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Oil Plant And Extraction Machinery
2 Products availableEffluent Treatment Plant
1 Products availableProcess Tanks
1 Products availableHeat Exchangers
1 Products availableFruit And Vegetable Processing Machine
1 Products availableSeeds & Plant Saplings
1 Products availablePacking Ring
1 Products availableWe offer a complete product range of mechanical evaporator, caustic recovery plant, thin film evaporator, wastewater evaporator and Falling Film Evaporator
Mercerising process :In textile industry Mercerising is one the major process to improve the quality (tenacity) of fabric The operation is carried out by using Sodium hydroxid which is also known by caustic soda. Cotton Fibre or yarn rinsed with solution of caustic lye which has concentration about 22 – 35 % (For Dry on Wet and Wet on Wet). Both the mature and immature cotton bre will soak the lye. After soaking process, there is drastic change in internal structure of fibre. At the end of mercerising cycle, the fabric treated with water to reduced the excess caustic lye from the surface of fibre. As, because of water wash the concentration of caustic lye goes on decreasing. This solution is termed is weak lye as it has concentration up to 4 -6% and its unusable to use for any process. So, discharge this caustic effuent to ETP for treatment are the single options and same process consume huge amount of acid to make ETP euent neutralized because of alkalinity nature of weak lye. Thus, it implies towards substantial loss of caustic soda.
Caustic Soda Recovery Plant.The caustic recovery operation came into picture which mostly focused on reducing acid consumption and reduce ETP load, by recovering caustic from weak lye solution.Our designed Multiple Effect Evaporation plant will concentrate caustic from 4-6% up to 30-35% which can be reuse into mercerising process.
We offer a system comprising of Thermovapour re-compressor (TVR), Feed pre-heaters, Condensate flashing to reduce the steam consumption & thus achieving higher steam economy.
Properly selected & designed scheme, adequate heat transfer area at best operating temperatures ensures the plant performance for longer time and reduces CIP frequency & plant stoppages.
Easy & quick CIP facility for the plant, Fully automated and manual operation mode as per requirement, MOC as required. Complete turnkey plant package comprising of,
We offer all sizes and all type of evaporators namely,
Salient feature of the System Offered by “CENTPRO”