. Dosage : 15 - 25ml twice daily after meals or as directed by the physician. CHANDANASAVAM REF : Sahasrayogam Indications : Wet dreaming, burning micturition, leucorrhocat etc. Improves body strenth and digestive system. Keeps the body cool & also maintain good general health. Dosage : 15 - 25ml twice daily before meals or as directed by the physician. MADHUKASAVAM REF : Sahasrayogam Indications : Diabetes, skin diseases, sprue syndrome & oedema.Also as a tonic for general well - being. Dosage : 15 - 25ml twice daily or as directed by the physician. MOOLAKADHYARISHTAM REF : Baishachiarathnavali Indications : Chronic ulcers, rheumatoid arthritis, fistula etc. Dosage : 15 - 25ml thrice daily or as directed by the physician. PIPPALYASVAM REF : Sahasrayogam Indications : Debility, anorexia, digestive tract disorders, ascites, sprue syndrome, anaemia, piles etc. Dosage : 15 - 25ml twice daily after meals or as directed by the physician. PUNARNNAVASAVAM REF : Sahasrayogam Indications : Swellings, ascites, spleen complaints, acidity, liver complaints, digestive tract disorders, fever etc. Dosage : 15 - 50ml twrice daily before meals or as directed by the physician. PUTHIKARANJASVAM REF : Ashtamgahruthayam Indications :