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Our Services

  1. ISO Certification 64 Services available
  2. C-TPAT Certification 25 Services available
  3. BIFMA Certification 20 Services available
  4. Testing Services 16 Services available
  5. GMP Certification 16 Services available
  6. Certification Services 13 Services available
  7. GDP Certification 12 Services available
  8. Inspection Services 11 Services available
  9. US FDA Registration 10 Services available
  10. Compliance Audit 10 Services available
  11. Others Services 36 Services available

HACCP Certification

CDG provides HACCP certification services in India

HACCP Certification In Mumbai

25,000 - 30,000 /piece Get Latest Price
  • ISO 17020 Accredited Inspection Agency ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory

We are providing haccp certification services. Haccp systems must be based on the seven principles articulated by the nacmcf. The seven principles are: (1) hazard analysis, (2) critical control point identification, (3) establishment of critical limits, (4) monitoring procedures, (5) corrective actions, (6) record keeping, and (7) verification procedures.l; haccp is a management system in which food safety is addressed through the analysis and control of biological, chemical, and physical hazards from raw material production, procurement and handling, to manufacturing, distribution and consumption of the finished product. Haccp can be applied throughout the food chain from primary production to final consumption and its implementation should be guided by scientific evidence of risks to human health. Haccp is a very effective since it prevents the occurrence of incidents at the cost of unnecessary waste.

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HACCP Certification Services In India

25,000 - 30,000 /piece Get Latest Price
  • ISO 17020 Accredited Inspection Agency ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory

We are offering haccp certification services. Experience gained in the three more years of implementing the first revision, necessitated revision of the guidelines to develop the second revision in 2009. The aim being to address the challenges with a view to making the food registration process more practical. Chapter three contains food category-specific requirements for registration of food. In this chapter foods are categorized into high and low risk categories whereby the former category is further divided into high risk foods for special nutritional purpose and high risk foods for general purpose. Different forms of application for registration of food in each category are prescribed in this chapter and annexed to these guidelines. Chapter three contains food category-specific requirements for registration of food. In this chapter foods are categorized into high and low risk categories whereby the former category is further divided into high risk foods for special nutritional purpose and high risk foods for general purpose. Different forms of application for registration of food in each category are prescribed in this chapter and annexed to these guidelines.

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HACCP Certification In Delhi

25,000 - 30,000 /piece Get Latest Price
  • ISO 17020 Accredited Inspection Agency ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory

Cdg certification limited is a leading haccp certification company of india. We provide haccp certification in delhi mumbai kolkata india

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HACCP Certification In Kolkata

25,000 - 30,000 /piece Get Latest Price
  • ISO 17020 Accredited Inspection Agency ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory

Hazard analysis and critical control points (haccp) is a systematic preventive approach to food and pharmaceutical safety that addresses physical, chemical, and biological hazards as a means of prevention rather than finished product inspection. Haccp is used in the food industry to identify potential food safety hazards, so key actions at critical control points (ccps) can be taken to reduce or eliminate the risk of the hazards being realized. The system is used at all stages of food production and preparation processes including packaging and distribution. cdg haccp certification & verification audit program, is a comprehensive review of how your haccp plans are being implemented. You'll receive a thorough verification to help you determine if your haccp plans are working as written. The auditor reviews your plans, your records and makes on-site observations.

CDG has developed a haccp certification program, which focuses on improving food safety for the food industry. This program uses the codex alimentarius as the basis and is customized based on the individual company's business model. benefits of haccp certification certification indicates that facilities are in compliance with haccp based food safety regulations haccp is an internationally recognized food safety tool which provides greater credibility with current and potential customers around the globe reduced risk of unsafe products through the identification and management of risks to food safety at critical control points employing a haccp-system demonstrates your commitment to proactively managing food safety increased confidence in your products quality from both customers and within your organization.

CDG technical team is comprised of some of the most accomplished food scientists in key food industry sectors. We know the food industry intimately.

CDG Certification HACCP Certification (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) focuses on the a sepsis of facilities, equipment and products, to control the process and sensitive points in the food chain; with the goal of consumers, food used is safe for their health. HACCP is a management system in which food safety is addressed through the analysis and control of biological, chemical, and physical hazards from raw material production, procurement and handling, to manufacturing. HACCP is a process control system designed to identify and prevent microbial and other hazards in food production, according to Bureau of Indian Standards. ISO 22000 HACCP Certification in India turns an organization into a reliable source of food product suppliers that a client can trust undoubtedly. The Management holds responsibility for the control of the health hazard factors and provides assurance on the safety of the food product. Food safety is the concern of all organization whether it is private or government across the world.

ISO 22000 HACCP offers the best standard to implement all across the organization which helps to develop a safe and reliable standard across the organization. It provides a systematic method for analyzing food processes, determining the possible hazards and designating the critical control points necessary to prevent unsafe food from reaching the consumer. Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points or HACCP on the other hand is a systematic preventive approach that evaluates the hazards of the production process rather than the inspection of the finished product. HACCP Certification is based on the internationally recognized Codex Alimentarius Commission's standards on Recommended International Code of Practice -General Principles of Food Hygiene and Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) System Guidelines for Its Application.

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HACCP Certification In Bangalore

25,000 - 30,000 /piece Get Latest Price
  • ISO 17020 Accredited Inspection Agency ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory

HACCP is a widely recognised and used product safety management principle in food manufacturing, processing, treatment and service organisations. Implementation of HACCP is a legislative requirement for the food industry in many countries. This approach has significant benefits to organisations operating within the food supply chain as it enables them to determine key controls over processes and concentrate resources on activities that are critical to ensuring safe food. HACCP can be used by any organization directly or indirectly involved in the food chain and pharmaceutical industry including: o Farms, fisheries and dairies o Processors of meats, fish and feed o Manufacturers of bread and cereals, beverages, canned and frozen food o Food service providers such as restaurants, fast food chains, hospitals and hotels and mobile caterers o Manufacturers of prescription and non-prescription drugs and remedies Retailers, the food industry and Government in particular are concerned about ensuring that food is produced safely and that the consumer has confidence in the product. This has led to an increase in legislation over time that has focussed upon ensuring safe systems of food production. In the UK the 1995 Food Safety Amendment Regulations, for the first time required manufacturers and providers to adopt HACCP to ensure food safety.HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) and ISO certifications serve different purposes, but are also complementary. HACCP focuses on the sanitation of facilities, equipment and products, all of which must meet government and municipal standards. ISO is a quality control method. Both standards can be implemented either individually or simultaneously. In our opinion, HACCP certification is more of a priority for companies in the food industry. It is a food safety methodology that relies on the identification of critical control points in food production and preparations processes.

HACCP certification instantly demonstrates to customers your commitment to producing or trading in safe food. This evidence-based approach can be particularly beneficial when you are subject to inspection by regulatory authorities or stakeholders. The HACCP system is a process control system guidelines which is applicable to any organization those who are dealing with Manufacturing, trading, supply, retailing, packing, transportation, farming etc of food product. Food quality control is an important measure that must be taken to prevent contamination and misuse of food supplies by manufacturers and distributors to protect the health of consumers. HACCP certification instantly demonstrates to customers your commitment to producing or trading in safe food. This evidence-based approach can be particularly beneficial when you are subject to inspection by regulatory authorities or stakeholders. The food supply chain for food and beverages is vital for the health of the nation. A HACCP system is a preventative approach to controlling food safety. HACCP moves away from reliance on end product testing to a more proactive, Food is a basic need and its safety of great importance to consumers.

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HACCP Certification In Ahmedabad

25,000 - 30,000 /piece Get Latest Price
  • ISO 17020 Accredited Inspection Agency ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory

Haccp (hazard ananlysis & critical control point) the word haccp (hazard analysis & critical control point) confuses many people but, simply put, it refers to a system you must put in place to ensure the food you produce is safe. This system is called a food safety management system and must be based on the principles of haccp. Haccp focuses on the sanitation of facilities, equipment and products, all of which must meet government and municipal standards. Iso is a quality control method. Both standards can be implemented either individually or simultaneously. In our opinion, haccp certification is more of a priority for companies in the food industry. while haccp focuses primarily on control within the production processes, iso is broader in nature and takes into account all of the supporting processes as well. Both systems require formal documented processes. implementation of haccp requires identification, assessment, and control of food hazards, including identification of critical control points (from growing to consumption), establishment of critical limits in key characteristics, monitoring of procedures, and a corrective action plan to be used when limits are exceeded. Like any management system, it also includes requirements for documenting and verifying to ensure that the system is meeting its goals. the international guideline for haccp and all haccp-based food safety management systems is the seven haccp principles and twelve application steps outlined in hazard analysis critical control point (haccp) system and guidelines for its application. haccp is an internationally recognised method of identifying and managing risk and, when central to an active food safety programme, can provide vendors, the public and government sector bodies with a high degree of comfort that food safety is being taken seriously and is well managed. Through analysis of hazards and where they can occur, systems and procedures can be implemented to minimise the risk of failure. Critical control points can be managed by appropriately trained in-house staff, providing for a truly hands-on quality management system at each and every operation. hazard analysis and critical control point (haccp) is a process control system designed to identify and prevent microbial and other hazards in food production. it includes steps designed to prevent problems before they occur and to correct deviations as soon as they are detected. such preventive control system with documentation and verification are widely recognized by scientific authorities and international organizations as the most effective approach available for producing safe food. Haccp (hazard analysis critical control point) is an internationally accepted technique for preventing microbiological, chemical and physical contamination along the food supply chain.the haccp technique does this by identifying the risks, establishing critical control points, setting critical limits, and ensuring control measures are validated, verified and monitored before implementation.the effective implementation of haccp will enhance the ability of companies to: protect and enhance brands and private labels, promote consumer confidence and conform to regulatory and market requirements. Haccp certification instantly demonstrates to customers your commitment to producing or trading in safe food. This evidence-based approach can be particularly beneficial when you are subject to inspection by regulatory authorities or stakeholders.

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HACCP Certification In Chennai

15,000 - 20,000 /piece Get Latest Price
  • ISO 17020 Accredited Inspection Agency ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory

CDG provides Cruelty-Free certification services in Coimbatore.

What is HACCP certification?

A HACCP certification is a document given to food processors and manufacturers as recognition that its team has developed a comprehensive and complete HACCP plan and has implemented it effectively. As a food safety management system, your HACCP plan must have a complete set of documents and procedures on how to identify and conduct an analysis of hazards, limit, control, and monitor any potential hazard in your food chain.

Your HACCP plan must be proven to be based on a scientific approach and properly identify any food safety hazard for all food products in your manufacturing company. After building your HACCP food safety programs, your company is eligible to request a food safety audit to verify the effectiveness of your plan. Once approved, a HACCP certification is provided to you.

A HACCP certification can be proof that your business is globally competitive in terms of food safety. It also gives your customers the idea that your food safety management system is excellent. The certification process is a recognition system for a business's commitment to food safety.

How to obtain HACCP certification?

In order to obtain HACCP certification, your business will have to undergo a review by a qualified and adequate food safety auditor. The audit usually takes a few days depending on the size of your business, and your HACCP will be reviewed during this time.

A part of the evaluation is dedicated to ensuring that your HACCP plan is complete and that all food workers related to food safety understand its importance and how to apply it. Additionally, preparations before a certification audit must be done to ensure that all documents are complete.

The best way to ensure your HACCP certification grant is to complete your HACCP plan as much as you can and test and apply its effectiveness. It will not matter if your HACCP plan is complete if it is not fit for your food operation and you have not yet applied it. A part of the evaluation criteria involves your records of timely response to keep food safety as your priority. Reports of food safety issues because of non-compliance to food laws will cause you more time for questioning during a HACCP audit.

The HACCP certification audit aims to review the 7 main principles of a HACCP plan. Your food business is expected to have established and shown stability in doing the following principles:

Hazard identification and analysis of biological, chemical, or physical health hazards in all of the processing steps in each product.

Identification of any critical control point in your manufacturing process.

For each CCP, there should be a set of established critical limits, the maximum and minimum parameter values determining what is safe for your food (pH values, temperature, chemical levels).

Monitoring your CCPs. Determining how you will test your foods to prove they are safe for transportation, preparation, and sale. This principle also includes documents such as monitoring procedures and forms to ensure that every result in each process is recorded and properly controlled. It also includes comprehensive verification activities if the equipment used to test the critical limits is properly calibrated.

Corrective actions must be established. A set of procedures must be ready in cases of non-compliance to ensure that the control of food safety and food quality are maintained in addition to keeping hazards at an acceptable level. Included in this principle is the proper orientation and awareness for food workers regarding correction procedures.

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HACCP Certification In Hyderabad

25,000 - 30,000 /piece Get Latest Price
  • ISO 17020 Accredited Inspection Agency ISO 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory

CDG provides HACCP certification in Hyderabad.

Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) certification is an international recognition awarded to food processors and manufacturers with a solid and comprehensive HACCP plan. A certification on HACCP implementation is the culmination of all your establishment and team's efforts to uphold food safety in the highest regard.

A HACCP certification is proof that your business is committed to ensuring that your food is being prepared, transferred, and stored safely and healthily. It is also a great tool to increase economic competitive advantage by appealing to your consumers. There will always be competition in your niche in the food industry, but having a HACCP certification gives you the edge over them.

Who needs a HACCP certification?

Having a HACCP plan as your food safety management system is not mandatory per se. Despite this, a food business is required to have a set of management systems aimed at keeping food safe. In addition, a HACCP plan satisfies several food laws and regulations which require accurate identification of hazards and mitigation of food safety issues such as the FSMA regulations by the FDA.

A HACCP certification is vital for you to prove to your customers and partners that your food business is running safely. As such, HACCP certification should be sought by anyone with a food business, such as;


Catering businesses

Food transportation companies

Food preparation services, food truck

Food manufacturers

Food delivery service

Gaining HACCP accreditation is extremely helpful if you are setting up a new business. Giving your customers confidence in your food safety practices from the very beginning can give you a competitive advantage, and can help to build your brand name when starting out.

Why do you need a HACCP certification?

Aside from providing your customers with the right level of confidence in patronizing your products, a HACCP certification can provide you with several other advantages. These benefits can be economic, safety, and social in nature. Some advantages may include the following:

Reduced probability of releasing unsafe food to the market

Increased consumer confidence in the finished product

Increased appeal to investors, suppliers, and partners

Gain competitive advantage against other products of the same niche and in international trade

Comply with food agency regulations

Better management of resources and waste

Gain entry to additional markets and greater acceptance by food processors and manufacturers

As a prerequisite to attaining a HACCP certification, your HACCP plan must be well-written, complete, and fit for your production process for safe food products. In addition, it must have already undergone application testing to evaluate its effectiveness and suitability to your business. A part of the evaluation criteria involves your records of timely response to keep food safety as your priority. Reports of food safety issues because of non-compliance to food laws will cause you more time for questioning during a HACCP audit.

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