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CDG Inspection Ltd
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Our Product / Services

  1. Fire Safety Audit Services 41 Services available
  2. Pre-Shipment Inspection 40 Services available
  3. BIFMA Testing Services 34 Services available
  4. C-TPAT Audit Services 30 Services available
  5. Ingress Protection (IP) Testing 30 Services available
  6. Electrical Safety Audit Services 29 Services available
  7. Factory Compliance Audit Services 24 Services available
  8. Material Testing Labs & Services 21 Services available
  9. Inspection Services 18 Services available
  10. Green Audit Services 18 Services available
  11. Others Products / Services 102 Products / Services available

C-TPAT Audit Services

CIL provides accredited C-TPAT supply chain security audit services in India. We are an ISO 17020 accredited inspection agency.

C-TPAT Security Audit Services

25,000 - 35,000 /piece Get Latest Price
  • ISO 17020 Accredited Inspection Agency ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory

C-TPAT Security Inspection Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (CTPAT) is part of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s (CBP) multi-layered cargo enforcement strategy. Through this program, CBP works with the trade community to strengthen international supply chains and improve United States border security. CTPAT is a voluntary public-private sector partnership program that recognizes that CBP can provide the highest level of cargo security only through close cooperation with the principal stakeholders of the international supply chain such as importers, carriers, consolidators, licensed customs brokers, and manufacturers. The Security and Accountability for Every Port Act of 2006 provided a statutory framework for the CTPAT program and imposed strict program oversight requirements. International Associates Limited is able to carry out CTPAT audits for suppliers exporting goods into the USA. This program calls upon importing businesses and service providers to establish policies enhancing their own security practices and those of business partners involved in the supply chain, based on the following C-TPAT security criteria: Business Partners Requirements Container Security Physical Access Controls Personnel Security Security Training & Threat Awareness Information Technology Security Once these policies are given an effect, imports by these businesses would be given a “Fast Lane” by the US Customs.  


Why CIL For C-TPAT Supply Chain Security Assessment?

CIL is an ISO 17020 accredited inspection agency for C-TPAT Supply Chain Security Risk Assessment of ICDs (Inland container depot), CFS (container freight stations), Terminal operators, warehouses, logistic providers, and foreign manufacturers. CIL is accredited by ANSI / ANAB. CIL has years of experience in supply chain security assessment.


What does a C-TPAT audit involve?

CIL’ i a third-rt inspection mn tht n udit th fllwing in rltin t C-TPAT:

• Container Security

• Physical Surit

• Infrmtin Thnlg

• Conveyance Security

• Phil Access Cntrl

• Prdurl Surit

• Surit Training and Thrt Awrn

• Business Partner Selection


Requirements for C-TPAT

The C-TPAT / CTPAT requires CDG  to have documented procedures and policies to screen customers and for maintaining adequate security programs.

Some of the areas that are audited include

• Outside barriers and Physical Security

• Factory Security

• Computer Security

• Password controls

• Personnel security


CDG expertise in C-TPAT certification

1. The services we provide include ensuring the compliance of C-TPAT-certified organizations to the existing regulations.

2. CDG applies established methods and techniques in evaluating the required components. We are dedicated to guiding organizations towards C-TPAT participation by ensuring the security of their supply chain activities.

3. As part of CDG services, we also guide carriers, importers, and brokers in implementing the most secure measures for their supply chain activities.CDG's dedicated team is also involved in the validation of the required premises.

4. The Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT) is a supply chain security program led by U.S. Customs and Border Protection focused on improving the security of private companies' supply chains with respect to terrorism. This initiative was launched to assist the trading community in the war against Terrorism.

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C-TPAT Security Audit In Goa

25,000 - 35,000 /piece Get Latest Price
  • ISO 17020 Accredited Inspection Agency ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory

CIL provides accredited C-TPAT security audit/inspection services in Goa, India. CIL is the only accredited inspection agency in India to conduct C-TPAT security audits. CIL is an ISO 17020 accredited inspection agency.

What is C-TPAT Certification?

C-TPAT certification stands for Customers-Trade Partnership against Terrorism. This compliance is required for supply chain management for firms sending goods into the US. The US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) brought out this certification to ensure that security compliance is maintained for private sector companies that supply/ import goods and services in America.

This certification was introduced in 2001 with several industrial participants to ensure compliance is maintained under several anti-terrorist laws. The C-TPAT Certification would apply to producers of goods and services within the USA. It would also apply to goods that are produced outside the USA. However, this certification is not a mandatory requirement for companies. It has been stressed that such certification is taken by private companies voluntarily.

Rail and Sea Carriers

  • These carries must be transporting goods and shipments either from Canada or Mexico.
  • If incorporated in Mexico, then the requirements of Mexican SAT purposes must be fulfilled.
  • At least one officer must be located either in Mexico, Canada, or the USA.
  • Have the US National Motor Freight Traffic Association Standard Carrier Code (SCAC code)
  • Have a bond with the US Customs and Border Protection Authorities.

Foreign Manufacturers

  • The applicant must be a manufacturer that is registered and has business operations either in Canada or Mexico.
  • The Certificate of Incorporation must be provided if asked by the authority for securing the C-TPAT Certification.
  • The Applicant must also possess a US Customs and Border Protection Manufacturing Identity Number (MID).
  • If applicable, the full name of the office, along with the activities that are carried out by the office must be provided.
  • Mexican companies should provide information about the RFC (Registre Federal de Contribuyentes) provided by the Mexican Tax Administration Service.
  • RFC is a 12 digital number for companies and partnerships. However, for sole proprietorships and entrepreneur business, the number is a 13-digit number.
  • The MID number must be constituted so that it includes the name and address where the products and goods originate.
  • The applicant must have the respective "C-TPAT Certificate" Signed along with the partnership agreement that the applicant has taken this initiative to voluntarily participate in such a program.
  • The applicant must have a complete profile regarding the supply chain requirement in the C-TPAT portal. This must also state how the foreign manufacturer meets the requirements of the MSC.
  • The applicant must not have any form of debts with any international or domestic authority when making such an application. The applicant must also satisfy that no form of insolvency or bankruptcy proceedings is present.

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C-TPAT Security Audit In Mangalore

25,000 - 35,000 /piece Get Latest Price
  • Country of Origin India
  • ISO 17020 Accredited Inspection Agency ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory

CIL provides accredited C-TPAT security audit/inspection services in Mangalore, Karnataka, India. CIL is the only accredited inspection agency in India to conduct C-TPAT security audits. CIL is an ISO 17020 accredited inspection agency.

CDG works with US and various foreign customs agencies, as well as other government agencies involved in global supply chain security and enforcement. Our history extends to our role as co-founders of the Transported Asset Protection Association (TAPA) and development of the first ever certified global supply chain security standard, the Freight Security Requirements (FSR). Security criteria within the FSR later served as a model for several of the C-TPAT and SAFE Framework criteria standards.

With over 50 years of Supply Chain Security experience with government and commercial clients, our experts can help you gain and maintain certification for Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT), Partners in Protection (PIP), and EU Authorized Economic Operator (AEO).

Benefits of C-TPAT Audit

The potential benefits from C-TPAT certification are a measurable increase in the speed of freight and a reduction of fees. These benefits are assisted by:

Access to the Free and Secure Trade (FAST) lanes at land borders

The ability to move to the front of inspection lines

A lesser potential of CBP examinations and an exemption from Stratified Exams (SEs)

Shorter wait times at the border

Access to the C-TPAT Status Verification Interface (SVI)

A CBP Supply Chain Security Specialist (SCSS) assigned to the company

Eligibility for other U.S. Government pilot programs such as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Secure Supply Chain (SSC) program

The potential to participate in the Importer Self-Assessment Program (ISA)

And others

Regulatory Authority for the C-TPAT Certification

The primary regulatory authority for C-TPAT Certification is the US Customs and Border Protection. The C-TPAT certification allows the exporter to secure the benefits of different programs provided by other customs and border protection authorities.

Third-Party Logistics Providers

For C-TPAT Certification, the third-party logistics provider must satisfy the requirement to handle cargo inside and outside the USA.

They have managed cargo using their resources, such as having a warehouse facility on behalf of the client company.

They must not allow any form of subcontracting service.

They have to be licensed as per the Federal Maritime Commission, Transport Security Administration, US Customs and Border Protection, and US Department of Transport.

Apart from this, the Third-Party Logistics requiring a C-TPAT Certification must satisfy the requirement of having a clean record and appointing an officer to deal with C-TPAT Certification.

Process for C-TPAT Audit

There are three steps to C-TPAT certification:

The first step is for the company to conduct and fully document a security risk assessment

The second step is for the company to submit a basic application via the C-TPAT Portal system

The third step is for the company to complete a supply chain security profile which explains how the company is meeting C-TPATs minimum security criteria

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C-TPAT Security Audit In Visakhapatnam

25,000 - 35,000 /piece Get Latest Price
  • ISO 17020 Accredited Inspection Agency ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory

CIL provides accredited C-TPAT security audit/inspection services in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India. CIL is the only accredited inspection agency in India to conduct C-TPAT security audits. CIL is an ISO 17020 accredited inspection agency.

The Customs-Trade Partnership against Terrorism (C-TPAT) is a key anti-terrorism initiative developed by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). To qualify for C-TPAT membership, your company must ensure that its security procedures satisfy the minimum security requirements established by CBP.In preparing your response to this questionnaire you should also consider that your participation in the C-TPAT program will facilitate the application process for your customers. Importers are required to have written and verifiable processes for the selection of business partners including manufacturers, product suppliers, and vendors. For those business partners eligible for C-TPAT certification (carriers, ports, terminals, brokers, consolidators, ocean transportation intermediaries and NVOCCs) the importer must have documentation (e.g., C-TPAT certificate, SVI number, etc.) indicating whether these business partners are or are not C-TPAT certified. Upon your companys acceptance into the C-TPAT program, you will be able to provide the required C-TPAT documentation to your customers.

Our C-TPAT Supply Chain Security Advisors have the expertise and experience in developing a customized supply chain security management system for your company that complies with the C-TPAT requirements.

C-TPAT is a joint government-business initiative to build cooperative relationships that strengthen overall supply chain and border security.

C-TPAT recognizes that Customs can provide the highest level of security only through close cooperation with the ultimate owners of the supply chain importers, carriers, brokers, warehouse operators and manufacturers.

Through this initiative, Customs is asking businesses to ensure the integrity of their security practices and communicate their security guidelines to their business partners within the supply chain.

C-TPAT certification process:

The first step towards C-TPAT certification is conducting a C-TPAT risk assessment of your company and its supply chain.

The 2nd step towards C-TPAT compliance is implementation of an effective supply chain security management system that meets requirements of C-TPAT.

3rd step is preparing C-TPAT security manual, C-TPAT security processes & C-TPAT security questionnaires. Providing C-TPAT training and guidance to comply with the requirements of C-TPAT; obtaining the C-TPAT certification and pass the C-TPAT Validation (audit).

In order to keep pace with changing trends, we are offering a wide assortment of C-TPAT Certification Services. C-TPAT Customs Trade Partnership against Terrorism is a voluntary and joint government-business partnership to help add to supply chain and increase border security.

Other Details:

Excellent results

Timely executed

Best quality inputs used

Rendered as per customer requirement

Supported by a team of skilled professionals, we are able to provide services for C-TPAT Compliance Audit. It is a voluntary government business initiative to build cordial and cooperative relationships with clients that strengthen and improve overall international supply chain.

Through this initiative:

CBP is asking businesses to ensure the integrity of their security practices

Communicate and verify the security guidelines of their business partners within the supply chain

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C-TPAT Security Audit In Mumbai

25,000 - 35,000 /piece Get Latest Price
  • ISO 17020 Accredited Inspection Agency ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory

CIL provides accredited C-TPAT security audit/inspection services in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. CIL is the only accredited inspection agency in India to conduct C-TPAT security audits. CIL is an ISO 17020 accredited inspection agency.

In order to keep pace with changing trends, we are offering a wide assortment of C-TPAT Certification Services. C-TPAT Customs Trade Partnership against Terrorism is a voluntary and joint government-business partnership to help add to supply chain and increase border security.

CDG is a C-TPAT compliance certification firm.

C-TPAT Certification

C-TPAT Certification is a complicated process, but we are experts with years of experience. We have helped dozens of companies with CTPAT Certification & Compliance. Every eligible company that has enlisted our assistance has achieved C-TPAT Certified status. C-TPAT India places the highest priority on our client relationships. We guide our clients through the entire process of C-TPAT Certification and Validation. Our clients have demonstrated time and again that they have a high level of satisfaction with our services and have shown a willingness to recommend our services to their customers and vendors.

CDG assistance to our clients doesnt end with C-TPAT Certification & Validation. We are now offering a C-TPAT Managed Services program to help our clients fulfill all of the ongoing requirements of managing a dynamic C-TPAT supply chain security program.

Benefits of C-TPAT certification:

Increase your sales C-TPAT certified companies must use other C-TPAT certified companies as their business partners whenever possible

Increased security of your supply chain, your facilities and your assets

Be an active participant in the war on terror & the war on drugs

Importers your containers go to the front of the line

Importers fewer container inspections

Importers fewer inspections in foreign ports with CSI presence

Cross-border highway carriers eligible for fast program

customs brokers retain C-TPAT certified customers

Mexican manufacturers reduce theft & increase security

Canadian manufacturers reduce theft & increase security

Who qualifies for C-TPAT certification:

Licensed U.S customs brokers

Ocean transportation intermediaries & non-vessel operating common carriers

U.S / Canada highway carriers

U.S / Mexico highway carriers

Rail carriers

Sea carriers

Air carriers

U.S freight consolidators

Certain invited foreign manufacturers

Mexican and Canadian manufacturers

Long haul carriers in Mexico

Third party logistics providers (3Pl) assets and international influence required.

A dedicated supply chain security specialist plus access to educational resources

Youll have the opportunity to work with a specialist from CBP to identify and resolve any security issues in your supply chain. Youll also get access to a library of training materials to make sure everyone in your company follows proper security procedures. This will be especially beneficial if youre required to comply with an industry-specific regulation, such as the Food Safety Modernization Acts Foreign Supplier Verification Program.

CDG is a leading C-TPAT Certification company in India. CIL is an ISO 17020 accredited inspection agency.

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C-TPAT Audit Services In Delhi

25,000 - 35,000 /piece Get Latest Price
  • ISO 17020 Accredited Inspection Agency ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory

CIL provides accredited C-TPAT security audit/inspection services in Delhi, India. CIL is the only accredited inspection agency in India to conduct C-TPAT security audits. CIL is an ISO 17020 accredited inspection agency.

CDG has determined that The Customs- Trade Partnership Against Terrorism( C- TPAT) program is the most effective border security tool available that provides the loftiest return of investment to our guests including importers, exporters, carriers, consolidators and manufacturers.

Our C- TPAT instrument services include

Developing Supply Chain Security Management Systems

Easing the C- TPAT instrument of Companies( C- TPAT)

Preparing Companies for instrument/Re-Validation( C- TPAT Security Profile)

recovering Denied or Suspended boons

Conducting a Thorough C- TPAT Risk Assessment Analysis

Company Training

Conducting C- TPAT checkups for Business mates & Associates

furnishing Companies with Preferred Certification merchandisers( Legal, Construction & Transportation)

On- point Advanced C- TPAT Training


An importer must be classified as an reality importing goods into the USA for the last 12 months.

The importer must maintain some form of record with the CBP. This record is understood as the Importer of Record( IOR). The IOR must be in the following format

a)U.S Social Security Number.

b) IRS( Internal Revenue Service) Assigned ID.

c) CBP Number.

The aspirant must have the separate" C- TPAT Certificate" inked along with the cooperation agreement that the aspirant has taken this action to freely share in such a program.

The aspirant must have a profile regarding the force chain demand in the C- TPAT gate. This must also state how the foreign manufacturer meets the conditions of the MSC.

The aspirant mustn't have any form of debts with any transnational or domestic authority when making such an operation. The aspirant must also satisfy that no form of bankruptcy or ruin proceedings is present.


Exporters must show cause that they're carrying out exports in the USA.

Exporters must have a registered business office within the USA.

Exporters must have an active Employer Identification Number( EIN) or a Valid Dun and Bradstreet Number( DUNS).

The aspirant must have active compliance when it comes to exporting goods for the once 12 months. piecemeal from this, the exporter must also have a good standing with the US Customs and Border Protection Authority.

subscribe the C- TPAT agreement to share in different programs offered by the C- TPAT as part of the process and the program.

Maintain an instructional process of the force chain program in the C- TPAT gate.

The aspirant mustn't have any form of debts with any transnational or domestic authority when making such an operation. The aspirant must also satisfy that no form of bankruptcy or ruin proceedings is present. piecemeal from this, the aspirant must also satisfy that no form of felonious persuasions is against them.

We consider C- TPAT instrument to be further than just a single event or monthly re confirmation. It's a position of safe and secure transnational operating procedures that permeates businesses and ultimately becomes part of an institutional standard of performance.

CDG is a leading C- TPAT instrument company.

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C-TPAT Security Audit In Ludhiana

25,000 - 35,000 /piece Get Latest Price
  • ISO 17020 Accredited Inspection Agency ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory

CIL provides accredited C-TPAT security audit/inspection services in Ludhiana, Punjab, India. CIL is the only accredited inspection agency in India to conduct C-TPAT security audits. CIL is an ISO 17020 accredited inspection agency. Contact us for C-TPAT certification services in India.

C-TPAT is a U.S. Customs program that offers importers special incentives for voluntarily maintaining a higher standard of security practices. Importers that want to join the program must first apply, submit documentation of their security procedures, and then have their practices verified by Customs. Once verified, importers are eligible for reduced border wait times and fast track processing during Customs inspections.

Faster transport of goods across the border the briskly you can get your goods across the border, the sooner you can send them. C- TPAT instrument helps you achieve this thing in several ways Shorter delay times at the border Access to the Free and Secure Trade (FAST) lanes at the borders with Canada and Mexico Smaller CBP examinations, plus the capability to skip ahead of non-C- TPAT certified holders in the examination line The capability to get your weight released by CBP briskly point, labor force, and data security point security. stealers both external and internal generally go for the smallest- hanging fruit. By putting C- TPAT compliance practices in place, you make your company an undesirable target. This will lower your losses from theft as well as your insurance decorations. labor force security. The C- TPAT security checks will discourage questionable labor force from applying and also reduce your liability of hiring someone immorally. Both of these effects will ameliorate the overall integrity of your pool. Data security. By securing your companys information systems, you ll be less likely to have your data stolen by someone whos up to no good.

Other Details:

  • Professional approach
  • At par with industry standards
  • On-time completion
  • Execution in tandem with clients detailed guidelines

Backed with years of industry experience, we have been able to offer the finest collection of C-TPAT Certification Services. It is a voluntary government-business initiative to build cordial and cooperative relationships with clients that strengthen and improve the overall international supply chain.

What are the benefits of C-TPAT?

Besides letting an organization take an active role in fighting terrorism, the CTPAT program comes with a broad range of benefits for its member/applicants. These include:

  • Shorter wait times at the border
  • Assignment of a Supply Chain Security Specialist (SCSS)
  • Eligibility for various intuitive government pilot programs such as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Secure Supply Chain program.
  • Unlimited access to the CTPAT Status Verification Interface (SVI)
  • Eligibility to attend various CBP sponsored CTPAT conferences
  • Access to loads of confidential data from members
  • Increased supply chain integrity
  • Reduced number of CBP examinations
  • Importer eligibility to take part in the Importer Self-Assessment Program (ISA)
  • Easy access to the Free and Secure Trade (FAST) lanes at land borders.

Contact CDG for C-TPAT Certification services

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C-TPAT Security Audit In Madurai

25,000 - 35,000 /piece Get Latest Price
  • ISO 17020 Accredited Inspection Agency ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory

CIL provides accredited C-TPAT security audit/inspection services in Madurai, Tamilnadu, India. CIL is the only accredited inspection agency in India to conduct C-TPAT security audits. CIL is an ISO 17020 accredited inspection agency. Contact us for C-TPAT certification services in India.

CDG is a pioneer company which can help in achieving C-TPAT compliance certification:

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security's Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is responsible for securing and facilitating trade and travel across America's borders. Most importantly, the CBP keeps terrorists and their weapons out of the U.S. The CBP's Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT) is a voluntary government-business initiative to build relationships that help to strengthen U.S. border security and improve the security of the international supply chain. Through this initiative, the CBP asks participating businesses to verify the integrity of their own security practices and the security practices of their business partners in the supply chain.

C-TPAT is a voluntary public private partnership programs aimed towards systematically eliminating terror interface with trade emanating through the supply chain to enter into the US Border. It specifies requirements and guidelines to the multi modal transport infrastructure to guard against attempts to infilter terror into the US Border.

Industry and trade partners all over the world are now looking C-TPAT as a qualification scheme to assure its supply chain security and thereby maintain their business. Further the 3PL partners view this as a consolidation exercise to expand their market share by getting certified to C-TPAT.

Generally, CTPAT certification follows three steps:

The first step calls for the interested company to perform a comprehensive risk assessment and document their findings.

The second thing is for the organization to submit a basic application through the CTPAT online portal.

The third step is for the enterprise to fill a supply chain security profile detailing how the company is adhering to the CTPAT minimum security criteria.

C-TPAT certification is applicable to manufacturers, supply chain and third-party logistics partners such as Warehouses, Container Freight Stations Inland Container Depots, Freight Carriers, etc. The overall ail to ensure the supply chain security measures:

Consistently meet and strive to exceed the C-TPAT minimum security criteria

Incorporate senior management support

Have written and verifiable process that govern their use

Employ a system of checks and balances

Have measures in place to ensure continuity

Security Controls and their depth directly commensurate with the propensity of security vulnerabilities and risks of the partner. Hence it may vary amongst similar organizations.

C-TPAT is a completely voluntary, joint government business partnership which adds to the supply chain and increases border security. Despite major advances made against terrorism on different fronts nowadays, the corporate supply chains are at maximum risk to security threats than before.

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C-TPAT Security Audit In Pondicherry

25,000 - 35,000 /piece Get Latest Price
  • ISO 17020 Accredited Inspection Agency ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory

CIL provides accredited C-TPAT security audit/inspection services in Pondicherry, Tamil Nadu, India. CIL is the only accredited inspection agency in India to conduct C-TPAT security audits. CIL is an ISO 17020 accredited inspection agency. Contact us for C-TPAT certification services in India.

What is CTPAT? CTPAT is an abbreviation for Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism. It is a voluntary initiative by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) in partnership with the business community to improve the supply chain and curb terrorism. It aims to enhance border security and strengthen the international supply chain by preventing the concealment of weapons involved in terrorist activities. Through public-private collaboration, the CBP achieves its goals of improving border security and facilitating the free flow of global trade. On the other hand, CTPAT partners benefit from reduced fees and faster freight procedures, as well as confidential business information from existing members.

The CTPAT program was launched in 2001 as a result of the 9/11 attacks on the United States. It was oriented toward securing all goods that are imported into the United States. The program was created to increase the involvement of the business community in the fight against terrorism. Through CTPAT, CBP partners with businesses to identify security gaps, protect the supply chain, and implement specific safety measures and industry best practices.

C-TPAT program is a joint Government-business initiative that helps develop, enhance, and maintain effective security processes throughout the global supply chain. C-TPAT recognizes that Customs can provide the highest level of security only through close cooperation with the ultimate owners of the supply chain, importers, carriers, brokers, warehouse operators, and manufacturers. Through this initiative, Customs is asking businesses to ensure the integrity of their security practices and communicate their security guidelines to their business partners within the supply chain. This program offers businesses an opportunity to play an active role in the war against terrorism. By participating in this first worldwide supply chain security initiative, companies will ensure a more secure supply chain for their employees, suppliers, and customers. CDG is a pioneer company that can help in achieving C-TPAT compliance certification.

C-TPAT compliance certification:

C-TPAT certification

C-TPAT compliance

C-TPAT audit

C-TPAT validation

CTPAT Certification Benefits for U.S. Importers

(& How to Achieve)

When you participate in the Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (CTPAT) certification program, you are joining an alliance of more than 11, 400 trade partners in the fight for safe product entry into the United States. And with nearly 25 million product containers arriving in the U.S. every year by land, air, and sea, the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agency could use the help.

By obtaining CTPAT certification, your company can:

Help the CBP carry out cargo security measures more effectively,

Improve your own supply chain's security standards, and

Secure benefits for your business, such as a faster customs entry process.

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C-TPAT Security Audit In Ahmedabad

25,000 - 35,000 /piece Get Latest Price
  • ISO 17020 Accredited Inspection Agency ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory

CIL provides accredited C-TPAT security audit/inspection services in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. CIL is the only accredited inspection agency in India to conduct C-TPAT security audits. CIL is an ISO 17020 accredited inspection agency. Contact us for C-TPAT certification services in India.

C-TPAT is a US government-business initiative that was introduced in 2001. It is designed to strengthen overall supply chain and border security by working in close cooperation with the key members of the supply chain - importers, carriers, brokers, warehouse operators and manufacturers.

Businesses must apply to participate in C-TPAT, which can be done via the US Customs website. Shipments from participants in C-TPAT will be able to move across US borders quicker than non-member shipments, because customs will offer potential benefits to C-TPAT members, most notably a reduced number of inspections (reduced border times).

Participants will sign an agreement that commits them to the following actions Conduct a comprehensive self-assessment of supply chain security using the C-TPAT security guidelines. These guidelines, which are available for review on the Customs.

Website encompass the following areas:

Procedural Security

Physical Security

Personnel Security

Education and Training

Access Controls

Manifest Procedures

Conveyance Security

CDG is a pioneer company which can help in achieving C-TPAT compliance certification

The companies can apply

To improve the security of their supply chain

To support other CBP security and facilitation activities

To improve administration of C-TPAT programs.

What are the Benefits of C-TPAT Certification?

Being part of the C-TPAT certified group comes with its own set of benefits for the companies. Some of the most important C-TPAT benefits include -

C-TPAT enables companies to move ahead in the line for inspection

Companies get access to Free and Secure Trade (FAST) lanes at the borders

There is lesser probability that the CBP will conduct any inspections and there will be an exemption from Stratified Exams

Shorter wait times at the borders for passage

Companies gain access to the C-TPAT Status Verification Interface

A dedicated CBP Supply Chain Security Specialist is assigned to every company

This membership makes the company eligible for other government programs such as U.S. Food and Drug Administration and Secure Supply Chain

C-TPAT gives companies accesses to participate in the Importer Self-Assessment Program

What do we offer for C-TPAT Certification for your organization?

With a team of highly qualified consultants and trainers having vast industrial experience, CDG assists organizations across the world to implement and achieve C-TPAT certification. Our consultation approach is highly professional, time bound and effective resulting in the ease of implementation and adds value to the business processes of the clients organization.

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C-TPAT Security Audit In Guwahati

25,000 - 35,000 /piece Get Latest Price
  • ISO 17020 Accredited Inspection Agency ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory

CIL provides accredited C-TPAT security audit/inspection services in Guwahati, Assam, India. CIL is the only accredited inspection agency in India to conduct C-TPAT security audits. CIL is an ISO 17020 accredited inspection agency. Contact us for C-TPAT certification services in India.

Backed by the vast industrial experience we are engaged in offering a qualitative range of C TPAT Certification. The Customs-Trade Partnership against Terrorism program (C-TPAT) is a voluntary and collaborative effort of both the U.S. Department of border protection agency (CBP) and homeland security's customs and companies which seek to increase supply-chain security measures concerning international trade.

Other Details:

  • Use of sophisticated technology
  • Precision engineered
  • Flexible approach
  • Ensures effective work

C-TPAT is a voluntary government-business initiative that builds cooperative relationships to strengthen and improve the international supply chain and U.S. border security. Through this initiative, U.S. Customs and Border Protection is asking businesses to ensure the integrity of their security practices, communicate and verify the security guidelines of their business partners within the supply chain. In short, C-TPAT is a customs trade partnership against terrorism. The C-TPAT certification process is complex and multifaceted. The experts at CDG have a deep understanding of the challenges your company will face and will guide you step by step through the per-evaluation, C-TPAT certification and re-validation processes. Although still voluntary, companies who are not C-TPAT certified will likely be forced to sell their merchandise elsewhere and the wait times at U.S.A.s borders for inspection and release will be an intolerable financial burden.

CDG is the most prominent C-TPAT certification company. Our services include:

  • Developing Supply Chain Security Management Systems
  • Facilitating the Certification of Companies (C-TPAT)
  • Preparing Companies for Certification/Re-Validation (C-TPAT Security Profile)
  • Regaining Denied or Suspended Privileges
  • Conducting a Thorough Risk Assessment Analysis
  • Company Training
  • Conducting Audits for Business Partners & Associates
  • Providing Companies with Preferred Certification Vendors (Legal, Construction & Transportation)
  • On-site Advanced C-TPAT Training

Our expertise in C-TPAT certification

  • The services we provide includes ensuring the compliance of C-TPAT-certified organizations to the existing regulations.
  • We apply established methods and techniques in evaluating the required components. We are dedicated to guiding organizations towards C-TPAT participation by ensuring the security of their supply chain activities.
  • As part of our services, we also guide carriers, importers and brokers in implementing the most secure measures for their supply chain activities. Our dedicated team is also involved in the validation of the required premises.

The Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT) is a supply chain security program led by U.S. Customs and Border Protection focused on improving the security of private companies' supply chains with respect to terrorism. This initiative was launched to assist the trading community in the war against Terrorism.

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C-TPAT Security Audit In Jodhpur

25,000 - 35,000 /piece Get Latest Price
  • ISO 17020 Accredited Inspection Agency ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory

CIL provides accredited C-TPAT security audit/inspection services in Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India. CIL is the only accredited inspection agency in India to conduct C-TPAT security audits. CIL is an ISO 17020 accredited inspection agency. Contact us for C-TPAT certification services in India.

C-TPAT (CustomsTrade Partnership Against Terrorism) is a voluntary, joint government-business partnership to help add to supply chain and increase border security.

C-TPAT is a United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP) initiative that stands for Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism. C-TPAT is a voluntary program where participants work to protect supply chains from the concealment of terrorist weapons including weapons of mass destruction

This partnership is for organizations involved in the global supply chain including United States importers, customs brokers, terminal operators, carriers and foreign manufacturers.

Companies wishing to be C-TPAT participants must complete an application and conduct a self-assessment of their supply chain security procedures against the C-TPAT criteria or guidelines jointly developed by CBP and the trade community. Upon satisfactory completion of the online application, a U.S. Customs and Border Protection C-TPAT Supply Chain Security Specialist will contact the participant to begin the validation process.

C-TPAT was launched in November 2001 and began with seven initial participants. According to U.S. Customs Border Protection (CBP), there are more than 10, 000 certified partners. Nearly half of this number are importer

Mutual Recognition is the process in which an entity is recognized in the eyes of the US Customs and Border Protection Authorities. Apart from this, foreign customs administration would also be considered for mutual recognition. Mutual recognition would allow companies that secure the benefits under the C-TPAT certification to receive other benefits from a different form of authority.

Benefits of C-TPAT Audit

The potential benefits from C-TPAT certification are a measurable increase in the speed of freight and a reduction of fees. These benefits are assisted by:

  • Access to the Free and Secure Trade (FAST) lanes at land borders
  • The ability to move to the front of inspection lines
  • A lesser potential of CBP examinations and an exemption from Stratified Exams (SEs)
  • Shorter wait times at the border
  • Access to the C-TPAT Status Verification Interface (SVI)
  • A CBP Supply Chain Security Specialist (SCSS) assigned to the company
  • Eligibility for other U.S. Government pilot programs such as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Secure Supply Chain (SSC) program
  • The potential to participate in the Importer Self-Assessment Program (ISA)

And others

Process for C-TPAT Audit

There are three steps to C-TPAT certification:

  • The first step is for the company to conduct and fully document a security risk assessment
  • The second step is for the company to submit a basic application via the C-TPAT Portal system
  • The third step is for the company to complete a supply chain security profile which explains how the company is meeting C-TPATs minimum security criteria

Upon satisfactory completion of the application and supply chain security profile, CBP reviews the submitted materials. The CBP C-TPAT program will then have up to 90-days to certify the company into the program or to reject the application. If certified, the company will be validated within three years of certification.

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C-TPAT Security Audit In Indore

25,000 - 35,000 /piece Get Latest Price
  • ISO 17020 Accredited Inspection Agency ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory

CIL provides accredited C-TPAT security audit/inspection services in Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India. CIL is the only accredited inspection agency in India to conduct C-TPAT security audits. CIL is an ISO 17020 accredited inspection agency. Contact us for C-TPAT certification services in India.

Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism - CTPAT

CTPAT is a voluntary public-private sector partnership program which recognizes that CBP can provide the highest level of cargo security only through close cooperation with the principal stakeholders of the international supply chain such as importers, carriers, consolidators, licensed customs brokers, and manufacturers. The Security and Accountability for Every Port Act of 2006 provided a statutory framework for the CTPAT program and imposed strict program oversight requirements.

When an entity joins CTPAT, an agreement is made to work with CBP to protect the supply chain, identify security gaps, and implement specific security measures and best practices. Applicants must address a broad range of security topics and present security profiles that list action plans to align security throughout the supply chain. CTPAT members are considered to be of low risk, and are therefore less likely to be examined at a U.S. port of entry.

Benefit of CTPAT

  • Reduced number of CBP examinations
  • Front of the line inspections
  • Possible exemption from Stratified Exams
  • Shorter wait times at the border
  • Assignment of a Supply Chain Security Specialist to the company
  • Access to the Free and Secure Trade (FAST) Lanes at the land borders
  • Access to the CTPAT web-based Portal system and a library of training materials
  • Possibility of enjoying additional benefits by being recognized as a trusted trade Partner by foreign Customs administrations that have signed Mutual Recognition with the United States
  • Eligibility for other U.S. Government pilot programs, such as the Food and Drug Administrations Secure Supply Chain program
  • Business resumption priority following a natural disaster or terrorist attack
  • Importer eligibility to participate in the Importer Self-Assessment Program (ISA)
  • Priority consideration at CBPs industry-focused Centers of Excellence and Expertise
  • Regulatory Authority for the C-TPAT Certification

The primary regulatory authority for C-TPAT Certification is the US Customs and Border Protection. The C-TPAT certification allows the exporter to secure the benefits of different programs provided by other customs and border protection authorities.

Process for C-TPAT Audit

There are three steps to C-TPAT certification:

  • The first step is for the company to conduct and fully document a security risk assessment
  • The second step is for the company to submit a basic application via the C-TPAT Portal system
  • The third step is for the company to complete a supply chain security profile which explains how the company is meeting C-TPATs minimum security criteria

Upon satisfactory completion of the application and supply chain security profile, CBP reviews the submitted materials. The CBP C-TPAT program will then have up to 90-days to certify the company into the program or to reject the application. If certified, the company will be validated within three years of certification.

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C-TPAT Security Audit In Jaipur

25,000 - 35,000 /piece Get Latest Price
  • ISO 17020 Accredited Inspection Agency ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory

CIL provides accredited C-TPAT security audit/inspection services in Jaipur, Rajasthan, India. CIL is the only accredited inspection agency in India to conduct C-TPAT security audits. CIL is an ISO 17020 accredited inspection agency. Contact us for C-TPAT certification services in India.

C-TPAT was introduced in 2001 with several industrial participants to ensure compliance is maintained under several anti-terrorist laws. The C-TPAT Certification would apply to producers of goods and services within the USA. It would also apply to goods that are produced outside the USA. However, this certification is not a mandatory requirement for companies. It has been stressed that such certification is taken by private companies voluntarily.

Procedure for Application for a C-TPAT Certification

  • The application process is done through an online C-TPAT Certification portal. The designated officer will fill in the application in the C-TPAT portal.
  • The Company Portal Section will ask for information such as address and relevant contact information of the company.
  • Once this is completed, the "Submit" button must be clicked.
  • When this is finished, an account is created on the C-TPAT certification portal.
  • The designated officer must fill the company information in the designated Security Profile.
  • In the security profile, there is a section known as the Supply Chain Security Specialist (SCSS), which will check the requirement if the company or entity meets the eligibility criteria for the certification.
  • Once this is done, the company will become a member of the C-TPAT.
  • THE SCSS will contact your company to conduct an information audit to understand if the requirements have been complied with for the C-TPAT certification.
  • If the SCSS finds the practices adopted by your company meet the minimum-security requirements, then Tier- II status will be granted to your company.
  • After this is carried out, your company can enjoy the full benefits of the C-TPAT certification.

Marine Port Authority and Terminal Operator (Foreign Based)

  • Have cargo vessels and shipments which are coming in from other locations.
  • Have a registered business office in the USA.
  • Have an FMC and Marine Terminal Operator (FMCMTO Number), which is usually a six-digit number.
  • Have the requirements of the company officer and a clean record when carrying out the application.
  • If the organization is foreign-owned, it must have an invitation from the CBP to apply for the C-TPAT Certification.
  • Apart from this, the cargo vessels must be handled only from the USA.

Highway Carriers

  • Highway Carriers have to satisfy the same eligibility requirements as that of foreign manufacturers.
  • If the Highway carriers are Mexican, then the SAT code requirement must be met according to the prescribed format, which is followed by companies, partnerships, and other types of entities.
  • Apart from this High way, Carriers must have a registered business office in the USA or Mexico or Canada.

CDG Advantage

  • CDG is a recognized consultant for carrying out C-TPAT certification.
  • We have multifaceted teams of professionals.
  • We have extensive experience in handling C-TPAT Certification.
  • Our service is cost-effective.

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C-TPAT Security Audit In Gurgaon

25,000 - 35,000 /piece Get Latest Price
  • ISO 17020 Accredited Inspection Agency ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory

CIL provides accredited C-TPAT security audit/inspection services in Gurgaon, Haryana, India. CIL is the only accredited inspection agency in India to conduct C-TPAT security audits. CIL is an ISO 17020 accredited inspection agency. Contact us for C-TPAT certification services in India.

What is C-TPAT Certification?

C-TPAT certification stands for Customers-Trade Partnership against Terrorism. This compliance is required for supply chain management for firms sending goods into the US. The US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) brought out this certification to ensure that security compliance is maintained for private sector companies that supply/ import goods and services in America.

Regulatory Authority for the C-TPAT Certification

The primary regulatory authority for C-TPAT Certification is the US Customs and Border Protection. The C-TPAT certification allows the exporter to secure the benefits of different programs provided by other customs and border protection authorities.

Customs Brokers

The Customs Broker should have a registered physical office in the USA, carrying out operations in the past year.

The Custom broker should have an active registered custom broker license and file code of record ID. The following format is required for the above: ##### Customs Brokers License Serial Number / ### Filer Code.

The applicant must have an officer who is responsible for the requirements of the C-TPAT Certification.

Sign the C-TPAT agreement to participate in different programs offered by the C-TPAT as part of the process and the program.

Maintain an informative process of the supply chain program in the C-TPAT portal.

The applicant must not have any form of debts with any international or domestic authority when making such an application. The applicant must also satisfy that no form of insolvency or bankruptcy proceedings is present. Apart from this, the applicant must also satisfy that no form of a criminal conviction is against them.


Exporters must show cause that they are carrying out exports in the USA.

Exporters must have a registered business office within the USA.

Exporters must have an active Employer Identification Number (EIN) or a Valid Dun and Bradstreet Number (DUNS).

The applicant must have active compliance when it comes to exporting goods for the past 12 months. Apart from this, the exporter must also have a good standing with the US Customs and Border Protection Authority.

Sign the C-TPAT agreement to participate in different programs offered by the C-TPAT as part of the process and the program.

Maintain an informative process of the supply chain program in the C-TPAT portal.

The applicant must not have any form of debts with any international or domestic authority when making such an application. The applicant must also satisfy that no form of insolvency or bankruptcy proceedings is present. Apart from this, the applicant must also satisfy that no form of criminal convictions is against them.


An importer must be classified as an entity importing goods into the USA for the last 12 months.

The importer must maintain some form of record with the CBP. This record is understood as the Importer of Record (IOR). The IOR must be in the following format:

a) U.S Social Security Number.

b) IRS (Internal Revenue Service) Assigned ID.

c) CBP Number.

The applicant must have the respective "C-TPAT Certificate" Signed along with the partnership agreement that the applicant has taken this initiative to voluntarily participate in such a program.

The applicant must have a profile regarding the supply chain requirement in the C-TPAT portal. This must also state how the foreign manufacturer meets the requirements of the MSC.

The applicant must not have any form of debts with any international or domestic authority when making such an application. The applicant must also satisfy that no form of insolvency or bankruptcy proceedings is present.

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C-TPAT Security Audit In Noida

25,000 - 35,000 /piece Get Latest Price
  • ISO 17020 Accredited Inspection Agency ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory

CIL provides accredited C-TPAT security audit/inspection services in Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India. CIL is the only accredited inspection agency in India to conduct C-TPAT security audits. CIL is an ISO 17020 accredited inspection agency. Contact us for C-TPAT certification services in India.

What is C-TPAT?

C-TPAT is a US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) voluntary joint government-business initiative to build cooperative relationships that strengthen overall supply chain and border security.

Benefits of C-TPAT Compliance

  • C-TPAT Reduced time and cost of getting cargo released
  • Reduced insurance rates
  • Competitive Advantage
  • Mutual Recognition (PIP)
  • Eligibility for FAST Lane Program
  • Assigned C-TPAT Supply Chain Security Specialist

Our C-TPAT certificate consultation services include awareness training, custom trade security management policy - objectives workshop, gap analysis, documentation design including manuals, procedures, work instructions, formats etc., implementation assistance & training, internal auditor training, lead auditor training, assistance in conducting internal audit, pre-assessment audit and everything required to ensure a 100% successful C-TPAT certification audit within scheduled project completion time period.

Biggest benefit an organization gets out of C-TPAT is improvement in business process control through process standardization. No matter what benefits you are looking for from C-TPAT certification, we will make sure that your organization benefits from C-TPAT implementation and certification.

Third-Party Logistics Providers

  • For C-TPAT Certification, the third-party logistics provider must satisfy the requirement to handle cargo inside and outside the USA.
  • They have managed cargo using their resources, such as having a warehouse facility on behalf of the client company.
  • They must not allow any form of subcontracting service.
  • They have to be licensed as per the Federal Maritime Commission, Transport Security Administration, US Customs and Border Protection, and US Department of Transport.

Apart from this, the Third-Party Logistics requiring a C-TPAT Certification must satisfy the requirement of having a clean record and appointing an officer to deal with C-TPAT Certification.

Principles of C TPAT:

  • Develop voluntary government/private sector partnership.
  • To work in partnership with the stakeholders of the international supply chain and cooperatively develop improved systems of security and efficiency.
  • An integrated approach to supply chain security focusing on improving systems of security and supply chain efficiency.

What do we offer for C-TPAT Certification for your organization?

With a team of highly qualified consultants and trainers having vast industrial experience, CDG assists organizations across the world to implement and achieve C-TPAT certification. Our consultation approach is highly professional, time bound and effective resulting in the ease of implementation and adds value to the business processes of the clients organization.

How do companies and enterprises know that they satisfy the minimum eligibility criteria for the C-TPAT certification?

Companies must make an online application on the CBP website. To participate, the companies must provide corporate information such as the risk and security profile and also sign the agreement to voluntarily participate in the program. Apart from these, companies must also conduct a self-screening security risk assessment to understand if they comply with the certification requirement.

CDG Advantage

  • CDG is a recognized consultant for carrying out C-TPAT certification.
  • We have multifaceted teams of professionals.
  • We have extensive experience in handling C-TPAT Certification.
  • Our service is cost-effective.

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C-TPAT Security Audit In Moradabad

25,000 - 35,000 /piece Get Latest Price
  • ISO 17020 Accredited Inspection Agency ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory

CIL provides accredited C-TPAT security audit/inspection services in Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh, India. CIL is the only accredited inspection agency in India to conduct C-TPAT security audits. CIL is an ISO 17020 accredited inspection agency. Contact us for C-TPAT certification services in India.

CDG works with US and various foreign customs agencies, as well as other government agencies involved in global supply chain security and enforcement. Our history extends to our role as co-founders of the Transported Asset Protection Association (TAPA) and development of the first ever certified global supply chain security standard, the Freight Security Requirements (FSR). Security criteria within the FSR later served as a model for several of the C-TPAT and SAFE Framework criteria standards.

With over 50 years of Supply Chain Security experience with government and commercial clients, our experts can help you gain and maintain certification for Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT), Partners in Protection (PIP), and EU Authorized Economic Operator (AEO). C-TPAT certification process:

The first step towards C-TPAT certification is conducting a C-TPAT risk assessment of your company and its supply chain.

The 2nd step towards C-TPAT compliance is implementation of an effective supply chain security management system that meets requirements of C-TPAT.

3rd step is preparing C-TPAT security manual, C-TPAT security processes & C-TPAT security questionnaires. Providing C-TPAT training and guidance to comply with the requirements of C-TPAT; obtaining the C-TPAT certification and pass the C-TPAT Validation (audit).

Our C-TPAT Supply Chain Security Advisors have the expertise and experience in developing a customized supply chain security management system for your company that complies with the C-TPAT requirements.

C-TPAT is a joint government-business initiative to build cooperative relationships that strengthen overall supply chain and border security.

C-TPAT recognizes that Customs can provide the highest level of security only through close cooperation with the ultimate owners of the supply chain importers, carriers, brokers, warehouse operators and manufacturers.

Through this initiative, Customs is asking businesses to ensure the integrity of their security practices and communicate their security guidelines to their business partners within the supply chain.

The Customs-Trade Partnership against Terrorism (C-TPAT) is a key anti-terrorism initiative developed by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). To qualify for C-TPAT membership, your company must ensure that its security procedures satisfy the minimum-security requirements established by CBP. In preparing your response to this questionnaire you should also consider that your participation in the C-TPAT program will facilitate the application process for your customers. Importers are required to have written and verifiable processes for the selection of business partners including manufacturers, product suppliers, and vendors. For those business partners eligible for C-TPAT certification (carriers, ports, terminals, brokers, consolidators, ocean transportation intermediaries and NVOCCs) the importer must have documentation (e.g., C-TPAT certificate, SVI number, etc.) indicating whether these business partners are or are not C-TPAT certified. Upon your company's acceptance into the C-TPAT program, you will be able to provide the required C-TPAT documentation to your customers.

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C-TPAT Security Audit In Coimbatore

25,000 - 35,000 /piece Get Latest Price
  • ISO 17020 Accredited Inspection Agency ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory

CIL provides accredited C-TPAT security audit/inspection services in Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India. CIL is the only accredited inspection agency in India to conduct C-TPAT security audits. CIL is an ISO 17020 accredited inspection agency. Contact us for C-TPAT certification services in India.

C-TPAT (CustomsTrade Partnership Against Terrorism) is a voluntary, joint government-business partnership to help add to supply chain and increase border security. According to U.S. Customs Border Protection (CBP), there are more than 10, 000 certified partners. Nearly half of this number are importers. With C-TPAT, CBP is able to realize increased supply chain visibility and better focus resources on higher risk shipments and supply chain participants. jointly developed by Customs and the trade community.

C-TPAT refers to the Customs-Trade Partnership against Terrorism. It was launched in November 2011. The aim of C-TPAT is to protect the products from the terrorist attack and helps to protect the supply chain. C-TPAT recognizes that CBP can provide highest level of security. It helps to identify the security gaps and implement best practices and security measure. It ensures the integrity of their security practices.

These guidelines, which are available for review on the Customs website, encompass the following areas:

Procedural Security, Physical Security, Personnel Security, Education and Training, Access Controls, Manifest Procedures, and Conveyance Security.

Customs recognizes that a safe and secure supply chain is the most critical part of our work in keeping our country safe. For this reason, Customs is seeking a strong anti-terrorism partnership with the trade community through C-TPAT. CTPAT, this is a voluntary government business initiative, with the objective to build relationships to strengthen and improve international supply chain and U.S border security. Through CTPAT, related businesses are able to participate and play an active role in the war against terrorism.

Our C-TPAT Awareness Training: About C-TPAT Program; Explanation on the Certification Requirement (reference: CDG CTPAT audit checklist); and On-Site System Review. We also cover a customers compliance with C-TPAT and when periodic auditing of their commercial processes is due. This extends to the compliance of security systems and procedures of prospective, or contracted, third party suppliers, manufacturers, freight forwarders and similar service providers. CTPAT members are considered low risk and are therefore less likely to be examined. This designation is based on a company's past compliance history, security profile, and the validation of a sample international supply chain.

C-TPAT is a highly recognized application that has been developed and launched by CBP, and many companies are participating to this in the USA and see the mutual benefit. So if you are an importer, why not become C-TPAT certified, as you see the values that it can add to your company. The C-TPAT program is one of continuous improvement. If there are shortfalls, companies will design action plans, with the assistance of their Customs account managers, that reflect their C-TPAT commitments. Companies will track their progress in fulfilling the required security improvements. CDG is leading company for C-TPAT compliance in India.

Please contact CDG for getting ready for CBP audit.

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C-TPAT Security Audit In Nagpur

25,000 - 35,000 /piece Get Latest Price
  • Country of Origin India
  • ISO 17020 Accredited Inspection Agency ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory

CIL provides accredited C-TPAT security audit/inspection services in Nagpur, Maharashtra, India. CIL is the only accredited inspection agency in India to conduct C-TPAT security audits. CIL is an ISO 17020 accredited inspection agency. Contact us for C-TPAT certification services in India.

CDG Certification Ltd. is engaged in rendering Certification and Audit Services to our esteemed clients. Our services also encompass of ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 22000, OHSAS 18001 Certification, CE Marking, Third Party Inspection and Energy Management System Services and many more to name. The services offered by us are provided employing new innovative techniques and methods to leave no scope of complaints and is widely applauded by the clients for their reliability, effectiveness and timely completions.

Our expertise in C-TPAT certification

The services we provide includes ensuring the compliance of C-TPAT-certified organizations to the existing regulations.

We apply established methods and techniques in evaluating the required components. We are dedicated to guiding organizations towards C-TPAT participation by ensuring the security of their supply chain activities.

As part of our services, we also guide carriers, importers and brokers in implementing the most secure measures for their supply chain activities. Our dedicated team is also involved in the validation of the required premises.

The Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT) is a supply chain security program led by U.S. Customs and Border Protection focused on improving the security of private companies' supply chains with respect to terrorism. This initiative was launched to assist the trading community in the war against Terrorism.

CDG is a pioneer company that can help in achieving C-TPAT compliance certification.

C-TPAT compliance certification:

C-TPAT certification

C-TPAT compliance

C-TPAT audit

C-TPAT validation

The CTPAT program was launched in 2001 as a result of the 9/11 attacks on the United States. It was oriented toward securing all goods that are imported into the United States. The program was created to increase the involvement of the business community in the fight against terrorism. Through CTPAT, CBP partners with businesses to identify security gaps, protect the supply chain, and implement specific safety measures and industry best practices.

C-TPAT program is a joint Government-business initiative that helps develop, enhance, and maintain effective security processes throughout the global supply chain. C-TPAT recognizes that Customs can provide the highest level of security only through close cooperation with the ultimate owners of the supply chain, importers, carriers, brokers, warehouse operators, and manufacturers. Through this initiative, Customs is asking businesses to ensure the integrity of their security practices and communicate their security guidelines to their business partners within the supply chain.

CTPAT Certification Benefits for U.S. Importers

(& How to Achieve)

When you participate in the Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (CTPAT) certification program, you are joining an alliance of more than 11, 400 trade partners in the fight for safe product entry into the United States. And with nearly 25 million product containers arriving in the U.S. every year by land, air, and sea, the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agency could use the help

By obtaining CTPAT certification, your company can

Help the CBP carry out cargo security measures more effectively

Improve your own supply chain's security standards, and

Secure benefits for your business, such as a faster customs entry process.

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C-TPAT Security Audit In Hyderabad

25,000 - 35,000 /piece Get Latest Price
  • Country of Origin India
  • ISO 17020 Accredited Inspection Agency ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory

CIL provides accredited C-TPAT security audit/inspection services in Hyderabad, Telangana, India. CIL is the only accredited inspection agency in India to conduct C-TPAT security audits. CIL is an ISO 17020 accredited inspection agency. Contact us for C-TPAT certification services in India.

CDG Inspection Limited is a leading inspection & testing company of India. We follow ISO 17020:12 standarc in all our inspection activities & ISO 17025:2017 standard in test lab services. We provide inspection & testing services in wide range of areas / products.

What is C-TPAT?

C-TPAT means Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism. C-TPAT is a voluntary program that was designed to enable collaboration between the government and independent organizations in ensuring the security of customs and trade processes against terrorism. The program hopes to encourage legitimate activities with the help of the Customs as well as the business community.

The program was launched in November 2001. As a United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP) program, C-TPAT is an initiative supported by the Department of Homeland Security. At its onset, there were 7 participating organization. These organizations were all large organizations based in the US. C-TPAT is one of the programs aimed at the security of the borders.

C-TPAT was initiated with the goal of involving independent organizations in keeping the borders safe and ensuring the security of supply processes. Thus, the program is aimed at identifying security gaps, monitoring processes and implementing measures for preventing terrorism and illegitimate activities. Participants in the program include importers, brokers and carriers. C-TPAT is a global initiative.

Organizations that seek C-TPAT certification undergo a documented process that examines their supply chain. A C-TPAT certification confirms that an organization has implemented low-risk supply chain procedures.

Benefits are attached to C-TPAT certification. These benefits include lesser wait times at borders and fewer inspections. C-TPAT members who are specialists also serve as training and inspection liaisons for the CBP. There are also designed FAST lanes for C-TPAT members who are carriers reducing the time spent on inspection of these carriers on the Canadian and Mexican border. Importers who have C-TPAT certification enjoy benefits such as eligibility for the Importer Self-Assessment Program which substitutes for Focused Assessment. Containers of organizations that are C-TPAT-certified also receive priority treatment.

Requirements of C-TPAT Audit

Organizations with C-TPAT certification are expected to carry out an audit of their supply chain process as part of the activities the agreement commits them to. According to the C-TPAT guidelines, the self-assessment carried out by organizations seeking certification should include area such as Business Partner Security, Physical Access Controls, Procedural Security, Personnel Security, Security Training and Threat Awareness, Container Security, Physical Security, and Information Technology Security.

These organizations are also expected to conduct a 5-step risk assessment of their supply chain activity. This assessment includes conducting threat and vulnerability assessment as well as mapping cargo flow, preparing an action plan and documenting the entire process.

C-TPAT-certified organizations are also expected to complete a questionnaire and develop supply chain processes according to established guidelines as well as validate their premise and the premises of their foreign suppliers.

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C-TPAT Security Audit In Tiruppur

25,000 - 35,000 /piece Get Latest Price
  • ISO 17020 Accredited Inspection Agency ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory

CIL provides accredited C-TPAT security audit/inspection services in Tiruppur, Tamil Nadu, India. CIL is the only accredited inspection agency in India to conduct C-TPAT security audits. CIL is an ISO 17020 accredited inspection agency. Contact us for C-TPAT certification services in India.

The C-TPAT certification is an abbreviation for Customs-Trade Partnership against Terrorism, a voluntary certification for security of the respective supply chain systems of private companies and international companies that import goods and services into America. The C-TPAT Certification is required for increasing the amount of security when it comes to compliance-related to Anti-Terrorist Laws.

Package inclusions:

  • Assistance with Application related to the C-TPAT Certification.
  • Mutual Recognition Agreements under the C-TPAT Certification process.
  • Supply Chain Improvement.
  • US Customs and Border Protection Compliance.
  • Benefits of C-TPAT Certification.

Air-Way Carriers

  • Ensure that the carrier has transferred or carried goods into the USA within the last year.
  • Have an IATA code (International Air Transport Association Code).
  • Have an international carrier bond which is registered with the Customs and Border Protection.
  • Have an officer who is responsible for the requirements of the C-TPAT Certification.
  • Sign the C-TPAT agreement to participate in different programs offered by the C-TPAT as part of the process and the program.
  • Maintain an informative process of the supply chain program in the C-TPAT portal.

The applicant must not have any form of debts with any international or domestic authority when making such an application. The applicant must also satisfy that no form of insolvency or bankruptcy proceedings is present. Apart from this, the applicant must also meet that no form of a criminal conviction is against them.

Air Carrier, Ocean Carrier, and Non-Vessel Operation Common Carriers

  • They must be in operations.
  • They must have a registered business office in the USA.
  • The applicant must have an active Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) organization number, apart from having the IATA number.
  • The applicant must have an International Bond for carrier license.
  • The applicant must have an officer who is responsible for the requirements of the C-TPAT Certification.
  • Sign the C-TPAT agreement to participate in different programs offered by the C-TPAT as part of the process and the program.
  • Maintain an informative process of the supply chain program in the C-TPAT portal.
  • The applicant must not have any form of debts with any international or domestic authority when making such an application. The applicant must also satisfy that no form of insolvency or bankruptcy proceedings is present. Apart from this, the applicant must also satisfy that no form of a criminal conviction is against them.


  • Exporters must show cause that they are carrying out exports in the USA.
  • Exporters must have a registered business office within the USA.
  • Exporters must have an active Employer Identification Number (EIN) or a Valid Dun and Bradstreet Number (DUNS).
  • The applicant must have active compliance when it comes to exporting goods for the past 12 months. Apart from this, the exporter must also have a good standing with the US Customs and Border Protection Authority.
  • Sign the C-TPAT agreement to participate in different programs offered by the C-TPAT as part of the process and the program.
  • Maintain an informative process of the supply chain program in the C-TPAT portal.
  • The applicant must not have any form of debts with any international or domestic authority when making such an application. The applicant must also satisfy that no form of insolvency or bankruptcy proceedings is present. Apart from this, the applicant must also satisfy that no form of criminal convictions is against them.

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C-TPAT Security Audit In Paradip

25,000 - 35,000 /piece Get Latest Price
  • ISO 17020 Accredited Inspection Agency ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory

CIL provides accredited C-TPAT security audit/inspection services in Paradip, Orissa, India. CIL is the only accredited inspection agency in India to conduct C-TPAT security audits. CIL is an ISO 17020 accredited inspection agency.

C-TPAT certification stands for Customers-Trade Partnership against Terrorism. This compliance is required for supply chain management for firms sending goods into the US. The US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) brought out this certification to ensure that security compliance is maintained for private sector companies that supply/ import goods and services in America.

This certification was introduced in 2001 with several industrial participants to ensure compliance is maintained under several anti-terrorist laws. The C-TPAT Certification would apply to producers of goods and services within the USA. It would also apply to goods that are produced outside the USA. However, this certification is not a mandatory requirement for companies. It has been stressed that such certification is taken by private companies voluntarily.

Process to get the C-TPAT Certification

Application: - This is the first step to get the C-TPAT certification, the application covers some basic information of the company. The certification body must accept the application and needs to b record or maintain all the information on the C-TPAT database.

Review of Application: - The application received shall be reviewed by the team to ensure that the compliance requirement have been fulfilled.

Quote and Agreement: - After the review of documents we provide the price quotation to the client and performs the Gap Analysis to cover all the clauses and section of the quality standards and Gap Analysis is done to check the Gap between company planned things and achieved things.

Documentation Review: - check the document of the organization to ensure that the documentation fulfilled the compliance requirement.

Stage-1 Audit: - Evaluate your organizations documented procedure and policies against the compliance requirement.

Review: - Review the documentation of your management system to ensure that the compliance requirement have been contented.

Corrective action: - Corrective action is deal with the non-conformity. It has taken when the non-conformity occurs.

Verification: - Verify the documentation of the organization as per the standard requirements.

Stage-2 Audit: - In stage-2 audit, the auditor verifies that the organization implement according to its documentation and if the auditor of certification body identifies the non-conformities, then the auditor gives the opportunity to correct the non-conformities.

Review: - Review the implementation process according to the organizations document.

Corrective Action: - If there is any non-conformity occurs then the corrective action has been taken.

Verification: - Verify work instruction and implementation process are being followed by your employees.

Granting of Certification: - The Certification Body will issue a certificate of compliance, which is valid for three years.

Surveillance Audit: - Surveillance audit conduct to ensure that the organization meets the requirements of the management system. Surveillance audit must be performed in every six month or one year from the date of issued certificate.

Re-Certification: - Re-certification is the process, which is done at the end of three years period.

Review: - Review the documentation and implementation process of your management system to ensure that the compliance requirement have been contented.

Corrective Action: - Recheck the non-conformity, if any other problem occurs then CB give the opportunity to the organization to resolve the non-conformity.

Verification: -Compare the documentation of the organization with the compliance requirement.

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C-TPAT Security Audit In Pune

25,000 - 35,000 /piece Get Latest Price
  • ISO 17020 Accredited Inspection Agency ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory

CIL provides accredited C-TPAT security audit/inspection services in Pune, Maharashtra, India. CIL is the only accredited inspection agency in India to conduct C-TPAT security audits. CIL is an ISO 17020 accredited inspection agency.

C-TPAT certification stands for Customers-Trade Partnership against Terrorism. This compliance is required for supply chain management for firms sending goods into the US. The US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) brought out this certification to ensure that security compliance is maintained for private sector companies that supply/ import goods and services in America.

This certification was introduced in 2001 with several industrial participants to ensure compliance is maintained under several anti-terrorist laws. The C-TPAT Certification would apply to producers of goods and services within the USA. It would also apply to goods that are produced outside the USA. However, this certification is not a mandatory requirement for companies. It has been stressed that such certification is taken by private companies voluntarily.

What are the potential benefits of the C-TPAT program?

C-TPAT helps CBP increase supply chain visibility and better focus resources on higher risk shipments and supply chain participants. The benefits of C-TPAT certification to participants includes the potential to increase freight processing speed and reduce fees. These benefits are assisted by:

Access to the Free and Secure Trade (FAST) lanes at land borders

The ability to move to the front of inspection lines

A lesser potential of CBP examinations and an exemption from Stratified Exams (SEs)

Shorter wait times at the border

Access to the C-TPAT Status Verification Interface (SVI)

A CBP Supply Chain Security Specialist (SCSS) assigned to the company

Eligibility for other U.S. Government pilot programs such as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Secure Supply Chain (SSC) program

The potential to participate in the Importer Self-Assessment (ISA) program.

Who are Eligible and can participate?

Companies outside USA and also enrolled inPIP, OAE, AEO (Tier I, Tier II, Tier III, LO) certified entity can achieve CTPAT Compliant Certification. Any active business entity going for CTPAT .

Organization which are playing a key role in US supply chain are eligible for becoming CTPAT compliant.

Consolidators (Freight consolidators, ocean transportation intermediaries and non-vessel operating common carriers)

Marine port authority and terminal operators

Foreign manufacturers (APAC countries, Middle East)

Third-party logistics providers 3LP

Customs brokers

Customs House Agent (CHA)

US Exporters

US/Canada and US/Mexico cross-border highway carriers

Rail carriers

Sea carriers

Air carriers

How does C-TPAT validation differ from a CBP audit?

It is important to note that a C-TPAT validation is not a CBP audit. Although U.S. customs performs standard audits in areas such as trade compliance and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) assessments, C-TPAT validations focus on voluntarily and exemplary standards beyond basic compliance.

How CDG Can Help?

CDG has created a wide range of solutions to assist companies looking for C-TPAT certification, offering importers and shippers the ability to better manage shipments, comply with regulatory mandates, audit and report on performance, and improve overall productivity across import/export operations.

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C-TPAT Security Audit In Kandla

25,000 - 35,000 /piece Get Latest Price
  • ISO 17020 Accredited Inspection Agency ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory

CIL provides accredited C-TPAT security audit/inspection services in Kandla, Gujarat, India. CIL is the only accredited inspection agency in India to conduct C-TPAT security audits. CIL is an ISO 17020 accredited inspection agency.

Created in the aftermath of 9/11, the Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT) was formed to strengthen and protect foreign trade and U.S. border security. It is a private-public partnership between the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and companies such as importers, exporters and many other supply chain professionals. By pursuing C-TPAT certification, member companies can enjoy a variety of supply chain benefits that can boost operational safety and efficiency. For some companies, however, these benefits may not outweigh the effort needed to meet requirements.

As required by the SAFE Port Act of 2006, CBP has expanded the enrollment sectors to include other entities which can strengthen security along these critical points. Long haul Mexican highway carriers and foreign marine terminal operators were the first two new entities to be added to C-TPAT, each of which can provide tangible security benefits at key points in the international supply chain. As CBP looks to expand enrollment to include third party logistics providers (3PLs), focus must be given towards those 3PLs which have direct means to enhance security at critical points in the international supply chain. Therefore, the creation of this C-TPAT enrollment sector is part of the continuing evolution of the C-TPAT program and its efforts to include those supply chain sectors that add value to CBPs efforts to protect the supply chain, while alsocontinuing to be careful to not duplicate existing efforts or enrollment sectors.

Companies who become C-TPAT-certified agree to implement the programs specific security requirements. These requirements extend to all elements and participants in a given companys supply chain, including manufacturing and distribution facilities, third-party logistics providers (3PLs), and carrier partners.

By complying with these certification requirements, member companies can enjoy a variety of benefits. First and foremost is the knowledge that a company is doing its part to make the supply chain and the country safer. And, by complying with the programs requirements, each company is likely taking great strides in making its own operations safer and more secure.

C-TPAT is a joint government-business initiative to build cooperative relationships that strengthen overall supply chain and border security.

C-TPAT recognizes that Customs can provide the highest level of security only through close cooperation with the ultimate owners of the supply chain, importers, carriers, brokers, warehouse operators and manufacturers.

Through this initiative, Customs is asking businesses to ensure the integrity of their security practices and communicate their security guidelines to their business partners within the supply chain.

This program calls upon importing businesses and service providers to establish policies enhancing their own security practices and those of business partners involved in the supply chain, based on the following C-TPAT security criteria:

Business Partners Requirements

Container Security

Physical Access Controls

Personnel Security

Security Training & Threat Awareness

Information Technology Security

Once these policies are given an effect, imports by these businesses would be given a Fast Lane by the US Customs.

CDG can conduct an independent Assessment through a verification audit and benchmark the facility on a Score Card, which enables the facility to move towards a continuous upgrading of their security systems.

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C-TPAT Security Audit In Thoothukudi (Tuticorin)

25,000 - 35,000 /piece Get Latest Price
  • ISO 17020 Accredited Inspection Agency ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory

CIL provides accredited C-TPAT security audit/inspection services in Thoothukudi(Tuticorin), Tamil Nadu, India. CIL is the only accredited inspection agency in India to conduct C-TPAT security audits. CIL is an ISO 17020 accredited inspection agency.

CDG qualified auditors assist organizations to assess and enhance security measures throughout their supply chains and ensure compliance with security requirements.

We perform supply chain security audits against all Customs-Trade Partnership against Terrorism (C-TPAT global and regional requirements) ensuring:

Outside Barriers and Physical Security

Factory Internal Security

Factory Employee Security

Shipping Dock Security

Key and Seal Controls

Security Processes

Container and Merchandise Movement

Computer Systems Security and Controls

Procedure for Application for a C-TPAT Certification

The application process is done through an online C-TPAT Certification portal. The designated officer will fill in the application in the C-TPAT portal.

The Company Portal Section will ask for information such as address and relevant contact information of the company.

Once this is completed, the "Submit" button must be clicked.

When this is finished, an account is created on the C-TPAT certification portal.

The designated officer must fill the company information in the designated Security Profile.

In the security profile, there is a section known as the Supply Chain Security Specialist (SCSS), which will check the requirement if the company or entity meets the eligibility criteria for the certification.

Once this is done, the company will become a member of the C-TPAT.

THE SCSS will contact your company to conduct an information audit to understand if the requirements have been complied with for the C-TPAT certification.

If the SCSS finds the practices adopted by your company meet the minimum-security requirements, then Tier- II status will be granted to your company.

After this is carried out, your company can enjoy the full benefits of the C-TPAT certification. Regulatory Authority for the C-TPAT Certification

The primary regulatory authority for C-TPAT Certification is the US Customs and Border Protection. The C-TPAT certification allows the exporter to secure the benefits of different programs provided by other customs and border protection authorities.

Securing the Global Supply Chain

Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT) is a voluntary government-business initiative to build cooperative relationships that strengthen and improve overall international supply chain and U.S. border security.

C-TPAT recognizes that U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) can provide the highest level of cargo security only through close cooperation with the ultimate owners of the international supply chain such as importers, carriers, consolidators, licensed customs brokers, and manufacturers.

As a partner to the U.S. authorities, we check companies exporting goods from China to the United States. Whether your company manufactures, supplies, or ships goods and services, we will support you on the path to successful certification. CDG is a leading C-TPAT Certification Company in India.

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C-TPAT Security Audit In Port Blair

25,000 - 35,000 /piece Get Latest Price
  • ISO 17020 Accredited Inspection Agency ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory

CIL provides accredited C-TPAT security audit/inspection services in Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar islands, India. CIL is the only accredited inspection agency in India to conduct C-TPAT security audits. CIL is an ISO 17020 accredited inspection agency.

The C-TPAT certification is an abbreviation for Customs-Trade Partnership against Terrorism, a voluntary certification for security of the respective supply chain systems of private companies and international companies that import goods and services into America. The C-TPAT Certification is required for increasing the amount of security when it comes to compliance-related to Anti-Terrorist Laws.

C-TPAT (CustomsTrade Partnership Against Terrorism) is a voluntary, joint government-business partnership to help add to supply chain and increase border security. According to U.S. Customs Border Protection (CBP), there are more than 10, 000 certified partners. Nearly half of this number are importers. With C-TPAT, CBP is able to realize increased supply chain visibility and better focus resources on higher risk shipments and supply chain participants. jointly developed by Customs and the trade community.

Package inclusions:

Assistance with Application related to the C-TPAT Certification.

Mutual Recognition Agreements under the C-TPAT Certification process.

Supply Chain Improvement.

US Customs and Border Protection Compliance.

Benefits of C-TPAT Certification.

These guidelines, which are available for review on the Customs website, encompass the following areas:

Procedural Security, Physical Security, Personnel Security, Education and Training, Access Controls, Manifest Procedures, and Conveyance Security.

Customs recognizes that a safe and secure supply chain is the most critical part of our work in keeping our country safe. For this reason, Customs is seeking a strong anti-terrorism partnership with the trade community through C-TPAT. CTPAT, this is a voluntary government business initiative, with the objective to build relationships to strengthen and improve international supply chain and U.S border security. Through CTPAT, related businesses are able to participate and play an active role in the war against terrorism.

Our C-TPAT Awareness Training: About C-TPAT Program; Explanation on the Certification Requirement (reference: CDG CTPAT audit checklist); and On-Site System Review. We also cover a customers compliance with C-TPAT and when periodic auditing of their commercial processes is due. This extends to the compliance of security systems and procedures of prospective, or contracted, third party suppliers, manufacturers, freight forwarders and similar service providers. CTPAT members are considered low risk and are therefore less likely to be examined. This designation is based on a company's past compliance history, security profile, and the validation of a sample international supply chain.

C-TPAT is a highly recognized application that has been developed and launched by CBP, and many companies are participating to this in the USA and see the mutual benefit. So if you are an importer, why not become C-TPAT certified, as you see the values that it can add to your company. The C-TPAT program is one of continuous improvement. If there are shortfalls, companies will design action plans, with the assistance of their Customs account managers, that reflect their C-TPAT commitments. Companies will track their progress in fulfilling the required security improvements. CDG is leading company for C-TPAT compliance in India.

Please contact CDG for getting ready for CBP audit.

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C-TPAT Security Audit In Haldia

25,000 - 35,000 /piece Get Latest Price
  • ISO 17020 Accredited Inspection Agency ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory

CIL provides accredited C-TPAT security audit/inspection services in Haldia, West Bengal, India. CIL is the only accredited inspection agency in India to conduct C-TPAT security audits. CIL is an ISO 17020 accredited inspection agency.

C-TPAT certification requires that companies meet an extensive checklist of verifiable conditions. Nevertheless, the survey found that the minimum-security criteria were generally viewed as very easy or somewhat easy to implement across the various sectors. The Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT) certification program is a voluntary government program through which importers and exporters can agree to implement and maintain a set of predetermined supply chain security measures and submit to government site visits in exchange for benefits such as expedited review of shipment documentation at the border. The Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism program (C-TPAT) is a voluntary, collaborative effort of both the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's Customs and Border Protection Agency (CBP) and companies which seek to increase supply-chain security measures concerning international trade. C-TPAT is a voluntary government-business initiative that builds cooperative relationships that strengthen and improve overall international supply chain and U.S. border security.

C-TPAT is widely recognized as one of the most effective means of providing the highest level of cargo security through close cooperation with international supply chain businesses. The Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT) is the first worldwide supply chain security initiative between the United States government and businesses involved in the U.S. import supply chain. C-TPAT aims to make customs security more efficient in securing and inspecting cargo by building cooperative relationships with businesses importing goods at U.S. borders. At a minimum, on a yearly basis, or as circumstances dictate such as during periods of heightened alert, security breach or incident, foreign manufacturers must conduct a comprehensive assessment of their international supply chains based upon the following C-TPAT security criteria to become a member of C-TPAT takes a real commitment of time and resources from a company. As a return the participating companies also get direct and indirect benefits from becoming a member of C-TPAT other than being active in the movement against terrorism. The C TPAT Security Profile is a draft of policies, company procedures and controls, choice of import supply chain business partners, hiring practices, information technology, physical security and they function as an application to the C TPAT program. This is required to have C TPAT Certification.

C-TPAT was started in November 2001 as a result of the 9/11 attacks. The goal of this program is to establish clear supply chain security for members by extending the U.S. zone of security to the point of origin. C-TPAT, the U.S. Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism, is a voluntary government-business initiative to build cooperative relationships that strengthen international supply chain and U.S. border security-TPAT engages with industry by providing certifications to companies that voluntarily agree to adopt and integrate the program's security guidelines into their supply chains.

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C-TPAT Security Audit In Chennai

25,000 - 35,000 /piece Get Latest Price
  • ISO 17020 Accredited Inspection Agency ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory

CIL provides accredited C-TPAT security audit/inspection services in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. CIL is the only accredited inspection agency in India to conduct C-TPAT security audits. CIL is an ISO 17020 accredited inspection agency.

CDG is a leading C-TPAT certification company of India.

We are offering a wide assortment of C TPAT Certification Compliance to our clients. C-TPAT certification requires that companies meet an extensive checklist of verifiable conditions. The Customs-Trade Partnership against Terrorism (C-TPAT) certification program is a voluntary government program through which importers and exporters can agree to maintain and implement a set of predetermined supply chain security measures and submit to government site visits in exchange for benefits such as expedited review of shipment documentation at the border.

We are offering a wide assortment of C TPAT Certification Compliance to our clients. C-TPAT certification requires that companies meet an extensive checklist of verifiable conditions. The Customs-Trade Partnership against Terrorism (C-TPAT) certification program is a voluntary government program through which importers and exporters can agree to maintain and implement a set of predetermined supply chain security measures and submit to government site visits in exchange for benefits such as expedited review of shipment documentation at the border.

Other Details

Professional approach

At par with industry standards

On-time completion

Execution in tandem with clients detailed guidelines

Rail and Sea Carriers

  • These carries must be transporting goods and shipments either from Canada or Mexico.
  • If incorporated in Mexico, then the requirements of Mexican SAT purposes must be fulfilled.
  • At least one officer must be located either in Mexico, Canada, or the USA.
  • Have the US National Motor Freight Traffic Association Standard Carrier Code (SCAC code)
  • Have a bond with the US Customs and Border Protection Authorities.
  • Marine Port Authority and Terminal Operator (Foreign Based)
  • Have cargo vessels and shipments which are coming in from other locations.
  • Have a registered business office in the USA.
  • Have an FMC and Marine Terminal Operator (FMCMTO Number), which is usually a six-digit number.
  • Have the requirements of the company officer and a clean record when carrying out the application.
  • If the organization is foreign-owned, it must have an invitation from the CBP to apply for the C-TPAT Certification.
  • Apart from this, the cargo vessels must be handled only from the USA.

The C TPAT Security Profile is a draft of policies, company procedures and controls, choice of import supply chain business partners, hiring practices, information technology, physical security and they function as an application to the C TPAT program. This is required to have C TPAT Certification. C-TPAT was started in November 2001 as a result of the 9/11 attacks. The goal of this program is to establish clear supply chain security for members by extending the U.S. zone of security to the point of origin. C-TPAT, the U.S. Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism, is a voluntary government-business initiative to build cooperative relationships that strengthen international supply chain and U.S. border security C-TPAT engages with industry by providing certifications to companies that voluntarily agree to adopt and integrate the program's security guidelines into their supply chains.

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C-TPAT Security Audit In Cochin

25,000 - 35,000 /piece Get Latest Price
  • ISO 17020 Accredited Inspection Agency ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory

CIL provides accredited C-TPAT security audit/inspection services in Cochin, Kerala, India. CIL is the only accredited inspection agency in India to conduct C-TPAT security audits. CIL is an ISO 17020 accredited inspection agency.

C-TPAT (CustomsTrade Partnership Against Terrorism) is a voluntary, joint government-business partnership to help add to supply chain and increase border security.

C-TPAT is a United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP) initiative that stands for Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism. C-TPAT is a voluntary program where participants work to protect supply chains from the concealment of terrorist weapons including weapons of mass destruction.

This partnership is for organizations involved in the global supply chain including United States importers, customs brokers, terminal operators, carriers and foreign manufacturers.

CTPAT Benefits

CTPAT mates enjoy a variety of benefits, including taking an active part in working closer with the U.S. Government in its war against terrorism. As they do this, mates are suitable to more identify their own security vulnerabilities and take corrective conduct to alleviate pitfalls. Some of the benefits of the program include

Reduced number of CBP examinations

Front of the line examinations

Possible impunity from Stratified Examinations

Shorter delay times at the border

Assignment of a force Chain Security Specialist to the company

Access to the Free and Secure Trade (FAST) Lanes at the land borders

Access to the CTPAT web- grounded Portal system and a library of training accoutrements

Possibility of enjoying fresh benefits by being honored as a trusted trade Partner by foreign Customs administrations that have inked collective Recognition with the United States

Eligibility for other U.S. Government airman programs, similar as the Food and Drug Administrations Secure Supply Chain program

Business resumption precedence following a natural disaster or terrorist attack

Importer eligibility to share in the Importer Self- Assessment Program (ISA)

How CTPAT works

When a reality joins CTPAT, an agreement is made to work with CBP to cover the force chain, identify security gaps, and apply specific security measures and stylish practices. aspirants must address a broad range of security motifs and present security biographies that list action plans to align security throughout the force chain. CTPAT members are considered to be of low threat, and are thus less likely to be examined at a U.S. harborage of entry.

CTPAT Minimum Security Criteria

Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (CTPAT) is but one subcaste in U.S. Customs and Border Protections (CBP)multi-layered weight enforcement strategy. Through this program, CBP works with the trade community to strengthen transnational force chains and ameliorate United States border security. CTPAT is a voluntary public-private sector cooperation program which recognizes that CBP can give the loftiest position of weight security only through close cooperation with the principal stakeholders of the transnational force chain similar as importers, carriers, consolidators, certified customs brokers, and manufacturers.

CDG Advantage

  • CDG is a recognized and first consultant in India for carrying out C-TPAT certification.
  • We have multifaceted teams of professionals.
  • We have extensive experience in handling C-TPAT Certification.
  • Our service is cost-effective.

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C TPAT Audit Services In India

25,000 - 35,000 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 piece
  • Country of Origin India
  • ISO 17020 Accredited Inspection Agency ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory

CDG Inspection Ltd provides C TPAT audit services from Gurgaon, Haryana. CBP examines the provided materials once the application and supply chain security profile has been completed satisfactorily. The CBP C-TPAT program will then have up to 90 days to either certify or reject the company's application. The firm will be verified within three years after certification if it is certified.

C-TPAT (Customs-Trade Cooperation Against Terrorism) is a voluntary, public-private partnership that aims to improve supply chain security and border security-TPAT stands for Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism and is a US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) project. C-TPAT is a volunteer initiative in which members seek to prevent terrorist weapons, especially weapons of mass destruction, from being hidden in supply chains.

C TPAT was established in November 2001 in response to the September 11 terrorist attack in New York. It is a voluntary incentive-based program where partners work with members of the trade community to strengthen global supply chain security and prevent the supply chain from being compromised by terrorist organizations.

The C-TPAT requirements are a set of guidelines that the US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agency has provided to the US Customs and Border Protection. They are designed to help companies understand what they need to do to comply with the CTPAT program.

What Is C TPAT Compliance, When it comes to CTPAT compliance, it is important your business have all the correct documents.

CTPAT Documentation for Personnel

You must have a contract with employment agencies that includes background screenings including DMV, FBI, and export control screenings. As proof of the screening process taking place at your company, you must keep a copy as evidence.

CTPAT Documentation for Business Partners

For business partners, you must review and screen your customer database, vendor/supplier database, transactional partners, and service providers. In addition, your foreign suppliers must complete and submit their CTPAT questionnaire to you and identify any weaknesses, have an improvement plan, and retain all such documents.

For IT and technology access, you can use your C TPAT manual alongside any technology control plans you may have for export control purposes. You must keep all documents, including a wide-aisle tour plan to avoid sharing any controlled technology with authorized people. Keeping proof of internal audits and reviews is a must to ensure all procedures are in place and being followed.

For physical access, you should keep card swipe records near your CTPAT records, photos of security and barriers, copies of truck drivers’ licenses, videos of validation of those granted access to your facilities, and visitor procedures, and these records should be sealed in containers.

What Are the CTPAT Benefits?

As mentioned previously, the CTPAT program is a voluntary support program. But there are many benefits of joining this program, and these benefits can help your business overcome a range of challenges.

The benefits of the CTPAT program include:

Playing an active role in the war against terrorism.

A reduced number of CBP inspections.

Priority processing for CBP inspections.

Eligibility to attend C TPAT training lectures.

Prerequisite for participation in the importer self-assessment program.

Penalty mitigation under certain circumstances.

Assigned a security consultant and a supply chain specialist.

Tier III importers allowed block designation application to DHS Safety Act.

Exporters who allow CBP to share information with other customer agencies gain reduced inspections upon arrival in certain countries.

Access to Free and Secure Trade (FAST) lanes at various land borders (Michigan, New York, Washington, and at southern border ports from California to Texas).

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