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Cekem HealthCare
gstGST : 03AANFC9830F1ZH Verified Write a Review

Welcome to Cekem HealthCare

Our founding principles of Cekem HealthCare were straightforward: everyone should have access to high-quality healthcare. We set out to create pharmaceutical tablets that had an impact when we were founded in Ludhiana, Punjab. Each tablet we.. Read More

  • Founder

    Mr. Inderpreet Singh

  • Year of Establishment


  • Primary Business


  • Annual Turnover

    Rs. 5 to 25 Crore Approx.

Our Product Range

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FAQs : Cekem HealthCare

Where is Cekem HealthCare located?

Cekem HealthCare is located in Pindi Street, Ludhiana, Punjab.

What range of products and services are available at Cekem HealthCare ?

Company deals in 250mg Boldebolin Injection, 100mg Suhagra Tablets, 10mg Zopfresh Tablets, 250mg Nandrobolin Injection, 100mg Vega Tablets, Drostanolone Propionate 100 MG Injection Masteron, Nandrolone Decanoate 250 MG INJECTION DECA 250, Stanozolol Injection STANOZOLOL 100 MG, Sustanon Injection 250 MG TESTOMIX, Testosterone Cypionate 250 TESTA C INJECTION etc.

What is the GST number of Cekem HealthCare ?

GST Number of Cekem HealthCare is 03AANFC9830F1ZH in Punjab.
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