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CDG Inspection Ltd
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Our Product / Services

  1. Fire Safety Audit Services 41 Services available
  2. Pre-Shipment Inspection 40 Services available
  3. BIFMA Testing Services 34 Services available
  4. C-TPAT Audit Services 30 Services available
  5. Ingress Protection (IP) Testing 30 Services available
  6. Electrical Safety Audit Services 29 Services available
  7. Factory Compliance Audit Services 24 Services available
  8. Material Testing Labs & Services 21 Services available
  9. Inspection Services 18 Services available
  10. Green Audit Services 18 Services available
  11. Others Products / Services 102 Products / Services available

Auditing Services

Our offered Product range includes Social Compliance Audit, GMP Audit Services, GHP Audit Services, Construction Safety Audit Services and Environmental Inspection Services.

Social Compliance Audit

25,000 - 35,000 /piece Get Latest Price
  • ISO 17020 Accredited Inspection Agency ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory

Social Compliance Audit A compliance audit is performed to ensure a company adheres to certain rules and regulations of local laws or of a specific agreement. They would usually be conducted by governments and authorities. A compliance audit can relate to employment law, conditions of a workplace, taxes, or various other factors depending on what industry the enterprise operates in. A compliance audit can be performed by a range of different parties, again, depending on the conditions of the situation and arrangement while the sector again will determine who carries out the process.One thing thats guaranteed is it will be carried out by a third party to ensure fair and honest results. There are many different reasons a compliance audit could be carried out or ordered. A company could have broken certain rules in the past, for instance, and will need to be checked to make sure they have straightened out their issues to stay in line with their current operations. Why is social compliance important? In 2020, its important for companies and organizations to be ethical, fair to their employees and clients, as well as aware of the world around them. Sustainability is important for any business and demonstrating good practices when it comes to waste, pollution and the environment should be par for the course. What does a social compliance audit monitor? Some of the issues an audit could uncover include unfair pay, harassment, bad health and safety, underage labor, excessive working hours, and many other factors that would be considered unacceptable. When a social compliance audit is finished by an ethical auditor, a report will be issued which documents the findings and includes pictures.At HQTS, some of the things our social compliance audit monitors include the following: Child labor laws Forced labor laws Discrimination laws Minimum wage laws Worker living standards Working hours Overtime wages Social benefits Safety and health Protection of the environment

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GMP Audit Services

25,000 - 35,000 /piece Get Latest Price
  • ISO 17020 Accredited Inspection Agency ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory

Understanding and implementing good manufacturing practices (GMPs) in a food manufacturing facility will help to prevent situations that could lead to customer illness and or even death 


So let's talk about GMPs 


The GMPs or good manufacturing practices are practices that help to ensure food is produced in a clean and safe environment 


GMPs are practices to obtain safe and quality products and what is considered a safe product 


A safe product is a product that is not going to cause any harm to the consumers when the food is prepared and or eaten according to its intended use


Now what we have here is a complete list of the current good manufacturing practices required in a food manufacturing facility 


Today we will only be focusing on the GMP's rules that are within your control to manage, personnel practices, and general requirements

  • Personal hygiene 
  • Clothing and personal equipment personnel practices 
  • Disease control
  • Cleaning and sanitation and pest control 

GMPs are the foundation of the food safety management system. GMPs are the basics we need to know and perform to keep food products free of adulteration. Good manufacturing practices aim to protect the product from any microbial chemical or physical hazards that may cause it to become unsafe or unfit for the purpose


The GMPs are mandatory for everyone working in a food manufacturing facility. It’s everyone's responsibility to guarantee that products are produced in a clean and safe environment to prevent contamination of the food


All employees, contractors, and visitors will need to comply with GMPs


Okay let's talk about the personal hygiene 


Germs are present on human skin, hair, under fingernails, dirty clothes, and in the mouth and nose. The company's personal hygiene practices are an important way to reduce the risk of contamination; as I mentioned before whether employee or not, everyone should comply with the following practices that help to minimize bacterial contamination

  • Daily showers or bathing 
  • Change into clean clothes 
  • Trim and clean fingernails
  • Shave or wash the beard and wear a mask, and have a good dental hygiene
  • The hands are the major source of contact between food and food industry workers


Employees shall keep their work area and equipment always clean and sanitized. Areas such as florist drain walls, table tools, and conveyors. Only approved chemicals and approved cleaning tools should be used and always place utensils and chemicals in their designated area

All chemical products sanitizers, cleaners, lubricants, and solvents shall have a label that identifies the content in the container. It is not acceptable to have containers without a label and make sure to keep updated SDS on file

Pests are a source of both microbial and physical contamination. It’s the employee's responsibility to ensure all doors remain shut when not in use

Any signs of pest activity must be reported to the supervisor. Information about pest citing will be passed on to the pest control contractor 

If all the practices we talked about are not well implemented it can cause outbreaks and get people very sick and die and the company can face legal consequences including costly fines and if the outbreak has a devastating effect, possible shutdown

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GHP Audit Services

25,000 - 35,000 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Piece
  • ISO 17020 Accredited Inspection Agency ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory

CDG Inspection Ltd provides GHP audit services from Gurgaon, Haryana. Certification by GHP (Global Health Professionals). GHP (Good Distribution Practices) is a set of guidelines that specifies the circumstances in which items should be manufactured.

Requirements for a Good Hygiene Hygienic requirements, expressed as GHP, are related to the design and configuration of hygienic food production facilities, cleaning and disinfection methods, food processing in raw foods is microbial quality, hygienic operation of each processing step, and personnel hygiene is a system that includes applications such as. Foodborne illness can be prevented by following proper food hygiene standards, which are required to assure the safety of food from farm to fork.

GHP stands for Good Hygiene Practice, and is a key step in food chain hygiene management within the whole food supply chain and ensuring the food is safe and suitable for consumption. It touches on multiple aspects of the food industry, including the food supply chain, sanitation facilities, workers’ hygiene practices, pest control, and preventing physical and chemical pollutants.

Medical hygiene:

Medical hygiene pertains to the hygiene, practices related to the administration of medicine, and medical care, that prevents or minimizes disease and the spreading of disease.

Body hygiene: Body hygiene pertains to hygiene practices performed by an individual to care for one's bodily health and well-being, through cleanliness.

Culinary hygiene: Culinary hygiene pertains to the practices related to food management and cooking to prevent food contamination, prevent food poisoning and minimize the transmission of disease to other foods, humans, or animals. Culinary hygiene practices specify safe ways to handle, store, prepare, serve and eat food.

Personal service hygiene: Personal service hygiene pertains to the practices related to the care and use of instruments used in the administration of personal care services to people, Personal hygiene practices include: Sterilization of instruments used by service providers including hairdressers, aestheticians, and other service providers. Sterilization by instruments used in body piercing and tattoo marking. Cleaning hands.

Food hygiene: There are some essential principles of food hygiene to achieve the goal of ensuring that food is safe and suitable for human consumption.

Food safety: Assurance that food will not cause harm to the consumer when it is prepared or eaten.

Food suitability: Assurance that food is acceptable for human consumption.

Areas examined under GHP

1.     Primary production

2.     Establishment: design and facilities (Design 1)

3.     Control of operation

4.     Establishment: maintenance and sanitation (Design 2)

5.     Establishment: personal hygiene  (Design 3)

Primary production: Hygienic practices should reduce the likelihood of introducing hazards that may be difficult or impossible to control at later stages of the food chain

Establishment: design (1): Premises, equipment, surfaces, and facilities should be located, designed, and constructed to ensure: minimum contamination proper maintenance, cleaning, and disinfection protection against pests.

Establishment: design (2): Evaluation of the premises takes into account:  Location,   Equipment  Facilities, water, air, lighting, and storage.

Establishment: personal hygiene  (Design 3): Good housekeeping” applies to the surroundings and the roof of the establishment  Pest control starts at the boundaries of the premises Water management deals with incoming and use water.  “Dry zones are designed to remain dry Drains can be cleaned  Cable trays carry cables, not dirt or dust  Only potable water is in contact with food  Air handling systems deliver the required air quality (and not contaminants)  Doors are closed when not used.

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Construction Safety Audit Services

25,000 - 35,000 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Piece
  • ISO 17020 Accredited Inspection Agency ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory

CDG Inspection Ltd in Gurgaon, Haryana believes in overall quality management and recognizes the importance of evaluating our current structures and ongoing infrastructure improvements for potential risks and non-conformance to quality standards. We are competent in doing on-site (3rd party audits) for our customers in compliment to 1st and 2nd party audits.

Our team conducts safety audits by reviewing the developer's design, design limit updates, requirements, testing-commissioning analyses, statutory authorizations, and related documentation. We also conduct a walk-through as well as a visual evaluation of the premises and building to establish a survey of the observations. After that, we recommend to the client on technical elements of the project, and score the overall effectiveness of the advancement in our construction safety audit services.

What is Construction Safety Audit?

Construction Safety Audit is an integral part of construction worker safety and is committed to providing a Safe Work Environment to every construction worker. The Construction safety audit is a review of a job site’s safety program, the site itself, and all the actions that are taken to prevent injury.

Why your Organization would require Construction Safety Audit?

Organizations would require Construction Safety Audit in order to attain the below benefits:

Comply with construction safety laws & regulations

Review the effectiveness of the H&S policy statement

Identifies all significant hazards & the people who are at risk from each hazard

Evaluate the existing risk control measures & determine required additional control measures

Examine the availability of a suitable emergency response plan detailing the responsibility & action of key personnel

Brings value to the workplace by avoiding prosecution, litigation, absence costs & loss of reputation

Reduced insurance premiums & indirect cost of workplace injuries

Fosters workforce morale & wellbeing

Enhanced employee awareness about construction safety measures

What are the various steps involved in the Construction Safety Audit process?

Opening Meeting with the client team

Site Visit

Document Verification

Closing Meeting with the client team

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Why CDG?

CDG has successfully delivered construction safety auditing services to Top Leading Companies.

Auditor Experience

A Competent team of Construction Safety auditors with more than 30+ years of collective construction safety experience will help you to identify the potential site hazards and manage the site-specific safety risks through a systematic assessment and verification process.

An Excellent end to end support to clients during Pre-audit (Understanding the objectives & scope, selecting audit criteria & audit team members, developing an audit plan, notifying the facility & reviewing the background information), On-site (Opening/Closing Meeting, identifying areas of concern, site inspection, document review, staff interviews, an initial review of findings), Post-audit (Final evaluation of findings, submit a preliminary report, get management approval & submit final report) and Follow up or review (Verify the recommendations taken on audit findings). CDG -construction-safety-audit-02

What your organization will receive from the service?

Provision of expert support and advice which can include:

Executive Summary Report for the Management

Customized construction safety audit checklist with respect to client’s business model

Detailed analysis of Observations and its Recommendations

Pictorial evidence supporting observations

Detailed dashboard tracker for multi-location audit

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Environmental Inspection Services

25,000 - 35,000 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 25000 Piece
  • ISO 17020 Accredited Inspection Agency ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory

Pollution now is an inevitable consequence of modern industrial technology,   rapid and convenient transport, and comfortable housing. But excessive pollution may interfere with man’s health and his mental,   social and economic wellbeing. Governments, all over the world,   have formulated laws and regulations to correct and cure past violations of good environmental practices. This act gave rise to Environmental Audit.


An environmental Audit is a type of evaluation intended to identify a company's environmental compliance against set standards and principles. In other words, it is an excellent means of identifying a company's environmental risks and liabilities ensuring legal compliance, and enhancing informed decision-making.


Environmental Auditing is basically an environmental management tool for measuring the effects of certain activities on the environment based on set rules and regulations.


Environmental Auditing has helped confirm to stakeholders that an organization is exercising effective environmental management and is genuinely pursuing a positive environmental agenda.


But then, why should environmental auditing be carried out? It is done when development is already in place and is used to check on existing practices, assessing the environmental effect of such activities. The benefits of Environmental Auditing cannot be over-emphasized.


It helps inform stakeholders and decision-makers on environment management and performance.


To assess and identify environmental fire risks and known sources of fire liabilities and causes of casualties.


Identify loopholes in environmental fire management procedures, and elucidate their control and mitigation measures before they can lead to incidents.


Environmental auditing is an effective instrument for assessing the environmental safety standards of an organization.


Stages of Environmental Audit.


There are Five (5) phases of Environmental auditing. They include:

  • Scheduling the Audit: The process of Environmental Auditing starts with the organization's Environmental Management Representative (EMR), scheduling the audit at an appropriate risk-based frequency. When doing this, the Emergency Management Representative coordinates the timing to minimize disruptions to project operations. They also need to record the audit in each Environmental Management Plan (EMP) using the appropriate template from their Environmental Management Systems (EMS) manual.
  • Planning the Audit: The next step is for the Environmental Management Representative, to establish and document the area to be audited, the reason and scope of auditing, and the contact names for the area. The EMR must also appoint a qualified lead Auditor or audit member if need be.
  • Conducting the Audit: Here, all the relevant personnel in the Audit team, meet to discuss the scope of the audit, the proposed audit agenda, the audit objectives, any project personnel that needs to be contacted or interviewed, and a tentative time to hold the exit meeting.
  • Developing The Audit Report: The Audit team has to prepare a report based on all the objective evidence collected during the audit. The report will be sent to the contractor. The final report must be distributed to the auditor, contractor, independent reviewer and environmental auditor, the state, and other relevant personnel.
  • Audit Follow-up: The Environmental Management Representative follows up on closing out any remaining contract items by the contractor. It can be done separately and can be done whenever the next relevant audit takes place, depending on the finding significance.


 In conclusion, therefore, an Environmental audit is carried out to provide an indication to company management about how the environmental Organization system and equipment are performing. As a  result, the best  practicable means can  be  applied to  preserve air, water, soil, plant, and animal life from the adverse effect

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Supplier Audit Services

25,000 - 35,000 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 piece
  • ISO 17020 Accredited Inspection Agency ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory

The supplier audit services provided by CDG Inspection Ltd will assist in ensuring that the desired processes and procedures for reaching compliance are followed. We are based in Gurgaon, Haryana. We will compile the audit findings and submit a comprehensive performance report to both the client and the supplier.

As a result, they are frequently tailored to the needs of the company. These statements, however, only give a limited level of certainty. As a result, a chain of custody control should be a key component of any REACH compliance approach. In addition, to reduce risk and costs, a balanced approach to supply chain engagement and involvement, backed by audits and monitoring, must be developed.

A supplier audit inspects a supplier’s usage of industry regulation practices, including health and safety and correct manufacturing processes. Generally, auditing a supplier covers a large area with several practices. Therefore they are usually bespoke to the client’s requirements. The supplier auditing process can differ for each industry, from food to electrical goods.

As companies grow the size of their supply chain, selecting the appropriate supplier is essential. A supplier’s reputation and quality will ensure that business runs smoothly and reduce potential issues or risks. Because of this, an audit of suppliers is essential to help in the decision-making process.

Some of the benefits of implementing a supplier audit are:

1. The Audit Reveals Potential Risks, A supplier audit can review all production processes, including shipping, manufacturing, and quality. They may give insight into gaps and check if these will cause any issues with the delivery to a client. Therefore potentially mitigating delays or deformities in the product.

2. Improves Customer Satisfaction, An organization relies on its reputation with customers. This is done through the quality of the products put forth to them. Implementing strong standards and ensuring a supplier follows them allows for customer satisfaction to be upheld. A supplier audit can assist in the quality control processes of a supplier to potentially mitigate any product quality or safety issues. It is also a way for an organization to measure the supplier’s performance.

3. Helps Build Communication With Suppliers

A supplier audit is also a way to improve and maintain strong communication with a supplier. Clear visibility and understanding of suppliers’ activities can assist with improvements and the business relationship. Regularly scheduled audits ensure objectives are met and can be constantly developed depending on the organization’s needs.

We at CDG provide a range of high-quality supply chain innovations and solutions, including supplier audits. With over 25 years of experience within the quality control industry. We understand the importance of clear information for organizations to make valuable choices. Contact us to learn more about our supplier audit services and how we can help your organization with its supply chain needs.

When supplier audits are conducted, an organization follows a procedure to consistently measure supplier quality and compliance. This is recorded in a supplier audit report. This report contains all the details of the audit, this includes:

Details of the factory, including the key team and location. 

A summary of the audit results.

Key attention points provide more details regarding faults and general comments.

A list of follow-up suggestions to improve the supplier.

A full audit list includes general information and all the detailed inspection findings that work on an ABC quality scale.

Finally, a section for images taken whilst on location provides evidence of any faults.


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GDP Audit Services In India

  • ISO 17020 Accredited Inspection Agency ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory

CDG Inspection Ltd aims to deliver a complete solution that is suited to your company's specific requirements with GDP audit services from Gurgaon, Haryana. We may undertake pharmaceutical audits of your facilities, as well as any contracted warehouses and shipping businesses, in accordance with GDP guidelines.

A complete service that is adapted to your company's requirements. As per the standards of Good Production Practices and Good Distribution Practices, we audit manufacturing facilities (solid dosage, dermal fillers, lotions, salves, liquids, and APIs), associate offices, and outsourced warehouses.

Our auditors organize and conduct audits by designing, managing, and tracking audit schedules. We generate audit reports (in IPS or client report formats), track observations using CAPA, and close the audit.

Good distribution practices (GDPs) are required by regulators in most regions A GDP audit helps ensure that the products you are storing and transporting are safe for human consumption. It requires knowledgeable professionals to make a dedicated effort to ensure policies and procedures are in place and enforced.

Audit Management in Distribution:

1.    Planning the Audit:


a)    Evaluation of the distribution chain/ Risk-based

b)    Planning, Audit planning, and resource planning

c)     Auditor training and qualification

3.    Conducting the Audit:      


a)    Aide Memoire vs. Checklist (benefits and risks)

b)    Audit strategy during the audit

c)     Audit report and classification of findings

5.    Audit Follow-Up:


      a)    Follow-up of corrective/ preventive actions (CAPA)

      b)    Development of Key Quality Performance Indicators(KQPI)

      c)    CAPA efficiency evaluation in the follow-up audit


7.    Auditing and Qualifying Service Providers:


a)    A look behind the scenes: what can go wrong

b)    Challenges, that can occur while auditing.

c)     Examples and possible solutions



Benefits of GDP Audit Services:

1.     GDP Audit Service is a useful indicator of a nation's economic performance, and it is the most commonly used measure of well-being.

2.     Identify operational inefficiencies and waste.




About the Company:

CDG is a truly global provider of Technical Inspection, Verification, Testing, and Conformity Assessment for Industrial Markets. The core values of complete independence, transparency, and integrity guide us in our mission to deliver first-class services on a constant high-quality level to customers around the world. Our Teams of Engineers ensure that the quality and performance of products or installations meet applicable requirements, whether they are regulatory, voluntary, or client specific. CDG is a leading third-party inspection agency in India. A Third Party comes in between the Purchaser & Supplier to ensure the services required by the first and second parties are met and in order with terms of references.

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Health And Safety Audit Services

25,000 - 35,000 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Piece
  • ISO 17020 Accredited Inspection Agency ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory

Safety auditing is a core safety management activity providing a means of identifying potential problems before they have an impact on safety 


A safety audit is a general term used to describe an activity where the facility gathers information about one or more aspects of the workplace to evaluate the risk levels for health or safety issues


 HSE audit assessment of an organization's health and safety policies systems and procedures primarily audits enable you to protect employees and customers from harm 


What are the types of audits? 

Internal audit 

External audit 


What are internal audits? 

That is normally performed by the internal team to evaluate the current state as an effect of a management system

What are external audits? 

It is the second type of audit which is usually conducted by a third party to evaluate and examine the effectiveness of the current management system 


What are the sources of evidence auditors look for


1. documents and records 

Examples; method statements, HSE policy procedures, training records, maintenance records, inspection records, risk assessment, incident records, civil claims, accident investigation reports, statutory examinations records, etc. 


2. interviews of workers and management 

3. direct observation of the site activity and behavior of individuals 

The steps to carry out an audit 

An audit is carried out in three steps 

1. priority preparations 

Auditors use three methods to gather factual information 

One; the scope of the audit 

Will it cover just health and safety or environmental management as well? 

Two; the area of the audit 

Will it be just one department or all departments?

Three; the extent of the audit

The fully comprehensive audit which may take weeks or more selectively for who will be required 

Auditors will need to be accompanied during their visit and will need access to managers and workers for information gathering 

Five; information gathering 

It is common practice for auditors to ask for copies of relevant documentation before starting the audit so that they can prepare what is needed during the audit 

Auditors use three methods to gather factual information 

One: reference to paperwork

The documents and records that indicate what should be happening and what has happened; relevant to a particular issue 

Two: interviews

Word-of-mouth evidence was given by managers and workers 

Three: direct observation of the workplace equipment activities and behavior 


What is the end of the audits?

Verbal feedback or presentation to the management team is usually provided at the end of an audit. This verbal feedback will be followed by a written report 

The report will make a recommendation for improvement and indicate priorities and timescales

 The importance of conducting a safety audit 

Organizations conduct safety audits to comply with laws or regulations and to provide a safe workplace for everyone 

A safety audit identifies different levels of risk in each work area of an organization 

One identifies the risks and levels of those risks within the workplace 

Two; to identify strengths and weaknesses in your safety procedures

Three; assess whether your safety procedures are legally compliant 

Four; compare current documentation and practices against best practices and legal obligations 

Five; recommend improvements in your safety procedures 

Six; ensure that there are adequate resources available to manage OHS and 

Seven; ensure that the resources devoted to health and safety are being utilized effectively.

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Dust Control Audit In India

35,000 - 45,000 /piece Get Latest Price
  • ISO 17020 Accredited Inspection Body ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory

CDG is an ISO 17021 accredited inspection body, we provide dust control audit services.Dust control is the system implemented to reduce or eliminate dust emissions from the activities that generate airborne and fugitive dust and cause erosion. The amount of dust generated depends on several factors, including the nature of the surface, to what degree the surface is disturbed and climactic conditions.

The Benefits of a CIL Technical Inspection, 1) Dust collection system engineers conduct the audit no sales reps !2) Increase efficiency, performance and capacity3) Decrease operating costs, energy use, and downtime4) Solutions to operating issues5) See instant return on investment6) Available Internationally This is one of our bestselling services ever and it is a great way to start gaining control over your dust collection systems. On average, our customers tell us they see an increase in their dust collector performance by 25% or more and longer times between shutdowns. Our CIL engineers are trained to help you get more out of your current system by using the latest technological advancements, operating techniques and maintenance procedures. Doing so will improve your system efficiency and lower your operating costs. Also, we identify any technical issues you are having with your system and offer suggestions on how to implement them. Often times minor adjustments are all that is needed to see dramatic improvements in your current operation. These adjustments can lead to significant savings both in terms of increased efficiency, and lower maintenance costs. A few of the most common issues we identify during our system audits: CIL condition and unit selection: recommend repairs (structural, pulse valves, gaskets, etc.), retrofit older shaker and reverse-air to newer pulse jet style, condense several inefficient small units into one larger system, etc. Examine current operating methods and make recommendations on how to improve efficiency, reduce operating costs and system downtime (e.g., start up and shut down procedures, fan operating parameters, cleaning system settings, etc.)Filter selection: recommend alternative fabrics, finishes (e.g., PTFE membrane), filter types (e.g., pleated filters)Examine current maintenance procedures and make recommendations for improvement. Includes daily, weekly, monthly, yearly procedures, inspection checklist, handling of replacement bags, diagnosing need for bag replacement, proper bag replacement techniques, etc. Replacing out of date equipment and methods with latest technology, such as pleated filters, clean-on-demand cleaning, PTFE membrane filters, etc. Also includes recommendations for new OSHA standards for combustible dust, such as explosion protection and fire suppression systems. Dust control is a vital element in meeting safety, health and environmental requirements. Dust control systems not only help reduce site emissions but also help protect employees. Dust produced by material processing operations and mining is a major source of airborne fumes and dust. Dust produced during mining, construction and on unpaved roads is a leading contributor to environmental pollution (specifically air pollution). For instance, besides being an explosion hazard especially when dispersed in air, coal dust is quite hazardous mainly because it is a leading cause of black lung disease among miners on the other hand, dust produced from sand, gravel and stone processing causes silicosis. Dust control systems mainly suppress and collect dust and fumes produced by industrial processes such as cement manufacture, mining and steel

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Energy Efficiency Audit Services

45,000 - 1.50 Lakh /piece Get Latest Price
  • ISO 17020 Accredited Inspection Body ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory

CDG is an ISO 17021 accredited inspection body, we provide energy efficacy audit services in India.Energy efficiency is increasingly turning into a determining factor in buildings. With steadily improving green technology, there has never been a better time than now to invest in energy efficient processes. Our CDG experts can produce an energy audit of your buildings energy use and identify opportunities for power conservation. This energy assessment is then consequently utilized to establish a personalized energy management program, thereby helping your business to save significantly.

Due to both direct and indirect environmental impacts that buildings have on their surroundings, green building standards, certifications and rating systems have been established to keep a harmonic balance between business and the environment. These certifications consider factors such as:

Water efficiency

Energy use

Air and water emissions from manufacturing, disposal and use

Water, energy or chemical emissions that directly impact Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ)

Technical, economic and environmental quality

Material and site aspects

Energy efficiency assessments can optimize your business by highlighting the best green options available to help yow save energy and money.


Our energy assessment experts support you in performing energy audits in accordance with the EN 16247 or ISO 50002 standards to create transparency and tap into opportunities for energy saving. CDG has extensive experience in practice and can support you throughout the world.

Our services include:

Preliminary contact to agree on the site, scope and the required resources

Start-up meetings to brief all parties involved about the process, schedule and methodology

Measurement plans

Site visits

Performance of additional measurements

Collection of data to determine the total energy consumption, the energy consumption of relevant consumers and energy performance indicators

Analysis of the existing energy performance situation

Development of possible energy-saving actions (e.g., by reducing and recovering energy losses, promoting energy awareness, changing behaviors)

Preparation of an energy audit report; final meeting

In-depth advisory on energy performance and energy efficiency, including advisory of an expert team on detailed issues concerning the technical and economic feasibility and the break-even point of the actions taken

CDG has a strong reputation for independence, which ensures impartial assessments of all relevant structural, technical and organizational aspects of your building. Our holistic approach to commercial energy audits means that we add value to your business during every stage of the building lifecycle, from design and construction through to operation and maintenance.

energy audit benefits include:

Save on energy costs and strengthen your competitiveness.

Make your processes more transparent and ensure continuous improvement.

Raise energy awareness among your employees.

Lay the technical foundation for establishing an energy management system later on.

Gain a reliable partner with an excellent international reputation.

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Environment Audit Service

45,000 - 1.50 Lakh /piece Get Latest Price
  • ISO 17020 Accredited Inspection Body ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory

CDG is an ISO 17021 accredited inspection body, we provide environmental audit/environmental inspection services in India.An environmental audit is a systematic examination to assess a companys environmental responsibility. It aims to identify environmental compliance, verify environmental responsibility implementation gaps whether they meet stated objectives, along with related corrective actions.

The audit examines the potential hazards or risks posed by the company. Areas examined may include company environmental policies and procedures, energy use practices, recycling, waste, conservation, and pollution. Then, the company can use the results to determine what changes need to be made for compliance.

What are the types of environmental audits?

Environmental compliance audit evaluates a companys environmental performance and environmental responsibility practices, whether the company has complied with legal requirements and other requirements such as ISO 14001. It is usually the most comprehensive and, perhaps, the most expensive.

Environmental management audit verifies whether the company has met the environmental objectives, policies, and performance set by management.

Functional environmental audit focuses on one element or impact of a particular activity, such as wastewater management audits, materials, and air quality monitoring.

Environmental audits are important for several reasons:

To build a good company reputation. Environmental audits can strengthen the companys image. For example, although it may not be fully compliant, the improvement efforts made will be seen as a positive step by the public. And, if it is compliant, it can lead to positive publicity, encouraging the public not to hesitate to continue buying products from the company.

To avoid negative campaigns. Increasing external demands for environmental responsibility by pressure groups and environmental activists are forcing companies to check their compliance with environmental requirements. The increasing concern for the environment has made these demands more and more popular.

To adapt and comply with more stringent environmental regulations. Governments adopt more stringent environmental regulations and standards, usually by international consensus. It forces companies to comply if they do not want to be penalized.

What are the benefits of an environmental audit?

Environmental audits and their results provide useful input to:

Provide management with information about the management and performance of the companys environment as input for making decisions,

Identify risks related to environmental responsibility and take action to implement them,

Ensure company operations comply with environmental laws and requirements and, if not, take necessary corrective actions,

Identify environmental management system weaknesses before they cause problems,

Develop organizational culture and increase environmental awareness among people within the company,

Identify opportunities for improvement in environmental management and performance to drive increased efficiency and cost savings,

Improve company transparency to stakeholders such as government, customers, and investors to support long term good relationships with them,

Encourage positive publicity by publishing audit results, thereby enhancing the reputation and image of the company, and

Develop marketing strategies and strengthen brand equity, encourage consumers to remain loyal to the company.

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ESG Audit (Environment Social & Governance)

75,000 - 85,000 /piece Get Latest Price
  • Country of Origin India
  • An ISO 17020 Accredited inspection Agency An ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory

CDG Inspection Limited offers a comprehensive ESG (Environment, Social, and Governance) product designed to assist businesses in aligning with sustainable practices and responsible corporate behavior. This specialized service empowers organizations to enhance their environmental impact, strengthen their social initiatives, and uphold strong governance standards, fostering a positive and ethical business reputation.

With CDG Inspection Limited's ESG product, companies gain access to expert guidance and tailored strategies to navigate complex ESG challenges. The service encompasses:

1. Environmental Initiatives:

CDG Inspection Limited supports businesses in adopting environmentally conscious practices by evaluating energy consumption, waste management, emissions reduction, and resource efficiency. By identifying areas for improvement and implementing sustainable measures, organizations can reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to a greener future.

2. Social Responsibility:

Through their ESG product, CDG Inspection Limited assists companies in prioritizing social welfare. This includes initiatives related to employee well-being, diversity and inclusion, community engagement, and philanthropic efforts. By fostering a positive social impact, businesses can build strong relationships with stakeholders and create a more inclusive work environment.

3. Governance Excellence:

Strong governance forms the foundation of ethical business operations. CDG Inspection Limited's ESG product guides organizations in establishing robust governance structures, transparent decision-making processes, and effective risk management. This ensures accountability, integrity, and long-term sustainability.

4. Customized Solutions:

Recognizing that each business is unique, CDG Inspection Limited tailors its ESG product to address specific challenges and opportunities. They collaborate closely with clients to develop strategies that align with the organization's values, industry, and goals.

5. Compliance and Reporting:

CDG Inspection Limited assists companies in meeting regulatory requirements and industry standards related to ESG. They provide guidance on accurate data collection, reporting, and disclosure, enabling businesses to showcase their commitment to responsible practices to stakeholders and investors.

6. Positive Impact:

By leveraging CDG Inspection Limited's ESG product, companies can create a positive impact on the environment, society, and corporate governance. This not only enhances their reputation but also positions them as leaders in sustainability and responsible business practices.

In conclusion, CDG Inspection Limited's ESG product is a comprehensive solution that empowers businesses to embrace environmental stewardship, social responsibility, and effective governance. By partnering with CDG Inspection Limited, organizations can navigate the complexities of ESG, drive positive change, and contribute to a more sustainable and ethical business landscape.

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