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  1. Fire Safety Audit Services 41 Services available
  2. Pre-Shipment Inspection 40 Services available
  3. BIFMA Testing Services 34 Services available
  4. C-TPAT Audit Services 30 Services available
  5. Ingress Protection (IP) Testing 30 Services available
  6. Electrical Safety Audit Services 29 Services available
  7. Factory Compliance Audit Services 24 Services available
  8. Material Testing Labs & Services 21 Services available
  9. Inspection Services 18 Services available
  10. Green Audit Services 18 Services available
  11. Others Products / Services 102 Products / Services available

Green Audit Services

CIL provides green audit services in India. CIL is an ISO 17020 accredited inspection body.

Green Audit Services In Delhi

25,000 - 35,000 /piece Get Latest Price
  • ISO 17020 Accredited Inspection Agency ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory

CIL provides Green Audit Services in Delhi, India. CIL is an ISO 17020 accredited inspection body.CIL conduct green audit in India. CIL is an accredited certification services in India. Green audits are internal evaluations by companies and government agencies, to verify their compliance with legal requirements as well as their own internal policies and standards. They are conducted by companies, government agencies and others on a voluntary basis, and are carried out by either outside consultants or employees of the company or facility from outside the work unit being audited. Audits can identify compliance problems, weaknesses in management systems, or areas of risk. The findings are documented in a written report. There are two main types of green audit that auditors can conduct. One is a compliance audit in cases where a business is meeting internal and external green guidelines and legislation. The other is a management performance audit which measures if a business is meeting the criteria for management systems. Audit criteria might include types of compliance requirements, such as regulations or management practices, which work to benefit the environment. Audits provide information about the organizations operational status compared to managements expectations of environmental performance. In other words, if management expects the organization to comply with the regulations, then an audit provides information as to whether or not compliance has actually been achieved. If the organization has not achieved compliance, the environmental audit process will also reveal what specific measures are required to address this shortcoming. One way to think of audits is as diagnostic exams or operational tune-ups.

The 5 Stages of green Audit The steps of green audit

Step 1: Schedule the Audit

The process of an green audit starts with an organizations Environmental Management Representative (EMR) scheduling audits at an appropriate risk-based frequency. Green managers can determine how frequently the audit should be performed through consultation with relevant Government Agencies and/or a review of specific project requirements. When scheduling the audit, EMRs should coordinate the timing to minimize disruptions to project operations. They also need to record the audit in each Environmental Management Plan (EMP) using the appropriate template from their Environmental Management Systems (EMS) manual.

Step 2: Plan the Audit

The next step in the green audit is for the EMR to establish and document the Area/Contractor to be audited, the reason and scope of the audit, and the contact names for the Area/Contractor. The EMR must also appoint and notify a qualified Lead Auditor or audit member if required. If warranted, the EMR can appoint themselves as the Lead Auditor.

Step 3: Conduct the Audit

All relevant personnel in the Audit Team should meet to discuss the scope of the audit, the proposed audit agenda, the audit objectives, any project personnel that need to be contacted or interviewed, and a tentative time to hold the exit meeting.

Step 4: Develop an Audit Report/Action Plan

The green audit team needs to prepare a report based on all the objective evidence that was collected during the audit. This report must be forwarded to the Contractor within 2 days of completion of the audit. The final report must be distributed to the Auditor, Contractor, Independent Reviewer and green Auditor, the State, and all other relevant personnel.

Step 5: Audit Follow-Up

The EMR will follow up on the closing out of any remaining contract items by the Contractor. It can be done separately and can even be done whenever the next relevant audit takes place, depending on how significant the finding is.

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Green Audit Services In Bengaluru(Bangalore)

25,000 - 35,000 /piece Get Latest Price
  • ISO 17020 Accredited Inspection Agency ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory

CIL provides Green Audit Services in Bengaluru(Bangalore), Karnataka, India. CIL is an ISO 17020 accredited inspection body.CIL conduct green audit in India. CIL is an accredited certification services in India. An environmental audit is a good way of measuring an organisations environmental impacts, and enables informed decisions to be made about managing those impacts


1. Pre-audit activities -These include selection of the expert team and development of a plan. The plan should include defining the scope of the work, selecting priority areas, laying down the procedure &allocating team resources. There are four key activities:

Submitting pre-visit questionnaire of the facility.

Reviewing relevant regulation.

Defining audit scope and team responsibilities

Reviewing audit check lists.

2. On-site activities- Meeting of the team with the appropriate with the appropriate personnel of the unit &with discussion of the objective. The 3 primary functions on site activities are:

Record &documentation review

Interview with staff

Physical inspection of the facilities.

3. Post-audit Activities: Development of raw material balance analysis for each process unit of the industry highlighting analysis for each process unit of the industry highlighting the proposed utilization of raw material and ideas regarding reuse can be thought of. Water, energy consumption, vegetation removal all the sensitive parts must be balanced. Evaluation of pollution audit, emission standard is carried out. a. Issue of draft report b. issue of final report Conducting follow up to the corrective action.

Advantages: -

Preparation of Environmental management plan.

Assessment of environmental input and risks.

Identifying areas of strength and weakness for improvements.

Evaluation of pollution control.

Verification of compliance with laws.

Assuring safety of plant, environment & human beings.

Enhancement of loss prevention, manpower development and marketing.

Budgeting for pollution control, waste prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse.

Providing an opportunity for management to give credit for good environmental performance.

As a whole environmental audit plays an important role in minimizing the environmental problem locally, regionally, nationally and internationally.

Green audit is carried out to provide an indication to company management about how the environmental Organization system and equipments are performing. As a result, the best practicable means can be applied to preserve air, water, soil, plant and animal life from the adverse effect. Some of the reasons why an organisation may wish to undertake green audit are

pressures from environmental legislation

environmental liabilities and insurance costs

investment and decisions to buy facilities

detailed investigation of specific issues

corporate image and marketing opportunities

concern about the environmental impact of the organisation generally

past environmental accidents

Audits enable the management of an organisation to see exactly what is happening within the organisation and to check the operation (or otherwise) of systems and procedures. Some green auditing programmes have been motivated by the occurrence of green problem or incident, that is, a reactive response; others have been established in response to a desire to anticipate and head off potential problems, that is, the organisation takes a proactive stance. The incentives for green auditing, and the objectives an organisation will have in undertaking such an audit, have diversified since the early days of green auditing. This diversification reflects the increasing awareness of green issues, which is present in society as a whole, and the realisation by organisations of the need to integrate these issues into all aspects of their activities.

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Green Audit Services In Jaipur

25,000 - 35,000 /piece Get Latest Price
  • ISO 17020 Accredited Inspection Agency ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory

CIL provides Green Audit Services in Jaipur, Rajasthan, India. CIL is an ISO 17020 accredited inspection body.CIL conduct green audit in India. CIL is an accredited certification services in India. Green auditing is a management tool which simply inspects the environmental management activities performed by the industries or organizations and makes them aware of new cleaner technology. For the impact of industries and their product on natural resources and environmental quality it is necessary to have Environmental Audit to ensure sustainable industrial developments. Objectives need and advantages are focused in this paper. Moreover, audit scheme, approach, characteristics, case studies in India are also enumerated. For more implementation and popularization of environmental audit in India are conducted to review existing management systems and internal controls. To gather appropriate information to provide a basis for evaluating the reliability of internal controls in achieving desired environmental results. Suggestive measures are also suggested for the improvement of companies and industries.

Objectives of Environmental Auditing

1. An environmental audit programme which is designed and implemented properly can enhance an industry s environmental performance.2. Monitoring the scale of optimum utilization of the resources and evaluating the company at national & international level.3. To suggest for using alternative energy for the conservation of energy resources.4. Evaluation of waste water quality and determination of waste water characteristics & their effects on the living system.5. Classification of the categories of solid waste hazardous waste their sources, quantities & characteristics.6. Introduction and implementation of time saving technologies in production.7. Maintains of Labour / Occupational health & medicine.8. Proper documentation of environmental compliance status.9. To help in minimizing the wastes through modern cleaner technologies.10. Regular environmental auditing once in a year will help in producing environmentally educated & technically sound personnel.

The purpose of the green audit is to provide an indication to the management of the improvements while environmental organization system & equipment are performing. To fulfil this purpose, it is essential that audits should be seen as the responsibility of the company. The audit work can be voluntary and for the advantage of the company. The audit work can be done systematically and efficiently by the help of environmental auditing programme. 5. It helps in the proper utilization of natural resources as a whole it improves environmental quality.


The principal areas covered are: a. Material Audit-It mainly concentrate on the use of different raw material or natural use of resources, costunit, process wise consumption, wastage etc. Conservation of raw material, scientific storage & reuse of wastage material are taken into consideration. b. Energy Audit- It examines consumption of various forms of energy in different processes in any industry or organization. The main of audit is minimization, elimination of avoidable losses of valuable energy & their conservation. c. Water Audit- Consumption of water at different sources is noted. It also concentrates on the reuse and recycling of water, evaluation of raw water intake, balancing of water table & other sources. d. Health and Safety Audit- Workers &employee are the basic need of industry. Health and safety of those is well considered in audit. Proper disposal of toxic and hazardous waste, fire prevention measures etc. should be evaluated.

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Green Audit Services In Kota

25,000 - 35,000 /piece Get Latest Price
  • ISO 17020 Accredited Inspection Agency ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory

CIL provides Green Audit Services in Kota, Rajasthan, India. CIL is an ISO 17020 accredited inspection body.CIL conduct green audit in India. CIL is an accredited certification services in India. The green audit practically involves energy conservation, use of renewable resources, rain water harvesting, efforts of carbon sequestration methods, planting trees, waste management including hazardous and e-waste. This requires data collection and efforts for clarification of environmental policies. Green auditing includes systematic identification, recording and analysis of components related to sustainable development of an educational institution to preserve for future generations. The process has three important stages such as pre audit stage, audit stage and post audit stage.

Scope and Goals of Green Auditing

A clean and healthy environment aids effective learning and provides a conducive learning environment. There are various efforts around the world to address environmental education issues. Green Audit is the most efficient and ecological way to manage environmental problems. It is a kind of professional care which is the responsibility of each individual who are the part of economical, financial, social and environmental processes. It is necessary to conduct green audit in college campus because students become aware of the green audit, its advantages to save the planet and they become good citizen of our country. Thus Green audit becomes necessary at the college level. It comes with a series of questions to be answered on a regular basis. This innovative scheme is user friendly and totally voluntary. The aim of this is to help the institution to set environmental examples for the community, and to educate the young learners.

Benefits of the Green Auditing

Empower the organizations to frame a better environmental performance

More efficient resource management

Benchmarking for environmental protection initiatives

To provide basis for improved sustainability

To create a green campus

To enable waste management through reduction of waste generation, solid- waste and water recycling

To create plastic free campus and evolve health consciousness among the stakeholders

Recognize the cost saving methods through waste minimizing and managing

Point out the prevailing and forthcoming complications

Authenticate conformity with the implemented laws

Enhance the alertness for environmental guidelines and duties

Impart environmental education through systematic environmental management approach and improving environmental standards

Financial savings through a reduction in resource use

Development of ownership, personal and social responsibility for the College and its environment

Enhancement of college profile

Developing an environmental ethic and value systems in youngsters.

Green auditing should become a valuable tool in the management and monitoring of environmental and sustainable development programs of the college.

Green audit forms part of a resource management process. Although they are individual events, the real value of green audits is the fact that they are carried out, at defined intervals, and their results can illustrate improvement or change over time. Eco-campus concept mainly focuses on the efficient use of energy and water minimize waste generation or pollution and also economic efficiency. All these indicators are assessed in process of Green Auditing of educational institute. Eco-campus focuses on the reduction of contribution to emissions, procure a cost effective and secure supply of energy, encourage and enhance energy use conservation, promotes personal action, reduce the institutes energy and water consumption, reduce wastes to landfill, and integrate environmental considerations into all contracts and services considered to have significant environmental impacts. Target areas included in this green auditing are water, energy, waste, green campus and carbon footprint.

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Green Audit Services In Hyderabad

25,000 - 35,000 /piece Get Latest Price
  • ISO 17020 Accredited Inspection Agency ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory

CIL provides Green Audit Services in Hyderabad, Telangana, India. CIL is an ISO 17020 accredited inspection body.CIL conduct green audit in India. CIL is an accredited certification services in India. Green audit is all about corporate responsibility. It uncovers the truth about statements made by governments and companies with regard to the effects of environmental pollution. The aim of green audit is to review the measures taken by the company to combat pollution.

Green audit is defined as an official examination of the effects a company has on the environment. It is also widely known as Environmental Audit. Green Audit can be better understood as: Compliance of Environmental Laws, Audit of Environment Cost and Environment Impact Assessment and Carbon Credit.

General steps involved in Green Audit

a. Systematic and exhaustive data collection for carbon foot print and other environmental indicators

b. On site visit for assessing the status of the green cover of the university, waste management practices and energy conservation strategies etc. The sample collection (water, soil) will be carried out during the visits

c. Evidence based documentation of green activities like rain water harvesting, ground water recharge pits, sewage treatment plant and renewable energy measures

d. Regular monitoring of air, water and soil quality, carbon foot print etc.

e. Provide standards and methods for improvement by establishing cost effective green action plan. Green audit is defined as an official examination of the effects a college has on the environment. It helps to improve the existing practices with the aim of reducing the adverse effects of these on the environment concerned. Several institutions have applied various viewpoints to preserve the environment within the campus such as promotion of energy savings, recycling of waste, water use reduction, water harvesting etc. Green audit visualizes the documentation of all such activities taking stock of the infrastructure of the college, their academic and managerial policies and future plans. A green auditor will study an organisation's environmental effects in a systematic and documented manner and will produce an environmental audit report. A clean and healthy environment aids effective learning and provides a conducive learning environment. Green audit can be a useful tool for a college to determine how and where they are using the most energy or water or resources; the college can then consider how to implement changes and make savings. It can also be used to determine the type and volume of waste which can be used for a recycling project or to improve waste minimization plan. It can create health consciousness and promote environmental awareness, values and ethics. It provides staff and students better understanding of green impact on campus. Green auditing promotes financial savings through reduction of resource use. It gives an opportunity for the development of ownership, personal and social responsibility for the students and teachers. Thus it is imperative that the college evaluate its own contributions toward a sustainable future. As environmental sustainability is becoming an increasingly important issue for the nation, the role of higher educational institutions in relation to environmental sustainability is more relevant.

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Green Audit Services In Ahmedabad

25,000 - 35,000 /piece Get Latest Price
  • ISO 17020 Accredited Inspection Agency ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory

CIL provides Green Audit Services in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. CIL is an ISO 17020 accredited inspection body.CIL conduct green audit in India. CIL is an accredited certification services in India. Green Audit is a process of systematic identification, quantification, recording, reporting and analysis of components of environmental diversity of institute. It aims to analyse environmental practices within and outside of the concerned place, which will have an impact on the eco-friendly atmosphere. Green audit is a valuable means for a college to determine how and where they are using the most energy or water or other resources; the college can then consider how to implement changes and make savings. It can create health consciousness and promote environmental awareness, values and ethics. It provides staff and students better understanding of green impact on campus. If self-enquiry is a natural and necessary outgrowth of a quality education, it could also be stated that institutional self-enquiry is a natural and necessary outgrowth of a quality educational institution. Thus, it is imperative that the college evaluate its own contributions toward a sustainable future. As environmental sustainability is becoming an increasingly important issue for the nation, the role of higher educational institutions in relation to environmental sustainability is more prevalent. The rapid urbanization and economic development at local, regional and global level has led to several environmental and ecological crises. On this background it becomes essential to adopt the system of the Green Campus for the institutes which will lead for sustainable development and at the same time reduce a sizable amount of atmospheric CO2 from the environment. The National Assessment and Accreditation Council, New Delhi (NAAC) has made it mandatory that all Higher Educational Institutions should submit an annual Green Audit Report. Moreover, it is part of Corporate Social Responsibility of the Higher Educational Institutions to ensure that they contribute towards the reduction of global warming through carbon footprint reduction measures.


In recent time, the Green Audit of an institution has been becoming a paramount important for self-assessment of the institution which reflects the role of the institution in mitigating the present environmental problems. The college has been putting efforts to keep our environment clean since its inception. Therefore, the purpose of the present green audit is to identify, quantify, describe and prioritize framework of Environment Sustainability in compliance with the applicable regulations, policies and standards. The main objectives of carrying out Green Audit are:

To map the Geographical Location of the college

To document the floral and faunal diversity of the college

To record the meteorological parameter of Ludhiana where college is situated

To document the ambient environmental condition of weather, air, water and noise of the college

To document the waste disposal system

To estimate the Energy requirements of the college

To report the expenditure on green initiatives during the last five years

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Green Audit Services In Kochi

25,000 - 35,000 /piece Get Latest Price
  • ISO 17020 Accredited Inspection Agency ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory

CIL provides Green Audit Services in Kochi, Kerala, India. CIL is an ISO 17020 accredited inspection body.CIL conduct green audit in India. CIL is an accredited certification services in India. NAAC accreditation is mandatory for all the higher learning institutes, particularly state universities. Without NAAC accreditation, universities are not eligible for UGC grants, RUSA grants, financial aid etc. On the other hand, NAAC accreditation determines the quality of the institute in terms of education, infrastructure, research, teaching & learning etc. Institutes with top NAAC grades such as 'A++', 'A+' and 'A' are most sought-after institutes, as they offer high-quality education. On the other, all the recognized institutes of UGC must apply for NBA/ NAAC/ any other accreditation after the completion of the first or second batch of courses.

Green Audit is assigned to the Criteria 7 of NAAC, National Assessment and Accreditation Council which is a self-governing organization of India that declares the institutions as Grade A, Grade B or Grade C according to the scores assigned at the time of accreditation.

Stages of Green Audit


Plan the audit

Select the audit team

Schedule the audit facility

Acquire the background information Visit the site On-site

During Audit Process on Site:

Understand the scope of audit

Analyse the strengths and weaknesses of the internal controls

Conduct the audit

Evaluate the observations of audit program

Prepare a report of the observations side by side

Report Preparation:

Produce a draft report of the data collected

Produce a final report of the observations and the inference with accuracy

Distribute the final report to the management

Prepare an action plan to overcome the flaws Keep a watch on the action plan

Benefits of Green Audit:

If Green Audit is enforced in an effective way, then there are many advantages that could be adopted from it.

Green Audit could help to shield the environment

Recognize the cost saving methods through waste minimizing and managing strategies

Point out prevailing and forthcoming complications

Authenticate conformity with the implemented laws Empower the organizations to frame a better environmental performance

It portrays a good image of a company which helps building better relationships with the group of stakeholders

Enhance the alertness for environmental guidelines and duties.

Green Audit (as the name suggests) is something which is related to greenery or environment. Green audit is defined as an official examination of the effects an entity/organisation has on the environment. It is also widely known as Environmental Audit. Green audit is all about corporate responsibility. It uncovers the truth about statements made by governments and companies with regard to the effects of environmental pollution. The aim of green audit is to review the measures taken by these entities to combat pollution. Environmentally friendly measures are taken to reduce the carbon foot print by less printing of paper, video conferencing and interviews etc.

Green auditing is a means of assessing environmental performance. It is a systematic, documented, periodic, and objective review by regulated entities of facility operations and practices related to meeting environmental requirements. It is otherwise the systematic examination of the interactions between any operation and its surroundings. This includes all emissions to air; land and water; legal constraints; the effects on the neighbouring community; landscape and ecology; the publics perception of the operating company in the local area. Green audit does not stop all compliance with legislation. Nor is it a green washing public relations exercise. Rather it is a total strategic approach to the organization's activities.

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Green Audit Services In Bhopal

25,000 - 35,000 /piece Get Latest Price
  • ISO 17020 Accredited Inspection Agency ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory

CIL provides Green Audit Services in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India. CIL is an ISO 17020 accredited inspection body.CIL conduct green audit in India. CIL is an accredited certification services in India. Green Audit can be defined as systematic identification, quantification, recording, reporting and analysis of components of environmental diversity. The Green Audit aims to analyse environmental practices within and outside the college campus, which will have an impact on the eco-friendly ambience. It was initiated with the motive of inspecting the work conducted within the organizations whose exercises can cause risk to the health of inhabitants and the environment. Through Green Audit, one gets a direction as how to improve the condition of environment and there are various factors that have determined the growth of carrying out Green Audit. Green audit is assigned to the criteria 7 of NAAC, National Assessment and Accreditation Council which is a self-governing organization of India.

The purpose and focus of the audit were mainly to review all environmental aspects in university which included following:

1. Review of all environment related applicable legal requirements and other requirements to which organization subscribes. These include regulatory compliance documents like statutory permissions / NOCs from statutory authorities, Pollution control board related norms, Emergency Preparedness Plan, and Spill Prevention Plan etc.

2. All environmental monitoring reports pertaining to air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution and status of results against applicable standards.

3. Examination of existing environmental management practices and procedures, including those associated with procurement and contracting activities.

4. Monitoring and review of all preventive maintenance of equipments connected with direct or indirect pollution.

5. Chemical management like storage, handling and use of chemicals, special arrangement for flammable chemical, and consumption tracking etc.

6. Waste management at site that includes storage and disposal, use of PPEs, hygiene conditions, any means of recycling through vendors. Hazardous waste and e-waste management and disposal in compliance with applicable norms.

7. Review of all critical areas and production processes in premise that has connection with environmental aspects and impacts.

8. Review of all the systems and processes in relation with environment that is part of environmental management system.

9. Review of environmental aspects including those associated with normal operating conditions, abnormal conditions including start-up and shut down, and emergency situations and accidents.

10. Review of overall environmental performance and practices of contractors and suppliers.

11. Review of extraction and distribution of raw material and natural resources. Distribution will include use and end life of product.

12. Evaluation of organization performance against the management objectives and targets in relation with environment.

13. Analysing the awareness level in premise for environmental policy and objectives which includes competency, awareness and understanding of roles and responsibility.

14. Operational control of all those operations that are associated with its identified environmental aspects and to check that control is effective in reducing the adverse impact associated with them.

15. Evaluation of previous emergency situations and accidents and review of emergency preparedness and response plan.

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Green Audit Services In Dehradun

25,000 - 35,000 /piece Get Latest Price
  • ISO 17020 Accredited Inspection Agency ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory

CIL provides Green Audit Services in Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India. CIL is an ISO 17020 accredited inspection body.CIL conduct green audit in India. CIL is an accredited certification services in India. Green audit is all about corporate responsibility. It uncovers the truth about statements made by governments and institutions with regard to the effects of environmental pollution. The aim of green audit is to review the measures taken by the company to combat pollution. Green audit is defined as an official examination of the effects a company has on the environment. It is also widely known as Environmental Audit. Green Audit can be better understood as: Compliance of Environmental Laws, Audit of Environment Cost and Environment Impact Assessment, and Carbon Credit.


The Green Audit process focussed on a few points to be closely focussed on, which are as follows:

1. To provide a healthy environment in campus

2. To enhance awareness towards environmental guidelines and responsibilities.

3. To identify cost saving methods through minimizing and effectively managing waste

Green Audit Process:

Green Audit process was conducted in three phases:

a) Pre-audit activity

b) Audit

c) Action Plans and Recommendations.

Green Audit comprises the identification, quantification, recording, reporting and analysis of components of environmental diversity of various establishments. It involves the inspection of the work conducted within the institution whose exercise can cause risk to the health of the inhabitants and the environment. It aims to analyse environmental practices within and outside of the concerned sites, which will have an impact on the eco-friendly ambience. The green audit is useful to detect and monitor sources of environment pollution and it emphasizes on management of all types of wastes, monitoring of energy consumption, monitoring of quality and quantity of water, monitoring of hazards, safety of stakeholders and even the management of disasters. The main objective of this green audit is to assess the environmental quality and the management strategies being implemented in the college. The specific objectives are:

The main objective is to secure the environment and reduce the threats posed to human health

To provide baseline information to enable organization to evaluate and manage environmental change, threat and risk

To prepare a checklist of flora and fauna diversity in and around the college campus.

To find out various sources of organic and solid waste generation and mitigation possibilities.

To suggest measures to improve biodiversity within the college campus.

To assess the quantity of water usage within the college campus.

To suggest sustainable energy usage and water conservation practices.

Stages under Green Audit:

The different stages of green audit include Pre-Audit, Onsite Audit and Post-Audit Stages. The pre audit stage includes forming the audit team, planning the audit, acquire the background information and visit the site. Onsite visit includes the conduct of audit, prepare report of the observations and evaluate the observations. The post audit stage includes the production of the final report, prepare action plan to overcome the flaws and to keep a watch on the action plan.

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Green Audit Services In India

25,000 - 35,000 /piece Get Latest Price
  • ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory ISO 17020 Accredited Inspection Agency

CIL provides Green Audit Services in India. CIL is an ISO 17020 accredited inspection body.CIL conduct green audit in India. CIL is an accredited certification services in India. Green auditing is a process whereby an organizations environmental performance is tested against its environmental policies and objectives. Green audit is defined as an official examination of the effects a college has on the environment. As a part of such practice, internal environmental audit (Green Audit) is conducted to evaluate the actual scenario at the campus. Green audit can be a useful tool for a college to determine how and where they are using the most energy or water or resources; the college can then consider how to implement changes and make savings. It can also be used to determine the type and volume of waste, which can be used for a recycling project or to improve waste minimization plan. Green auditing and the implementation of mitigation measures is a win-win situation for all the college, the learners and the planet. It can also create health consciousness and promote environmental awareness, values and ethics. It provides staff and students better understanding of green impact on campus. Green auditing promotes financial savings through reduction of resource use. It gives an opportunity for the development of ownership, personal and social responsibility for the students and teachers. Thus, it is imperative that the college evaluate its own contributions toward a sustainable future. As environmental sustainability is becoming an increasingly important issue for the nation, the role of higher educational institutions in relation to environmental sustainability is more prevalent. A clean and healthy environment aids effective learning and provides a conducive learning environment. There are various efforts around the world to address environmental education issues. Environmental Management Systems (EMS) is very popular in the industrial sector, but the general belief is that EMS is something pertaining to industries only. Other parts of the world have started adopting compatible environmental management systems either voluntarily or for promoting standards by external certification. International environmental standards do not suit the existing Indian educational system. Hence EHS Alliance has developed a compatible system by developing locally applicable techniques. A very simple indigenized system has been devised to monitor the environmental performance of educational institutions. It comes with a series of questions to be answered on a regular basis. Environmental conditions may be monitored from angles that are relevant to Indian requirements, without stress on legal issues or compliance. This innovative scheme is user-friendly and totally voluntary. The environmental monitoring system helps the institution to set environmental examples for the community and to educate young learners. It can be adapted to urban and / or rural situations.

The broad aims/benefits of the eco-auditing system would be

Environmental education through systematic environmental management approach

Improving environmental standards

Benchmarking for environmental protection initiatives

Reduction in natural resource use and Economic savings through a reduction in resource use

Curriculum enrichment through practical experience

Development of ownership, personal and social responsibility for the university campus and its Environment

Enhancement of university profile towards Green thinking and sustainability

Developing an environmental ethic and value systems in young people

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Green Audit Services In Kolkata

25,000 - 35,000 /piece Get Latest Price
  • ISO 17020 Accredited Inspection Agency ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory

CIL provides Green Audit Services in Kolkata, West Bengal, India. CIL is an ISO 17020 accredited inspection body.Green auditing is systematic assessment of day-to-day activity with reference to resource utilization and waste management. It will assist to find out the eco-friendly and non-eco-friendly practices on the campus. The main objective of green audit varies with the operational activities of the organization. In case of higher educational institutes like universities; green audit is an internal requirement. It is a path for management of environment to make the alterations in ongoing practices. It also promotes a good environmental management system and raises the awareness about the environmental conservation and its long-term benefits. Green Audit focuses on the Green Campus, Waste Management, Water Management, Air Pollution, Animal Welfare, Energy Management, Carbon Footprint, Environmental Compliances etc. being implemented by the University Management.

The Green Audit Process:

1. Selection of area/activities/parts of the campus.

2. Planning of visit to campus to discuss about the audit process.

3. Scope of audit process was identified in consultation with the auditee.

4. A meticulous plan of action was designed.

5. A team consisting of teachers, non-teaching staff and students was constituted with specific tasks and a proper time schedule.

6. Data pertaining to identified parameters for green auditing of the campus were collected directly through an on-site visit.

7. Available background information on the identified activities and other parameters were collected.

8. The role of each stakeholder in green related activities has been collected.

9. Historical aspects of green activities in the campus including flora fauna, water usage and waste generation, etc. were collected.

10.A questionnaire based on the preliminary visits and other evaluations was communicated to the authorities who are involved in the in-house data collection.

11.Data collection based on questionnaire.

12.Visit to the campus by audit team.

13.Data analysis and evaluation.

14.Discussion on the findings.

15.Report preparation.

Green audit is the tool of management system used methodologically for protection and conservation of the environment. It is also used for the sustenance of the environment. The audit suggests different standard parameters, methods and projects for environmental protection. Green audit can be a useful tool for a college to determine and make sure whether they are performing in accordance with the relevant rule and regulations, to improve the procedures to determine a way which can be lower the cost and resource and then consider how to implement changes and make savings. It can also be used to determine the type and volume of waste, which can be used for a recycling project or to improve waste minimization plan. It can create health consciousness and promote environmental awareness, values and ethics. It provides staff and students better understanding of green impact on campus. If self-enquiry is a natural and necessary outgrowth of a quality education, it could also be stated that institutional self-enquiry is a natural and necessary outgrowth of a quality educational institution. Thus, it is imperative that the college evaluate its own contributions toward a sustainable future. As environmental sustainability is becoming an increasingly important issue for the nation, the role of higher educational institutions in relation to environmental sustainability is more prevalent.

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Green Audit Services In Alwar

25,000 - 35,000 /piece Get Latest Price
  • ISO 17020 Accredited Inspection Agency ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory

CIL provides Green Audit Services in Alwar, Rajasthan, India. CIL is an ISO 17020 accredited inspection body.The Green audit process was begun in the 1970s with an intention of identifying the activities carried out in a given institution or company. This was initiated against the background of growing concern over changing climate and related aspects. Green audit is a tool to identify the range of environmental impacts and assess the compliance of the operations on the development and regular activities within an organisation. It may also assess the compatibility of the operations within an organisation or a company with existing applicable laws and regulations and the expectations of their various stakeholders. It further assesses the possible implications and effect of pollution due to the operations within the organisation. The audit also seeks to identify possible means and methods to save investments, enhance work quality, improve health and safety of their employees, reduce liabilities and reduce the rate of environmental pollution. A continuous process of such audit might result in maintaining the quality of these aspects within the premises of any organisation. Most companies, government and non-government bodies and other institutions conduct green audit aiming:

to ensure that the performance of the institution with respect to environmental activities they are involved in, is in compliance with existing laws and regulations.

To check the functionality and their operating success including water supply, energy related matters and other similar matters that are related to green operations in the campus

To formulate or update the institutions environmental policy, if warranted.

To measure the environmental impact of operational process related to green activities in the campus.

To measure the performance of each green related operations and actions in the campus.

To generate a database of green activities for continuous monitoring to assess the success of each of them.

to identify future potential liabilities.

to align the institutions developmental and day to day activities with the stated vision, mission, strategies, etc.

to identify possible ways to reduce expenditure and running costs on equipments, appliances, etc. or try enhance revenue income.

to improve process and materials efficiency, and in response to stakeholder requests for increased disclosure. The process of green audit based on operational activities within an institution happens not necessarily based on laws and regulations. It might be largely based on awareness and concerns on environmental performances within and outside the institutes premises. This further strengthens the fact regarding social responsibilities of the organisation. Majority of the institutions that conducted green audits in the recent past has realised the importance of the same as they could easily manage their operational costs and provide good atmosphere to their stakeholders. The green audit also provides opportunities to identify full range of operations within an organisation, the impacts of maintaining and functioning of its operational goods and services, the actual source of raw materials for different activities within the organisation, the costs of operations of its offices, functional units, and other facilities. It also provides chances to understand the relationship with employees, material suppliers, stakeholders, etc. The recommendations, findings and suggestions that emerge during green audit would certainly help the management of the organisation to set up future action plan that best suits to them.

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Green Audit Services In Pune

25,000 - 35,000 /piece Get Latest Price
  • ISO 17020 Accredited Inspection Agency ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory

CIL provides Green Audit Services in Pune, Maharashtra, India. CIL is an ISO 17020 accredited inspection body.CIL conduct green audit in India. CIL is an accredited certification services in India. A Green audit is an effective way of discovering the impacts and risks of your business on the environment, meeting legislative compliance, and finding out opportunities to improve your environmental performance.

The main purpose of conducting audits is to make sure that your businesss EMS is proactive and competent enough at addressing your specific environmental challenges and goals. When auditors assess your EMS, they provide an unbiased view which is most relied upon by the management and stakeholders. Therefore, the management team can use these objective insights to recognize the inadequacies in the EMS and take measures to improve it. Likewise, the stakeholders understand that the organizations EMS is not just a formality but it is regularly evaluated and improved to make sure the environmental objectives and targets are met.

There are different types of Green Audits, depending on their relevance in your organization. Here they are:

Green Management Audit

In this audit, you need to evaluate the EMS meticulously to ensure that it is working competently and is helping you to continuously progress towards the goals.

The EMS audit is also a mandatory requirement of the ISO 14001 standard which demonstrates an organizations commitment to environmental management. Thus, the key objectives of the EMS audit are:

The EMS is functioning effectively

The EMS aims at the predefined objectives and targets

To discover new opportunities for improving the EMS

To confirm it meets the organizations as well as stakeholders needs

Functional Green Audit

This audit is about evaluating a particular aspect of the EMS and verifying that it is working according to the plan. For instance, your EMS aims at reducing the use of energy sources across all the processes. Thus, the functional audit would involve assessing your energy consumption and ensuring that it is controlled in accordance with your energy reduction plan of the EMS. This audit can also be combined with other audit practices such as an EMS audit or a compliance audit.

The functional audit is useful when you needed quick action in a certain aspect of environmental management and a whole audit can be too much time-consuming for it.

Green Compliance Audit

This audit is necessary to ensure the compliance of your organizations EMS to the legislative regulations or a standard. The compliance audit will identify the gaps in your EMS against a set of requirements and objectives. Since the audit determines the compliance status of your organization with regulatory obligations, it requires direct intervention from the senior management. All the nonconformities, risks, and inadequacies pointed out by the auditors in the audit report must be considered by the management. Consequently, they should come up with a corrective action plan to resolve them and make the EMS compliant.

Benefits of Green Audit:

Learn about the following assured benefits for performing green audits periodically to know why they are essential for your business.

Develop a Good Reputation of Your Organization

No doubt, green audits help at enhancing your environmental performance which strengthens your organizations reputation in the industry. When customers, employees, investors, suppliers, partners, etc. know that you perform audits at frequent intervals, they recognize your efforts and have a positive impression of your business. It assures them that your business is sustainable and so they are encouraged to continue buying or associating with your organization.

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Green Audit Services In Indore

25,000 - 35,000 /piece Get Latest Price
  • ISO 17020 Accredited Inspection Agency ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory

CIL provides Green Audit Services in Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India. CIL is an ISO 17020 accredited inspection body.CIL conduct green audit in India. CIL is an accredited certification services in India. Green Audit can be defined as systematic identification, quantification, recording, reporting and analysis of components of environmental diversity. The Green Audit aims to analyse environmental practices within and outside the college campus, which will have an impact on the eco-friendly ambience. It was initiated with the motive of inspecting the work conducted within the organizations whose exercises can cause risk to the health of inhabitants and the environment. Through Green Audit, one gets a direction as how to improve the condition of environment and there are various factors that have determined the growth of carrying out Green Audit. Green audit is assigned to the criteria 7 of NAAC, National Assessment and Accreditation Council which is a self-governing organization of India which declares the institutions as Grade A, B or C according to the scores assigned during the accreditation. Objectives of the Study

The main objective of the green audit is to promote the Environment Management and Conservation in the College Campus. The purpose of the audit is to identify, quantify, describe and prioritize framework of Environment Sustainability in compliance with the applicable regulations, policies and standards. The main objectives of carrying out Green Audit are:

To introduce and aware students to real concerns of environment and its Sustainability.

To secure the environment and cut down the threats posed to human health by analysing the pattern and extent of resource use of the campus.

To establish a baseline data to assess future sustainability by avoiding the interruptions in environment that are more difficult to handle and their corrections requiring high cost.

To bring out a status report on environmental compliance.


In order to perform green audit, the methodology included different tools such as preparation of questionnaire, physical inspection of the campus, observation and review of the documentation, interviewing key persons and data analysis, measurements and recommendations. The study covered the following areas to summarise the present status of environment management in the campus:

1. Water management

2. Energy Conservation

3. Waste management

4. E-waste management

5. Green area management

The main objectives of Environmental Audit in Academic Institution are:

to understand the awareness of employees and learners towards environmental conservation

to recognize the initiative taken by organization towards environmental conservation

to understand and recognize the effects of an organization on the environment and vice versa

to ensure that the natural resources are utilized properly as per national policy of environment

to study waste minimization and safe disposal of waste particularly hazardous wastes

initiatives for water and energy conservation

contribution and participation by various stakeholders in the environmental conservation and management

to diagnose and find out solutions for the environmental problems

to facilitate the stakeholders with different aspects of disaster management

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Green Audit Services In Noida

25,000 - 35,000 /piece Get Latest Price
  • ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory ISO 17020 Accredited Inspection Agency

CIL provides Green Audit Services in Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India. CIL is an ISO 17020 accredited inspection body.Scope and Goal of green Auditing

Government of India through its National Environment Policy in 2006 has made mandatory for every organization to conduct green audit / environmental audit in order to ensure a clean and healthy environment within and outside the organization. Further, it also helps in effective learning and provides a conductive learning environment. Efforts are taking place around the world in order to address various environmental issues. Green auditing or environmental auditing is one among them for educational institutions. Green auditing helps organization to understand various environmental issues of the organization and identify existing lacuna or gap towards meeting the objective of National Environmental Policy and thus, to plan accordingly.


An environmental audit has three phases - pre-audit stage, audit stage and post-audit stage, accordingly the environmental audit was conducted.

1. Pre-Audit Stage: Pre-audit stage involved the identification of target areas for environmental auditing.

Accordingly following target areas were identified: Land Use System, Biodiversity Status, Climatic Conditions, Air Quality, Noise Pollution, Water Resources and Management, Energy Consumption, Waste disposal and management, Environmental Awareness, Mitigation and Management practices

2. Post-Audit Stage: The Post-Audit Stage includes the production of the final report, prepare action plan to overcome the flaws and to keep a watch on the action plan.

Green Audit provides an assessment of the environmental performance of a business or organization. The audit reveals details about the activities of a company and its compliance with environmental regulations. Audit information is presented to the management team and employees. Green audit evaluates and quantifies the environmental performance. It identifies compliance problems or management system implementation issues.

When a green Audit is Necessary?

Green audits are an important part of a companys environmental policy and performance. However, many companies either dont do them or do them improperly. There are many, many environmental rules and regulations that apply to every business. Is your business in compliance with all of them? Do you have all the permits you need and are you fully compliant with all the details of each? You dont know unless you have done an audit done by an independent environmental auditor. If you are not an expert on environmental compliance and regulations, you need an environmental audit. When an inspector arrives at your work site, youll know that you are in compliance and be able to provide documentation that outlines everything you are doing to stay in compliance.

Green Audit Steps:

The environmental audit process includes the following steps as a minimum:

Planning the audit, including activities to be conducted and responsibilities for each activity

Review the companys environmental protection policy and the applicable requirements, federal, state, and local requirements.

Assessment of the organization, it is management, and equipment

Gather data and relevant information

Evaluate overall performance

Identify areas needing improvement

Report findings to management

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Green Audit Services In Gurgaon

25,000 - 35,000 /piece Get Latest Price
  • ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory ISO 17020 Accredited Inspection Agency

CIL provides Green Audit Services in Gurgaon, Haryana, India. CIL is an ISO 17020 accredited inspection body.CIL conduct green audit in India. CIL is an accredited certification services in India. An environmental audit is a good way of measuring an organisations environmental impacts, and enables informed decisions to be made about managing those impacts.

Areas covered and benefits delivered

The environmental impacts covered by an audit may include:


Carbon dioxide and other emissions






(Please note, if we have recently carried out carbon foot printing or an energy survey for you, this will reduce the amount of work and therefore the fee.)

The benefits of the audit include:

Ensuring legislative compliance

Reducing environmental impacts

Reducing waste, water and energy costs (annual savings are typically greater than our fee for the audit)

Improving relations with stakeholders

Providing the foundation for an environmental management system (EMS) such as ISO 14001 at a later date

The Green Consultancy offers a tailored audit and review process aligned to your sector and business needs that is compliant with ISO 7750 and 14001 standards.

By complying with a recognised standard, your audit will enable a more satisfactory method of reporting to stakeholders, providing an immediate or future starting point for your environmental management system (EMS). This makes it far easier to achieve EMS certification in the future if this is not something you already need.

We provide a referenced audit report that includes an examination of your current operational methods covering:

Energy use

Carbon dioxide emissions (carbon footprint)

Solid waste

Water consumption

Transport and travel (commuting and business)

Procurement (for example, raw materials, packaging, food/catering and office consumables)

Environmental policy and practices relevant to your business

Our audit report will provide you with:

A review of all principal environmental impacts over which your organisation has control or influence

A gap analysis of the changes required to improve your organisations existing environmental management procedures

If relevant and necessary to your business needs, we also provide:

A Legal Compliance Register listing all regulations applicable to your organisations significant environmental impacts.

An Environmental Aspects Register listing your organisations environmental aspects cross-referenced with the Legal Compliance Register. The Environmental Aspects Register uses a significance rating so that your organisation can determine which environmental aspects are significant and therefore must be managed to meet the chosen standard.

Written procedures detailing how your organisation ensures that its Legal Compliance Register and Environmental Aspects Register are relevant and maintained, and how the assessment of the significance of the Environmental Aspects is carried out.

Objectives in brief:

1. To ensure that the university does all environmental activities in compliance with existing laws and regulations

2. To assess the quality of the water and soil in the university campus

3. To calculate the fuel used for conveyance to the university and other needs

4. Estimation of the carbon foot print of the university on a full attendance day

5. Evaluation of the measures implemented by university in reducing the Carbon Footprint

6. To monitor the liquid and solid waste generation and their disposal methods in the campus

7. To assess whether day to day activities in the university support collection, recovery, reuse and recycling of solid and liquid waste.

8. To identify the gap areas and suggest recommendations to improve the Green Campus status of the university.

9. Providing a database for corrective actions and future plans.

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Green Audit Services In Sonipat

25,000 - 35,000 /piece Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 piece
  • ISO 17020 Accredited Inspection Agency ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory

CDG Inspection Ltd provides green audit services around the country to guarantee that your companies and vendors comply with national and international standards or industry best practices in terms of protecting the environment.

We can assist with the formulation and maintenance of a detailed plan to assist the deployment of continual improvement processes, based on your company's goals. The initial evaluation can be supplemented with training, supervision, coaching, and certification options that are suited to each facility's needs.

Our detailed audit reports can advise clients on how to avoid pollution and save money on raw materials by using cleaner production practices, both in the initial stages and in the long run.

Environmental audits are systematic and objective assessments of the environmental status and performance of properties, facilities, processes, and/or operations. They are a valuable management tool that can be used to identify and assess environmental problems and initiate corrective actions which ensure compliance with applicable environmental laws and regulations and internal management policies and practices. Environmental audits also can be used to assess the quality of the existing environmental management systems, and to foster additional initiatives to improve the environmental performance of a facility. Environmental audits are reviews of a company’s operations and processes for the purpose of assessing compliance with environmental rules and regulations.

The Honourable High Court, therefore, thought in the interest of Justice to introduce the Environment Audit Scheme where qualified technical professionals would become a link between the individual industries on one hand and the GPCB & other public authorities as well as the association of industries on the other hand; with the added vital elements of accountability and transparency.

CDG has expertise in conducting environmental reviews and audits of organizations. The scope of the review can be as broad or as narrow as your requirements: from initial environmental reviews of entire organizations to waste compliance audits, feasibility studies, and odor reviews. We can help our clients by conducting Environmental Audits as per the guidelines of State Pollution Control Boards. Our systematic audit reports can provide clients with guidance on measures to prevent pollution and save raw material costs through cleaner production techniques both at the primary stage and for an ongoing operation. Our Environmental Audit procedure encompasses Pre-Audit Activities, Activities on Site, and Post-Audit Activities which effectively become a vital tool to provide our clients with an objective evaluation of how well the operation management systems are performing.

What to Expect from the Green Audit Process:

An auditor will arrive at your faith community at a scheduled time. CDG members and staff are encouraged to participate and gain hands-on insight into the process and the opportunities. Where feasible, a blower door unit will be used to depressurize the building to help identify air leaks. Our auditor will walk around the building outside and inside, room by room, and look at:

where energy efficiency could be improved,

where potential air quality concerns are,

where water resources could be saved,

where waste could be diverted, and

where operations of the building could be improved to save money and effort.

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Green Audit Services In Mumbai

25,000 - 35,000 /piece Get Latest Price
  • ISO 17020 Accredited Inspection Agency ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory

CIL provides Green Audit Services in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. CIL is an ISO 17020 accredited inspection body.

The intention of organizing Green Audit is to upgrade the environment condition in and around the institutes, colleges, companies and other organizations. It is carried out with the aid of performing tasks like waste management, energy saving and others to turn into a better environmental friendly institute.

The Goals of Green Audit

  • To make sure that rules and regulations are taken care of
  • To recognize, diagnose and resolve the environmental problems

Green Audit is a process of systematic identification, quantification, recording, reporting and analysis of components of environmental diversity of various establishments. It aims to analyse environmental practices within and outside of the concerned sites, which will have an impact on the eco-friendly ambience.

Green audit can be a useful tool for a college to determine how and where they are using the most energy or water or resources; the college can then consider how to implement changes and make savings. It can also be used to determine the type and volume of waste, which can be used for a recycling project or to improve waste minimization plan. It can create health consciousness and promote environmental awareness, values and ethics. It provides staff and students better understanding of green impact on campus. If self-enquiry is a natural and necessary outgrowth of a quality education, it could also be stated that institutional self-enquiry is a natural and necessary outgrowth of a quality educational institution. Thus, it is imperative that the college evaluate its own contributions toward a sustainable future. As environmental sustainability is becoming an increasingly important issue for the nation, the role of higher educational institutions in relation to environmental sustainability is more prevalent.

The rapid urbanization and economic development at local, regional and global level has led to several environmental and ecological crises. On this background it becomes essential to adopt the system of the Green Campus for the institutes which will lead for sustainable development and at the same time reduce a sizable amount of atmospheric carbon-di-oxide from the environment. The National Assessment and Accreditation Council, New Delhi (NAAC) has made it mandatory that all Higher Educational Institutions should submit an annual Green Audit Report. Moreover, it is part of Corporate Social Responsibility of the Higher Educational Institutions to ensure that they contribute towards the reduction of global warming through Carbon Footprint reduction measures.

In recent time, the Green Audit of an institution has been becoming a paramount important for self-assessment of the institution which reflects the role of the institution in mitigating the present environmental problems. Many institutions undertake lot of good measures to resolve these problems but are not documented due to lack of green documentation awareness. All these non-scholastic efforts of the administrations play an important role in ensuring the green quotient of the campus is intact.

Therefore, the purpose of the present green audit is to identify, quantify, describe and prioritize framework of Environment Sustainability in compliance with the applicable regulations, policies and standards.

Main Objective of Green Audit:

Geographical Location

Floral and Faunal diversity

Meteorological parameter

Energy Consumptions

Waste disposal system

Ambient Environmental Condition

Awareness & Training on Sustainability for Students

At CIL, we audit all the sustainable metrics as per the requirement of National Assessment and Accreditation Council, New Delhi (NAAC) and provide comprehensive reporting on the green quotient of the campus and provide strategic roadmap to institutions to further ensure that their green legacy is intact.

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