Our Product / Services
Our offered Product range includes Fire Door Inspection as Per NFPA 80 and Fire Door Inspection As Per IS 3614-1.
CIL provides accredited Raw & Refined Sugar Inspection services in India.
CDG has an outstanding reputation and enjoys the trust of the main traders, growers, refiners, government organizations, through to end user retail and consumers groups within the sugar industry.
Offering services for refined, raw and crystal sugar industries, CDG plays a prominent role in the sugar testing, inspection and certification markets. Executing services for goods shipped in bags, transported break bulk or by containers, the group is present along all elements of the supply chain.
Sugar Inspection & Testing
We provide inspection and testing services for sugar, at every stage of production, that help you reduce risks and secure your supply chain.
From field to port, our experienced inspectors and analysts are ready to help deliver a wide range of customized services for any type of sugar, both during shipment and at port.
As an international testing, inspection, and certification company, we operate in key ports and markets worldwide. Our services cover each step of the sugar supply chain, from plantation, storage, and transport, through to final destination.
We provide a range of inspection services during shipment and at port, including:
We can provide a range of testing and analysis services according to international standards, including:
We can provide trusted and reliable conformity assessment and certification services for agricultural clients, including:
Inspection services
CDG supports clients at source and/or destination of raw and refined sugar worldwide through a full range of inspection, testing and risk management services offered along the sugar supply chain:
Quantity and quality supervision services:
Choosing CDG as your inspection and testing services partner gives you a competitive advantage. We are committed to bringing reliability, transparency, safety and integrity to a complex and risky business world.
CDG provides mechanical seal inspection as per ASTM F1158 & testing as per ASTM F1157.
CDG Inspection Limited is a leading inspection & testing company of India. We follow ISO 17020:12 standarc in all our inspection activities & ISO 17025:2017 standard in test lab services. We provide inspection & testing services in wide range of areas / products.CDG is a leading third party inspection agency of India. A Third Party comes in between the Purchaser & Supplier to ensure the services required by the first and second parties are met and in order with terms of references. CDG's Inspection service can help you to minimise the risk of importing merchandise that is deficient in quantity, or deviates from specifications in a customer order.
Significance And Use:
1. If a seal can be opened by any means and successfully reapplied without exhibiting signs indicative of prior attack, the integral quality of the seal is in serious question. This guide allows that any particular method of attempted defeat can be employed to defeat a seal, and concentrates not on the effectiveness of the seal to resist that attack, but rather on the nature of the individual seal to inhibit reapplication.
2. This standard presents guidelines for inspection to assist in determining whether an attempt to defeat a security seal, and to possibly reapply the seal, has been made. In all cases, the guidelines are meant to focus attention on signs of attack and reapplication.
1 This guide covers procedures for the inspection and evaluation of tampering of security seals.
2 A security seal is a device intended to detect tampering or entry. Evaluate only single use locking devices under this guide. The following procedures shall serve as guidelines for detecting attempts at defeat and reapplication of a security seal.
3 This guide is not intended to be fully comprehensive; certain types of security seals, such as labels, have not been addressed to date. Further, it is the responsibility of users of this guide to interpret their specific security needs concerning the use of seals, and to determine the grade of seal appropriate for their particular application. ASTM assumes no responsibility for losses occurring as a result of a defeated seal.
CDG Inspection Ltd is true global provider of Technical Inspection, Verification, Testing and Conformity Assessment for Industrial Markets. The core values of complete independence, transparency and integrity guide us in our mission to deliver first-class services on a constant high quality level to customers around the world. Our Teams of Engineers ensure that the quality and performance of products or installations meet applicable requirements, whether they are regulatory, voluntary or client specific.
Benefits of CDG at a Glance
With inspection services from CDG, you:
Have a reliable contact throughout India who actively helps you fulfill applicable statutory requirements
Enhance your legal security and minimize your risk of liability.
Simplify your inspection management system.
Reduce downtime through faster and more efficient inspections.
CDG provides a range of inspection, testing and engineering consultancy services.
A security seal is a manufactured product that is used to indicate tampering or unauthorized opening of a container, door, or item. Mechanical security seals and label seals are usually designed for one-time use. All one-time use seals, some reusable and non-reusable barrier seals, and label seals are used for commercial applications. For the purposes of this guide, the term seal will be synonymous with the terms security seal, anti-tamper device, and tamper indicating device.
A seal is a closure device that serves as a check against tampering or unauthorized opening. If designed and attached properly, a seal should be severed or mutilated before entry is possible.
Seals designed to delay intrusion are commonly constructed of solid steel or cable.
Seals can provide a psychological deterrent by ensuring that evidence of forced entry or tampering is clearly visible and that the crime can not be subsequently hidden or covered up.
Seals can be used for material control, accountability, and inventory by associating the seal identification number with the contents.
An intact seal applied within the context of a strong seal control program provides for an increased level of fidelity of cargo security. This reduces the number of personnel needed to control secured items and minimizes the potential of exposure to possible hazardous contents.
Seals are intended to be part of an integrated security program. Seals should not be used as stand-alone protection.
When there is a written requirement (see Section 5).
When there is concern about pilferage by in-house personnel or crime by outsiders. If the threat is from outsiders, seals with some level of forced entry protection should be selected.
If a damaged or broken seal can be discovered in a timely manner and appropriate countermeasures can be implemented to prevent further criminal activity.
As part of a comprehensive security program.
Seals should be used in conjunction with a seal control program that is part of an integrated security system. Security systems can consist of multiple components (intrusion detection, closed circuit television, access control, security personnel, lighting, barriers, etc.). Integration produces a system that will provide a high level of confidence and protection in depth (multiple layers of protection). If a security system component fails to function in an integrated system, the other components and layers will continue to provide some level of protection until the failed component is repaired or replaced. Seals and a seal control program are examples of components that can be important to an integrated security system by providing additional layers of protection.
Sealing wires 1 through 5 are described below:
Wire 1 - Used for light sealing requirements. Available in 1/2-pound and 2-1/2-pound spools of 0.034 mm diameter galvanized, stainless, or copper spiral wound steel wire, with approximate break strength of 7 pounds.
Wire 2 - Most popular for general sealing purposes. Available in 1/2-pound and 2-1/2-pound spools of 0.044 mm diameter galvanized or stainless spiral wound steel wire, with approximate break strength of 17 pounds.
Wire 3 - Heavy-duty wire for applications where seals and wire are exposed to rough handling. Available in 1/2-pound and 2-1/2-pound spools of 0.034 mm diameter galvanized or stainless spiral wound steel wire, with approximate break strength of 34 pounds.
Wire 4 - Galvanized steel for heavy duty sealing where greatest tensile strength is needed. Available in 1/2-pound and 2-1/2-pound spools of 0.038 mm spiral wound galvanized or stainless steel wire, with approximate break strength of 40 pounds.
Wire 5 - Single strand wire is used where small diameter and strength are important. Diameter Galvanized steel wire is 0.035 mm diameter and has an approximate break strength is 45 pounds.
CDG provides fire door inspection as per IS 3614-1 & NFPA 80.CDG is a leading Inspection organization in India.CDG is an ISO 17020 accredited Inspection and ISO 17025 accredited testing Services in all over India.
IS : 3614 ( Part I )'- 1966 expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with IS: 2-1960*. The number of significant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
1. SCOPE : This standard lays dowti the requirements regarding materials and details of construction of steel plate, metal covered and rolling type of fire-check doors for the protection of openings in walls or floors to restrict the spread of fire within buildings whether from internal fire or from external fire.
2.0 For the purpose of this standard, the following definitions shall apply.
2.1 Single Fire-Check Door One door shutter constructed for fitting on one side to an opening.
2.2 Double Fire-Check Door Two single fire-check doc^r shutters as defined in 2.1 for fitting one on each side to an openintr.
3.1 Fire-check door shall be of the following types:
a) Steel plate doors,
1)) Metal covered doors, and
c) Rolling steel shutters.
4.1 Steel Plate Doors and Metal Covered Doors The size of steel plate doors and metal covered doors shall suit the size of opening which shall neither exceed 5 m^ in area nor shall be more than 2' 10 m in width or 2 "75 m in height.
4.2 Rolling Steel Shutters The size of rolling steel shutters shall suit the size of doorway which shall neither exceed 5 m^ in area nor sliall be more than 2"4 m in width or 2' 10 m in height, measured between the faces of the reveals of opening or projecting jaml)s and froiri the floor of the opening to the underside of the barrel.
5.1 Mild Steel Plates, Sections, etc Mild steel plates, sections, etc, used in the construction of lire-cherk doois shall conform to Grade St 32-0 oflS: 1977-1962*.
5.2 Timber ^ Timber boards used in the construction of metal covered doors shall be of thoroughly seasoned teak or yellow pine wood. The boards shall be kiln-dried for a period of at least 48 hours with a finishing temperature of at least 107C during the last 12 hours. The moisture content of seasoned timber when used in door shall not be more than 15 percent. Immediately after their removal from the drying kiln and whilst still hot they shall be thoroughly impregnated by immersion in hot coal tar creosote conforming to IS.
We at CDG are committed to improve business performance of our clients/customers with effective certification of management systems, inspection and verification and add value to the process/system during surveillance audits.
CDG has designed and implemented a certification of the management system modeled along the lines of National & International Standards.
CDG aims at providing independent, impartial, non-discriminatory assessment & certification via cost effective manner and accessible within defined and approved scope of certification.
This Indian Standard was adopted by the Indian Standards Institution on 27 May 1966, after the draft finalized by the Fire Safety Sectional Committee had been approved by the Civil Engineering Division Council.
One of the fire safety requirements to be taken into consideration while planning and designing industrial and non-industrial buildings is to provide the means for restricting the spread of fire, both internally and externally. The spread of fire can be minimized if the respective floor areas are limited and divided into smaller sections, each section being separated by perfect separating walls and openings therein fitted with fire-check doors. The design of fire-check doors and the materials to be used in their construction have to be such that the doors shall be capable of providing an effective barrier to the spread of fire. The fire resistance of two doors should, as far as practicable, be the same as for the wall. This standard has been prepared with a view to providing adequate guidance to both the manufacturer and the user in regard to the materials to be used and the construction to be adopted for fire-check doors capable of giving the required fire protection.
As erection of fire-check doors Is a very important aspect in order to achieve the desired degree of fire protection, it is strongly advised that the fire check doors should be erected strictly in accordance with the requirements given in Appendix A of this standard.
In the formulation of this standard due weightage has been given to international co-ordination among the standards and practices prevailing in different countries in addition to relating it to the practices in the field in this country.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value, observed or calculated. Providing and fixing of Hollow metal fire rated doors as per IS 3614 part-1 & part-2 for stability and integrity. Pressed Galvanized steel confirming to IS 277 with the following specification.
Recommended fire door shall have doors tested at CBRI or ARAI for maximum rating of 2hrs with vision panel. Test certificates should be available for vision lites /panels as part of the fire door assembly. Independent glass test certificates will not be accepted. Manufacturer test certificate shallcover doors both single and double leaf and all doors supplied should be within the tested specimen, deviation in specification and sheet thickness other than what is mentioned in the test certificates are not allowed. Proper label confirming the type of door and the hourly rating is mandatory. Approved manufacturer Shakti Hormann or approved equivalent.
Door frame shall be double rebate profile of size 143 x 57 mm made out of 1.60mm (16gauge) minimum thick galvanized steel sheet. Frames shall be Mitered and field assembled with self tabs. All provision should be mortised, drilled and tapped for receiving appropriate hardware. Rubber door silencers should be provided on the striking jamb. Frames should be provided with back plate bracket and anchor fasteners for installation on a finished plastered masonry wall opening. Once frame installed should be grouted with cement & sand slurry necessary for fire doors on the clear masonry opening. Door leaf shall be 46mm thick fully flush double skin door with or without vision lite. Door leaf shall be manufactured from 1.2mm (18guage) minimum thick galvanised steel sheet. The internal construction of the door should be rigid reinforcement pads for receiving appropriate hardware. The infill material shall be resin bonded honeycomb core. All doors shall be factory prepped for receiving appropriate hardware and provided with necessary reinforcement for hinges, locks, and door closers.
CDG is a leading Organization in India.
Steel Plate Doors
a).The door shall be of steel plate not less than 6 mm thick, with stiles and rails ( and muntins where necessary on each face of the plate not less than 100 mm in width and 6 mm thick, riveted together with rivets not less than 8 mm in diameter or welded in accordance with IS : 823-1964^ and spaced not more than 150 mm apart, dividing the door into panels not exceeding 08 m^ each. Except as provided in, the stiles and top and bottom rails shall be set close up to the edge all round the door on both faces making the door not less than 18 mm thick continuously along each edge
b) steel plate not less than 6 mm thick, stiffened all round one face at the edges with T-bai- not less than ISN'FSO and further divided into panels not exceeding 0"8 ni- each b T-bar of similar section, all riveted or welded as specified.
Hinged Type Doors
Sliding Type Doors
The door shall be in one leaf.
The door shall be hung from the top by supporting wheels fitted in steel hangers of substantial design, extending at least 400 mm down the door inless designed with a double strap, in which case the need not extend more than 300 mm. Hangers shall be riveted to the door, If the door exceeds ]-5 m in width, not less than three hangers each with a wheel shall be fitted. Supporting wheels and pins shall l)e of steel. It is necessary that wheels of low fiiction type shall be used.
The rail upon which the supporting wheels riui shall be a flat bar of steel at least 75 X 16 mm in section; or a rolled steel T-bar at least 75 X 50 X 12 mm in section; ar an angle at least 65 X 65 X 12 in section on which a steel runner bar 16 X 16 mm in section fixed by rivets at 225 mm centres to carry grooved supporting wheels.
A frame of steel not less than 6 mm thick at any point for fitting into the opening with bolts or keys not more than 750 mm apart, with at least three on each vertical side, shall be provided.
Along the top, the bottom and the side into which the front vertical edge of the door closes, the frame shall be of channel bar at least 35 mm deep, and the door shall house into the frame to this depth.
CDG provides social compliance audit services in India.
A social compliance audit is a method of assessing, measuring, comprehending, and reporting on a companys social and ethical performance. It is a continuous process in which businesses strive to safeguard their employees health, rights, and safety, wages, supply chain, distribution chain, freedom from discrimination based on gender, etc. It also includes issues such as community and environmental concerns, as well as emergency preparation and social responsibility perspectives.
The goal of social compliance auditing is to improve working conditions by allowing companies to certify that they follow social compliance guidelines. It is mostly used by merchants, manufacturers, or brands. Brands may use auditing to keep a close watch on their supply chains social practices.
Your reputation is vital in a global marketplace as any evidence of mishandling, or ethical violation will adversely impact consumer trust and ultimately, profit margins. We at CDG, as independent auditors frequently conduct audits of external facilities, such as production houses, factories, farms, and packing houses.
Why is it important?
Why CDG?
Our highly trained auditors perform thorough social compliance audits that are specifically customized to your needs. By being impartial, the auditor collects data and proof that they provide to the facility and the customer, i.e., the brand. Instead of seeing noncompliance as a problem or an issue, the auditor sees these facts as possibilities. Strong interpersonal and communication abilities are demonstrated. They communicate with both labor and management, which are two very distinct levels. They demonstrate adaptability and a thorough understanding of the workplace.
CDG provides social compliance audit services in India.CDG is a leading Organization in India.
CDG is an ISO 17020 Accredited Inspection Agency and ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory.
What is a social compliance audit?
A social compliance audit, also known as an ethical audit, is an inspection of an external production house, factory, farm, or packaging facility to verify whether the operation complies with social and ethical responsibilities, health and safety regulations, and labor laws.
Social compliance is a continuing process in which organizations endeavor to protect the health, safety, and rights of their employees, the community and environment in which they operate, and the lives and communities of workers in their supply and distribution chains.
A social audit is a formal review of a company's endeavors, procedures, and code of conduct regarding social responsibility and the company's impact on society. A social audit is an assessment of how well the company is achieving its goals or benchmarks for social responsibility
Objectives of Social Audit
Like any other audit, social audit is expected to achieve some objectives. These objectives can be stated as under:
To determine the extent to which the management of an enterprise is aware about its social responsibility.
To identify and measure the periodic net social contribution of any enterprise. This net social contribution to be calculated by considering the costs and benefits available to the enterprise internally as well as the costs and benefits available externally to different sectors of the society.
To help determine whether an enterprises plans, strategies and practices which directly affect the resources and earnings are consistent with the social principles already in existence and accepted by the society.
To provide to the maximum extent all the relevant information about the enterprises objectives, ultimate goals, policies, programs, performances and contributions to the social goals.
Relevant information is that which should provide for a scheme of public accountability and public decision-making regarding capital choices and social resources allocation.
Advantages of Social Audit
Following are the main advantages of Social Audit.
Social audit is based on the principle that democratic local governance should be carried out, as far as possible, with the consent and understanding of all concerned. It is thus a process and not an event.
CDG is a renowned leader in audit and inspection services for a wide range of industries in India and throughout the world. CDG Inspections offers a variety of high-quality supply chain technologies and solutions, including social compliance audits. With over 15 years of experience in quality control, we understand the importance of clear data in helping businesses to make educated decisions.
EN 14073-2:2004 Testing Service for Office Storage Furniture by CDG Inspection Limited
Ensuring the quality and safety of office storage furniture is essential for maintaining a functional and efficient workspace. CDG Inspection Limited offers expert testing services to ensure compliance with EN 14073-2:2004, which specifies the requirements for office storage furniture used in professional environments.
Key Aspects of EN 14073-2:2004 TestingDurability Testing: We assess the durability of office storage furniture by simulating regular use conditions. This includes evaluating the wear and tear of components such as drawers, shelves, and doors to ensure they withstand daily use without failure.
Load Capacity Evaluation: Our tests determine the load-bearing capacity of storage units. We simulate various load conditions to ensure that the furniture can safely support office materials, documents, and equipment without compromising stability or safety.
Safety and Stability Assessment: We evaluate the stability of office storage furniture to ensure it does not tip over or collapse under normal use. This includes testing anti-tip mechanisms and overall stability to prevent accidents and enhance user safety.
Functional Performance Testing: Testing includes evaluating the functionality of storage units, such as drawer smoothness, shelf adjustability, and ease of access. We ensure that the furniture meets ergonomic and practical requirements for office use.
Material Performance Analysis: We assess the performance of materials used in office storage furniture, including wood, metal, and composite materials. This includes testing for resistance to impact, abrasion, and other factors to ensure durability and safety.
Compliance Verification: We ensure that the office storage furniture adheres to all relevant sections of EN 14073-2:2004. This involves verifying that the design, construction, and materials meet the prescribed standards for office storage solutions.
Documentation and Reporting: We provide detailed reports on the test results, including compliance status and any identified issues. This documentation is essential for regulatory compliance and for ensuring that the furniture meets the highest quality and safety standards.
Benefits of EN 14073-2:2004 ComplianceEnhanced Durability: Compliance ensures that office storage furniture meets rigorous durability standards, reducing the risk of wear and tear and extending the lifespan of the furniture.
Improved Safety: Testing verifies that furniture is stable and safe for use, minimizing the risk of accidents and ensuring a secure working environment.
Operational Efficiency: Properly tested storage units enhance the organization and efficiency of office spaces, allowing for better management of materials and equipment.
Regulatory Compliance: Adhering to EN 14073-2:2004 facilitates compliance with
Market Access: Meeting these standards is crucial for accessing various markets and meeting the requirements of businesses and institutions, particularly those with strict safety and quality regulations.
Competitive Advantage: Demonstrates a commitment to high quality and safety standards, offering a competitive edge by showcasing your dedication to producing reliable and efficient office storage solutions.
CDG Inspection Limited provides thorough testing for office storage furniture to ensure compliance with EN 14073-2:2004. Our expert team and advanced testing facilities deliver accurate, reliable results to help you meet the highest standards of durability, safety, and functionality.
Contact us today to schedule your EN 14073-2:2004 testing and ensure your office storage furniture meets essential quality and safety requirements!
CDG conduct Garment Inspection Services in Chandigarh, India. CDG is an accredited inspection services in India. Garment Inline Inspection: Sampling of both semi-finished and finished products to assure the quality of the entire production batch, Works with the factory on developing and implementing corrective action plans based on inspection findings, Provides housekeeping, social compliance and safety visual checks.
CDG ensures your specifications are clearly and concisely outlined to your supplier and inspector to provide you with the most accurate inspection report. No matter your product, we will make sure you have the right team for the job. Bulk textile products are evaluated based on the industry-standard 4 point system that assigns penalty points to each defect found within predetermined segments of the fabric. And garments are always measured for conformance to predetermined tolerances for dimensions.
The textile and apparel supply chain often putsretailers and brandsthousands of miles away from their production sites, making inspection an important part of the manufacturing process to assure quality. From raw materials to finished goods, Interteks textile and apparel inspection services can identify defects and non-compliance during different stages of the production process.
CDG Inspection offers Pre-production, During Production Inspection or Garment Inline Inspection services, and Before Delivery Inspection to assesstextile and apparelproducts pre-shipment in order to evaluate your products both pre-, during and post-production. Pre-production Inspection: Incoming quality control Raw materials check During Production Inspection: Sampling of finished products Identify problems found in the inspection report Acknowledgement by factory of inspection findings Garment Inline Inspection: Sampling of both semi-finished and finished products to assure the quality of the entire production batch Works with the factory on developing and implementing corrective action plans based on inspection findings Provides housekeeping, social compliance and safety visual checks Before delivery: Final random inspection 100% inspection of all finished goods Loading supervision.
As per the term inspection may be conducted only final stage that is prior to garment shipping. Or it may extend to initial production inspection, in-process inspection, pre-shipment inspection. To avail inspection services, you have to contact buyer nominated inspection service providers. Our experienced and professional inspectors are available for your QC needs throughout Asia. With much of garment and textile production moving outside China to lower cost alternatives throughout Asia, CDG will be with you every step of the way.
CIL's comprehensive textile and apparel inspection services help assure you deliver the highest-quality products to market with speed and precision.
For more Information contact us and we will provide you the best services in India
CDG provides Garment Inspection Services in Chandigarh. CDG is an ISO 17020 Accredited Inspection and ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Agency in India.
Visit: http://cdginspection.com
Garment Inspection Services
CDG Garment Inspection Services
Have you got a new garment or clothing line waiting for release? Are you looking to give your customers the confidence to buy with proven quality assurance? Our technical inspection and product testing experts, with over 15 years of experience in the industry, are ready and waiting to give your garment its professional seal of approval.
Why is Garment Inspection important?
The consumer market for apparel in the modern day is unthinkably huge and as a consumer, you are looking for the highest quality, best value for money garments. It is also important to be able to trace the journey of the garment, from raw materials to finished product, making sure the process is ethical and in line with any relevant regulations. With the rise in popularity of review & recommendation sites, your products are under much more intense scrutiny than ever before. A high-quality product will sell itself in good reviews. That’s why quality assuring your product with a thorough and professional garment inspection is more important than ever before.
What is Checked During Inspection?
At CDG, we have services for every stage of your apparel supply chain, from source to display. Our client-focused approach gives you full control over which tests are carried out on your products. If you’re not sure what would be best for your product, we have over 1000 off-the-shelf garment inspection checklists that can be tailored specifically to your product by one of our experts. Using our expertise in Softline testing, we verify the safety and quality of your apparel products. Our inspections include and go way beyond: color fastness checks (a material’s resistance to fading or running), fastener fatigue and zip longevity tests, waterproofing tests (for applicable garments), and adhesive checks (for garments with logos and/or printing).
What do you get?
Upon successful completion of the inspections, you are provided with a detailed report of your test results and we provide our professional opinion on the quality of your product. This report is provided to you as both a soft copy and a hard copy. Further to this, you can add our CDG-Approved badge to your eCommerce product page in order to give your customers reassurance and the confidence to delve deeper into your product.
So, how do you get started?
To get your product on the path to quality assurance, you can call us, request a callback, or send us an email. What we need from you is an explanation, in as much detail as possible, of your product and the testing and inspection services that you are interested in. With this, one of our team will contact you to discuss your requirements further and they will then provide you with a quote. Once we reach an agreement that suits you, you can rest assured that your product inspection is being handled by true experts in the field who love what they do and are focused on giving you and your customers confidence, assurance, and satisfaction.
Complex supply chains must be handled in such a way that risks are minimized, costs and delays are reduced, safety and quality are improved, and compliance with local and international standards is ensured. Quality vendor inspection services are required because of all of these factors.
CDG Inspection Ltd in Gurgaon, Haryana, offers a comprehensive solution that addresses all aspects of supply chain operations. Our global network of knowledgeable experts is perfectly placed to serve the world's largest industrial suppliers.
Vendor Inspection Services
1. Early Cost Estimate
The estimated cost of an inspection will be provided before the source or vendor inspection commences, based on the purchase order, equipment specifications, and fabrication schedule.
2. Order Review
Specifications are reviewed and if required any clarifications are made with the Client. The extent of inspection required is established, e.g. final, partial or complete. Cost savings can be considered by the determination of what should and should not be inspected. In some cases, no inspection may be recommended; in others, past experience with the vendor or commodity may indicate a need to vary standard inspection procedures.
3. Assignment / Cost Estimate
When an assignment order is received, individual inspectors with appropriate technical capability and experience are identified and the estimated overall costs are established.
4. Vendor Engagement
Pre-inspection Meetings, Before work begins, it is important for all parties to have a clear understanding that the vendor is responsible for quality control and to describe the role that the CDG Inspector will play, and what specifications & procedures will be followed. This may vary from a telephone discussion to a pre-inspection meeting attended by representatives from the Client, CDG, the engineering contractor, and other involved parties.
Source Inspection Visits, Inspection is carried out during visits to the vendor’s premises to monitor QC activities, witness specified tests, etc. Visits will be arranged so as not to interfere with production schedules.
5. Cost Control
A very important element of the process is cost control. CDG will ensure that the magnitude of the inspection effort and the cost are consistent with the order requirements and the cost estimate. Periodic status reports on inspection costs can be provided to the Client if requested.
6. Release Notice / Rejection Notices
Each inspection visit will usually result in either a Release Notice – indicating satisfaction so far or a Rejection Notice – indicating dissatisfaction. On progressive inspections a Release Notice releases everything fabricated up to that stage. After the final inspection, the order is released.
7. Final Report
Following shipment of the items involved, a report detailing the inspection and giving results of any specified tests or quality variations is issued. Copies of test data will be attached.
8. Inspection Reporting
At the Client’s request, CDG will provide order inspection reporting in addition to inspection. An inspection report summarizes the actual status of engineering and drawings, material availability, fabrication, and the current promised completion date.
9. Inspection Invoice Verification and Payment
CDG invoices are verified with respect to hours charged and level of expenses. The Client will receive an invoice once a month which considerably simplifies the process. Invoicing details can be adjusted to meet the Client’s needs.
CDG Inspection Limited is an independent certification body. CDG is one of the fastest growing international certification bodies consisting of highly experienced professionals offering the latest in systems certification and promoting quality concepts. This issue guarantees a professional level of work and approach. CDG certification Limited is expanding its operations worldwide very fast. CDG certification has offices worldwide.
Container Loading Check (CLC) During a Container Loading Check, your inspector will select boxes at random to confirm each carton bears the quantity of product ordered, the quality matches the specifications and/or approved sample provided by you, and that all packaging material contains the correct barcodes, labeling, and packing materials. The entire container loading process is strictly supervised; ensuring all products paid for makes it on the truck. A CLC reduces the risk of damage during shipment.
For all inspections, CIL uses the standard internationally recognized ANSI/ASQ Z1.4-2003 (ISO 2859-1:1999) statistical sampling procedure. These comprehensive criteria cover functionality, performance, durability, overall appearance, and dimension. Inspection certificates are issued if stipulated in the letter of credit. Benefit from a Quality Loading Inspection The main benefit is getting your product safely to market without structural or regulatory hiccups. It is as if your eyes in the supply chain extend to all loading, transit, and customs concerns. Looking Ahead Beyond the obvious concerns for product safety, an additional benefit to container loading inspection is environmental protection. According to a U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) article, "A Floating Threat, " a more hidden, yet greater threat to the environment than oil spills, is the spread of invasive flora and fauna from country to country through container shipping. Customs inspections have become so sensitive to the implications of a potential crate infestation that the mere trace of an insect could cause your entire payload to be sent back at your expense. According to the article, some countries, such as New Zealand, "have enforced a state-of-the-art biosecurity and container hygiene system in its bid to keep invasive species out."
The ecologically sensitive country has created an economic incentive of fewer inspections upon arrival for companies who comply with their standards. As a result, "Container contamination rates were higher than 50 percent before this system was adopted a decade ago, and have since dropped by 90 percent." Through globalized commerce, a fuller environmental picture is emerging, and it is a picture that all importers and exporters will need to face if they want to help protect the planet and remain viable in their industries.
The CDG benefits
• Independent quality control performed by product experts to protect your business interests.
• Global coverage across 85 countries in Asia, Africa, Europe, and North and South America.
• Speed and flexibility with an inspector onsite within 48 hours; modify or cancel up to the day before the inspection.
• Same-day inspection reports tailored for your product.
• Online program management book inspections, make payments and download detailed reports.
• Custom quality dashboard to identify trends and make informed decisions in real-time.
Based in Gurgaon, Haryana, CDG Inspection Ltd is a supply chain audit services leader with a long history of offering end-to-end services that help businesses manage supply chain threats and protect their reputation. Collective justice, security, safety, the environment, and longevity are all significant concerns in the global supply chain, and Supply Chain Assurance solutions address them.
Our end-to-end risk assessment auditing, training, and technology solutions, which are driven by big data, look at the full value chain to give contextual information to a Corporate Responsibility Program, ability to make company choices, and build a culture of engaged suppliers who comprehend, share, and illustrate your brand.
As supply chains grow increasingly complicated in the modern world, it is vital that companies utilize supply chain audits to stay on top of the multitude of risks that sprout from various points. Organizations that use supply chain audits have the opportunity to boost customer service, reduce operating expenses by decreasing the purchasing cost, decrease production expenditure, increase profit, decrease fixed assets, and increase cash flow.
Companies can also verify through an unbiased party that certain levels of excellence are maintained throughout the entire supply chain using a supply chain audit. In the modern world, it is imperative that integrity and continuity are maintained for an organization to succeed.
Can you ensure that your products always have consistent quality, Is your shipment strictly in accordance with the customer's specifications, CDG will inspect your products, processes, service quality, and shipments to ensure that your products are of consistent quality and service standards?
At CDG, we view supply chain audits as an opportunity to uncover the areas of business development that are not up to standards and tackle them head-on. We not only aim to provide a comprehensive overview of supply chain management but identify key actions that will boost productivity and alignment. Well, help you identify the gaps in productivity and efficiency of suppliers.
Investing in a supply chain audit with CDG is an investment in a partnership for life. CDG has an international reputation as an independent and impartial technical service provider. We assess each project objectively and with absolute expertise so that you can base decisions on unfiltered information. Our experts have the multidisciplinary know-how to help you resolve complex challenges across international supply chains.
The benefits you get from supplier audits
Assurance that partners and suppliers share your high standards for quality and safety
Reliable audits designed and carried out by interdisciplinary experts
Easy, straightforward vetting of potential partners
Proven quality to earn customer and consumer trust
Our services include initial supplier audits and continuous monitoring. We provide you with the expertise you need in deciphering international, national, and local regulatory requirements. We are experienced and equipped to carry out audits in a variety of fields including,
Environmental health and safety
Data privacy and information security
Quality management systems
Supply Chain Audits according to the highest international standards and customer programs.
In the increasingly complex world of commerce, we from CDG see ourselves as reliable companions. We are an expert partner for auditing, evaluating, and certifying the behavior of suppliers in terms of these key factors for a successful company,
fair and safe working conditions
responsible business practices
ecological and economic sustainability
A non-US producer of medical devices or food items that wants to expand its services in the US market must first register with the US Food and Drug Administration. CDG Inspection Ltd is a top US FDA registration services provider that assures correct paperwork submission and allows clients to begin exporting their products at the appropriate moment from Gurgaon, Haryana.
US FDA Registration is mandatory for any company that manufactures, distributes, or imports food/medical products for human use. The registration process involves submitting detailed information about a company’s manufacturing facilities, quality control measures, labeling practices, recall procedures, and more. Being registered with the FDA also means that consumers know that they’re purchasing a safe product from an organization they trust.
In order to be able to sell a product in the United States, you need to register with the US Food and Drug Administration for US FDA Registration. This is a process that involves submitting an application and paying a fee. Every company that makes a product for sale in the USA is required by law to register with the FDA.
This assures that all items sold in the United States meet a set of quality criteria. FDA Registration benefits both consumers and companies. Those registered with the FDA are eligible for a variety of marketing advantages that might help them boost their overall business and exports to the USA as well as other countries.
The FDA regulates many products that are intended for human consumption, including food and medical devices. In addition to registering your product with them, you will also need to comply with all other applicable laws and regulations.
This includes following good manufacturing practices (GMPs), which are guidelines for how to manufacture products safely. When you register your product with the FDA, you’re confirming that it’s been tested and found to be safe for public use. You also have to include information about how to use the product, what results in you can expect from using it, and any possible side effects or risks.
The FDA registration procedure is a demanding task that demands patience and caution while entering and submitting facility information online. It’s critical to realize that customers are not simply seeking any firm; they want to be certain that the goods you are selling are reliable and secure. The FDA wants to be certain that you are able to produce items in a GMP facility and in an acceptable way with quality as a primary consideration.
The manufacturer’s information and the relevant person’s contact information must be submitted as the initial stage of the registration procedure. Additionally, you must disclose information on the manufacturing process, product specifications, product codes, regulatory numbers, and labeling information as necessary for the items.
Once the mandatory information’s submitted along with the DUNS number FDA will issue a Registration number. Cosmetics and Food Facility Registration are not published on the website whereas medical device and drug establishment registration details will be published on the FDA website. If they approve it, then congratulations! You can move on to the planning phase for exporting goods. Remember the exported goods must comply with FDA labeling regulations.
Step 1: Determine the product covered in the FDA Registration scope
The first step is to determine whether your product requires FDA registration. You can use the FDA’s Mobile Device Software Validation Tool to find out whether your software application or device is regulated by the FDA. Only healthcare products are covered by FDA.
Step 2: Appoint US Agent and Register the establishment / Facility
Step 3: Label Compliance and Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP)
EN 13759:2012 Testing Service for Operating Mechanisms in Seating & Sofa-Beds by CDG Inspection Limited
For seating and sofa-beds, the reliability and safety of operating mechanisms are critical. CDG Inspection Limited provides expert testing services to ensure compliance with EN 13759:2012, which outlines the safety and performance requirements for the operating mechanisms used in these products.
Core Aspects of EN 13759:2012 TestingMechanism Durability: We test the operating mechanisms for durability under normal and excessive use. This includes evaluating the mechanisms' resistance to wear and tear, ensuring they perform reliably over the products lifespan.
Load-Bearing Capacity: Our tests assess the mechanisms ability to handle the specified loads and stresses during operation. This includes evaluating how the mechanism performs under repeated use and varying loads.
Safety and Stability: We examine the mechanisms for safety features and stability. This involves checking for potential hazards such as pinch points, sharp edges, or instability during operation to ensure user safety.
Functional Performance: We test the ease of operation, including how smoothly and effectively the mechanisms transition between positions (e.g., from a sofa to a bed). Proper functionality is crucial for user satisfaction and safety.
Material and Construction: Our testing ensures that materials used in the mechanisms meet safety standards and are free from defects that could impact performance or safety. This includes evaluating the quality of the materials and construction techniques.
Compliance with Regulations: We verify that the mechanisms adhere to all relevant sections of EN 13759:2012, ensuring that they meet European safety and performance standards.
Benefits of EN 13759:2012 ComplianceEnhanced Safety: Ensures that operating mechanisms are safe for use, reducing the risk of accidents and injuries.
Reliability and Durability: Testing guarantees that mechanisms are robust and reliable, providing long-term performance under various conditions.
Market Access: Compliance with EN 13759:2012 facilitates entry into European markets and meets regulatory requirements.
Consumer Confidence: Certification builds trust with consumers, assuring them of the products safety and quality.
Competitive Advantage: Demonstrates a commitment to high standards of safety and performance, giving you a competitive edge in the market.
CDG Inspection Limited offers comprehensive testing for operating mechanisms in seating and sofa-beds to ensure compliance with EN 13759:2012. Our advanced testing facilities and experienced team deliver accurate and reliable results.
Contact us today to schedule your EN 13759:2012 testing and ensure your products meet the highest standards of safety and performance!
ASTM F1561-96 (Plastic Chairs for Outdoor Use) Testing Service by CDG Inspection LimitedPlastic outdoor chairs must withstand various environmental and physical stresses, making durability, safety, and compliance with standards crucial. CDG Inspection Limited offers specialized testing services to ensure that your plastic chairs meet the ASTM F1561-96 standard, which focuses on structural integrity, weather resistance, and overall durability.Key Aspects of ASTM F1561-96 TestingMaterial Testing: We assess the type and grade of plastic to verify its resistance to UV radiation, moisture, and temperature variations, ensuring its suited for outdoor use.Load-Bearing Capacity: Our tests evaluate the chair's strength through static and dynamic load assessments to guarantee that it can support the intended weight safely and reliably.Weather Resistance: We simulate real-world outdoor conditions to test resistance to sunlight, rain, and temperature extremes, ensuring long-lasting performance.Ergonomics and Comfort: Testing the design for proper seat angles, back support, and overall comfort ensures the chair offers a user-friendly experience.Durability of Metal Components: We test any metal parts, such as screws or joints, for corrosion resistance to ensure the chair's longevity in outdoor environments.Benefits of ASTM F1561-96 Compliance Enhanced Safety: Ensures structural integrity and reduces the risk of product failure.Market Access: Compliance with international standards allows easier entry into global markets.Consumer Confidence: ASTM certification builds trust, enhancing brand reputation.CDG Inspection Limited is committed to providing accurate, reliable testing services with fast turnaround times, helping you ensure your plastic outdoor chairs meet the highest standards.Contact us today to schedule your ASTM F1561-96 testing!
EN 581-1:2017 Testing Service for Seating and Tables for Camping by CDG Inspection Limited
Camping furniture, including seating and tables, must be durable, stable, and safe to withstand outdoor conditions. CDG Inspection Limited offers expert testing services to ensure that your camping furniture complies with EN 581-1:2017, which specifies safety and performance requirements for seating and tables used in camping.
Key Aspects of EN 581-1:2017 TestingStructural Strength: We assess the overall strength and stability of camping furniture, including chairs and tables. Testing involves evaluating the framework, joints, and connections to ensure they can support the intended load without risk of collapse.
Load-Bearing Capacity: Our tests determine the maximum weight the furniture can handle safely. This includes evaluating both static and dynamic loads to ensure the furniture remains stable and functional under typical use conditions.
Durability Testing: We simulate various environmental conditions to test the furnitures resistance to wear and tear. This includes exposure to weather elements like moisture, UV rays, and temperature fluctuations to ensure longevity.
Safety Features: We examine safety aspects such as sharp edges, stability during use, and any potential hazards. Ensuring there are no pinch points or other dangers is crucial for user safety.
Material Quality: Testing includes checking the materials used for durability and safety. We assess the quality of the fabric, frame, and other components to ensure they meet the required standards and are free from harmful substances.
Functionality: We evaluate the ease of use and functionality of features such as folding mechanisms, adjustable components, and locking systems. Ensuring these mechanisms work smoothly is vital for user convenience and safety.
Benefits of EN 581-1:2017 ComplianceEnhanced Safety: Compliance ensures that camping furniture meets rigorous safety standards, reducing the risk of accidents and providing peace of mind for users.
Durability and Longevity: Testing confirms that the furniture can withstand outdoor conditions and regular use, ensuring it remains functional and safe over time.
Consumer Assurance: Certification provides customers with confidence in the products safety and quality, enhancing brand trust and satisfaction.
Regulatory Compliance: Meeting EN 581-1:2017 facilitates compliance with European regulations, helping manufacturers meet market requirements and gain access to international markets.
Competitive Edge: Demonstrates a commitment to high safety and performance standards, setting your products apart in the competitive outdoor furniture market.
CDG Inspection Limited offers thorough testing for camping seating and tables to ensure compliance with EN 581-1:2017. Our advanced testing facilities and expert team provide accurate, reliable results.
Contact us today to schedule your EN 581-1:2017 testing and ensure your camping furniture meets the highest standards of safety and performance!
EN 14727:2005 Testing Service for Laboratory Storage Units by CDG Inspection Limited
Ensuring the safety and functionality of storage units used in laboratories is crucial for maintaining a secure and efficient working environment. CDG Inspection Limited offers expert testing services to ensure compliance with EN 14727:2005, which specifies the requirements for storage units intended for laboratory use.
Key Aspects of EN 14727:2005 TestingSafety and Stability Testing: We evaluate the structural stability and safety of laboratory storage units. This includes assessing the ability of shelves, cabinets, and other units to support various loads without compromising stability or safety.
Material Performance Evaluation: Our tests assess the performance of materials used in storage units, such as metal, wood, and composite materials. We ensure that these materials meet durability and safety standards suitable for laboratory environments.
Load Capacity Testing: We determine the load capacity of storage units to ensure they can safely hold laboratory equipment, chemicals, and other materials. This involves simulating various load conditions to verify that the units maintain their structural integrity.
Functionality and Ergonomics: Testing includes evaluating the functionality of storage units, including ease of access, drawer mechanisms, and shelf adjustments. We ensure that the units are designed for practical use in a laboratory setting and enhance operational efficiency.
Compliance Verification: We ensure that the storage units adhere to all relevant sections of EN 14727:2005. This involves verifying that the design, construction, and materials meet the prescribed standards for laboratory storage.
Safety Features Analysis: Testing includes evaluating safety features such as locking mechanisms, anti-tip systems, and chemical resistance. We assess how these features contribute to the overall safety of the storage units in a laboratory environment.
Documentation and Reporting: We provide comprehensive reports on the test results, including compliance status and any identified issues. This documentation is essential for regulatory compliance and for ensuring that storage units meet the highest safety and functionality standards.
Benefits of EN 14727:2005 ComplianceEnhanced Safety: Compliance ensures that laboratory storage units meet rigorous safety standards, reducing the risk of accidents and ensuring safe handling of laboratory materials.
Operational Efficiency: Properly tested storage units enhance the organization and efficiency of laboratory operations, allowing for better management of equipment and materials.
Regulatory Compliance: Adhering to EN 14727:2005 facilitates compliance with European safety and quality regulations, helping manufacturers meet legal requirements and avoid potential issues.
Market Access: Meeting these standards is crucial for accessing various markets and meeting the requirements of institutions and laboratories, particularly those with strict safety regulations.
Competitive Advantage: Demonstrates a commitment to high safety and quality standards, offering a competitive edge by showcasing your dedication to producing reliable and safe laboratory storage solutions.
CDG Inspection Limited offers thorough testing for laboratory storage units to ensure compliance with EN 14727:2005. Our expert team and advanced testing facilities deliver accurate, reliable results to help you meet the highest standards of safety and functionality.
Contact us today to schedule your EN 14727:2005 testing and ensure your laboratory storage units meet essential safety and performance requirements!
CDG is an approved BIFMA level certifier in India.CDG Certification Limited is an independent certification body. CDG is one of the fastest growing international certification body consisting of highly experienced professionals offering the latest in systems certification and promoting quality concepts. This issue guarantees professional level of work and approach. CDG certification Limited is expanding its operations worldwide very fast. CDG certification has its offices worldwide.
BIFMA LEVEL Certification
CDG Verification Services Inc is an accredited certification body for the Business and Institutional Furniture Manufacturers Associations (BIFMA) LEVEL certification, providing manufacturers with third-party certification of their sustainable products.
Differentiating through a BIFMA LEVEL certification
As an accredited certification body for the BIFMA LEVEL certification, we help business and institutional furniture manufacturers build trust in the marketplace.
LEVEL certification is a voluntary standard that establishes measurable criteria for multiple levels of achievement and performance at different stages of their sustainability journey. Manufacturers that achieve LEVEL certification demonstrate to the marketplace that their products, manufacturing facilities and company policies have met stringent third-party sustainability requirements.
Levels of BIFMA certification
LEVEL certification applicants can pursue credits in three categories: Environmental Impacts, Health and Wellness Impacts, and Social Impacts. Each category features prerequisites as well as credits related to products, manufacturing facilities and the organization as a whole.
Based on the points accumulated, manufacturers can earn one of three possible levels of certification:
1 32 to 48 total points; at least 5 of which are product-related points
2 49 to 68 total points; at least 16 of which are product-related points
3 69 to 111 total points; at least 26 of which are product-related points
LEVEL certification can only be granted by an approved certification body, such as CDG Verification Services Inc.
Benefits of BIFMA LEVEL certified products
Through our deep expertise in sustainable certification programs and eco-labels, in addition to our dedicated furniture industry team, we deliver exceptional customer service that provides a distinct advantage for customers. Once a manufacturer has achieved certification, they receive the LEVEL certification mark, which can be used to promote their certification to the marketplace. This mark is an invaluable marketing tool that reassures buyers of a companys credibility while serving as a key differentiator. LEVEL-certified products can also contribute to LEED credits through LEED Pilot Credit 80.
LEVEL up with CDG Solutions
CDG Verification Services Inc is an accredited certification body for LEVEL certification. We deliver exceptional customer service and provide a distinct advantage to our customers through our deep expertise in sustainable certification programs and eco-labels, and our dedicated furniture industry team.
CDG is an approved BIFMA level certifier in India.
CDG-Our sophisticated resources and competent team have enabled us to make a global presence. We are an ISO 17021:2011 accredited organization that has its name recognized in India, Asia, Middle East and Asia Pacific. Our strengths lie in understanding the needs and requirements of our clients and utilizing our expertise and global resources to offer unparalleled services in the domain of Certification. We look forward to bring our quality and value-added services to clients all over the world.
BIFMA Business and Institutional Furniture Manufacturers Association established in 1973, is the not-for-profit trade association developed by a joint committee of BIFMA by Unison process described by AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD INSTITUTE (ANSI). BIFMA Certification is a voluntary standard for business and institutional furniture manufacturers to administer and develop the furniture industry. It is generally engaged to lead, design, develop, advocate, advise and create models for the office and institutional furniture industry. The dependable and durability of office furniture keep offices running. BIFMA Certification addresses many things like Safety, Sustainability and social responsibility, Durability and strength, Recyclability and recycled content, Chemical content and emissions, Reliability, Overall quality, Flammability, and electrical components, Material, and energy efficiency, environmentally conscious design, Waste and water management.
Benefits for BIFMA Certification
BIFMA Certification benefits to an organization besides safety, such as:
A high-quality and carefully tested furniture
Ensures the durability and dependability of the product for many years
Promote a healthy work environment
Increases productivity
Decreases work-related injuries
An ongoing improvement in your organization
Carries a warranty of 5 years
Mandates continuous monitoring
Cheap rate with best services
Internationally approved
Requirements of BIFMA Certification
Tested industries furniture needs to meet certain minimum requirements to comply with BIFMA Certification.
One set of standards has been created by the Business and Institutional Furniture Manufacturers Association (BIFMA). This international organization has been around since 1973, and it represents furniture manufacturers from around the world. BIFMA creates and oversees a variety of standards for furniture safety and quality.
BIFMA stands for Business and Institutional Furniture Manufacturers Association. BIFMA certification referred to as BFM is to provide office furniture, file cabinets, couches, tables, screens and other office furniture to provide testing services. Furniture from all other countries in the world to enter the United States market, must first obtain the international standard certification issued by BIFMA. Therefore, BIFMA plays an important role in the foreign trade exchanges of the international furniture industry.
Purpose for assessing Products according to BIFMA Standard
We are offering an exclusive collection ofContainer Loading Supervision Serviceto our valuable clients. These supervision services are offered with following the set industry guidelines. In addition to this, these supervision services are admired for their pocket-friendly prices and timely execution.Container Loading Supervisionprovides reassurance that your finished goods are handled correctly when loaded into containers to ensuresafe transportationand delivery to their final destination in a satisfactory condition. Sometimes referred to asContainer Loading Inspection, this service usually takes place at the factory or your forwarder's premises and occurs after a pre-shipment inspection (PSI). CDGInspectorsexamine a range of important criteria to ensure accurate quantities of your products are loaded and handled correctly to protect your goods during shipment. We also verify the container is properly sealed and the documentation for customs inspection is available. Container Loading Supervision (LS) checks that your order is both complete and securely loaded into its container before shipment. This inspection ensures that the goods delivered by the factory are compliant with your requirements in terms of quantity, assortment, and packaging.
A container loading inspection also ensures that the export cartons are securely loaded into the container, and that the container is in good condition (clean, dry, damage and odor free). Container loading is a critical step in the delivery of your goods. Even a good quality product if it is loaded incorrectly can be poor quality or even unsalable when it arrives. You could also end up with another customers products, incorrect quantities, wet goods/gift boxes or a wide variety of other defects directly related to poor loading conditions. Veritell takes steps to make sure that you receive GOOD quality products and that they are in the same condition that they were when loading began. It always happens in the suppliers warehouse or the forwarders warehouse, During the loading supervision, our inspector not only to supervise the loading of the correct products and correct quantity, but also to inspect the correct packaging and the quality of goods. and thats why lots of logistics company work with us for a long-term relationship.
We provide following services :
The CDG benefits
Independent quality control performed by product experts to protect your business interests.
Global coverage across 85 countries in Asia, Africa, Europe, and North and South America.
Speed and flexibility with an inspector onsite within 48 hours; modify or cancel up to the day before the inspection.
Same-day inspection reports tailored for your product.
Online program management book inspections, make payments and download detailed reports.
Custom quality dashboard to identify trends and make informed decisions in real-time.
CDG is an approved BIFMA level certifier in India.
BIFMA e3 LEVEL Certification
Gain a competitive edge in the furniture market by demonstrating commitment to the environment, quality, performance, and product claims with BIFMA e3 LEVEL testing and certification.
Most buyers demand that goods be manufactured to meet requirements for quality. Today, many are also insisting that manufacturing processes are Safe, Clean and Environmentally friendly (Sustainable). CDG is a global leader in sustainability services and certifications. We offer environmental testing, inspection and certification in nearly all industries and countries around the globe.
Increasing our level of commitment to the environment, CDG provides commercial furniture manufacturers certification to the BIFMA e3 Furniture Sustainable Standard for LEVEL certification. This certification is a multi-attributed, multi-faceted approach to sustainable manufacturing for the furniture industry. Based on the BIFMA e3-Furniture Sustainability Standard, LEVEL is a third-party certification program that provides manufacturers with valuable feedback for evaluating the environmental, human, and social impacts of their furniture products for manufacturing, facility, and organization. For more information or to comment on the standard, visit bifma.org.
Under the LEVEL certification program, CDG will evaluate products and processes based on four performance criteria:
Use of Energy
Atmosphere and Ecosystem Health
Social Responsibility
Similar to the U.S. Green Building Councils LEED program, LEVEL certification requires specific prerequisites for compliance and a minimum number of points based upon the certification LEVEL attempting. For points to obtain LEVEL one, two or three certifications, manufacturers may choose from those credits they want to attempt. The independent third-party certification from CDG can demonstrate LEVEL certification, with compliance to the BIFMA e3 standard and allow manufacturers to achieve the LEVEL mark.
Participation in the LEVEL certification program provides a pathway for furniture manufacturer to achieve greater sustainability attributes, not only for individual products, but throughout the entire supply chain. Manufacturers who receive the LEVEL certification mark are verifying that their policies and guidelines of the facility, furniture products and processes, and suppliers of materials and components are meeting the stringent requirements for LEVEL certification by BIFMA e3 standard conformance.
Gain a Competitive Edge in the Market
Increase your product acceptance by promoting your level of commitment to the environment.
Certification provides independent verification of quality, performance and product claims.
Validate and support the credibility of your sustainable claims with third-party certification.
What is the validity of the BIFMA Certification?
The validity of the BIMFA Certification is for 3 years with yearly surveillance and re-certification after the expiry of the certificate.
CDG is an approved BIFMA level certifier in India.
BIFMA Certification & Testing
BIFMA - Business and Institutional Furnitures Manufacturers Association is an organization which develops standards for institutional / office Furnitures. BIFMA was founded in 1973. BIFMA's standards are recognized worldwide & these standards has been accepted & implemented by most of furniture giants. Now BIFMA certification is accepted as parameter of furniture quality & safety worldwide. CDG is one of few organizations worldwide which provide BIFMA testing & compliance services for different ANSI/BIFMA standards. If you are willing to know more about BIFMA standard & it's applicability on your product, you can contact us. CDG is a pioneer BIFMA certification company worldwide
BIFMA Level Certification
The Business Furniture Manufacturers Association (BIFMA) Level is a Third-Party Certification Program and Multi-Attribute Sustainability Standard for the Commercial Furniture Industry. BIFMA created a level to provide a transparent and comprehensive method of assessing and reporting on the effects that furniture products have on the built environment's environmental and social sustainability. A product's sustainability is discussed from many different angles, including the company's social impact, energy consumption, material choice, human and ecosystem health, and many others.
When it comes to commercial and institutional furniture, BIFMA is the organization to turn to. Sponsoring the creation and refinement of current and future standards, educating on their necessity and use, and translating their essential complexity into more readily understood and executed formats are all things that BIFMA has been doing since 1973. Furthermore, BIFMA keeps an eye on the market, facilitate communication between members, network with their international counterparts, and lobby for policies that improve the economy and encourage new ideas and developments in the sector.
The engineering and materials standards that support the industry's ability to serve its customers by providing healthy, comfortable, and productive workplaces are essential. These guidelines represent the state-of-the-art in terms of safety, ergonomics, and sustainability; they are based on centuries of practice and are constantly refined by new scientific discoveries.
BIFMA finances the creation and improvement of standards, spreads awareness about them and how they can be used, and it simplifies the requisite complexity of these standards so that they can be more widely used. Every stage of an office chair's life cycle is an opportunity to spread our message of environmental responsibility. As a means of promoting value and innovation, we connect with regulators, consumers, and international partners while also providing educational and statistical tools to the public and our members.
Benefits for BIFMA Certification
BIFMA Certification benefits to an organization besides safety, such as:
EN 15372:2016 Testing for Non-Domestic Tables by CDG Inspection Limited
At CDG Inspection Limited, we specialize in ensuring that non-domestic tables meet the highest standards of quality and safety. Our testing services for EN 15372:2016 are designed to verify that tables used in commercial and public environments meet rigorous requirements for durability, stability, and performance.
Understanding EN 15372:2016EN 15372:2016 specifies the performance requirements for non-domestic tables, including those used in office spaces, restaurants, and other public or commercial settings. The standard addresses critical factors such as strength, stability, and durability to ensure that the tables can withstand the demands of high-traffic environments.
Our Testing ApproachStrength and Durability Evaluation: We subject tables to a series of stress tests to assess their ability to endure typical usage and physical impact. This includes evaluating the strength of the tables frame, surfaces, and joints under various conditions.
Load Capacity Testing: Our testing verifies that tables can support the intended load without compromising stability or structural integrity. We simulate different loading scenarios to ensure that the tables perform reliably under practical use conditions.
Stability Assessment: We test the stability of tables to ensure they do not tip over or wobble during use. This includes assessing the balance and leg configuration to confirm that the table remains secure and stable in various settings.
Material Performance Testing: We evaluate the materials used in the construction of tables for their resistance to wear, impact, and environmental factors. This includes testing finishes, coatings, and structural materials to ensure long-lasting performance.
Safety and Usability Checks: We assess safety features to prevent accidents and ensure user comfort. This includes checking for sharp edges, potential hazards, and ensuring that all components function smoothly.
Compliance Verification: We ensure that the tables meet all relevant criteria of EN 15372:2016. Our detailed reports document compliance, highlight any deviations from the standard, and provide recommendations for improvements.
Benefits of EN 15372:2016 ComplianceIncreased Durability: Tables that meet EN 15372:2016 standards are built to last, handling the wear and tear of busy commercial environments effectively.
Enhanced Safety: Compliance ensures that tables are stable and safe, reducing the risk of accidents and providing a secure environment for users.
Operational Efficiency: Properly tested tables enhance functionality and user experience, contributing to the efficient operation of commercial and public spaces.
Regulatory Assurance: Meeting EN 15372:2016 standards facilitates compliance with European regulations, ensuring that your furniture meets required safety and quality benchmarks.
Market Readiness: Compliance helps in meeting the expectations of various markets and customers who demand high-quality, reliable furniture for commercial use.
Competitive Edge: Demonstrating adherence to stringent standards showcases your commitment to quality and reliability, giving you an edge in the competitive market of non-domestic furniture.
CDG Inspection Limited provides thorough testing for non-domestic tables to ensure they meet the EN 15372:2016 standard. Our expert team and advanced testing facilities deliver accurate, reliable results to help you achieve the highest levels of durability, safety, and performance.
Contact us today to schedule your EN 15372:2016 testing and ensure your non-domestic tables meet essential quality and safety standards!