We CDG Certification Ltd are a leading and distinguished and Service Provider of quality BIFMA Certification, C-TPAT Certification, Certification Services, Compliance Audit and Cruelty-Free Certification.
CDG provides accredited ISO 9001 certification in India. We provide certification services for a wide range of ISO standards, for example: ISO 9001 Certification ISO 14001 Certification ISO 45001 Certification ISO 22000 Certification ISO 50001 Certification ISO 27001 Certification ISO 13485 Certification
CDG provides accredited C-TPAT inspection services in India
CDG provides accredited BIFMA certification services in India.
CDG provides ISO 17025-accredited testing services for various products.
CDG provides GMP certification / Who-Gmp certification & audit services in India.
CDG provides GDP certification services in India. Good Distribution Practices in India
CDG is an ISO 17020-accredited inspection agency. We provide inspection services for a wide range of products.
CDG provides US FDA registration services in India
CDG provides audit services for various standards.
CDG provides HACCP certification services in India
CDG provides cruelty-free certification in India.
CDG provides vegan certification services in India.
CDG provides free-range certification in India.